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1、AbstractIn the interactive information rapid development of the Internet age and the reform and progress of education mode, multimedia teaching has been widely used in English teaching. The junior middle school English classroom system has broken through the traditional teaching mode and classroom e

2、nvironment under the organic combination of the multimedia application and the interactive teaching mode,and adds fresh blood to the teaching mode. The interactive teaching idea is a kind of new teaching mode which came into being in the multimedia teaching environment. The mode promotes the develop

3、ment of teaching mode and the progress of students by the interaction of everyone and man-machine interaction,forms a teaching system that is more adaptable to the development of the times. In this paper, the author first states the concepts, theories, domestic and foreign research, and then analyze

4、s the current situation of junior middle school English teaching. Secondly, the author uses the methods of questionnaire and English test to carry out the specific data analysis, infers the advantages of interactive teaching mode and the lack of investigation. Finally, the author gives some suggesti

5、ons to help English teachers get on better English teaching, help students correct their English learning attitude, and improve the interest of learning English.Keywords: Multimedia Environment; Interactive Teaching Mode; English of Junior Middle School摘 要在交互信息迅猛发展的互联网时代及教育模式的改革与进步,多媒体教学已广泛应用英语教学中。初


7、助学生端正自己的英语学习态度,提高学习英语的兴趣。关键字:多媒体环境;互动式教学模式;初中英语ContentTOC o 1-3 h z u HYPERLINK l _Toc480550780 1.Introduction 1HYPERLINK l _Toc480550781 2.Literature Review 2HYPERLINK l _Toc480550782 2.1 Definition 2HYPERLINK l _Toc480550784 2.2 Theoretical Bases 3HYPERLINK l _Toc480550786 2.3 The Related Research

8、 at Home and Abroad 5HYPERLINK l _Toc480550787 3.The Application of Interactive English Mode in Junior Middle School in the Context of Multimedia Environment 6HYPERLINK l _Toc480550789 3.1 The Present Situation of Traditional English Teaching and English Teaching in Junior Middle School 6HYPERLINK l

9、 _Toc480550790 3.2 Multimedia Technology and English Teachers in Junior Middle School 8HYPERLINK l _Toc480550791 4.Study on the Application of Interactive Teaching Mode in Junior Middle School in the context of Multimedia Environment 9HYPERLINK l _Toc480550792 4.1 The Hypotheses of the Study 9HYPERL

10、INK l _Toc480550793 4.2 The Purpose of the Study 9HYPERLINK l _Toc480550794 4.3 The Object of the Study 10HYPERLINK l _Toc480550795 4.4 The Methods of the Study 10HYPERLINK l _Toc480550796 4.5 The Process of the Study 11HYPERLINK l _Toc480550797 5. The Results and Analysis of the Study 11HYPERLINK l

11、 _Toc480550798 5.1 The Results and Analysis of the Questionnaire Survey 11HYPERLINK l _Toc480550799 5.2 The Results and Analysis of English Test Scores 12HYPERLINK l _Toc480550800 6. Summary and Reflection of the Study 13HYPERLINK l _Toc480550801 6.1 The Advantages of Interactive Teaching Mode 13HYP

12、ERLINK l _Toc480550802 6.2 The Lack of practicality 14HYPERLINK l _Toc480550803 7. Conclusion 15HYPERLINK l _Toc480550804 Bibliography 16HYPERLINK l _Toc480550805 Appendix 18AStudyofInteractiveEnglishTeachingModeinJuniorMiddleSchoolinthe ContextofMultimediaEnvironment1.IntroductionSince twenty-first

13、 century, the information technology with the core of computer network has swept the world with its amazing speed. The third industrial revolution has led us to the information age. Information technology has brought about a new opportunity for the development of education in the process of social a

14、nd economic development. The integration of multimedia technology and curriculum in information technology has become a hot topic in recent years. Multimedia technology has changed the teaching concept, teaching activities and teaching methods. With the advent of the information age, the development

15、 of the society has put forward higher and higher requirements for English teachers.According to the background of the new curriculum and the rapid development and application of multimedia technology, the traditional mode of teaching has been unable to achieve new teaching objectives. With the cont

16、inuous improvement of the educational concept of English teacher, English classroom teaching methods are also changing. The majority of English teachers need to give full play to the main role of students, emphasizing students participation and experience so that students become the master of Englis

17、h learning and make the classroom teaching a new look. Interactive teaching attempts and exploration will gradually start in the actual teaching and gradually replace the traditional mode of teaching. So this study is based on the multimedia environment to reconstruct the classical mode of interacti

18、on, giving its new vitality. The aim is to improve the quality of teaching and learning, and to enhance students interest in learning English. At the same time, the teachers and students can efficiently complete the task of teaching and learning. Students can not play autonomy, so their interest in

19、learning English can not be improved.Educators have always been very rich on how to conduct English teaching, but most of them focus on the introduction of English teaching methods, practice rarely.Today, the advanced educational technology of multimedia network teaching has been widely into the cla

20、ssroom. Multimedia teaching with its information transmission of the fast, easy to update the knowledge, the media content and the form of novelty, it not only provides more convenient conditions for students to learn a foreign language and also put forward a new challenge for teachers and students.

