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1、tian fu college of swufe the influence on business negotiation from the perspective of low context and high context communication 高低语境文化在中美商务谈判中的体现high and low context culture embodied in sino-american business negotiations 本人郑重声明:所呈交的毕业论文是本人在导师的指导下取得的成果。对本论文的研究做出重要贡献的个人和集体,均已在文中以明确方式标明。因本毕业论文引起的法律结

2、果完全由本人承担。本毕业论文成果归西南财经大学所有。特此声明。毕业论文作者签名:作者专业:作者学号:_年_月_日开题报告表论文(设计)名称the influence on business negotiation from the perspective of low context and high context communication高低语境文化对中美商务谈判的影响论文(设计)来源自选论文(设计)类型b导 师刘莉学生姓名邓红学 号40902734专 业英语一、调研资料的准备在确定主题后,我通过浏览图书馆相关书籍以及在cnki中国知网上搜索与高低语境、商务谈判以及中美文化相关的文章与论

3、文,搜集了很多对本论文有帮助的资料,也借鉴到了他人更加专业与得体的写作方法。二、设计目的与要求本选题旨在通过对高低语境是如何影响中美商务谈判的谈判方式、博弈决策进程、合同签署态度以及多次中美商务谈判最终结果对中美商务谈判中高低语境变化趋势的影响的介绍与分析,为中美谈判向更好、更顺利、更互利互惠的方向发展给出有价值的参考。三、写作思路1.高低语境介绍及孕育中美两国高低语境的历史人文背景;2.探讨高低语境对中美商务谈判的谈判方式、博弈决策进程、合同签署态度等的影响;剖析中美不同语境的相互作用,对谈判博弈决策的影响,对最终合同签署的影响;3. 从高低语境对中美商务谈判的影响来讨论目前高低语境在全球化


5、师提交一式两份印好的论文定稿。六、完成论文(设计)所需具备的条件因素要顺利的完成好该选题下的论文,首先需要有足够多的权威的参考文献资料,然后需要与导师及时密切地探讨指导与修改,最后要准确逻辑地表达出论文的中心思想。 指导教师签名: 日期:论文(设计)类型:a理论研究;b应用研究;c软件设计等;摘要文化是交流的组成部分,也是对跨国交流最重要的影响因素之一。中国典型的高语境文化与美国的低语境文化,导致中美人民在交流沟通上存在很大的差异。这些差异容易导致中美在商务谈判中彼此难以理解,造成交流困难。本文介绍了爱德华霍尔对高低语境的定义,从高低语境产生的中美不同思维模式对中美商务谈判的影响,以及高低语境

6、现在以及未来的趋同趋势这几个方面来对比分析研究中美交流的差异,以促进中美商务交流的顺利进行。关键词:高语境文化;低语境文化;商务谈判;差异abstractculture is the constituent part of the national communication, and one of the most important factors of international communication. however, the differences of high context culture in china and low context in america has c

7、aused a great many of troubles for their mutual understanding and also influences their business negotiation. therefore, finding out the differences between high context culture in china and low context is the key to promoting the economic and cultural exchange between china and america. this thesis

8、 introduces edward halls definition of high context and low context and the influence of high context and low context on business negotiation between china and america as well as the future trend of convergence of high and low context culture. from these several aspects communication differences of

9、china and america will be clear, so that it can promote the smooth communication between china and america. key words: high context culture; low context culture communication; business negotiation contents摘要ivabstractvintroduction1i. the definition of high context and low context2ii. the influence o

10、f high context and low context on business negotiation between china and america52.1. the difference of thought patterns52.2. the difference of negotiation organization72.3. the different views of values and interpersonal relationship82.4. the different language model112.5. the different negotiation

11、 styles122.5.1the differences of hc culture and lc culture on time conception122.5.2the differences of hc culture and lc culture on negotiation tactics142.6. the different style of negotiation document writing15.the convergence trend of lc culture and hc culture16conclusion18literature review20bibli

12、ography31acknowledgements33vithe influence of high context and low context on business negotiation between china and americaintroduction as the quick development of globalization, more and more people do international trade, study abroad and go traveling all over the world. however, due to various h

13、istorical, political and cultural backgrounds, and huge differences among people, the same message may be taken differently by different individuals. based on these, unsuccessful communication will happen frequently. therefore, in order to reduce conflicts and avoid misunderstanding in international

14、 communication, its necessary for us to know the culture and communication style of a country.cultural context plays a very important role in international communication among all the countries, especially in china and america whose cultures are vastly different in many ways, such as their basic val

15、ues, thinking models, language systems and nonverbal communications and many other aspects. communication especially the international communication and culture are closely related. the words, tone and actions are made in some subconscious ways which are directly connected with the culture and show

