已阅读5页,还剩11页未读 继续免费阅读




1、英语】高中必备英语情态动词技巧全解及练习题 (含答案 )一、单项选择情态动词1 Lack of sleep lead to weakened immunity and memory, and also slow physicalgrowth.A shallB mustCshouldDcan【答案】 D【解析】【详解】 考查情态动词辨析。句意:睡眠不足会导致免疫力和记忆力下降,还会减缓身体发育。 A. shall 将; B. must 必须; C. should 应该; D. can 会,表示理论上或是逻辑判断上,用can,故选 D。2 We ll make the final decision

2、 on our scheme. you change your mind, please inform usas soon as possible.A ShouldBWereCWouldDHad【答案】 A【解析】【分析】【详解】 考查虚拟语气。句意:我们将对我们的计划做最后决定。如果你改变主意,请尽快通知我 们。根据语境,此处用虚拟语气,表示与将来相反,从句用should+动词原形,省略 if ,should 提前,陈述句是: If you should change your mind 。故选A。【点睛】 虚拟语气中的倒装 当虚拟条件句中含有 were, had, should 时,可以将

3、 if 省略,然后将 were , had , should, 移至句首:1) If he should fail, he would kill himself. Should he fail, he would kill himself. 万一失败,他就会自杀。2) If I were you, I would do it at once. Were I you, I would do it at once. 假若我是你,我就会马上做。要是我能做此事,我一定会做。3) If he had seen you yesterday, he would have asked you about it

4、. Had he seen you yesterday, he would have asked you about it. 他昨天要是看到了你,他就会问你这事了。该小题属于上述的第一种情况。 should 作为情态动词,有一种特殊的用法:在虚拟条件状 语从句中表示与将来事实相反的虚拟语气,可以把 should 放在句首,即主语前,从而省略 从属连词 if 。原来的表述为: If you should change your mind 。故选 A。3 -Artistic people can be very difficult sometimes.-Well, youknow-you marr

5、ied one.A mightB wouldC shallDshould【答案】 D【解析】【详解】考查情态动词词义辨析。 A. might 可能,也许; B. would 将会; C. shall 必须,会; D. should 应该。句意: -有艺术修养的人有时很难相处。 -你应当知道这一点,因为你结婚那位就 是搞艺术的。这里是按照常理推断,用should。4 It s already 11 o clock , and he have been here half an hour ago.Maybe he got caught in the rain.A mustBought toC ma

6、yD can【答案】 B【解析】【详解】考查情态动词。句意:已经 11 点了,他半小时前就该到了。 A. must have done 必定做了 (表示对过去的推测); B. ought to have done 本应该做的; C. may have done 可能已经做 过某事; D. can have done 本来可以做的(但没有做),根据题意,故选B。5 Traveling by subway sometimes be quite an adventure, especially during the rushhour.A mustBcanC shallDshould【答案】 B【解析

7、】【详解】考查情态动词。句意:乘地铁旅行有时可能相当冒险,尤其是在交通高峰期。A. must 必须;一定; B. can 能够;可能; C. shall 将会; D. should 应该;应当。本句中 can 表示客观 可能性(客观原因形成的能力),故选B。6 Mark have hurried. After driving at top speed, he arrived half an hour early.A needn tB wouldn tC mustn tD couldn t答案】 A解析】 考查情态动词。 need t have don本e 不必要做某事,句意:迈克本不必要着急的

8、。他以全速 驾驶后,他早到了半个小时。 wouldnt不会, mustnt禁止, couldn 不t可能,所以选 A。7 It have been Tom that parked the car here, as he is the only one with a car.A mayBcanC mustDshould【答案】 C【解析】【详解】 考查情态动词表猜测的用法。句意:一定是汤姆把车停在这儿的,因为他是唯一有车的 人。 A. may 可能; B. can 可能; C. must 一定; D. should 应该。由 as he is the only one with a car.可知

9、一定是他把车停在这里的,非常有把握的肯定推测,故选C。8 -Mary knows the city quite well.-She well have been there before.A needB couldCshouldDmay【答案】 D【解析】【分析】【详解】考查情态动词辨析。句意: Mary 非常了解这个城市。 她肯定以前在那里呆过。 may have done 过去可能做过某事。表示对过去的肯定猜测。need have done 本需要做某事却没做; could have done 本可以做某事却没做; should have done 本应该做某事却没做。故 选 D。9wou

