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1、09-10学年上学期新课标高一1册unit 2单元测试class: name: marks: 满分(120) (富源一中 罗金)一、单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)1. _, sir. ok. ill speak a little more slowly.a. sorry, i dont see you b. sorry, i cant follow youc. you cant speak so quickly d. can i help you2. the number of articles published on smoking _ amazing, but a gre

2、at number of people _ still smoking.a. is; is b. is; are c. are; are d. are; is3. a lot of countries have gained excellent achievements in space technology,_ china and india.a. such as b. for examplec. that isd. namely4. kitty was half an hour late for the lecture, just _ heavy traffic.a. for b. in

3、spite ofc. because ofd. because5. this tree looks high and strong but _ its trunk(树干) is hollow.a. really b. trulyc. actuallyd. surely6. is the book interesting? yes, but im sure it wont interest _.a. everybody b. somebodyc. anybodyd. nobody7. how come a simple meal like this costs so much? we have

4、_ in your bill the cost of the cup you broke just now.a. added b. includedc. containedd. charged8. all the people _ at the party were his supporters.a. present b. thankfulc. interestedd. important9. i dont like the way _ you speak to her.a. which b. in thatc. of whichd. /10. the scientists are now t

5、rying to discover what use could be _ such material.a. made out b. made upc. made ofd. made from11. when jane _, she found herself lying in hospital and all her family looking at her nervously. a. came to b. came across c. came up d. came out12. now women play _ in tv programs; so they are playing _

6、 in the tv program industry.a. a part; partb. parts; parts c. parts; a partd. a part; parts13. when did the anti-japanese war break out? in _.a. the 1930sb. the 1930 c. 1930sd. 1930s14. im fond of all the subjects we are learning, _ english.a. mainlyb. especially c. speciallyd. generally15. last sum

7、mer holiday we spent the _ few sunny days on the seaside.a. last b. lately c. latter d. late二、完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)john has been alone on the road visiting clients(客户) for more than three weeks. he couldnt wait to 16 back to london to see his family. mothers day was 17 , and on mothers day he 18

8、 managed to go back home on time in the past, but this year he was just too 19 . while he was in a small town just outside of little rock, he drove by a 20 shop. he said to himself, “i know 21 i will do; i will send my 22 some roses.”he went into the small 23 and saw a young man talking to the clerk

9、. “how many roses can i get 24 six dollars, madam?” the boy 25 . the clerk was trying to explain that roses were 26 . maybe the young man would be happy with some other flowers.“no. i 27 to buy roses.” he said. “my mom was sick so much last year and i didnt get to 28 much time with her. i want to ge

10、t something 29 . it has to be red 30 because thats her favorite.”the clerk looked up at john and was just shaking her head. something inside of john was 31 by the boys voice. he looked at the clerk and said secretly that he would 32 for the boys roses. the clerk looked at the 33 man and said, “ok, i

11、ll give you twelve red roses for your six dollars.” the young man almost 34 up. he took the flowers and ran away from the store. it was worth the money that john gave. and he felt very 35 . 16. a. lookb. goc. taked. give17. a. comingb. puttingc. goingd. climbing18. a. neverb. seldomc. usuallyd. hard

12、ly19. a. crazyb. cleverc. happyd. tired20. a. flowerb. breadc. clothd. shoe21. a. thatb. what c. howd. where22. a. children b. fatherc. mother d. wife23. a. poolb. fieldc. schoold. shop24. a. onb. in c. atd. for25. a. askedb. answeredc. noticedd. begged26. a. cheapb. expensivec. prettyd. essential27

13、. a. usedb. goc. haved. dare28. a. spendb. costc. shared. waste29. a. colorful b. special c. tidyd. single30. a. shoesb. clothc. paperd. roses31. a. covered b. offeredc. movedd. tired32. a. payb. askc. huntd. look33. a. smartb. youngc. honestd. handsome34. a. fell b. satc. walkedd. jumped35. a. unha