16、different meanings.the comparative study of high-context and low-context is a great approach to understand the difference of chinese and american culture and point out a specific way to figure out the cultural similarities and differences so as to conduct a successful business negotiation.according

17、to american anthropologist edward t. halls classification, culture is classified as high-context and low context. china belongs to high-context country, while america belongs to low-context country. that means chinese tend to be more aware of their surroundings and environment and do not rely on ver

18、bal communication as their main information source. american people are just on the contrary. therefore, to find out the differences of cultures and know them clearly is a key factor to improve the communication outcome between china and america. i. the definition of high context and low contextthe

19、anthropologist edward hall provides us an effective means of examining cultural similarities and differences in perception and communication. he categorizes cultures as being either high or low context, depending on the degree to which meaning comes from the settings or from the words being exchange

20、d. a high context communication or message is one in which most of the information is already in the person, while very little is in the coded, explicitly transmitted part of the message. in high context cultures most of the information is in the people who are a part of the interaction and many of

21、the meanings being exchanged during the encounter do not have to be communicated through words. a low communication is just the opposite. for example, the mass of the information is vested in the explicit code. in low context culture, the verbal message contains most of the information and very litt

22、le is embedded in the context or the participants.china is a typical hc culture country, and chinese people tend to be more aware of their surroundings and their environment and do not regard verbal communication as their main information source. the context of the message is well understood by both

23、 sender and receiver. on the contrary, americans from a typical lc cultures country, put their thoughts into words. for them, verbal message is extremely important. it is the verbal message that the information to be shared is coded; it is not readily available from the environment because people in

24、 low context cultures tend not to learn how to perceive information from the environment. they tend to think if thoughts are not in words, then the thoughts will not be understood correctly or completely by listeners. when messages are in explicit words, the other side can act upon them, but members

25、 of high context cultures, like chinese old man, have fewer tendencies to trust words to communication. they rely on context to help clarify and complete the message. in china, because of the continuity and homogeneity of the culture, the historical tradition, local conditions and customs and human

26、relations have high similarities. most messages exist in the context which already have existed and became the shared resource. so as for the international communication, chinese tend to depend on the underlying context to conduct the communication. in chinese traditional culture, be modest and prud

27、ent is the good quality, so, in this condition, those people who express their emotion and opinions without scruple are not allowed to exist. america, the country which contains many immigrants always is considered as a big melting pot, its people are from different nations and races have different

28、cultures and backgrounds. because of the big differences of culture background, there are no shared culture background and same psychological schema for americans when they continue a communication. so when they communicate, they depend on the clear code to finish the conversation. in this backgroun

29、d, to conduct a successful communication, people must use clear and direct words. besides, china is a collectivism oriented country and chinese pursue the harmony and try to avoid conflicts. america is individualism oriented country and prefers to take direct conflict to solve problems.there is a ty

30、pical example of difference between chinese and american communication styles to criticize others. if chinese will criticize others, they always will use indirect ways. they will praise others good aspects and then tell the listeners their weak points. maybe, they will criticize others weak point an

31、d use this way to hint the listeners what they didnt do good. all in all, everything doesnt need to be expressed so clearly, and the listeners can understand. in the same situation, americans will not take a roundabout way; on the contrary, they will be straightforward to point out the listeners wea

32、k points. this action is very normal for americans, and listeners will not feel embarrassed or offended. therefore, if a chinese criticizes an american, the american cannot understand what the chinese wants to express; and if an american criticizes a chinese, the chinese will feel shameful and disgr

33、aceful, even will hate the american. from this example we can directly and clearly know how important it is to know other countries culture when conduct a conversation. ii. the influence of high context and low context on business negotiation between china and americamultinationality is one of the m

34、ost important features of business negotiation. negotiators from different countries and different nations have huge difference on thought patterns, negotiation organization, values, language model, negotiation styles and negotiation document writing and other aspects. because of these culture diffe

35、rences, there always exist unsuccessful negotiations. so, in business negotiation, besides for the basic negotiation skills, it is also important to have a good understanding of culture differences on business negotiation. 2.1 the difference of thought patternschinese negotiators think the whole neg

36、otiation principal is the starting point to settle other problems. only when the whole principal is decided, can the negotiation of details be continued. this principal first, details second is one of the obvious negotiation models of chinese. in the process of business negotiation, americans pay mo

37、re attention to the concrete rather than the entirety. when they face with a complicated negotiation task, they always break it down to a series of smaller, more manageable tasks and settle them independently. for example, they will settle the price, package, delivery and other relative problems one

