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1、高三第一学期期中考试英语试卷 本试卷分第卷(选择题)和第卷(非选择题)两部分。试卷共10页,150分。考试时间120分钟。第卷(选择题 共95分)第一部分 英语知识运用(共三节,满分50分)第一节 语音知识(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)从a、b、c、d中找出其划线部分与所给单词的划线部分读音相同的选项。1volunteer aabundant bassumption cadjustment dmaximum 2apparent atransparent bnationwide cadequate dastonish3worthwhile asmooth bbreathless cworth

2、y dnevertheless4profession arestriction bconclusion cdivision dsuggestion5salty aalcohol balphabet caltogether dalongside第二节 语法和词汇知识(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从a、b、c、d四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。6the only _ of the plan is that it costs too much adrawback bmistakes cfault dshortcoming7having decided to rent a flat,

3、 we _ contacting all the accommodation agencies in the city aset about bset down cset out dset up8johnson was taken away by police yesterdaysureit is said that he was of a theftachargedbsuspectedcinnocentdguilt9these tax laws, which are intended for domestic(国内的)companies, do not to foreign companie

4、sacountributebleadcapplydfit10david _ from the analysis of traffic accident that it has been caused by human error aacknowledged bconcluded cannounced dconsidered11he takes his _ home to his wife every friday asalaries bwages cincome dsavings12professor karl von frisch, _ scientists from austria, sp

5、ent many years of his life researching the amazing ways _ honey-bees communicate in their dark hives aa; bthe ; which ca; where dthe; that13_ genes, intelligence also depends on an adequate diet, a good education and a decent home environment ain exchange for bexcept for cin addition to ddue to14new

6、s came that liu xun, a student from nanjing, _ from thousands of candidates and became a torchbearer amade out bstood out cpicked out dsent out15 im thinking of the test tomorrowim afraid i cant pass this time _! im sure youll make it ago ahead bgood luck cno problem dcheer up16_ soft and smooth, th

7、e cloth _ well afelt; washes bfeeling; washes cfelt; is washed dfeeling; is washed17_, it fades next to the story of armstrongs struggle against disease aas the record is impressive bas long as the record is impressive cimpressive though the record is dfor the record is impressive18the car tom was _

8、 was once _ his uncle ain possession of; in the possession of bin the possession of; in possession of cin possession of; in possession of din the possession of; in the possession of19this years fall in profits was not unexpected_, it is very disappointing anevertheless bbesides cpersonally dgenerall

9、y20human facial expressions differ from those of animals in the degree _ they can be controlled on purpose awith which bto which cof which dfor which第三节 完形填空(共20小题,计分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从2140各题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。as christmas drew near, ursula was faced with just that problemshe had come to live in an

10、american home and learn english_21 _, she would mind the children and _22_ anything she was askedone of her tasks was to keep track of 23 christmas presentsursula did this faithfully, but she became increasingly 24 what could she buy for her _25 with the little money she had that would compare with

11、the gifts she was recording daily? _26_ ,even without any of the _27 _, her employer seems to have everythingursula _28_ long and hardon christmas eve, she went to a 29_she moved slowly through crowds of shoppers, _30 things in her mindfinally she bought a baby dressshe immediately called _31 “excus

12、e me, please, can you help me find a poor family with a baby?” “a poor family?” said the 32_ driver“yes, a very poor family” ursula told the man of what she was trying to dohe 33 in silence, and then said, “i know a family who 34 just about everything”when they reached a 35 , the driver said, “they

13、live on the third floor” ursula shook her head, “would you take this dress to them and tell them its from someone someone who has everything”early the next day, ursula 36 everyone for the presents she receivedthen, she began to 37 why there seemed to be none _38_ hershe told about what she did the n

14、ight beforewhen she finished, there was a long _39 “you see,” she added, “i try to do a kindness in your 40 and this is my christmas present to you”21ain returnbas a resultcby the way din a sense22atry blearn cteach ddo23adelivering bmailing carriving dsending24aexcited bworried ctired dinterested25

15、aamerican family bown family cfriends dclassmates26aotherwise btherefore cbesides dhowever27agoods bkindness cgifts dhelp28atalked bworked cwaited dthought29astore bneighborhood cstreet dchurch30aselecting bmatching cremembering dorganizing31aa shop ba taxi cher employer dher parents32adelighted ban

16、xiouscsurprised drespectful33anoticed blistened cgot out dcarried on34abuys bhas cuses dneeds35agarage bbuilding cstation dyard36athanked bencouraged cpraised dadmired37asettle brepeat cargue dexplain38ato bfor cfrom dby39adelay bsilence ctime dbreak40acase bopinion cmemory dname第二部分阅读理解(共25小题。第一节每小