14、ppyb. boredc. happyd. sorry三、阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)a a beautiful woman took a plane on business. she found her seat and sat down next to a young man. the man was just thinking of making a few dollars on the plane. when he saw the woman, he got an idea.“hey! would you like to play a game?” he asked

15、the woman. “no, thank you. i just want to take a nap (打盹),” the woman answered.“its really easy. all you have to do is to answer the questions that i ask you. if you dont know the answer, you give me five dollars. if i dont know the answer to your question, then ill give you five dollars.”“no,” the

16、woman still refused.“ok. if i dont know the answer to your question, ill give you five hundred dollars. how about that?” the man said. then the woman became interested and decided to join in the game.“ok. how many moons does jupiter (木星) have?” asked the young man. the woman reached into her purse a

17、nd took out a five-dollar bill.“what goes up the mountain with three legs and comes back with four?” the woman asked. then the young man took out his computer and searched the internet for an answer. minutes later, the young man handed five hundred dollars to the woman.after a few hours, the young m

18、an really wanted to know the answer to the question. so he asked the woman, “what is the answer to your question?” the woman reached into her purse and handed the young man a five-dollar bill.36. why did the man ask the woman to play a game?a. he wanted to show his kindness. b. he wanted to have a p

19、leasant journey.c. he wanted to earn some money from it.d. he wanted to make friends with the woman.37. how much did the woman get at the end of the story?a. $ 500. b. $ 5. c. $ 10. d. $ 490.38. what can we learn from the last paragraph?a. the woman told the man the answer to her question.b. the wom

20、an gave the mans money back to him.c. the woman asked the man another question.d. the woman didnt know the answer, either.39. we can learn from the story that the woman is _.a. clever b. friendly c. polite d. honestb hotel aa managerwaitersthe applicants (申请人) must have 2 years work experience in a

21、big restaurant.please call 010 6554 7689, or send your resume to: johnsmith. tour companies btour guidegood oral english is required.450-1,200 per weekthis is one of the largest tour companies in china and there are 3 positions for young people in beijing.besides english, japanese speakers are espec

22、ially welcome.phone 010 7536 7745 for more information. kindergarten teachers wanted cfor kids aged 3 to 65 days per weekbe fl uent in english or french.patience is needed.all applicants must be able to work in shanghai.phone 021 7176 6365 shining star restaurant dfood serversthe biggest and busiest

23、 restaurant in beijing is seeking excellent people. if youhave experiences in dining restaurants and are looking for a job, then come for aninterview.interview day is friday, 6th, may, from 12 am to 7 pm.shining star restaurant is located at 23 fuxing road in beijing.40. the four advertisements are

24、all for _.a. salesmen b. managers c. teachers d. job hunters41. how many advertisements are for waiters?a. one. b. two. c. three. d. four.42. according to advertisement b, we can learn that _.a. only english speakers are needed b. the job offers 450-1,200 per monthc. the job is open to people of all

25、 agesd. you may call to get more information about the job43. in advertisement c, the kindergarten teachers should _.a. have 3-6 years work experience b. know both english and frenchc. have patience with children d. come from shanghaic hello, everyone! thanks for tuning into your time talk show. tod

26、ay we will talk about the famous doctor, benjamin spock.for years mothers in america had been told that they should feed their babies strictly on time. they were warned never to kiss, hug (拥抱) or physically comfort their children. however, doctor spocks view was different. he said that babies knew b

27、etter than anyone about when and how much they needed to eat. he also believed that showing love to babies by hugging and kissing them would make them feel happier and safer.more than 50 million copies of doctor spocks baby and child care have been sold since it appeared. it has been translated (被译成

28、) into 39 languages.benjamin spock was born into a lawyers (律师) family in 1903. he was a quiet child and attended phillips academy, a private school. later he went to yale university, joined a sports team, and began boating. in 1924, his team competed in boating at the olympic games in paris, and wo

