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1、Lesson 3 STRUCTURAL SAFETY AND RELIABILITY 结构的安全性和可靠性 案例 钢结构自使用至今,国内外已发生过多起事故,造 成了巨大的经济损失和人员伤亡,其中较为著名的有: 1907年,加拿大魁北克桥(Quebec)在架设过程中由于 悬臂端的杆件失稳,导致桥上75人遇难;1960年,罗 马尼亚布加勒斯特的一座直径为90m的圆球面单层网壳 因失稳发生倒塌事故;1978年,美国哈特福特城的体 育场网架因为压杆弯曲而坠落到地面;2007年,上海 环球金融中心在施工中发生火灾事故,使整个钢结构性 能被破坏。而2003年,美国纽约世贸中心大楼在9.11 事件中的轰然倒

2、塌,这场恶梦更使工程界人士认识到开 展钢结构工程事故分析的重要性。 2007 年8 月15日 拍摄的火灾时被损 坏的上海环球金融 中心玻璃幕墙 “楼歪歪”: 2009年7月中旬的一场大雨后,成都市校园春天小区6号楼和7 号楼的一些住户忽然发现,他们两栋楼之间的距离比以往近了很多,两栋斜靠 在一起,楼越向上贴的越近;靠的最近的地方,相邻的阳台窗户已经无法打开。 校园春天的业主把楼房倾斜的原因归结于在小区旁正在施工的“德馨苑”小区, 业主们认为,德馨苑小区开挖地基后,楼房才发生了问题。11月21日,有 “楼歪歪”之称的山水云房花园小区被评为“江苏优秀住宅”,开发商喜滋滋 地捧走了奖牌。山水云房花园

3、小区因为地基下陷造成整栋住宅楼严重倾斜,业 主们为了这件事奔走投诉多日。 楼断断:2009年9月底,安徽省合肥市“枫丹白鹭湖公馆”小区三期一栋在 建楼房眼看就要交付使用了,却被前来探望的业主发现,楼房底层的4根柱子 出现裂痕,甚至发生移位现象。 “挡土墙倒塌”: 1、2009年3月22下午,龙岗区布吉街道布吉新村变电房地基工地内一堵高约 3米的挡土墙突然倒塌,3名工人被埋,一人当场死亡,两人重伤。据悉,出 事的工地施工队没有资质。 2、2010年04月29日晚7时30分许,广州越秀区东山口庙前直街一栋居民楼 紧贴着的挡土墙突然倒塌,楼旁泥石滑坡,楼层底部出现悬空,岌岌可危, 60多位居民紧急撤

4、离。 “楼”事件 “楼裂裂”:2009年4月到5月,重庆运发房地产开发有限公司在未取得合 法建设手续未按地质灾害危险性评估要求落实治理措施前提下,擅自对石马 宿舍下方土地进行开挖并扩大施工面,导致石马宿舍室内外地坪、墙体、堡 坎开裂错位,人行天桥发生位移,造成了安全隐患。2009年11月起,该居 民大楼底部、巷道、天桥及房间的地板、墙壁上到处出现裂缝,共危及112 户、406名居民的生命财产安全。 “楼薄薄”: 2009年8月份,无锡阳光城市花园的楼房被业主发现楼板厚 度居然只有5厘米,远远低于其设计厚度的10厘米,从而导致楼上说话底下 人听得很清晰,而且有人在楼上装修居然能从地板洞里朝楼下掉

5、东西。而且 这种“楼薄薄”现象在浙江省桐乡市太阳湖小区10号楼也发现过,那里的楼 板厚度虽有8厘米,但境况也好不到哪里去。 “楼脆脆”: 2009年7月份,西安古迹岭小区33号楼近百住户被要求3天内 搬家,这栋已经完工四五年的楼房在业主搬进去时就发现楼顶有裂缝,现在 33号楼、34号楼和35号楼墙面均发现有裂缝,只不过33号楼最为严重而已, 有关方面检测后发现这是楼房不同程度的沉降所致。10月23日,上海忠县 拔山镇一幢建筑面积5065平方米的7楼1底商品房,出现大梁断裂墙体可插 进手掌等险情后,靠10多根木棒支撑,防止垮塌。 “桥”事 件 play 从这些触目惊心的事例中我们可以了解到, 建

6、筑结构的安全性和可靠性对于建筑是至关 重要的,下面让我们来深入探究,学习本课 的内容 STRUCTURAL SAFETY AND RELIABILITY 结构的安全性和可靠性 Safety and serviceability 安全性和适用性 To serve its purpose ,a structure must be safe against collapse and serviceable in use. Serviceability requires that deflections be adequately small, that cracks, if any, be kept

