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1、Chapter 2 Application Layer1. In the following four descriptions, which one is correct?A In C/S architecture, clie nts com muni cate with each other directly.B In C/S architecture, clie nt has a fixed well-k nown address.C In P2P architecture, peers com muni cate with each other directly.D In P2P ar

2、chitecture, peer has a fixed well-k nown address.2. In the con text of a com muni cati on sessi on betwee n a pair of process, the process thatin itiates the com muni cati on is labeled as the, the process that waits to be con tacted tobeg in the sessi on is labeled as the.A clie nt process, server

3、processB sending process, recei ving processC in put process, output processD com muni cati ng process, conn ect ing process3. A socket is the in terface betweenwithi n a host.A the n etwork layer and the link layerB the link layer and the physical layerC the applicati on layer and the tran sport la

4、yerD the tran sport layer and the n etwork layer4. In the following applications, which one is a loss-tolerant application?A E-mail B file tran sferC in sta nt messagi ngD real-time audio5. In the following applications, which one is a bandwidth-sensitive application?A E-mail B web applicati onC rea

5、l-time audioD file tran sfer6. The service of TCP can t guarantee .A delivery of all data without errorB delivery of all data in the proper orderC the rate of deliveryD con gesti on con trol7. In the following applications, which one uses UDP?iiA E-mailB web applicati onCfile tran sferD DNS8. In the

6、 following descriptions about HTTP, which one is not correct?A HTTP uses non-persiste nt conn ecti ons in its default mode.B HTTP uses TCP as its un derly ing tran sport protocol.C HTTP is a stateless protocol.D HTTP is clie nt-server architecture.9. Suppose a web page con sists of a base HTML file,

7、 5 JEPG images and a java applet, andalso suppose HTTP uses persistent connection without pipelining, the total responsetime is .A 2RTTB 8RTTC 12 RTTD 14RTT10. In HTTP resp onse message, if the requested HTTP protocolvers ion is not supported, thestatus code is.A 200B 301C 400D 50515 CACDC610 CDABD1

8、1. The port nu mber of web applicati on is.A 25B 20C 80D 5312. A networkentity thatsatisfies HTTP requests onthe behalfof an originweb serveris .A server farm B server stack C proxy server D edge server13. In the following descriptions about persistent connection, which one is not correct?A The serv

9、er leaves the TCP conn ecti on ope n after sending a resp on se.B Each TCP conn ecti on is closed after the server sending one object.C There are two vers ions of persiste nt conn ecti on: without pipeli ning and with pipeli ning.D The default mode of HTTP uses persiste nt conn ecti on with pipeli n

10、ing.14. FTP uses two parallel TCP conn ecti ons to tran sfer a file, there are.A con trol conn ecti on and data conn ecti onB recei ving conn ecti on and sending conn ecti onC clie nt conn ecti on and sever conn ecti onD program conn ecti on and process conn ecti on15. In the following descriptions

11、about FTP, which one is correct?A FTP is p2p architecture.B FTP sends its con trol in formatio n out-of-ba nd.C FTP uses persiste nt conn ecti on.D FTP is a stateless protocol.16. In the comma nds of FTP, which one does not have parameter?A USER B PASSC LIST D STOR17. The Internet mail system has th

12、ree comp onents which they are.A user age nt, SMTP, POP3B SMTP, POP3, IMAPC user age nt, SMTP, IMAPD user age nt, SMTP, mailserver18. If the status code in HTTPresponsemessage is 404, it means.A Request succeeded.B The requested document doesn t exit on this server.C This is a gen eric error code in

13、 dicat ing that the request could not be un derstood by the server.D Requested object has bee n perma nen tly mover.19. Comparison HTTP with SMTP, the correct isA HTTP is a push protocol, and SMTP is a pull protocol.B In the default mode, both of them use persiste nt conn ecti on.C HTTP places all o

14、f the messagetsi ntootojecmessage, and SMTP sends every objectone by one.D HTTP requires each message to be in 7-it ASCII format, and SMTP doesn t impose trestrictio n.20. The headers in the MIME message must in clude except.A FromB Content-typeC Content-transfer-encodingD MIMEvers ion1115CCBAB 1620

