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1、11Unit 1 In China, we open a gift later./kp/tes/set/tpstIk/tI /vIdi/(有檐的有檐的)帽子帽子 n.cap国际象棋国际象棋 n.chess(同类事物同类事物的的)(一一)套,套,(一一)副,副,(一一)组组 n.a chess setset一副国际象棋一副国际象棋chopstickWords and expressionstoy(电子电子)视频的视频的 adj.玩具玩具 n. 筷子筷子 n.videovideo game/gI ft/spraI z/I mi:ditli/dI frns/ksept/trdI n/电子游戏电子游戏

2、礼物礼物 n.gift惊奇;意外之事惊奇;意外之事 n.使使(某人某人)吃惊吃惊 v. immediately立刻;当即立刻;当即 adv. 差别;差异差别;差异 n.difference收受;接受收受;接受 v.accept传统习俗传统习俗 n.traditionsurprise/I gzmpl/for example/mst; mst/mn/sIris/teI st/IkspIrins/例子;实例例子;实例 n.example例如例如must必须;应该必须;应该 v. aux.serious月;月份月;月份 n.认真严肃的;认真严肃的;不开玩笑的不开玩笑的 adj.month有有的味道的味

3、道 v.味道;滋味味道;滋味 n.tasteexperience经历;经验经历;经验 n.2 Match the words and expressions in Activity 1 with the pictures.chess set toy baseball capvideo gamedictionarychocolate chopsticksQuestions:What present do they want to buy for Lingling? 重点单词和词组 Heres your gift 给你的礼物 here you are ! What a surprise! 好惊讶呀

4、! What + 形+名 , how+形 I dont think I should我想我不应该 immediately = at once / right away 立刻,马上 You neednt wait ! 你不必等 present = gift 礼物 notice 注意 difference (名词)差别,差异 different (形容词)不同的 accept 接受 (表示结果) receive 收到 (表示动作) 重点单词和词组 pay much attention to 太注意 Thats interesting = sounds interesting 听起来有趣 Chine

5、se traditions 中国的传统 for example = such as 例如 mustnt do any cleaning 禁止做任何打扫 break 打碎 Its bad luck! 这是倒霉的 red means luck. 红色代表幸运 have your hair cut 剪头发 have sth. done You cant be serious! 你不必那么认真 perfect = great / wonderful 太好了 celebrate 庆祝Now check () what you usually do in China.1 Open a present im

6、mediately when you receive it.2 Accept a present with both hands.3 Use red paper for hongbao.4 Do cleaning on the first day of the Spring Festival.5 Cut your hair during the Spring Festival.6 Break something during the Spring Festival.4 Complete the passage with the words in the box. It is always a(

7、n)(1) to receive gifts from family members and friends. In China, we usually (2) a gift with both hands and open it later. But in the west, people usually do not pay much (3) to that. During the Spring Festival, there are many (4) . For example, people in thenorth of China eat lots of jiaozi. They (

8、5) great.accept attention surprise taste traditionstraditionssurpriseacceptattentiontaste5 Read and predict how the speaker will pronounce the underlined words. 1 I dont think I open it now.2 You wait.3 You break anything.4 You only use red paper for hongbao.5 cut your hair during the Spring Festiva

9、l month.Now listen and check.shouldshouldntmustntmustYou had better not6 Read the sentences in Activity 5 aloud.7 Think about what you must and mustnt / cant do in the situations. Write notes.Must Mustnt/ cant At schoolPut up your hand before you talkAt the dining tabletalk with food in your mouthNo

10、w work in pairs. Say what you mustnt/ cant do. Grammar Focus 情态动词情态动词 must, can need等等( (能能) )( (最好最好) )( (需要需要) )( (必须必须) )( (不得不不得不) )情态动词后面情态动词后面 + + 动词原形动词原形情态动词没有情态动词没有人称人称和和数数的变化的变化I can not play basketball. I need buy / bought a computer. She can / cans ride a horse. Amy need / needs buy a bo

