![[毕业设计精品]全球电火花活动的有关研究 英语翻译(电火花)_第1页](http://file2.renrendoc.com/fileroot_temp3/2021-6/16/b3c5b8ce-cba9-42af-88f7-18247638b159/b3c5b8ce-cba9-42af-88f7-18247638b1591.gif)
![[毕业设计精品]全球电火花活动的有关研究 英语翻译(电火花)_第2页](http://file2.renrendoc.com/fileroot_temp3/2021-6/16/b3c5b8ce-cba9-42af-88f7-18247638b159/b3c5b8ce-cba9-42af-88f7-18247638b1592.gif)
![[毕业设计精品]全球电火花活动的有关研究 英语翻译(电火花)_第3页](http://file2.renrendoc.com/fileroot_temp3/2021-6/16/b3c5b8ce-cba9-42af-88f7-18247638b159/b3c5b8ce-cba9-42af-88f7-18247638b1593.gif)
![[毕业设计精品]全球电火花活动的有关研究 英语翻译(电火花)_第4页](http://file2.renrendoc.com/fileroot_temp3/2021-6/16/b3c5b8ce-cba9-42af-88f7-18247638b159/b3c5b8ce-cba9-42af-88f7-18247638b1594.gif)
![[毕业设计精品]全球电火花活动的有关研究 英语翻译(电火花)_第5页](http://file2.renrendoc.com/fileroot_temp3/2021-6/16/b3c5b8ce-cba9-42af-88f7-18247638b159/b3c5b8ce-cba9-42af-88f7-18247638b1595.gif)
2、调查,从政府、私人研究中心到工厂有许多带来技术转变的渠道。以下就是不同加工技术应用的抽样调查:1.工业和实验室之间合作性研究项目。2.车间、研究会和简报。3.独家的/非独家的许可。4.工厂为工作设备设立实验室进行赞助性研究。5.咨询实验室人员。6.实验室和工厂贸易为了相互的利益,职员交换任务。7.在一家具体的公司里,实验室设备使用能力不可获知。8.实验室参观、分享信息并讨论技术上的问题。9.出版社和其他的印刷文献。10.工业成员与那些和实验室相关的组织联合在一起。如项目 9 和 10 所定义的,电火花技术转变(edmtt)的目的之一是从有关电火花项目的研究中心提供技术或信息源,而且使这些可得信
4、cd)已经实行的一项实验性研究决定了wed加工过程在运行时参数设置的效果。wedm 运转在切削材料的不同层面时,在工作件中,像 pcd和wc这样的材料,是由实验和理论共同决定的。热应力的数学模型一直在继续,它理论上解释了基于stefan数学问题的金刚石晶粒机械切削。铍铜合金的wedm这个计划的主要目的是发展一个在 wedm 的时候,为不同硬度的铍铜合金选择最佳加工参数设置的而设立的数据库。这个计划由charmilles robofil 100机器引导。机器设定和切削特点之间的关系如同加工速度、表面粗糙度、切削余量一样,都是由实验决定的。机器参数设定需要知道周期、当前状态、脉动持续时间、功率、金
7、拥有这些系统,在条件差的电火花加工环境下,生产率都能得到50%的提高。一个使用了pi自动调节方法的电火花自动调节监视器已经发展成为三菱 k35 ed 机器。这个系统能够根据电火花探测间隙参数自动地调节主轴周期缩进的周期时间。电弧损害能够完全地避免,而且与人工设置跳跃周期相比,生产率提高50%。先进电火花线切割控制系统在 wedm 加工过程中,金属线破坏减少加工效率。这个问题由沿着金属线的密度高功率所引起的,这被视为电火花频率和工件高度决定的电火花分布长度的比例。在大多数wedm设备里,电火花频率不能时实监视、控制和最佳脉冲时间,从而不能根据制造者提供的数据库,决定给定高度工件的电火花频率。这个
9、控制系统使数控编程的生产者和机器操作员的工作简化,在切削多种高度的工件时,机器操作员不需要将工件高度数据输入到机器中,而且也不必将电源设置命令输入数控程序中。附属于先进材料的电火花磨削的内布拉斯加-林肯的大学的未来计划先进材料的机械磨削,包括可导电的陶器、烧结碳化物和多晶体金刚石(pcd),由于它们的高硬度和高韧性 ,机械效率非常低。电火花加工提供了一个有效的加工先进材料的方法。然而,由于电火花加工而造成的表面重铸层和微裂痕,表面质量非常低。这个计划的目的是发展电火花磨削加工(edg),配有机械研磨作用的设备提高放电环境和切除加工先进材料时的损毁层。如图3所示的加工过程。这个加工方法是使用焊有
12、脉冲触发器,提供特殊的放电波形以适合先进材料的加工。所建议的脉冲电源标准将会发展成为比商业上的电火花电源拥有更广的峰值电流和电压变化范围,提供 rc脉冲控制的晶体管和多水平波形。计算机能够对放电波形编程和选择不同的脉冲参数。不同材料和加工设备有最佳的波形,将通过热模型的理论研究和对先进材料电火花过程的分析决定波形。加州/戴维斯大学一些电火花研究领域中,包括(但是不仅仅是)先进的电火花控制系统,目的在于增加生产,减少操作注意事项和wedm上的金属线破坏的研究。德克萨斯a&m大学电火花的难点在于对加工材料的研究,如钨碳化物/钴合成、钛合金和其它陶器合成材料。 田纳西州科技大学电火花加工的陶瓷材料。
13、日本工业科学研究所,东京大学在教授t. masuzawa的指导下,这个研究所被誉为日本领导级电火花研究所。它们的研究涵盖了所有的电火花领域,包括:高的表面质量、微加工的金属线电极放电磨削(wedg)、摩尔电火花、电火花闪烁的研究、微孔电火花和其它范围的电火花研究。工业科学研究所、日本科技研究所和toyama大学联合在一起研究和发展直接的或粘有金刚石的金属磨的电火花加工。这种方法生产与普通的磨轮方法相比,有较高效率的磨削和较低的磨削力。最近工业科学研究所出版的研究有一篇报导,是关于微孔电火花电极使用压电平移装置的发展。他们也发展了3轴数控微电火花,它能够生产出表面精度高达0.1毫秒。另外的最近报
14、告报道了在加工不同种类型的碳钢时,铜电极金属线的比例研究。据了解电极金属线比例很大程度上不仅受结构的影响,而且也受包围电极的碳层质量的影响。如果有电极表面产生足够厚度的碳层,较低金属线比例就能很容易实现。 科技大学nagaoka最近一些研究工作(也和丰田技术学院连同日立生产公司一起研究)有一项关于绝缘体陶瓷的电火花模型的有趣报道。除了有限的电火花方法外,通常只有具有导电性能的陶瓷材料才能用电火花加工。因此,研究者正在研究最近已经发明的使用标准电火花加工的深孔加工和绝缘陶瓷的切削加工方法。日本技术研究所加工中心调查电火花沉淀运行的可能性以减少制造压铸模所需的加工时间。大阪县工业科技研究所 最近大
15、部分工作包括表面整体性研究,它帮助电火花表面实现高性能、抗腐蚀和抗磨损。早期的工作包括变压器联结线路的发展,用来稳住wedm的电解效果。应用力学的研究所,kyushu 大学陶瓷材料的加工和陶瓷金属合金的发展,使用电火花增加黏结强度,减少残留应力。丰田技术学院通过日本电火花制造业者的联合努力,他们过去的研究在电火花的电介流体中使用硅粉、铝粉和石墨粉,增强电火花表面光滑度,使其像一面镜子一样光洁,这是最早的彻底研究。通过悬浮粉末释放电流的分散,他们早期的研究使加工表面精度达到0.8微米甚至更高,但加工时间明显下降。现在一些电火花制造业者在电火花沉淀和线切割中提供一个粉状混合物电介体系统。最近丰田技