15、 DDBBD21. In the following protocol, which one is stateless?A POP3B SMTPC FTPD IMAP22. DNS mea ns.A Data Name SystemB Data Natio nal SystemC Doma in Name SystemD Doma in Nati onal System23. There are three classes of DNS server except.ARoot DNS serverBLocal DNS serverCTLD serverDAuthoritative DNS se

16、rver24. DNS provides some services except.AHost aliasi ngB Mail server aliasi ngCLoad distributi onDA sin gle point of failure25. There are three architectures for locati ng content in P2P file shari ng, KaZaA usesA Centralized Directory (Napster)B Query Floodi ng(G nutella)C Exploiting Heterogeneit

17、y (p141)D Incen tive Priorities26. There are three architectures for locati ng content in P2P file shari ng, Napster usesA Cen tralized Directory (p137)B Query Floodi ngC Exploit ing Heteroge neityD Incen tive Priorities27. The following architectures in P2P file sharing, which is an overlay network

18、?A Cen tralized DirectoryB Query Floodi ng(p139)C Exploit ing Heteroge neityD Incen tive Priorities28. The time it takes for a small packet to travel from client to server and then back to theclient is .A roun d-travel timeB n ext-hop timeC roun d-trip timeD prefix-matchi ng time29. Suppose A ( with

19、 a Web-based e-mail acco unt ) sends a message to B ( who accesses hismail server using POP3), which applicati on-layer protocol is not used?A HTTPB SMTPC POP3D IMAP30. In the four following options, which protocol is included in Mail Access Protocol?A SMTPB DHCPC IMAPD FTP31. In FTP comma nds, is u

20、sed to send user password to the server.A UserB PassC RetrD Stor32. The function of the additional header field in MIME Content-Type is.A to convert the message body to its orig in non-ASCII formB to determ ine what acti ons it should take on message bodyC to send an E-mail to the receiving user age

21、ntD to indicate what type the message is33. In the four following options, which application is organized as hybrid of C/S and P2P architecture?A E-mail B OICQ C File transfer D Web application34. In the four following options, which is not a centralized DNS design psroblem?A a single point of failu

22、reB traffic volumeC distant centralized databaseD slow (maintenance)35. In the following options, from the application developer pesrspective, which is not correct?A the network architecture is fixedB the network architecture provides a specific set of services to applicationsC the application archi

23、tecture is designed by the physical devicesD the application architecture dictates how the application is organized over the various end systems36. There are three predominant architectures used in modern network applications, which one is not included?A the client-server architecture B the P2P arch

24、itectureC a hybrid of the client-server and P2P architectureD a hybrid of the client-server and browser-server architecture37. In the following options about C/S architecture, which is not correct?A In C/S architecture, there is an always-on host, called the server.B In C/S architecture, there is an

25、 always-on host, called the clientC The server has a fixed, well-k nown address, called IP address.D Clie nts do not directly com muni cate with each other.38. are ofte n used to create a powerful virtual server in C/S architecture.A Peers B Server farm C server stack D local server39. A process sen

26、ds messages in to, and receives messagesfrom, the n etwork throughits .A socketB programC clie ntD peer40. Which one is not defined by an application-layer protocol?A the types of messages excha ngedB the syn tax of various message typesC the semantics of the fieldsD rules for determ ining whe n and

27、 how to tran slate the socket41. HTTP can use two types of conn ecti ons, which are.A persiste nt and non-persiste nt conn ecti onB conn ecti on with pipeli ning and without pipeli ningC TCP and UDPD parallel and serial conn ecti on42. takes for a small packet to travel from client to server and the

28、n back to the client.A RDTB thresholdC RTTD overhead43. The default mode of HTTP uses.A non-persiste nt conn ecti on with pipeli ningB non-persiste nt conn ecti on without pipeli ningC persiste nt conn ecti on with pipeli ningD persiste nt conn ecti on without pipeli ning44. I n HTTP request message