17、题2分,第二节每小题1分;满分45分)第一节 阅读下面五篇短文,从每题后所给的四个选项中选出最佳答案。asome years ago on a hot summer day in south florida a little boy decided to go for a swim in the old swimming hole behind his housein a hurry to dive into the cool water, he ran out of the back door, leaving behind shoes, socks, and shirt as he wen

18、the flew into the water, not realizing that as he swam toward the middle of the lake, a crocodile was swimming toward himhis mother in the house was looking out of the window and saw the twoin great fear, she ran toward the water, shouting to her son as loudly as she couldhearing her voice, the litt

19、le boy became alarmed and made a u-turn to swim to his motherit was too latejust as he reached her, the crocodile reached himfrom the shore, the mother grabbed her little boy by the arms just as the crocodile snatched his legsthat began an incredible tug-of-war between the twothe crocodile was much

20、stronger than the mother, but the mother was much too passionate to let goa farmer happened to drive by, heard their screams, raced from his truck, took aim and shot the crocodileremarkably, after weeks and weeks in the hospital, the little boy survivedhis legs were extremely scarred by the attack o

21、f the animaland, on his arms, were deep scratches where his mothers fingernails dug into his flesh in her effort to hang on to the son she lovedthe newspaper reporter, who interviewed the boy, asked if he would show him his scarsthe boy lifted his legsand then, with obvious pride, he said to the rep

22、orter, “but look at my armsi have great scars on my arms, tooi have them because my mom wouldnt let go”never judge another persons scars, because you dont know how they were made41which of the following will be the best title for the text? ascars of love bwomen hold up half the skyca terrible experi

23、ence ddont judge by appearances42hearing mothers shouts, the boy_ aremained in the middle at a loss bdidnt stop swimming forwardscswam back towards the shore dwas ready to fight the crocodile43which of the following statements is true according to the text? aa crocodile attacked him when the boy and

24、 his mother were swimmingbthe crocodile bit the arms of the boy when it reached himcthere is always an interesting story behind every scardit was the farmer who shot the crocodile44by saying “but look at my armsi have great scars on my arms, too” in paragraph 4,the boy really wants to show_ahow deep

25、 the scars made by the crocodile werebwhat a brave and courageous boy he was chow many scars and scratches he haddhow great and beloved his mother wasbpepito the brave by scott beck, dutton, isbn 0-525-46524-3, $1299 ah, the time in life when one has to leave homeno one seems to have as hard a time

26、with it as pepitopepito is a little bird who needs to leave the nest, but the problems is, hes afraid of heightsthis makes flying away a bit of a problem, so like most people (or birds in this case) he avoids it, when he finds himself in a new situation, someone happens to give him some advicea fox

27、suggests he run to where hes going (i got nervous when he came across a fox, but fortunately the food chain doesnt apply here), a frog tells him to hop, a gopher to burrow(地洞)after his various attempts not to fly, he makes it to his brothers and sisters new tree, and realizes that what hes done is m

28、uch harder than actually trying to flyits a charming story with a good messageoften facing up to our fears is much easier than running from them the stray dog by marc simont, harpercollins, isbn 0-06-028933-3, $1595as someone who has taken in his share of stray animals, i can totally relate to the f

29、amily in the stray dogwhile picnicking one day, they befriend a dog that wanders byeveryone immediately falls in love, but they leave him behind, figuring he belongs to someone elsebut as the week goes by, none of them can get the dog, which theyve named willy, off their mindso naturally the next sa

30、turday they go back to that same place to see if willys still therethey find that not only does he not have an owner, but theyve arrived just in time to prevent a catastrophekids who love animals will definitely get caught up in the action, and even those who dont will appreciate the quick thinking

31、children who save the day45who are these two books written for?aone for children and the other for parents bthey are both for parentscthey are both for children dthey are for people who have pets46the underlined sentence “but fortunately the food chain doesnt apply here” means that _athe fox has eno

32、ugh to eat bpepito has enough to eatcthe fox doesnt intend to eat pepito ci am too full to eat anything47the underlined expression “get caught up” most probably _aget completely interested in bget wholly included incget disappointed in dget surprised in48which of the following statements in not true

33、 according to the text?apepito the brave is a storybook about a bird named pepitobpepito turns to brothers and sisters because a gopher is trying to catch himcin the stray dog there are some quick thinking childrendwilly is the name of the stray dog that has to wander aboutcthe teens & self-image su

34、rvey organized by usa weekend attracted an unprecedented (空前的)272,400the majority of teens say they feel good about themselves, but many express misgivings(疑虑) about who they are, especially about their appearance the results show that looks are keyonly 4 in 10 respondents consider themselves attrac

35、tivehalf the girls want to lose weightit is found that problems typically associated with girls are now becoming more visible in boysteen respondents believe good looks matter when it comes to personal achievement, specifically making friends, winning the respect of others, and succeeding in life te

