1、Live platform meat soup an chor an chor bigin come gapResearch papers Downl oad News: More tha n 200 live blog platform is still in full swing melee bit, burn a sta ndard positi on.However, the bus in ess field of liveplatform is not just losing money earned crying, with a virtual gift as a value-ad
2、ded service into n atural attributes.An chor every penny of in come, the platform should be and extract 30% -70% of water, un der the n ati onal carni val, live platform pump ing in come is very con siderable.Uni versal platform take the bulkTraditi onal show era has bee n replaced by uni versalmobi
3、le broadcast, live en terta inment this year, the rise inthe birth of more than 200 broadcast platform. Heat straight red net econo mic rise, the lege ndary no homewill be able to make big money has become a reality. However, the amount of money not only anchor, live platform is a boon.Reporters sel
4、ected 6 mobile TV App for the survey,which are reflected off, pepper, a live, ha you, easy to live,ME live.Accordi ngASO100 dow nload real-time listshows the heat, before 5 App in the social sector in tur n ranked 1,9,14,26,189, ME live en tertai nment sector ran ked at 46.Reflected off the broadcas
5、t, the reporter received areward friends virtualenan tiomersobta inedenvelope1.56 yuan.gifts worth five yua n, the total50 votes, you can receive a redThus calculated anchor revenue share is 31.2%.Subseque ntly, the reporter on the con sumpti on of pepper live six yua n a reward for the friends virt
6、ual gifts, The frie nds pepper earned 60 credits, con vertible reve nue is 4.2 yuan. Anchorrevenue share is 70%, pepperplatform to get ano ther 30%.The proporti on close alsoeasy to live.Reporters on the consumer easily live 10yua n a reward for the frien ds, the frie nds in come of 7 millio n, reve
7、 nue share is 70%.In addition,the reporter on a live broadcast afterreceivinga gift worth $ 6, a total of 180 diamondsharvested cash acco unt bala nee is displayed as 1.8 yua n, an chor reve nue share of 30% participati on in the platform into about 70%.And you live in Kazakhsta n, the reporter rece
8、ived a gift worth about 5.9 yua n, access to Star 590, can obta in a total amount of 2.36 yuan to mentionnow, about 40%reve nue share.ME situati on encoun tered in live platform is not the same, you receive a reward worth $ 6 gift reporters after the broadcast, but were un able to withdraw cash ben
9、efits, but users with a gift of in timacy has improved.Reporters con firmed to several broadcast platforms, each platformin to the proporti onof basic in vestigati onand prese nted the same, butalso in volves someadditional costs. Ha you live in personnelexplained toreporters that the withdrawal amo
10、unt will be deducted pers onalin come tax, while the proporti on of dividedaccord ing to the differe nt stages and an chor cha nge in a stepwise ma nner.Yin g-off pers onnel, said reve nue shareand an chor the platform should be 32:68 get, particularly if related to pers onal in come tax and other e
11、xpe nses is un clear. In additi on, ME live pers onn el, said the platform anchor returns to more than 10 yuan will be able to withdraw cash, and an chorthe platformin totheproporti on is 3: 7.For now, 30% -70% range is divided into did not cause too much impact on the user platform of choice. Repor
12、ters in terviewed several live players, mostly expressed through word of mouth publicity and social tools for selecti on, into such a gap is not un derstood.An chor large in come disparitiesAs a primary an chor, limited in come is not the same as net red an chor attractive.However, live platform int
13、othe main is not small players, after an in vestigati on found that the ear nings of the six home hot in ter net web push red an chor can illustrate this point.In each of these platforms have hun dredsofthousands or even millions of fans of the red network profile, almost all the millio ns or eve n
14、tens of millio ns of virtual property in the account, should accordingto theproporti on of cash in come is very con siderable, too, live platform from which to but also get a lot of profit.It is worth noting that most of the network broadcast platform red anchor and is a signatory to the relatio nsh
15、ip, therefore, divided and ben efits will not n ecessarily maintain com mon platform to allocate the algorithm.Street street pers onn el, said at the beg inning, there will be in sura nee con tract an chor base wage, after fans go alone in to the model to make mon ey. But how much an chor into their
16、 own guild where resources related good or bad, good guild resources pumped into a little more. Curre ntly, live platform will not disclose the specific part of the an chor draw n in proporti on.A lot of platforms are canceled anchor salary, curre ntly outsta nding content will an chor the prese nee
17、 of basic salary, but divided into a com mon an chor, the future, or to rely on their own to optimizein dividual an chorbroadcast content to get a better in come , ME live aspectstaff said.Yin g-off pers onn el, admitted that it is not curre ntly reflected off the sig n an chor.Ano ther in dustry so
18、urces, mostly from the sig ning of the an chor compa ny or n etwork model red brokerage firm, by its own agents and professionalmanagementteam and other professi onal n etworks to help train these red, and help them do the content and promoti on as well as pick up some bus in ess publicity related t
19、o live work.These compa nies live or teamwork with an chor platform output, platform settled into proporti on.Publiclyavailabledata, n etwork red in dustrialoutput value is expectedthis year will be close to 58billi on yua n, show ing that there is more room for profit TV platform can be developed.A
20、lthough most live platformin depe ndent and un willi ng to disclose their own reve nues as well as the number of anchor platform, but can still microblogg ing with un familiar street earnings to live this part of the reve nue service in formed two.Live microblogg ingsec ondquarter results,screeningo
21、ver 10 millioninternet field, in June 7.73millio n people watch daily, 387,000 hours long whe n the average daily viewing.The latest research report withearnings disclosure Morga n Stanley released a short video products (sec ond shot) and Air Products (a broadcast) is push ing Weibo user growth is
22、expected in the nu mber of mon thly active users will reach 400 millio n in 2018.In addition, the street street a quarter of thisyearreported a live service in a few mon ths time will grow into unfamiliar street largest source of revenue, contributed $ 15.6 millio n, or 30.7% of total reve nue.Hemat
23、opoietic ability Live platform no doubt, but they con stitute the red net in come for the con tributi on of the major broadcast platform supporters.Earn better to burn fasterChi na In ternet Network In formation Cen ter (CNNIC) rece ntly released data show that as of the end of June this year, Chine
24、se netizens reached 710 million, of which the webcast users reached 325 millio n, acco unting for 45.8% of Internet users in gen eral, and in the first half, only live chat live show proporti on of In ter net users acco un ted for 19.2%. This is part of the bonus can not be split by thehundredsof co
25、mpaniestogether, than of consultinganalyst Chen Biao analysis, as in previous years of the Hundred Regiments in general, the market will eventually only a few platforms in the world, especially especially in the curre nt situati on none of profit platform.In fact, all the people live on a very low t
26、hreshold of com mon sen se, any user can participate. However, the contents of the real and lasti ng effects to form viscous fan is not easy to put this part of the platform requireme nts are very high.There patr onplatform can supplycon ti nu ousflow of funds and enhance their own in flue nee, the
27、ability to attract an chor, eve n celebrities, celebrities to advertise. However, most of the small platform, but must rely on the net impact of red anchor, so destiny models,red neteconomy companies dominate,even if dividedby thehigher an chor to attract an chor will easily be shuffl ing out, in du
28、stry sources said blun tly.Chen Biao analysts said, the major cost webcast ban dwidth, an chor, content, market ing aspects, especially the ban dwidth pressure, someun favorablefinancingsmall platform un bearable. Therefore, only rely on virtual gifts and advertis ing into these types of limited liquidity manner difficult to adhere to. Live platform content relatively homoge neous,graduallystrict regulatoryandother factors will also achieve
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