38、 by one, then, the final treaty is the summation of all the smaller treaties. for americans, it doesnt matter whether there is a whole principal; the important aspect is to concentrate on the real specific problems to get the negotiation go on smoothly. chinese stress the comprehensive way of thinki

39、ng originated from chinese traditional culture. they hold the view that human and nature are an indivisible unity. with the regard to the relationship among people, they appeal to collectivism and trust their own intuition. for thousands of years, this kind of thought pattern has occupied a dominate

40、 position in china and become the core cognition and communication. therefore, in the process of negotiation, chinese negotiators like to settle problems from overall picture to details, from larger ones to smaller ones; they are used to making a comprehensive survey of the overall situation first,

41、and then thinking over details. they like to discuss all the problems together, and there is no obvious order of preference. they are not willing to divide this negotiation to some single topics for discussion, until the last state of negotiation they just make concessions and promises and come to t

42、he final agreement. americans tend to apply linear thought pattern, and thats why they pay attention to details. they pursue the actual and eager to discuss the concrete clauses at the beginning. they think contracts should be an integrated, enforced and legally binding clauses.2.2 the difference of

43、 negotiation organizationculture is the key point to choose negotiators. different countries have different standards to choose negotiators, such as their personality, total quantity, and division of works and other aspects. just as america is a country with small power distance,which means the dist

44、ance between person with the most power and the one at the bottom is small and also means the society de-emphasizes the differences between citizens power and wealth. when americans choose negotiators they will pay more attention to the negotiators eloquence, level of expertise and reasoning ability

45、, but attach little importance to negotiators status in company. china is a country with great power distance. therefore, statue is a key point to choosing negotiators in china. therefore, negotiators should not only have a good command of social skills and also need a proper situation in the compan

46、y. american negotiators have the inherent confidence and superiority complex, so they think several people who can handle these problems are enough. thats why their negotiation groups only contain several main people. on the contrary, chinese negotiation groups contain many negotiators, and for them

47、, the negotiation groups symbolize countrys image or the groups image. the total members of the group are a way to measure the importance of the negotiation. chinese people think the fewer the negotiators; the less sincere they appear, however, for americans, the more negotiators in a group, the les

48、s capable they seem. besides, the function of lawyer in the negotiation is also different because of the culture differences. the sense of legal is deeply rooted in americans mind, so lawyer plays an important role in the business negotiation. american negotiators will bring their lawyers together i

49、n every business negotiation especially the negotiation is in foreign countries. in china, legal sense is not so strong, they think bringing a lawyer together is not a friendly behavior and is the performance of distrust of partners.2.3 the different views of values and interpersonal relationshipind

50、ividualism and collectivism are the two basic value orientations and their differences exert a great influence on business negotiation. individualism indicates the extent to which a society is a loosely knit social framework in which people are supposed to take care only of themselves and their imme

51、diate families. america is a typically individualism country. on the contrary, collectivism emphasizes common interest, conformity, cooperation and interdependence. it indicates a tight social framework. under the influence of confucian culture, china is a collectivism country. therefore, these cult

52、ures differences lead to the different behaviors and styles in negotiation. for example, for american companies, the concept of equality is deeply rooted in everybodys mind. the representatives of negotiation have complete decision-making power, if they think the decision is profitable, they can rep

53、resent the company to make decisions and finish the whole negotiation. for chinese companies, there are explicit boundaries between the superiors and subordinates. the representatives have little power to make decisions. in the negotiation process, they always will discuss together, and then they ha

54、ve to report to the companys top about the negotiation content and consequence every time; the top leaders who even didnt have taken part in the negotiation will make the last decision. so it is really a time consuming process.western culture stresses personality, while eastern culture stresses inte

55、rpersonal relationship. western culture is a kind of culture which builds on the commodity economy society; market exchange and market competition are the main features. american negotiators pay much more attention to the actual benefits rather than the human relations. they always think the final p

56、urpose of conducting a negotiation is to sign a contract, realize economic interests, and at the same time to realize their own values and profit. the actual benefit cannot be changed as the interpersonal relations, besides, no matter which party proposed the scheme must be fair and reasonable. for

57、them, no party can enjoy special preferential; business is business. for chinese negotiators, they also care about the long cooperative and harmonious relationship. they think the purpose of the negotiation is to build and develop long cooperative relations. they dont approve the pure commercial act

58、ivities and always try their best to know more about their business partners from the informal situation. only they believe in and get along well with their commercial partners will they do business with them. interpersonal relation net plays a key role in their negotiation. for example, before the formal negotiation, they will bring foreign partners to visit the place of interests, to eat the most expensive and delicious food, to live in the cleanest and most deluxe hotels. they want to show their friendship by doing these. however, american negotiators do not always understand chinese nego


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