21、 Moreover, a variety of educational ideas can be achieved in English teaching. However, more and more teachers rely on multimedia redundantly in English teaching so that students focus on the projection screen. Thispaper is devoted to some research to construct the interactive teaching mode of junio

22、r middle school English in the multimediaenvironment. And through the actual investigation and analysis, it is proved that the mode not only adapts to the requirements of the times and meets the requirements of the new curriculum standard, but also helps to improve the efficiency of English teaching

23、 in junior high school. Students interest in learning English has also improved. At the same time, it is verified that the favorable effect of the mode on the junior middle school English teaching in the extensive use of multimedia technology environment can make schools and teachers understand the

24、importance and superiority of interactive teaching in English teaching. So as to the situation of English teaching in the multimedia environment, the effective use of interactive teaching mode so that students of English learning interest and teachers teaching efficiency is improved.2.Literature Rev

25、iewTo complete the thesis, the author read extensively and collected some related theories from the following aspects.2.1 DefinitionThis part mainly introduces two related concepts of this paper: multimedia and interactive teaching mode and their application in English teaching.Multimedia refers to

26、the computer and network technology as a basis. It is an integrated of system engineering. Using of multimedia, we can deal with text, sound, images and other forms of information. In the actual teaching, our common modern teaching media include slide, projector, video, television, network and other

27、 means. The effect is that “the more abstract things can be taught in an intuitive way, such as sound, shape, color, etc., directly resort to the students sensory organs (Xu 219-21).” The combination of the use of multimedia, breaks through time and space constraints for students to provide a more i

28、ntuitive, vivid, image of the emotional material that can mobilize omnidirectional senses to participate in teaching activities, greatly increased the participation of learners interest and enthusiasm. Compared with the traditional teaching mode, the modern multimedia teaching environment has create

29、d a good hardware environment for the smooth development of interactive English teaching mode in junior middle school.In traditional Chinese dictionary, the word “mode” is defined as a particular way of behaving or doing something, especially one that is instinctive, familiar, or habitual. However,

30、what is the teaching mode? So far in the country people have no unified view. I agree with the definition of Mr. Xia Huixian: on basis of forming teaching ideology and teaching pattern, strategy system in the process of teaching must follow the teaching procedures and methods of fixation, including

31、the combination of the teaching process, teaching program and corresponding strategies (Xia 12). On the basis of the above understanding, to define the interactive teaching mode is relatively easy. The so-called interactive teaching mode, between teachers and students use dialogue, research and exch

32、ange of learning with the teachers of inspiration and guidance, so as to form a harmonious interaction between teachers and students, students and students. Interactive teaching mode is through the interaction between the main information exchange, resulting in interactive understanding, teaching an

33、d learning. It is the teaching form which is the main characteristic of the teachers personality equality and the teaching process. The important value and significance in teaching are paid more and more attention (Sun&Cheng 86). Furthermore, it is the interaction mechanism between teacher-students

34、and environment that mobilizes students initiative, develops students creative thinking, cultivates students self-learning ability and shapes students good personality. This mode is not only a process of dynamic, open, discovery, interaction between teaching and learning, but also a process of commu

35、nication between teachers and students.2.2 Theoretical BasesThis part mainly introduces two related theories of this paper: constructive view of learning and interactive theory.Constructivism is the revolution of contemporary learning theory, which is an important force influencing the development o

36、f teaching design theory and practice (Zhong 10). Swiss psychologist Piaget first proposed constructivism. Piagets theory is full of materialist dialectics. He insisted on the cognitive development of children from the point of view of internal and external causes. He believes that children are in t

37、he process of interaction with the surrounding environment, and gradually build on the outside world of knowledge so that their own cognitive structure has been developed (He 74-81). Constructivism emphasizes that knowledge is constructed, and students are the subject of learning. They can play thei

38、r energies in order to accomplish meaningful learning. The content of the constructivist theory is very rich, but its core can be summed up in one sentence: student-centered, emphasizing students active exploration of knowledge, active discovery and active construction of the meaning of knowledge (r

39、ather than traditional teaching, just send the knowledge from the teachers mind to the students notebook) (He 12-16). Therefore, the theoretical basis of constructivism as the interactive teaching of junior high school English in the context of multimedia environment is suitable.Interactive theory i