17、,因此释放浓度可以作为金属线破裂的主要原因。结果也表明平均的金属线温度在100左右。冈山大学最近的旋转圆板电极研究为mrr提高深槽加工能力。钛、英高镍和铜合金材料等的其它研究。yamagata 大学有关氧化物-超导体的陶瓷的电火花研究。欧洲技术转变公司(英国伯明罕)transtec把车辆作为大学和其它工业制造业研究所来研究、发展和销售先进技术。科学和商业计划已经在transtec与伯明罕、爱丁堡和诺丁汉之间建立。transtec的研究和发展集中在下列三个有名的产品种类和控制技术领域内:1.电火花加工2.电化学加工3.电火花质地产品含:柔性加工单元拥有多轴电火花、电火花质地加工、电火花无线电电波
19、研究尝试发展新的电火花电源,并定义最佳加工和触发设置,以便于完全去除电火花加工过程中的白色层。在 edm 程序的时候。2.暴露在外的工具的磨料磨损和化学磨损。当前的研究尝试利用白层的优点(硬度、耐化学腐蚀)当作一层保护膜。这个研究需要agie 和 charmilles 技术的合作。加工刀具和生产工程学研究所与生产技术fraunhofer研究所(德国)电火花加工的电抛光铸模和压铸模。水库电介质锻造模的研究。电火花加工后的陶瓷性能。半导体材料的电火花加工。超级先进的电火花加工和提高工具生产的涂料科技。电火花线切割抛光。linkoping大学(瑞典)为了监视电火花加工过程中的放电位置,发明了一个系统
20、广泛地分析电火花加工过程。这个方法的使用是基于火花释放的能量转化为工件中的超声波脉冲这样一个猜想。dundee大学(dundee,苏格兰)早期在高频率ac源的使用上,和三菱电力公司的共同合作(日本名古屋)实现wedm的亚微米表面光洁度。布加勒斯特工艺学院(罗马尼亚)为了实现较高性能的电火花加工,研究通过冷却含氟利昂和氮的电极来改变电极材料的性能。技术学会 (布达佩斯,匈牙利)电火花加工沉淀的计算机辅助规划。中央机械工程学会(保加利亚) wedm自适应控制系统的研究。结论这些所列举大学的研究计划只是全世界电火花加工技术研究结果的一小部分。美国正在进行的电火花研究工作的数量被认为在其它国家之后,如
21、果工业和政府为研究和其它计划提供资金加入更多先进技术的积极兴趣,那么美国将会扩张研究数量。通过全世界的大学和研究所的电火花制造业者和研究者先进的研究和发展集体的共同努力,电火花加工将会朝更高水平的机器运转和能力方面继续发展。这些一直持续的计划将会产生更高机械性能、更高精密度和更高表面光洁度的电火花加工技术,为全世界加工刀具工业提供与其它加工方法无法相比的独一无二的加工。worldwide research and activities in edmalthough once considered a “nontraditional” machining process, edm has bee
22、n replacing drilling, milling, grinding and other traditional machining operations in many industries throughout the world. since its early days as a “tap busting” method over 50 years ago, edm has developed into one of the most advanced machining technologies. todays edm equipment uses advanced com
23、puter numerical control (cnc) with up to six-axes simultaneous operation and state of-the-art power supply technology, which can produce a mirror surface finish and “split-tenth” accuracy.the tremendous advancements in edm technology have been achieved through the collective efforts of many dedicate
24、d engineers employed by the major edm builders and by researchers from some of the worlds leading institutions and research centers. this report provides an overview of the research studies and developments of these institutions and the activities of professional societies and other organizations th
25、roughout the world that are contributing to the continued advancements of electrical discharge machining.projects conducted over past two yearseffect of cryogenic treatment of electrode on edm performancethis project attempts to study the effect of cryogenic treatment of work and tool electrodes on
26、edm process performance. cryogenic treatment of the work piece material and electrodes (for edm and wedm) was done by rpm carbide, inc. of ohio. during cryogenic treatment, the material is cooled at 77 k for 24 hours and brought back to ambient temperature. experiments on wedm have been carried out
27、using treated wire and untreated wire. it was experimentally found that the risk of wire rupture was reduced by 30% when using cryogenically treated wire. experimental work on die-sinking edm and wedm is continuing. wire edming of polycrystalline diamond (pcd)an experimental study has been carried o