29、n the gold medal.benjamin spock and his friends worked at a camp for disabled children during the years at yale. he always felt pity towards those little children, and wished to help them more. this led to (导致) his decision to enter the medical school. he began at yale medical school, but didnt comp

30、lete his medical degree until he finished his study at columbia university in new york city.44. according to the passage, doctor spock advised parents _.a. not to kiss their babies too often b. not to show their love too muchc. to hug their babies strictly on timed. to feed their babies when they we

31、re hungry45. benjamin spock decided to enter the medical school because of _.a. his work experience at yale b. his experience at the olympicsc. the suggestion of his family d. the praise from his friends46. where did benjamin spock complete his medical degree?a. at yale university. b. at yale medica

32、l school.c. at columbia university. d. at phillips academy.47. this passage most probably comes from _.a. a radio program b. a newspaper c. a storybook d. a magazined “lets go dutch, shall we?” jim said after a dinner to his friends in a restaurant. what does jim mean?long ago, there was a kind of d

33、inner called dutch treat (款待). at a dutch treat, the invited guests were expected to pay for their own share of the food and drink. now, dutch treat means when friends go out to have fun, each person pays his or her own share.there are many other expressions related (相关的) with “dutch” in american en

34、glish. however, most of them were first used in england in the 17th century. at that time, the british and the dutch were war enemies. so when british people talked about something wrong or bad, they would like to use the word “dutch”.a common expression heard a few years ago was in dutch. a friend

35、may tell you, “you are in dutch. the teacher is angry with you. be careful!” when a soldier took dutch leave, he left the army without permission (准许). dutch courage was the false courage produced by the effects of drinking wine.there is one expression that did come from the dutch. that is to talk l

36、ike a dutch uncle. the dutch were known for the strict and serious way they educated their children.48. what did people mean by saying “lets go dutch”?a. the guests should leave fi rst.b. each person should pay his or her own bill.c. the food should be better next time.d. people should go to another

37、 restaurant.49. according to the passage, the british in the 17th century _.a. first used the word “dutch” b. were mistaken for dutch peoplec. got along well with the dutch peopled. used the word “dutch” for something bad50. if your friend says that he is in dutch, he most probably means that _.a. h

38、e is happy b. he is lucky c. he is in trouble d. he is on vacation51. if someone spoke to you in a very serious way, you may say that he _.a. was like a dutch uncle b. would take a dutch leavec. had dutch courage d. had a dutch treatein the 1740s, many sailors in britain were weak from scurvy (坏血病).

39、 doctor lind thought they failed to eat some kinds of food. he divided 12 sick sailors into two groups, and gave each group different foods to eat. then the men who ate oranges and lemons began to improve soon, while the others got weaker. thats when vitamins (维生素) were discovered.after that some ot

40、her doctors began to spend a lot of time in looking for foods to cure diseases. they were wrong, for they did not understand that it was better to eat vitamin-rich foods earlier instead of eating them to cure a disease after it had developed.now let us look at some important vitamins. vitamin a help

41、s stop your skin from losing too much water. vitamin b-1 helps the heart work. vitamin b-12 helps produce red blood cells (细胞). vitamin c is needed for strong bones and teeth. our body stores (储存) little vitamin c, so we must get it every day in foods such as citrus (柑橘类的) fruits.medical experts agr

42、ee that people who are in need of a vitamin should take vitamin pills. some old people, for example, may not have enough vitamin b-12. it is found in foods like eggs, meat, milk products, and green leafy vegetables. however, as people get older, no matter how many eggs or milk products they eat, the

43、ir body loses its ability to take it from them.52. what can we learn from doctor linds experiment?a. doctor lind made a mistake.b. all the sailors got better soon.c. the sailors hated to join the experiment.d. some fruit could be used as a medicine.53. if a persons skin is always dry, he had better take _.a. vitamin a b. vitamin c c. vitamin b-1


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