11、ok.否定式构成是在情态动词后面加否定式构成是在情态动词后面加 not not I can play / played basketball. ( (能能) )用法用法: 表示能力表示能力 :He can speak a little English. Can you fly? 表示请求或允许表示请求或允许 : Can I help you? 表示猜测表示猜测 :That can not be our English teacher, because she has gone to Shanghai . could也可表示请求,语气委婉,主要用于也可表示请求,语气委婉,主要用于疑问句疑问句,

12、不可用于肯定句,答语应用不可用于肯定句,答语应用canCould I come to see you tomorrow? Yes, you can. (否定答语可用(否定答语可用No, Im afraid not.) 用法用法:表示请求或允许表示请求或允许 : May I go home,please? (1)以以may(表许可或请求)开头的一般疑问句(表许可或请求)开头的一般疑问句,肯定回肯定回答用答用may,否定回答用,否定回答用mustnt或或cant. (2)在疑问句在疑问句中不用于第二人称中不用于第二人称 表示可能性表示可能性 :You may be right. No, you _

13、 ( (可以可以) )Yes, you may.might为为may的过去式,但也可以代替的过去式,但也可以代替may,语气较为婉转客气或更加不肯定。语气较为婉转客气或更加不肯定。 You might be right. mustnt / you cant.试比较试比较 : You may not smoke here(不可以不可以) 语气轻语气轻 You cant smoke here(不能)重(不能)重 You mustnt smoke here(决不可)最重(决不可)最重 用法用法:既可以做情态动词既可以做情态动词, 也可以做实意动词也可以做实意动词 实意动词实意动词 (need to

14、do sth) : 情态动词情态动词 (need do sth) I need buy a big house. ( (需要需要) )He need drive me home. Do I need to buy a big house ? He needs to buy a big house. Need I buy a big house ? - Yes, you must.- No, you neednt / dont have to. (不必要不必要)- Yes, you do. /- No, you dont. 用法用法: 表示推测表示推测“肯定,一定肯定,一定” : 表示义务、必要

15、或命令表示义务、必要或命令 : You must come early tomorrow -Must I finish my homework first? They must be at home. The light is on. - Yes, you must. - No, you dont have to/ neednt. ( (必须必须) )must开头的疑问句,其否定回答通常用开头的疑问句,其否定回答通常用 dont have to 或或neednt 。而不用。而不用mustnt ( (禁止禁止) ) 否定时表示否定时表示 “禁止禁止” :You mustnt smoke here

16、. 用法用法:Its eleven oclock . I have to go now .It was getting dark. He had to finish the work first . I dont have to go now . He doesnt have to finish the work first.( (必须必须) )have to 表示客观因素表示客观因素We are very glad at the party , but its 11 , so we have to leave now .must 表示主观因素表示主观因素We must study hard

17、to find a good job for ourselves .( (必须必须) )My brother was very ill, so I call the doctor in the middle of the night. He said that they work hard. You dont have to tell him about it. You mustnt tell him about it. 你不一定要把此事告诉他。你不一定要把此事告诉他。 你一定不要把这件事告诉他你一定不要把这件事告诉他 .had tomusthad better意为意为“最好最好”,表示建议和

18、劝告,表示建议和劝告,简略式为简略式为d better,否定式为,否定式为had better not,后面跟动词原形。后面跟动词原形。You had better go to see a doctor.Youd better not stay here.( (最好最好) )3. youd better not have your hair cut during the Spring Festival month.你最好不要在正月里剪头发。你最好不要在正月里剪头发。youd better do sth. 最好做某事最好做某事youd better not do sth 最好不要做某事最好不要做

19、某事Youd better make sure how much the sofa is.你最好弄清楚那沙发到底多少钱。你最好弄清楚那沙发到底多少钱。Youd better not mention the matter when you talk with him.和他谈话时和他谈话时,最好不要提这件事。最好不要提这件事。Exercises 1. Could I borrow your dictionary? Yes, of course you _. A. might B. will C. can D. should2. You _ return the book now. You can keep it till ne


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