28、ut to determine the effects of parameter settings in a state of the art wed machine on the machining performance. the wedm performance in cutting different layers of materials, such as pcd and wc, in the workpiece have been experimentally and theoretically determined. the mathematical model(s) of th
29、ermal stress for a theoretical explanation of the removal mechanism of diamond grain based on the numerical solution of stefan problem is continuing. wedm of beryllium copper alloysthe main objective of this project is to develop a database of optimal machine parameter settings for machining of bery
30、llium copper alloys of different heights during wedm. this project is conducted with a charmilles robofil 100 wed machine. the relationships between the machine settings and machining characteristics such as machining speed, surface roughness, and overcut are determined experimentally. the machine s
31、etting parameters are charge frequency, charge current, pulse duration, capacitance, wire speed, wire tension and wire material. the optimization of parameter settings consists of two objectives, i.e. to maximize the machining speed and to maximize surface finish. a database of input parameters for
32、both criteria is being developed.study of discharge distributions in die-sinking edm using divided electrode spark detection methodthe principal objective of this project is to study the influence of machining parameters (peak current and pulse on-time) and flushing methods on spark characteristics
33、such as sparking efficiency and geometrical distribution of sparks in the machining gap. peak current and pulse on-time change the machining conditions in the gap leading to changes in the sparking efficiency and spark distribution. a new method of spark detection system is employed to obtain the sp
34、ark data. the solid tool is divided into number of smaller sections to identify each spark in different areas in the gap at different instants. this spark detection methodology can also be effectively used to find the efficiency of machining when subjected to different machining conditions.adaptive
35、control systems for die-sinking edmthe arc damage in the die-sinking edm process reduces the machining productivity, decreases the machined surface quality, and increases the machining cost. the main objective of this project is to develop adaptive control systems for edm to improve the process stab
36、ility, avoid arc damage, and increase the machining rate. in this project, a digital edm gap monitor was developed to precisely detect the time ratios of gap states including gap open, normal spark, transient arc, stable arc and short circuit. the unique feature of this system is the high frequency
37、(hf) detecting technology that detects not only the occurrence of arc damage, but also the transient arc regarded as the forecasting signal of arc damage. the hf detection is the most reliable method in all edm arc damage detecting technologies. a model reference adaptive control system and a self-t
38、uning regulating system for edm have been developed. these adaptive control systems detect gap state parameters through the edm gap monitor and control the servo feed in real-time. the productivity with these control systems has been shown to be improved by 50% when machining under poor flush condit