10、ld 可以表达过去常常做的事,过去习惯发生的动作: Pirates would bury gold in a cave. 海盗们常常把黄金藏在山洞中。 We would take a walk along the river. 我们过去常常沿河散步。3. would 后接 like、 love、mind 等动词,表示要求、邀请、希望或询问,此时不是说过去, 而是对现在的询问:Would you like to come to my party? 你愿意来我的派对吗? Would you mind coming with us? 你介意和我们一起吗? 比如本题, would 表示婉转的请求,征求

11、对方的意见,故选A。10 -We want someone to design the new art museum for me.- the young fellow have a try?A Shall 【答案】 ABMayCWillD Need【解析】【详解】考查情态动词。句意: 我们想找人为我设计一个新的艺术博物馆。 是不是让这位 年轻小伙子试一试? shall作为情态动词 ,用于二三人称 ,表示询问,警告 ,允诺,命令 ,决心 ,强制 等语气。 will 作为情态动词,用于主语是各种人称的陈述句中,表示意愿和倾向。用于第二人称的疑问句中,表 请求 。故选 A。11 I often f

12、elt troubled in my teens and my grandma comfort me, sayingthat, dear ”.A wouldB mightCshouldD must【答案】 A【解析】Life is like【详解】 考查情态动词。句意:在我十几岁的时候,我经常感到烦恼,我的奶奶会安慰我说, “生活 就是这样,亲爱的 ”。此处是 would+ 动词原形,表示 “过去总是做某事 ”。故选 A。12 The room is so clean. He have cleaned it yesterday evening.A willBneedC canD must【答案

13、】 D【解析】【详解】考查情态动词表推测。句意:房间如此干净,他一定是昨天晚上打扫过了。must have done表示对过去发生的事情有把握的猜测,意思是 “一定(做过) ”,故 D 项正确。13 He is a bad-tempered fellow, but he be quite charming when he wishes.A shallBshouldCcan 【答案】 CDmust解析】详解】考查情态动词辨析。句意:他是个脾气不好的家伙,但当他希望自己有魅力的时候,他可以变得相当可爱。此处表示 “能、可以 ”,故 C 项正确。14It s really great to have

14、 a computer to store my photos. Don t count on it too much. It break down and youd better make a copy of them.A mustBcanC should【答案】 BDwill【解析】有一台计算机来储存照片真是太棒了。不要过度依赖它。【详解】 考查情态动词。句意: 它有时候也会出故障,你最好做一个备份。计算机出故障这是可能的事情,表示客观可能 性用 can。 must 肯定,必须; should 应该; will 表意愿。故 B选项正确。15 It has been announced tha

15、t all the candidates remain in their seats until all thepapers have been collected.A shallBcouldC wouldD ought【答案】 A【解析】【详解】 考查情态动词用法。句意:据宣布,所有的候选人都要坐在位置上,直到所有的试卷都被 收齐。根据句意可知本句是考试规则,情态动词shall 可以表示 “按照规则 /规定 /法律要做的事情 ”,符合本句语境。故 A 项正确。16 It is really cold and the ground is wet; it have rained last nig

16、ht.A mightBmustC canD should【答案】 B【解析】【详解】 考查情态动词辨析。句意:天气很冷而且地面是湿的,昨晚一定下了雨。根据上文 the ground is wet 可知, “昨晚下了雨 ”是肯定的,故用 must have done 必“定做了 ”表示对过 去十分有把握的推测,故选 B。【点睛】must have done 用法辨析must have done :表示对过去的肯定的逻辑推测,推定某件事情、动作或状态可能在过去发 生过(存在过)。He must have been a doctor, for he knows medicine so well. 他

17、过去肯定是一位医生,他对医学 如此了解。Somebody must have stolen the ring. 肯定有人偷了这枚戒指 . 该句所推断的偷窃动作发生在 过去 .The temperature must have dropped to below zero last night, because the water is frozen all over. 昨夜的温度肯定降到零度以下,因为水都冻住了。如果 “must + have +过 去分词 ”句型与 by now 连用,还可以表示对现在完成的动作和状态的 肯定推测,但实质上还是指所推测的过去的动作。例如:They started