29、s, the request line has three fields, there are .A the method field, the URL field and the HTTP version fieldB the method, the conn ecti on and URL fieldC the user-age nt, the method and HTTP vers ion fieldD the user-age nt, the URL and the HTTP vers ion field45. In the header lines of HTTP request

30、message,if the field of Connection is close, itspecifies.A the host on which object residesB what type of the user age ntC that the browser wants the server to close the connection after sending the requested objectD which Ian guage can the browser receive46. In HTTP response message, if the status

31、code is 404, it means.A request succeeded and the in formati on is returned in the resp onseB requested object has bee n perma nen tly movedC the requested HTTP protocol vers ion is not supported by the serverD the requested docume nt does n ot exist on this server47. is a network entity that satisf

32、ies HTTP requests on the behalf of an origin Webserver.A proxy server B local serverC DNS server D Web server48. In the following four options about web cache, which one is not correct?A A web cache is both a server and a clie nt at the same time.B A web cache is purchased and in stalled by an ISP.C

33、 A web cache can raise the resp onse time for a clie nt request.biteccess link to thD A web cache can reduce traffic on an in stituti on49. The request message in the con diti onal GET must in clude th header line.A Last-ModifiedB Last-Refere needC If-Modified-Si neeD If -Referenced-Sinee50. FTP use

34、s two parallel conn ecti ons to tran sfer a file, they areA TCP and UDP conn ectionB conn ecti on with pipeli ning and without pipeli ningC con trol an data conn ecti onD clie nt-server and browser-server conn ecti on51. In FTP comma nds, which one is used to ask the server to send back a list of al

35、l files in the curre nt remote directory?A USERB PASSC LISTD RETR52. In the Internet mail system, allow users to read, reply to, forward, save andcompose message.A User age ntsB mail serversC SMTP D TCP53. The two key MIME headers for support ing multimedia are.A Co nte nt-Type and MIME-Versio nB Co

36、nten t-Type and Con te nt-Tra nsfer-E ncodi ngC Conten t-Tra nsfer-E ncodi ng and MIME-Versio nD MIME-Version and MIME-Type54. For Internet mail, the mail access protocol is used to.A tran sfer mail from the recipie nt s mail server to the recipie nt s useB tran sfer mail from the sen der s mail ser

37、ver to the recipie nt s mail seC translate the mail from the sender mail serve sD tran slate the mail into the recipie nt s mail server55. POP3 progresses through three phases, which they are .A authorizati on, tra nslati on and tran sacti onB authorizati on, tra nslati on and updateC authorizati on

38、, tra nsacti on and updateD tran slati on, tran sacti on and update56. In the following four services, which one can not provide by DNS?A Host aliasi ngB Mail server aliasi ngC tran slate host name to IP addressesD tran slate MAC addresses to IP addresses57. There are three classes of DNS servers, t

39、here are.A root DNS server, top-level domai n DNS server and local DNS serverB root DNS server, top-level domai n DNS server and authoritative DNS serverC root DNS server, local DNS server and authoritative DNS serverD root DNS server, local DNS server and top-level doma in DNS server58. In the foll

40、owing four options about POP3, which one is not correct?A The user age nt employed only three comma nds: List, Retr and QuitB The server does not carry state in formatio n across POP3 sessi onsC The port number is 110D The POP3 protocol does not provide any means for a user to create remote folders

41、and assig n messages to folders.59. A resource record in DNS distributed database is a four-tuple, which field can be ignored?(p132) A Name B ValueC Type D TTL60. In the following four options about DNS resource record, which one is correct? A The meaning of Name and Value depend on Type. B The mean

42、ing of Value and Type depend on Name. C If Type=A, then Name is a domain and Value is the IP address for the hostname. D If Type=MX, then Name is domain and Value is the IP address for the hostname.61. In the following four options about DNS messages, which one is not correct?A There are only two ki

43、nds of DNS message.(p133)B Both query and reply message have the same format.C The header section in DNS message has 12 bytes.D The authority section contains the resource records for the same that was originally queried62. In DNS message,contains information about the query that is being made.(p133