39、ions. an edm auto jumping controller using the pi self-tuning approach has also been developed on a state-of-the-art mitsubishi k35 ed machine. this system adaptively adjusts the cycle time of the periodical retraction of the main spindle according to the detected edm gap parameters. the arcing dama
40、ge can be completely avoided, and the productivity is improved by 50% as compared to the manually set jumping cycle time.advanced wire-edm control systemin the wedm process, wire rupture reduces the machining rate. this problem is caused by high power density along the wire, which is regarded as the
41、 ratio of sparking frequency to spark distribution length determined by the workpiece height. with most of the state-of-the-art wedm equipment, the sparking frequency can not be on-line monitored and controlled, and an optimal pulse off-time to determine the sparking frequency for a given workpiece
42、height is selected in accordance with manufacturer supplied database. the main objective of this project is to develop an advanced wedm monitoring and control system that monitors on-line the change of workpiece height and control the spark frequency at optimal levels. a recently developed control s
43、ystem consists of a digital spark frequency monitor and a pc used as the main controller with an interface for power generator and servo system control. the pc monitors on-line the gap voltage, spark frequency, and the table feed rate to identify the workpiece height. this system regulates the table
44、 feed at optimal rates and adjusts the pulse off-time in real-time to control the spark frequency at optimal levels determined by the identified workpiece height. the spark frequency is always adjusted at a safe and highly productive level, and is able to follow the change in workpiece height to avo
45、id wire rupture and to maintain an optimal cutting speed. the error of the workpiece height identification is 1 mm and the response of the identification to changes in workpiece height is 1 second. with this control system, procedures of nc programming and machine operations are simplified, and the
46、machine operator does not need to input the workpiece height data into the machine and insert the power generator setting commands into the cnc program when cutting a multiple height workpiece.future projects at the university of nebraska abrasive assisted electrical discharge grinding for machining
47、 advanced materialsthe machining rate with mechanical grinding of advanced materials, including electrically conductive ceramics, sintered carbides, and polycrystalline diamonds (pcd), is very low due to their high hardness and toughness. the edm process provides an effective alternative to machine
48、advanced materials. however, the surface quality generated by edm is poor due to the recast layer and micro-cracks on the machined surface. the objective of this project is to develop an electrical discharge grinding (edg) process with an assistance of mechanical abrasive effects for improving the f
