已阅读5页,还剩35页未读 继续免费阅读




1、 任务型阅读是南京市近几年来的任务型阅读是南京市近几年来的一种中考题型,要求考生根据阅读文一种中考题型,要求考生根据阅读文章提供的信息,根据不同的要求,完章提供的信息,根据不同的要求,完成相关的任务。常常以阅读短文填表成相关的任务。常常以阅读短文填表格、阅读短文回答问题或阅读短文填格、阅读短文回答问题或阅读短文填空等形式出现。空等形式出现。考试说明解读:考试说明解读:Learning aims:2.To learn to grasp some skills of doing Task-based reading . 要学会把握做任务型阅读的一些技巧要学会把握做任务型阅读的一些技巧 1.To l

2、earn to grasp the steps of doing Task-based reading.要学会把握做任务型阅读的步骤要学会把握做任务型阅读的步骤ATravelling is a very good activity. When you get tired of your work or study, and when you you are not busy, you can go to a beautiful place to enjoy the beauty of nature or other cities. You can take in fresh air, meet

3、 different people and make friends with them. It is good for your health to do so.But sometimes, travelling is not an enjoyable thing. For example, the weather can be changeable too often, when you get tired of your work or study, and when you have free time. You may catch a cold or be ill while tra

4、velling. The worst thing is some bad persons may steal your money. All these may happen to a tourist.When you go on a trip, you must get everything ready. Firstly, you must have clear information about the weather. Secondly, ask a friend to go with you so that you can help each other. Thirdly, you m

5、ust be careful everywhere and try not to cause accidents. If you do this, you will surely enjoy our travel. 任务型解析任务型解析 Travelling is a very good activity )ask a friend to go with you so that you can help each other .)2. Advantages (有下面的缺点而得知,词性转化)有下面的缺点而得知,词性转化)3. free( and when you are not busy . 不

6、忙就是空闲的不忙就是空闲的)4. breatheenjoy(You can take in fresh air 吸入新鲜的空气就是呼吸) 同义词组转化) 6unenjoyable ( travelling is not an enjoyable thing )the weather can be changeable too often 词性的转化) 8 .thieves(The worst thing is some bad persons may steal your money) 概括概括9. prepare(you must get everything ready )概括概括 Tra

7、velling is a very good activity )ask a friend to go with you so that you can help each other .)捕捉信息能力捕捉信息能力信息查找题信息查找题2. Advantages (有下面的缺点而得知,词性转化)有下面的缺点而得知,词性转化)3. free( and when you are not busy . 不忙就是空闲的不忙就是空闲的)4. breatheenjoy(You can take in fresh air 吸入新鲜的空气就是呼吸) 同义词组转化) 6unenjoyable ( travelli

8、ng is not an enjoyable thing )the weather can be changeable too often 词性的转化) 信息加工能力信息加工能力信息转换题信息转换题8 .thieves(The worst thing is some bad persons may steal your money) 9. prepare(you must get everything ready )概括信息能力概括信息能力 信息归纳题信息归纳题The title of this article(62) (63) of travellingThe activity is goo

9、d. When you are tired of your work or study, and when you are (64) , you can go to a beautiful place to enjoy the beauty. You can also (65) fresh air, meet different people and make friends.Disadvantages of travellingBut at (66) , travelling is an (67) thing. For example, the weather can often (68)

10、. You may catch a cold or get ill while travelling. The worst thing is the persons called (69) may steal your money.Before going on a trip, you should (70) you everything. Firstly, you must have clear information about the weather. Secondly, ask a friend to go with you so (71) each of you can get he

11、lp. Thirdly, you must be careful everywhere and try not to cause accidents. travellingadvantagesfreebreathetimesunenjoyablechangethievespreparethatHow to do a task-based reading(任务型阅读)? Steps(步骤)? Question style(题型)?Skills(技巧)?(写在白纸上)DiscussionDiscussion1.任务表格任务表格(tasks)2.文段短文文段短文(passage)略读略读任务任务记住