18、 early this morning; they must have arrived by now. 他们今晨很早就出发了,现在 肯定已经到了。中国学生的常见病句是: They.; they certainly have arrived. 病句的句义是 “他们当然已经到 达了。 ”(这不是对过去的肯定推测,而是断定动作已经完成。)17 Ann said whenever her father was unhappy he go out and buy something, usuallysomething large and useless.A shouldBcouldC wouldD mi

19、ght【答案】 C【解析】【详解】 考查情态动词。句意:安说无论什么时候她父亲不高兴的时候,他就会出去买些东西,通 常是一些又大又没用的东西。 A. should 应该; B. could 能; C. would 总是,愿意; D. might 可能。此处表示过去经常习惯做某事,故选C。18 the woman with the baby come over? We have a seat here.Thank you, sir. Actually I do have my seat here. But my baby likes to look out of the window.A Wou

20、ldBShallC MustD May【答案】 A【解析】【详解】考查情态动词。句意: 那位抱小孩的女士,要不来这边吧 ?这儿有个座位。 谢谢, 实际上我有座位的,只是我的孩子喜欢看窗外。 would 表示婉转的请求,征求对方的意 见, Shall 提问一般只用于第一人称,我们常说Shall I.或者 Shall we; may 表示请求对方允许。故选 A。【点睛】would 的用法1. would 最常见的用法是:相对于一个过去时间点的后来 “将要 ”做什么,比如: He said he would meet me at the station. 他说他会在车站接我的。这句中的would m

21、eet 是相对于 said(过去说)之后要做的事情。又如:She thought she would have to ask someone for help. 她当时想,她得找个人帮忙。19 I my examination easily but I made too many stupid mistakes.A should passBcould have passedC had passedD must have passed【答案】 B解析】 详解】考查情态动词 +have done 的用法。句意为 :我本来能够轻松地通过这次考试的,但是我犯了 太多愚蠢的错误。结合语境可知,此处考查虚

22、拟语气,且与过去的事实相反,应用could/would/might have done 的结构, could have passed 本能通过(事实上未通过),故选 B 项。【点睛】本题考查情态动词的过去式+have done 的虚拟语气的用法,常见结构有should/ shouldn thave done; could/couldn might have done 例如:t have done/ would/wouldnt have done/ need/ neednt have done/Without your help, I couldn It cleared up, I neednt

23、 have passe如d t果he没 te有st你. 的帮助,我本不能通过测试。 t have brought the u天m放br晴ell了a. ,我本没有必要带伞的。20 You give me a lift. I want to walk home for exercise.A needn tB couldn tCcan tD mustn t【答案】 A【解析】【详解】考查情态动词。句意:你不必让我搭车。我想步行回家锻炼身体。A. needn 不t必; Bcouldn 不t能;C. can 不t会; D. mustn 禁t止,不允许。根据I want to walk home fore

24、xercise.可知,你不必让我搭车。故选 A。考点:考查情态动词21 You be right but Im going back to check anyway.A shouldB mustC needD might【答案】 D【解析】【详解】 考查情态动词。句意:你或许是对的,但我还是要回去核对一下。 A. should 应该; B. must 一定,必须; C. need 需要; D. might 或许。本题主要考查情态动词表示推测的用法,由I mgoing back to check anyway 可知,我对此不确定。由此可知, D 项符合题意。故选 D 项。【点睛】 can / c

25、ould 用于表推测的用法(1) 从使用句型上看, can 通常只用于否定句或疑问句,一般不用于肯定句,而 could 可用 于肯定句、否定句和疑问句。两者没有时间上的差别,只是could 比 can 更委婉,更不确(2) 从时间关系看,对现在或将来情况作推测,后接动词原形;对正在进行的情况作推测, 后接 be doing 结构;对过去情况作推测,后接动词完成式。二、 may / might 用于表推测的用法表示推测,两者都可用,只是 might 比 may 语气更不确定,表示的可能性更小。如本题,根据 I m going back to check anywa可y 知,我对此不确定。由此可知