49、lushing condition and removing the damaged layer when machining advanced materials. during machining, the grinding electrode rotates in high speed, the spark discharges take place in the gap between the electrode and workpiece, and the machining gap is controlled by an edm servo system. the prelimin
50、ary experimental study indicates that the abrasive effect not only improves the surface quality of edg, but also improve the gap flushing condition by effectively removing the eroded chips and particles, and providing higher normal spark ratio and better machining stability. advanced on-line monitor
51、ing and control system for die-sinking edmgraphite electrodes are popular for die-sinking edm operations in u.s. industries because of higher machining rates and easy of fabrication. during edm with graphite electrodes, the arc damage occurs frequently and is difficult to avoid. the main objective o
52、f this project is to develop an advanced monitoring and control system for die-sinking edm when using graphite electrodes. in this project, an advanced and commercial available digital edm monitor will be developed to detect the time ratios of gap states. the neural network technology will be used t
53、o analyze the gap voltage and current signals and the data of gap states collected from the edm monitoring system. a neural network and fuzzy logical identification system will be developed to predict the arc damage during the edm process with graphite electrodes. an advanced control system will be
54、developed to control on-line the discharge power, auto-jumping of tool electrode, and the servo system. edm power generator for advanced materialswhen using edm to machine the high thermal resistant materials including tungsten carbide, conductive ceramics, pcd and pcb, the discharge waveforms stron
55、gly influence the process performance. most commercially available edm power generators provide only square discharge current pulses. however, with square discharge pulses, the thermal energy can not be highly concentrated, therefore, the material removal rates for many advanced materials including
56、tungsten carbide and conductive ceramics are very low. this project is proposed to developed an edm pulse generator to provide particular discharge waveforms suitable to machine advanced materials. the prototype of the proposed pulse power generator will be developed to provide the transistor contro
57、lled rc pulse, multi-level waveforms with wider peak current and voltage ranges than current commercially available edm power generators. a computer can program the discharge waveform and select different pulse parameters. the optimal waveforms for different material and machining requirements will
58、be determined by the theoretical study of thermal modeling and analysis of the edm process for advanced materials.university of california/davisresearch in several edm fields, including (but not limited to) advanced edm control systems aimed at increasing production and reducing operator attention and studies in wire breakage on wedm.texas a&m universityedm studies on difficult to machine materials such as tungsten carbide/cobalt composites, titanium diboride or other ceramic composite materials.tennessee technological universitymachining of cera
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