40、s one of the most influential schools in contemporary social theory. It flourished at the beginning of the twentieth century and developed rapidly in the following decades and became the mainstreamtheory of western sociology in the late 1960s, and still occupies a pivotal position in sociological th

41、eory (Ma&Gao 378). Interaction means communicating with each other. It is an important concept in sociology and social psychology,and the interaction in todays pedagogy is due to social interaction. Social interaction refers to social interaction activities, mainly human psychological sympathetic an

42、d behavioral communication process.Among the many doctrines of interaction, the most typical is symbolic interaction theory. The theory is mainly derived from the psychologist W.James of Harvard University, American philosopher and sociologist D.H.Mead. James put forward the concept of social self,

43、which proves and distinguishes relationship between “material self”, “spirit self”, and “social self”. It is essential for the study of interactive process (G.H 1934). Mead believes that the individual, the self, the society are produced in the ongoing dialogue and communication, and human interacti

44、on was realized by meaningful action. Meads symbolic interaction main points of view include: first, mind, self and society are not separate structures, but the process of interpersonal symbol interaction. Second, language is the main mechanism of self and spiritual formation. Third, the mind is the

45、 internalization of social process, in fact,the process of internalization is the “self-interaction process” (Li 4). Fourth, the individuals behavior is influenced by his own definition of context. The process of defining or interpreting a situation is also a symbolic interaction.2.3 The Related Res

46、earch at Home and AbroadAttention has been paid to the study of interactive teaching by domestic and foreign scholars. These scholars have analyzed the interactive teaching from different angles, and put forward a lot of instructive theories.First, a study on the reflection of teacherSome scholars b

47、elieve that the way of teachers reflection can be divided into two categories: A. Speech reflection. When the student answers the teachers question, the teacher processes the students answer; B. Emotional reflection. Students positive thinking and rich emotional reactions are accompanied with each o

48、ther. Whether it is in the question, or after question.Second, a study on the time structure of interactive teachingAt present, Chinas primary and secondary classroom teaching is still “teacher-centered”. Teacher is the classroom teaching organizer and leader. Teachers strictly control the process o

49、f the classroom teaching.There is a serious lake of interaction between teachers and students. From the time perspective of communication can reflect our current classroom teaching with the teacher to the student “cramming”. This one-way communication is lack of specific feedback.Third, Parsons argu

50、es that interactive teaching should take full account of the interrelationships, especially between teachers and studentsClass is a formal education organization composed of teachers and students. It is a social system. Parsons pointes out that the teacher should deal with the value orientation of t

51、he following five pairs in guiding the students behavior: Emotional involvement and Emotional neutrality; Diffuse and Specificity; Universality and Particularity; Self-consistency and Pre-eminence; Self-oriented and Collective orientation.Fourth, the expectations of teachers on the implementation of

52、 interactive teaching effect and whether the smooth play an important roleSince the publication of the Rosenthal effect, people have extensively studied the self-fulfilling prophecy, that is, peoples expectations of “certain facts” or “real beliefs” will lead the realization of these expectations (S

53、un 103). It is believed that it is of great significance to the many psychological factors in classroom teaching. The large amount of evidence that continues to be found in the survey also confirms the expectation that there is a need for mutual contact between the practice environment and the non-e

54、xperimental society. With the deepening of research, people begin to try to explain the effect of teachers expectation. In recent years, many researchers believe that the environment can not be expected to be a simple social dichotomy, in addition to teachers, students should also study.3.The Applic

55、ation of Interactive English Mode in Junior Middle School in the Context of Multimedia EnvironmentAt present, the mainstream configuration of multimedia classroom in our country is a large screen projection system that it is based on multimedia computer. However, there are many problems in the appli

56、cation of multimedia. This part mainly analyzes the present situation of multimedia application and the present situation of English teaching in junior middle school.3.1 The Present Situation of Traditional English Teaching and English Teaching in Junior Middle SchoolFrom primary school to junior hi

57、gh school, high school, then to university, after more than 10 years of English learning, Chinese students should have the very high ability of using English. But the fact that many Chinese students can only say a few words or stutter, when they communicate with foreigners. The reason of this situat

58、ion is the traditional teaching mode.Traditional English teaching in primary and secondary schools,the teacher is the main role and the authority of knowledge. This is a kind of traditional mode, which is centered on teachers. It is not to use English as a communication tool, but as a stepping stone

59、 for further education. This kind of English teaching ignores the cultivation of students ability,which is not conducive to the development of students intelligence. Many junior high school English teachers actively adapt to the requirements of the new teaching materials, seize the opportunity, take advantage of the contingency, study the method of f


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