26、, D 项符合题意。 (1) 在 句型使用方面:两者均可用于肯定句和否定句,但用于疑问句时,may 通常不用于句首,但可用于疑问句的句中(如特殊疑问句等),而 might 尽管可以用于疑问句的句首,但不 算普通,通常会改用其他句式(如用 could 等)。三、 must 表示推测的用法must 表示很有把握的推测,其意为 “一定会 ”肯“定会 ”,只用于肯定句,一般不用于否定句 或疑问句。表示对现在或未来的情况作推测,后接动词原形;表示对过去情况的推测,接 动词完成式。22He _ writing the paper now. He hadnt written a single word wh

27、en I left him tenminutes ago.A shouldn t beB can t have finishedC can t beDmustn t have finished【答案】 B【解析】【详解】 考查推测句。句意:他现在不可能写完了卷子。我十分钟之前留下他时,他还没有写一个 字。根据句意可知,此处考查对过去情况的否定推测,其表达为can t have done不可能做某事,故选 B 项。【点睛】本题考查推测句 对过去情况的肯定推测是 must have done 对过去情况的否定推测是 can t/couldn t have done 例如 :The ground i

28、s wet, so it must have rained last night.He can t have finished his work, because he played basketba allll day yesterday.23 What does the sign over there read ?“ No person_smoke or carry a lighted cigarette,cigar or pipe in this area.A willBmayC shallD must【答案】 C【解析】【详解】考查情态动词辨析。句意: -那边的牌子上写的是什么 ?-任

29、何人不得在本地区吸烟或携带 点燃的香烟、雪茄或烟斗。 A. will 表示现在的意志、愿望等,意为要,希望;B. may表示许可,或用于请求许可,意为可,可以;C. shall在陈述句中用于第二人称或第三人称,表示说话者的意志、命令、约定、决心、警告、威胁、预言等,意为必须,应该,要,得, 给; D. must意为必须 , 要,应当。 分析句意可知,词句表示任何都不准在这个区域吸烟或携带点着的香烟、雪茄或烟斗。故选 C项。24 - I called you last night, but no one answered. - Sorry, I sleeping.Amust have doneB

30、would have beenCmust beDcould be【答案】 C【解析】【详解】 考查情态动词。句意: 昨晚我给你打电话了,但没人接。 对不起,我一定是睡着了。 分析可知,前文提及打电话无人应答,后文解释原因:肯定睡着了。情态动词 must 可用于 must be+v-ing 表示“过去肯定在做某事 ”,符合句意要求。故选 C项。25 Jim what I said annoying though he didnt say anything. So you mean you will have to apologize to him?A must findB might findC

31、should have found D must have found【答案】 D【解析】【详解】考查 must have done 结构。句意: 吉姆一定觉得我说的话很让人烦,尽管他什么也没 说。 所以你是说你得向他道歉?根据 “though he didn t say anythin可g知. 此”处表示对过 去事情的肯定推测,用 must have done 表示“过去一定做了”,故 D 项正确。26- Catherine, I have cleaned the room for you.-Thanks. You it. I could manage it myself.A needn t

32、 doB shouldn t have doCne mustn t doD needn t have done【答案】 D【解析】【详解】 考查情态动词辨析。句意 : -凯瑟琳,我已经为你打扫了房间。- - -谢谢。你本不必这么做的。我自己能行。 A. needn t d不o 必做某事; B. shouldn t have don本e不应该做某事; C. mustn t d禁o 止做某事; D. needn t have do本ne不必做某事。由 “ Thanks. I could manage it myself 可”知, needn t have done本不“必 做某事,而实际上做了某事

33、 ”符合句意。故选 D 项。27I heard they went skiing in the mountains last winter. It true because there was little snow there.Amay be notB won t beC couldn t beD mustn t be【答案】 C【解析】【详解】 考查情态动词辨析。句意:我听说他们去年冬天去山里滑雪。-不可能是真的,因为那里几乎没有雪。 A. may be not 可能不; B. won bt e 不会; C. couldn t 不be可能是; D. mustn t be 禁止。根据 bec