12、记住任务任务略读略读文段首尾句、段文段首尾句、段带着任务带着任务细读细读在文段中做标记在文段中做标记定位定位对比对比文段中标记处文段中标记处和对应任务和对应任务stepssteps(步骤)(步骤)常见题型常见题型Find answers directly 直接直接Change formsSum up1 信息信息查找查找题题(searching) 2 信息信息转换转换题题 (transition) 3 信息信息归纳归纳题题(summary)Indirectly 间接间接信息查找题信息查找题 解题技巧(以解题技巧(以B篇为例):篇为例):2.常用方法常用方法: 带着问题有意识地在关键处带着问题有意

13、识地在关键处做标记做标记。1.解题关键解题关键: 根据问题查找根据问题查找定位定位信息。信息。 真题解析真题解析 审视文章结构的小标题审视文章结构的小标题When attending shows,查找得知文章答案为,查找得知文章答案为并且注意首字母大写。并且注意首字母大写。When attending shows.Attending 信息查信息查找题找题查找小标题得知查找小标题得知5._showsHaving meals 真题解析真题解析Enter during the 8_ ,if you are late .定位查找定位查找得知得知If you are late, wait until t

14、he break to enter.在文章中定位查找得知,答案为在文章中定位查找得知,答案为break 信息查信息查找题找题 真题解析真题解析Clap your hands 9_After an excellent performance ,clap your hands warmly .在文章中定位查找得知,所以答案为在文章中定位查找得知,所以答案为warmly 信息查信息查找题找题定位查找得知定位查找得知(1) 词性转换词性转换常常见见的的 转转换换方方式式(2) 词汇转换词汇转换(3) 句型转换句型转换n. - v. - adj.- adv间的转化间的转化前缀前缀 / 后缀后缀同义词同义

15、词 /反义词反义词解释解释, 定义定义固定词组固定词组语法匹配语法匹配 (to, -ing, -ed, 主被动)主被动)连词、介词的运用连词、介词的运用固定句型固定句型信息转换题信息转换题 解题关键解题关键: 根据问题查找根据问题查找定位定位信息,加工分析并信息,加工分析并转换转换成另一种表达方式。成另一种表达方式。 真题解析真题解析Dont 1_to the front of the line文章中文章中cut在在instead of后面,所以用后面,所以用cutting,而图表中的任务在,而图表中的任务在Dont之后,之后,所以用所以用When waiting in a lineWait

16、Patiently instead of cutting to the front of the line.动原动原cut信息转信息转换题换题词性转换词性转换 真题解析真题解析Thank those for holding your spot after you are 2_文章中句子是文章中句子是when you return,返回,返回用的是用的是return,而图表中的任务是句子而图表中的任务是句子after you are _,只能用同意词组只能用同意词组be back,所以答案为所以答案为Ask them to kindly hold your spot, and thank the

17、m when you return .back信息转信息转换题换题同意词转换同意词转换 真题解析真题解析Dont use your cameras when they are 3_文章中句子是两个字文章中句子是两个字not welcome,而图而图表中的任务是一个空格表中的任务是一个空格,只能用前缀来转只能用前缀来转换换,所以答案为所以答案为but when cameras are not welcome,dont turn yours on. unwelcome 信息转信息转换题换题前缀和后缀转换前缀和后缀转换 真题解析真题解析Dont push and scream for 4_ souv

18、enirs.文章中说纪念品被分完,根文章中说纪念品被分完,根据常识推理应该是免费的,所以答案为据常识推理应该是免费的,所以答案为If souvenirs are handed out ,dont push and scream .Be polite and wait your turn.free信息转信息转换题换题另选其它词来另选其它词来释义释义 真题解析真题解析Never answer your phone 6_ a performance.文章中句子是文章中句子是while引导的时间状语从句,是引导的时间状语从句,是句子,而图标中横线后是句子,而图标中横线后是a performance,显

19、显然要转换一个介词,而且意思在、然要转换一个介词,而且意思在、期间,所以答案为期间,所以答案为Never answer your phone while a performance is going on. during 信息转信息转换题换题同义词转换同义词转换 真题解析真题解析Dont laugh at the performers 7_,文章中句子为主从复合句,图表中句子为一文章中句子为主从复合句,图表中句子为一个简单句,并且根据两句句意翻译对比后转个简单句,并且根据两句句意翻译对比后转换,答案为换,答案为Dont laugh at the performers when they mak