44、)A authority section B question sectionC answer section D additional section63. There are three techniques are employed in most any P2P file-sharing systems, which one is not include? (p144)A Request queuing B incentive priorities C parallel downloading D Response queuing64. In the following four op

45、tions about P2P file-sharing, which one is not correct?A P2P file-sharing is highly scalable.B P2P file-sharing relies on P2P architecture.C The means for locating content in different P2P file-sharing are different.D P2P file-sharing systems not only share MP3s,but also videos, software, documents

46、and images.65. In MIME header lines,specifies the name of the SMTP server that sent the message (from), the name of the SMTP server that received the message (by), and the time an which the receiv ing server received the message.A Received B From C To D MIME-Versio n66. If the header line Conn ecti

47、on is close, it means that the clie nt want.A persiste nt conn ecti on with pipeli ningB persiste nt conn ecti on without pipeli ningC non persiste nt conn ecti onD not conn ecti on67. In HTTP request message, the en tity body is empty with the method, but is usedwith the method.A GET, POST B POST,G

48、ETC GET, HEADD POST, HEAD68. In HTTP resp onse message, if the Date: header ;one in dicates the time Fri. 08 Aug. 200812:00:00 GMT, the Last-Modified: header line can not be.A Fri. 08 Aug. 2008 11:00:00 GMTB Fri. 08 Aug. 2008 11:30:00 GMTC Fri. 08 Aug. 2008 12:00:00 GMTD Fri. 08 Aug. 2008 12:30:00 G

49、MT69. In the follow ing four opti ons, which one is not the part of cookie tech no logy?A Cookie header lines in the HTTP resp onse message and request message.B One cookie header file kept on the uses end system and man aged by the usrbrowser.C A n etwork en tity that satisfies HTTP requests on the

50、 behalf of an origi n Web server.D A back-e nd database at the Web site70. On-top of stateless HTTP,can be used to create a user sessi on layer.A proxy serverB Web cacheC cookieD socket71. Processes com muni cate with each other by read ing from and writ ing toA programsB threadsC socketsD cha nn el

51、s72. In the following four options about network architecture, which one is not correct?A The n etwork architecture is fixed.B The n etwork architecture provides a specific set of services to applicati on.C The n etwork architecture is desig ned by applicati on developer.D The n etwork architecture

52、dictates how the applicati on is orga ni zed over special server.73. In Clie nt-Server architecture, the clie nts visit the servethrough.A clie nt socketC serversocketB clie nt IP addressD serverIP address74. can be thought of as a program that is running within end system.A processB threadC socketD

53、 con text2075. API mea nsA Applicati on Program In terfaceB Applicati on Process In terfaceC Appellati on Program In terfaceD Appellati on Process In terface76. One host can be running many network applications, so the system assigns them different to distinguish each other.A IP addressB port nu mbe

54、rC host nameD secti on77. In the following four applications, which one is both bandwith-sensitive and require tight timi ng con stra in ts?A real-time audio B file tran sferC E-mailD Web docume nts78. The port nu mber of the Web server is.D 8080D 8080A25B20C8079. The port nu mber of the mail server

55、 is.A25B20C8080. Look the URL httpW/.c n/rjxy/i ndex.html, the object path n ame isA .c nB .c n/rjxyC /rjxy/i ndex.htmlD in dex.html81. Each URL has comp onen ts, they are.A tran sport protocol and objecfspath n ameB host n ame and objects path n ameC tran sport p

56、rotocol and host n ameD clie nt n ame and server n ame1. Con sider an HTTP clie nt will request a WEB page from a WEB server. Suppose the URLof the page is The client does not want to use persiste nt conn ecti ons and want to receive Fre nch vers ion of the object. The user age nt is Win dows NT 5.1. Give the request message accord ing to the give n format.Request line:Header lines:l.Sdution:RequestlineGETsomudepartm ent Mom udk匕x p htmlHTTP 1,1 (or HTTP10)Header lines: HostGtdjtUFdufn)Connection: cl os亡T


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