1、Boss you know the lice nse?Managementknowledge,art, and many companiesoften shoutedslogans“ managementto be effective,whe n the size of a compa ny is small, seve n or eight people, two or three guns, the boss is both a salesman is also managers, policy makers, the boss completelyDezhuanWith the furt
2、her expa nsion of en terprise scale, the in crease in the nu mberof employees, the size of themarket and customers are con sta ntly in creas ing, and this time, the corporate nu mber one on the un likely han ds, the most importa nt job is not steward of the bus in ess own ers, but personnel.formatio
3、nof a team of Tarawa, leadingthem to conq uer the world with man ageme nt, which is the right way. Like Han dynasty, Liu Bang DaJiangShan troops in war not as good as Han Xin (en gaged in sales, strategiz ing, wi nning thousa nds of miles (plott ing, not as good as Zhang Lia ng internal back office
4、adm ini strati on as Xiao(en gagein adm ini strativepers onn el,finan cialmanagement,but ultimately rely on these hotshots Andcreate a the Han Dyn asty jia ngsha n. want that Han Xin At first Xia ng Yu army but a small grassroots leadership, lackof Xia ng Yu reuse after seek ing refuge with Liu Bang
5、, LiuBang was on stage tha nks to the seal for his troops and horses gen eralissimo con trast, force Nukiyama Xi heroes,“ Xia ng Yu had the militarystre ngth,the stre ngth andfinancial resources than Liu Bangqiang eventually ended up Farewell My Con cub ine,committi ng suicide in theWujiang fate of
6、Apple founder Steve Jobs once said, ” I thi nk an excelle nt staff can top two ordinary employees, and now I have found an excellent staff can top 50 ordinary employees, Alibaba foun derJack Ma said,“employing the biggest breakthrough trust” . shows thatthe modernenterprisemanagementpersonnel, makeg
7、ood use of people is how importa nt it is, and sometimes directly related to the success or failure of the en terprise!Help a bus in ess con sult ing service, found that the internal managementof the companythere is a very seriousproblem, like this managementissues, many small andmediumenterprisesin
8、 the country,I summarized andproposed their own soluti on to the views and approaches, it is not good at authorized management to domestic small and medium-sized bus in esses to en lighte nment.A. Man agers must“resp on sibilities,rights andinterests ” clearlyChairman of the board and generalman age
9、r exists some employees directly in terve ne in the man ageme ntof primary subord in ates level employeesdirectly report to the boss, ignore the above level employees there are department heads, departmental leadership the famous without management real power. Rely on the en terprise work ing hours
10、long and placed the vetera n, not the departme nt heads looked dow n, lead ing to the departmentleadership prestige the managementreal power, it can not play the value and role of the in pa niesmustimpleme nthierarchicalmanagementsystem, the chairmanof the board andgen eral man ager try
11、to do assume corresp onding responsibilitiesnot ultra vires the direct managementofthe departme nt heads of subord in ates to the departme nt leadership power sector leadership,bus in essman ageme nt resp on sibilities, powers, i nterests are mutual in divisible whole resp on sibility must have the
12、right, which also received in terests.In a word, the gen eral man agerin relati on to the dry matter of the gen eral man ager, the departme nt heads in relatio n to the dry sector leadership things level employees in relati on to dry things good levelemployees, on the con trary, the gen eral man age
13、r did the departmentheads of the dry matter, departmentheadsdry in the dry matter of the grass-roots workers, and the world will be throw n into chaos.II. Stren gthe n trai ningand education for new and old employees Employees work in a bus in ess, usually concerned with three issues, the first isth
14、e righttreatme nt,andsec ond,thedevelopme ntof space,can lear nandgrow intheen terprise. If these three requireme nts can not be met, the employee tur no ver will be very freque nt, is not con ducive to the Iong-termdevelopmentof the enterprise. Newstaff as soon as possible in order to make it in te
15、grate into the en terprise, it is n ecessary to make it un dersta nd and lear n the compa ny culture, day-to-dayma nageme ntsystem. Strengthen the educationand trainingof newemployees and old employees, older employees either to affirm their firm contribution also can not work a long time to breedco
16、mplace ncy,crowd ing out new ordisobedie nee departme ntal leadership and man ageme nt, especially the in dividualen terprisesare not any goodcorporate new hires will bring new bus in ess man ageme nt thinking, newbus in essphilosophy,en terprisedevelopme nt can only be good.Newcomers crowd ing isno
17、t receptive to new ideas and new con cepts, en terprises will lack vitality and a source of further innovationanddevelopment. “ Be tolerantto diversity, toleranee is avirtue ” of the teachings of our ancestors is justified, we have aprofo undun dersta ndingof it.III.Decisi on-mak ingshouldencoun ter
18、,authorizatio nmanagementThe size of the company s day-to-daymanagementof affairs, are chairman of signingto theimplementation of decision makers entangledin theday-to-day ma nageme nt of affairs, ofte n is the abse nee of thechairmanor general managercannot solvetheproblems at work, work progress will lag work efficie ncy willbe low,because the powersnotdelegated to department heads Zuobulezhu. boss right of approvalshould be sig ned by some of the day-to-day is not a majordecisi on problemdirectly delegated to the releva nt departme nts o
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