20、e mistakes. mistakes 信息转信息转换题换题句子结构转换句子结构转换 真题解析真题解析Purpose : To remind people to behave properly before 10_visitors at theExpo.把文章定位在把文章定位在visitors from other countries,而图表中的任务是一个空格而图表中的任务是一个空格,只能用海外的来只能用海外的来释义转换释义转换,所以答案为所以答案为Expo,please read the following tips so that you behave properly and show

21、 off Chinas best face to visitors from other countries.信息转信息转换题换题foreign另选其它另选其它词来释意词来释意概括性概括性针对性针对性醒目性醒目性信息归纳题信息归纳题归纳词归纳词的特征的特征(在最大程度上覆盖栏内信息(在最大程度上覆盖栏内信息)(量体裁衣,大小适度(量体裁衣,大小适度)(简洁)(简洁)1.解题关键:解题关键:根据问题查找根据问题查找定位定位信息,找信息,找共共 性性的东西的东西,归纳概括出归纳概括出最佳最佳答案。答案。2. reason (s) cause(s) result effect conclusion

22、advantages disadvantagesway(s) solution(s)常见概括性词常见概括性词原因原因方法方法 优劣优劣结论结论观点观点 idea(s) opinion(s) thoughts结果结果目的目的 aim purpose 建议建议advice suggestion(s)主题主题title topic _: Showing off Chinas best faceOccasions (场合场合)Donts DosWaiting in lineDont 1_to the front of the lineWait patientlyThank those for hold

23、ing your spot after you are 2_Touring the ExpoDont touch or climb on exhibitsDont use your cameras when they are 3_Dont push and scream for 4_ souvenirs.Be polite and wait for your turn.backunwelcome / forbiddenfreecut5_shows Dont walk in late Dont leave in the middle of a musical or a stage playNev

24、er answer your phone 6_ a performance.Dont laugh at the performers 7_Enter during the 8_ ,if you are late .Wait until a scene is over,if youmake an early exitTurn off your mobile phone or set it to silent modeClap your hands 9_Having meals Dont talk loudly at mealsDont stay too long at your table af

25、ter mealsPolitely move on to another place.Purpose : To remind people to behave properly before 10_ visitors at the Expo.AttendingduringmistakesbreakWarmlyforeign/international/overseas讨论总结讨论总结 1.任务型阅读的解题步骤。任务型阅读的解题步骤。 2.任务型阅读的常见题型任务型阅读的常见题型 3.任务型阅读的解题技巧。任务型阅读的解题技巧。1.任务任务(tasks)2.文段文段(passage)略读略读任务

26、任务记住记住任务任务略读略读文段首尾句、段文段首尾句、段带着任务带着任务细读细读在文段中做标记在文段中做标记定位定位对比对比文段中标记处文段中标记处和对应任务和对应任务stepssteps常见题型常见题型Find answers directly 直接直接Change formsSum up1 信息信息查找查找题题(searching) 2 信息信息转换转换题题 (transition) 3 信息信息归纳归纳题题(summary)Indirectly 间接间接信息查找题信息查找题 解题技巧:解题技巧:2.常用方法常用方法: 带着问题有意识地在关键处带着问题有意识地在关键处做标记做标记。1.解题

27、关键解题关键: 根据问题查找根据问题查找定位定位信息。信息。信息转换题信息转换题(1).词性转换词性转换(2).句子结构转换句子结构转换(5).另选其它词来释义另选其它词来释义(3).同义词和反义词转换同义词和反义词转换(4).前缀和后缀转换前缀和后缀转换1.解题关键解题关键: 根据问题查找定位信息,加工分析并转换根据问题查找定位信息,加工分析并转换成另一种表达方式。成另一种表达方式。2.常常见见的的 转转换换方方式式概括性概括性针对性针对性醒目性醒目性信息归纳题信息归纳题归纳词归纳词的特征的特征(在最大程度上覆盖栏内信息(在最大程度上覆盖栏内信息)(量体裁衣,大小适度(量体裁衣,大小适度)(简洁)(简洁)1.解题关键:解题关键:根据问题查找定位信息,找共根据问题查找定位信息,找共性的东西。性的东西。2. Three places of interest in 1 The Old Town of LijiangIt takes a few hours from Da


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