电流斑 和电击死_第1页
电流斑 和电击死_第2页
电流斑 和电击死_第3页
电流斑 和电击死_第4页
电流斑 和电击死_第5页
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1、Electric mark and electrocution death电流斑和电击死 characteristicCase analysisElectric mark caseElectric markContentElectric mark and electrocutionreasonElectrocution deathMADE BYYUJISHAN characteristicElectric mark caseElectric markElectric markElectric marks generally have an irregularly rounded shape,

2、and are oval 0.5 to 1 cm in diameter.They shape like an Caldera, scar hard and dry and have clear boundaries with the surrounding tissues reasonCase analysisElectrocution deathElectric mark and electrocutionMADE BYYUJISHAN characteristicElectric mark caseElectric markElectric markElectrical mark is

3、one of the crucial morphological findings on the body of a person who received a fatal electric shock and it is often the evidence of contact between the body and electricity, and contact area is small. Electric mark and electrocutionreasonCase analysisElectrocution deathMADE BYYUJISHAN characterist

4、icElectric markElectric mark casereason某地从河中捞上一具无名男尸,尸体上身罩着麻袋,麻袋内装有17.5kg重的石头和死者的书包。经尸表检验,在手上发现一些创口,其中右手食指第三指节处有一呈圆形,直径5-10mm,色灰白或灰黄,质坚硬、干燥,中央凹陷,周围稍隆起,边缘钝圆,形似火山口,外周可有充血环,与周围组织分界清楚的创口。Electric mark caseCase analysisElectrocution deathElectric mark and electrocutionMADE BYYUJISHAN characteristicElectr

5、ic markCase analysisreason圆形,直径5-10mm,色灰白或灰黄,质坚硬、干燥,中央凹陷,周围稍隆起,边缘钝圆,形似火山口,外周可有充血环,与周围组织分界清楚的创口。Electric mark caseCase analysis某地从河中捞上一具无名男尸,尸体上身罩着麻袋,麻袋内装有17.5kg重的石头和死者的书包。经尸表检验,在手上发现一些创口,其中右手食指第三指节处有一呈A typical electric mark.In cases where the electrical mark on the skin is absent, the cause of deat

6、h is often electrocutionElectrocution deathElectric mark and electrocutionMADE BYYUJISHAN characteristicElectric mark caseElectric markCase analysisOn the following situation the electrocution death is very difficult to form a typical electrical mark: (1)When the skin is moisture. (2 power supply is

7、 contact with the skin closely (3) Electrocution when voltage is under 220-volt (4) there is some dirt at the current entry or exit on the skin . (5)The area that current contact with the skin is large.reasonCase analysisElectrocution death死者被发现时是在河里,皮肤潮湿,不太可能形成如此典型的电流斑,只能说明很可能生前就已经被电击了Electric mark

8、 and electrocutionMADE BYYUJISHAN characteristicElectric mark caseElectric markCase analysisHow to Identify of electrical mark before and after death : 非特异性酷酶Non一PsecificEsteres(N.S.E)组织化学方法生前与死后短时间内的电损伤皮肤胶原纤维上NSE活性有显著差别P(0.05),电击后存活时间越长,电流斑皮肤周围的酷酶着色反应越深,范围越宽。光学显微镜下观察电流斑死后电流斑无弹力纤维收缩现象,真皮层无充血、坏死reaso

9、nCase analysisElectrocution death参考文献:生前与死后电击伤皮肤NSE活性的观察_竞花兰Electric mark and electrocutionMADE BYYUJISHAN characteristicElectric markElectric mark casereason某地从河中捞上一具无名男尸,尸体上身罩着麻袋,麻袋内装有17.5kg重的石头和死者的书包。经尸表检验,在手上发现一些创口,其中右手食指第三指节处有一呈圆形,直径5-10mm,色灰白或灰黄,质坚硬、干燥,中央凹陷,周围稍隆起,边缘钝圆,形似火山口,外周可Electric mark ca

10、seCase analysisElectrocution death有充血环,与周围组织分界清楚的创口。说明是生前电流斑Electric mark and electrocutionMADE BYYUJISHAN characteristicElectric markElectrocution death 电击死reasonElectrocution is death caused by electric shock, electric current passing through the body.Electric mark caseCase analysisElectrocution d

11、eathElectric mark and electrocutionMADE BYYUJISHAN characteristicElectric markElectrocution deathreasonwhen people dead by electrocution , we can usually see the following featuresElectric mark caseCase analysisElectrocution deathElectric mark 电流斑Electrical burn 电烧伤Electric metallization of skin 皮肤金

12、属化Electric Shock veins 电击纹Internal changes 内部变化osseous pearls 骨珍珠Electric mark and electrocution检验电击死尸体时,我们通常可以这些特征MADE BYYUJISHAN characteristicElectric markElectrocution deathreasonElectric mark caseCase analysisElectrocution deathElectric metallization of skin皮肤金属化Electric Shock veins电击纹Electric

13、mark and electrocutionMADE BYYUJISHAN characteristicElectric markElectrocution deathreasonElectric mark caseCase analysisElectrocution deathElectrical burnosseous pearls骨珍珠Electric mark and electrocutionMADE BYYUJISHAN characteristicElectric markHow to identify electrocution deathreasonElectric mark caseCase analysisElectrocution deathElectric mark and electrocutionExclude of other causes of death combined with crime scene the autopsy found electrocution death feature 尸检发


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