34、ause there was little snow there. 可知这里是否定推测, couldn t b不e 可“能 是”符合句意,故选 C 项。28 Where is my dictionary?I remember I put it here yesterday. You_it in the wrong place.A must putBshould have putC might putD might have put【答案】 D解析】详解】考查情态动词。句意:我的词典在哪里?我记得昨天放在这里了。你或许放错了地方。 “might have +动词+ed 形式 ”表示过去可能完成的

35、动作。根据所提供的情景Where ismy dictionary? I remember I put it here yesterday. 可判断出把词典放在某个地方发生在过去, 所以要用 “ might have +动词 +ed 形式 ”。 “ should have +动 词 +ed 形式 ”表示 “过(去 )本来应该做 某事 ”。 must 意为“一定”,是肯定的推测,与所提供的情景的矛盾。might put 表示现在发生的事。故选 D。29 What do you think we can do for our aged parents?You do anything except t

36、o be with them.A don t have toB oughtn t toC mustn tD can t【答案】 A【解析】【详解】 考查情态动词辨析。句意: 你认为我们能为年迈的父母做些什么? 除了和他们在 一起,你不必做任何事情。 A. don t have to不必; B. oughtn t t不o 应该; C. mustn 不t可 以; D. can 不t能。根据语境可知,此处表示客观性的必须,don t have to except除 to “了不必做 ”。故选 A。【点睛】have to 表示客观需求时,使用 have to 的情况要比 must 多。 have to

37、 受客观条件或环境迫 使而“不得不 ”做某事,突出客观性。must 一般则表示命令或说话人主观认为必须要做某事,含强调语气,侧重主观性。有时候 也使用 be+不定式表示需要做某事,但语气较弱一些。如:I am to do it, whether I like it ornot.must 表示客观性的需要时,一般翻译为 “总是要(会) ”。如: All men must die. 人故有 死。ought to 表示必须时,偏责任,推想等。如: You ought to work hard.30 What a pity! Considering his ability and experience

38、, he it better.A need have doneB must have doneD might have doneC can have done【答案】 D【解析】【详解】 考查虚拟语气中的情态动词。句意:真遗憾啊!考虑到他的能力和经验,他也许可以做得 更好。 can have done 较少使用此结构,表示对过去行为的怀疑;用于疑问句时意为 “难道 真的做了吗 ”,表示怀疑; need have done 需要做某事,实际上却未做(表示虚拟语气);must have done 一定做了某事(表示对过去发生的事情的肯定推测);might have done 表示对发生过的事情的推

39、测,意思是 “可能已经 ”或“也许已经 ”,用于肯定句中。故 D 正确。 【点睛】 本题是高考必考考点,一定要牢记句型意思。 must have done 过去肯定做了某事。 should have done本应该做而实际未做。 cant have don过e 去不可能做了某事; shouldn t have done 本不应该做而实际做了。 need have done 本有必要做某事而没做; needn t have done本没 有必要做某事;注意没有 mustn t have done的形式。s rain will be too much for them.D mustn t31 We

40、 have watered these flowers yesterday. TodayA can tB shouldn tCmay not【答案】 B【解析】 【详解】 考查情态动词。句意:我们昨天不应该给这些花浇水。今天的雨对他们来说太大了。 A.can 不t可能; B. shouldn 不应t该; C. may not 或许不会; D. mustn 禁t止,不允许。情态动 词的完成时 should t have done本“不应该做而做了 ”。根据 Today s rain will be too much forthem. 可知,此处指昨天不应该给这些花浇水。故选B。【点睛】 情态动词

41、 + have done 结构:1. “must + have过 + 去分词 ”表示对过去发生的事情或状态进行推测,语气比较坚定,通常只 用于肯定句。如: It must have rained last night, for the ground is wet.2. “ can / could + have过 + 去分词 ”表示对过去某种情况的怀疑或不确定。can和could 一般用于否定句和疑问句, could 的语气较 can 弱。如: He cant have finished the work so soon.3. “ may / might + have 过+ 去分词 ”表示对已发