36、ens find lots of imperfectionsalmost 85 percent cite ways theyd like to improveafter losing weight and toning up(健美), the top three are their grades, doing better in sports, and having a better relationship with their parentsonly 15 percent like themselves “the way i am” faith is central in many stu

37、dents everyday liveswhen asked about the most important influence in their lives, survey respondents picked religion second only to their parents depression is commonmore than half say they occasionally are “really depressed”; 1 in 5 often feel despondent(沮丧的)and 1 in 3 have friends who have talked

38、about or actually tried to commit suicidethe third leading cause of death among 15 to 24-year-oldslast year, about 2,000 teens committed suicide, and the rate of adolescent suicide has greatly increased in the past 10 years, studies show teens show a healthy self-respectasked to choose from a list o

39、f qualities, 8 in 10 say they are kind, 3 in 4 say they are honest, and 7 in 10 say they have a good sense of humorslightly more than 6 in 10 say they are smart, self-confident or creativeleast admired of a dozen qualities they were asked to rank: being popular, rich or tough49which one of the follo

40、wing is the best title of the passage?alooks and imperfections of american teenagersbfaiths and depression of american teenagersclooks and self-respect of american teenagersdself-image of american teenagers50. what has the greatest effect on american students daily lives according to the survey?arel

41、igion btheir parents cimperfections ddepression51. teenagers believe that _ plays an important part in making friends, winning the respect of others and succeeding in life afaith bappearance cability ddepression52. which of the following is true according to the survey?aalmost all teens are satisfie

42、d with themselvesbwhat teenagers would like to improve most is their gradescthe results show only 15% students are satisfied with themselvesdamerican teenagers admire being popular, rich or tough very muchda school is showing badly-behaved pupils the error of their ways by sending them to an arts ce

43、ntre where actors mimic their behaviorthe windsor boys secondary school used its school founding to save its local arts centre and establish a learning support unit therenow expelled(被开除的) pupils and students who are likely to be expelled are studying a course at the unit in windsor arts centre whil

44、e also working with artistsone pupil was asked to show naomi jackson, the drama teacher at the unit, how he had acted in a fierce argument with a teacher on the rugby filed, which led to his expulsion(开除)then he showed her how to imitate(模仿) his attitudemsjackson said, “he saw that the teacher had t

45、o get him outuntil then, he didnt really understand because he didnt have that self-awareness”“it gave him the chance to look at himself from the outside”students also work in groups, acting as the aggressor, the victim and an observer to help them develop more awareness and understandinga professio

46、nal theatre group, everyday theatre, which consists of former pupils, is at the school and works in the learning support unitan arts therapist(治疗专家) also helps students in the unit to express their problems and a street dancer builds up their discipline, concentration and capacity for hard workjane

47、turner is the teacher in charge of the starts project, which stands for supportive training and artsshe said, “its about using the arts to develop social skills as well as anger management, rather than just trying to make them good at drama or arts”53what is the passage mainly about?a. how a school

48、keeps students good at drama and artsb. why students are interested in learning drama and artsc. a new attempt making students change their bad behaviord. an unusual idea to turn badly-behaved students into excellent ones54the underlined word “mimic”(in paragraph 1) probably means _acorrect bwatch c

49、improve dimitate55the artists at the windsor boys secondary school are working towards their goal by _agetting rid of students dissatisfaction bdeveloping students awareness of their errorc reducing the courses and making them easier dencouraging students imagination in subjects56all of the followin

50、g people work at the arts centre except _aan arts therapist bactors cformer teachers da street dancererail passengers are being forced to pay thousands of pounds more in fares as a result of poor advice from the national telephone helpline and individual stations, a consumer organisation reveals tod

51、ayresearch by which? found that in some cases passengers are being charged almost double the cheapest price because of errors made by staff which? asked 25 questions of both station staff and the national rail enquiries (nres) helplineonly half of the 50 questions were answered correctlyif customers

52、 had followed all the advice given ,they would have been 1,26360 worse off bad advice was given for the cheapest fare for a single journey between london and grantham for a ticket bought on the day of travel, both nres and a kings cross station clerk quoted gners 4450 fare ,ignoring a hull trains se

53、rvice which leaves 10 minutes earlier and costs just 20some of the most costly misinformation was given for journeys where season tickets should have been recommended passengers making a return journey between swindon and penzance twice in a week could buy a ticket from one company for 70 which woul

54、d cover all the travelbut both nres and station staff quoted 67 for each journey, making 134however, the nres website proved to be a much more reliable source of information which ? also checked “the earlier you book, the cheaper the ticket” claims by five companies and found this was not always the case on some services, prices went up and down at random ithiel mogridge,52,gave one example of poor advice :”last christmas i found my brother a ticket on the thetrainlinecom to travel from b


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