42、生的动作或存在的状态进行不肯定的推 测 ,might 的语气比 may 弱一点 . 这种结构主要用于肯定句和否定句,疑问句改用can 或 could ,如: They may not have known it beforehand.4. “need + have过 + 去分词 ”表示过去做了不必做或不需要做的事情,或过去做某事纯属多 余,如: I neednt have bought so much wine only five people came.5. “ should / ought to + have +过 去分词 ”表示过去本该做某事但没做,其否定式表示过去不该 做某事但做了,这

43、种句式含有不满或责备之意, ought to 的语气比 should 强一些。如: You ought to / should have studied harder. 你本应该更努力学习的。(但没有)He oughtnt to / shouldnt have done that. 他本来就不该做那件事。(可是做了)6. “ would + have 过+ 去分词 ”表示对过去的某种情况进行猜测,或本来要做某事却因某种原 因未做成 ,通常用来说明某一情况,但不像用should 或 ought to 那样含有责备之意。如: I guess the poet would have been abo

44、ut twenty when she wrote her first poem. Another worker wouldnt have acted like that.32 Peter, you delivered a wonderful speech today.Thanks, but I think I more attention to my stage manners during that time.A must payBshould payC must have paidD should have paid【答案】 D【解析】【详解】考查情态动词 +have done 。句意:

45、-彼得,你今天的演讲很精彩。 -谢谢,但我认为在那 段时间我应该多注意我的舞台礼仪。 should have done 表示本应该做某事而实际上没有做某 事。由 “but可”知,我那段时间本应该多注意我的舞台礼仪,而实际上并没有注意。故选D项。33 - Oh, my God! I just missed the last bus back home.- That s really bad. I m sure you it, but you just didn t hurry up.A had caughtB could have caught C could catchDcan catch【答

46、案】 B【解析】【详解】考查情态动词 +have done 结构。句意: 哦 ,我的上帝 !我刚好错过了回家的末班车。 这是非常糟糕的。我肯定你能赶上,但你就是不抓紧。 could have done “本来能做而没有 做”。故选 B。34 -He was satisfied with the result, wasnt he?-No. It was so difficult that he have passed it.A shouldntBmustntC couldn tD wouldnt【答案】 C【解析】【详解】考查情态动词。 A. shouldnt 不应该; B. mustnt 禁止

47、,不允许; C. couldn t 不可能; D. wouldnt 不会。句意: -他对结果很满意,是吗 ? -不。考试太难了,他不可能通过。固定 结构: couldn t have done 不“可能做某事 ”,此处是对过去事情有把握的否定推测。故选C。【点睛】情态动词 + have done 结构:1. “must + have过 + 去分词 ”表示对过去发生的事情或状态进行推测,语气比较坚定 ,通常只用于肯定句 .如: It must have rained last night,for the ground is wet.2. “can / could + have过 + 去分词 ”表

48、示对过去某种情况的怀疑或不确定.can和 could 一般用于否定句和疑问句 ,could 的语气较 can弱.如: He cant have finished the work so soon.3. “may / might + have 过+ 去分词 ”表示对已发生的动作或存在的状态进行不肯定的推,疑问句改用 can 或 could.,或过去做某事纯属多余,其否定式表示过去不该测 ,might 的语气比 may 弱一点 . 这种结构主要用于肯定句和否定句 如: They may not have known it beforehand.4. “need + have过 + 去分词 ”表示过

49、去做了不必做或不需要做的事情 如: I neednt have bought so much wine only five people came.5. “ should / ought to + have +过 去分词 ”表示过去本该做某事但没做 做某事但做了 ,这种句式含有不满或责备之意 ,ought to 的语气比 should 强一些 .如:You ought to / should have studied harder. 你本应该更努力学习的 .(但没有)He oughtnt to / shouldnt have done that. 他本来就不该做那件事 .(可是做了)6. “

50、would have 过去分词 ”表示对过去的某种情况进行猜测 ,或本来要做某事却因某种原 因未做成 ,通常用来说明某一情况 ,但不像用 should 或 ought to 那样含有责备之意 .如:I guess the poet would have been about twenty when she wrote her first poem. Another worker wouldnt have acted like that.35 Days later, my brother called to say he was all right, but say where he was.A mustn tB shouldn tC wouldn


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