7、 to tolerable limits, that vibrations be minimized, etc.Safety requires that the strength of the structure be adequate for all loads which may foreseeably act on it.If the strength of a structure, built as designed, could be predicted with precision, and if the loads and their internal effects (mome

8、nts, shears, axial forces) were known with equal precision, safety could be assured by providing a carrying capacity just barely in excess of the known loads. 为为了达到其目的,结构必须要安全,能防止使用中崩溃和维修。适用性要 求的挠度是要足够小的,即为裂缝,如果有任何裂缝,保持在允许限度内,其 振动即为最小化等等。安全性要求即为,结构要有足够量的强度对可以预见作 用于它的所有荷载。如果一个结构的强度,按照设计建造,可以精确地预测, 并且

9、如果荷载与其内部的效应(力矩,剪切,轴向力)已知是等精度的,安全 性可以通过提供一种仅刚刚超过已知荷载的承载能力来确定。 Serviceability requires that deflections be adequately small, that cracks, if any, be kept to tolerable limits, that vibrations be minimized, etc. notes 其中requires后面跟随三个宾语从句, 都用虚拟结构。 句中if any 是一个省略的插入句,可理 解为 if there are any cacks However,

10、 there are a number of sources of uncertainty in the analysis, design, and construction of reinforced concrete structures. These sources of uncertainty, which require a definite margin of safety, may be listed as follows. Actual loads may differ from those assumed in the design. Actual loads may be

11、distributed in a manner different from that assumed in the design. Safety and serviceability 安全性和耐久性安全性和耐久性 然而,在钢筋混凝土结构的分析,设计和施工建造中有许多的不确定性来源。 这些不确定性来源,需要一个明确的安全边际,可以列举如下。 实际的荷载可能与在设计时假定荷载有误差。 实际荷载与在设计时的假定荷载分布方式有误差。 Safety and serviceability 安全性和耐久性安全性和耐久性 The assumptions and simplifications inheren

12、t in any analysis may result in calculated load effect-moments, shears, etc.-different from those which in fact act in structure. The actual structural behavior may differ from that assumed, owing to imperfect knowledge. Actual member dimensions may differ from those specified by the designer. Reinf

13、orcement may not be in its proper poison. Actual material strength may be different from that specified by the designer. 假设在任何固有简化的分析可能导致计算荷载的力矩效果,剪力等与实际 作用在结构的有误差。 由于不完善的认知,实际的结构反应可能与设想的有误差。 实际的构件尺寸可能与设计者指定的有误差。 加固在不适当的位置。 实际的材料强度与设计者指定的有误差。 In addition, in establishing a safety specification, cons

14、ideration must be given to the consequence of failure. In some cases, a failure would merely be an inconvenience. In other cases, loss of life and significant loss of property may be involved. A further consideration should be the nature of failure, should it occur. A gradual failure with ample warn

15、ing permitting remedial measures is preferable to a sudden, unexpected collapse. It is evident that the selection of an appropriate margin of safety is not a simple matter. However, progress has been made toward rational safety provisions in design codes. 此外,建立一个安全的规范,失败的后果必须被考虑在内。有时候,一次失败导 致的不仅仅是不方

16、便。有时候,生命和重要的财产也可能失去。假如真的发生, 进一步考虑的应该是失败的性质。一个有着充足警告来补救逐渐的破坏显然优于 突发的倒塌。 很明显对于选择适当的安全旁注不是一个简单的问题。但是,在设计准则时, 提升了合理的安全条例。 Safety and serviceability 安全性和耐久性安全性和耐久性 notes A further consideration should be the nature of failure, should it occur. .should it occur是以倒装表示虚是以倒装表示虚 拟的结构,即拟的结构,即should移至主语移至主语it的的

17、 前面前面 Safety and serviceability 安全性和耐久性 serviceability s:vsblt n.适用性 collapse klps n.倒坍,垮掉 deflections dfleknz n.挠曲,挠度,偏差,偏移 tolerable tlrbl adj.可允许的 precision prsn n.精确,精密度,精读 inherent nhrnt adj.固有的,内在的; 天生; reinforcement ri:nf:smnt n.加强; 增援; 补给品; 援军; specification spesfkenn.规格; 详述; 说明书; remedial r

18、mi:dl adj.治疗的,医治的; 补救的,挽回的; 补习的; 纠正的; rational rnladj.神智清楚的; 理性的; 理智的; 合理的; to serve its purpose 为了达到其目的 axial forces 轴力 carrying capacity 承载能力 margin of safety 安全系数 reinforced concrete 钢筋混凝土 design codes 设计规范 Loads 荷载 The loads which act on structures can be divided into three broad categories:dead

19、 loads,live loads ,and environmental loads. Dead loads are those which are constant in magnitude and fixed in location throughout the lifetime of the structure. Usually the major part of the dead load is the weight of the structure itself. Dead loads can generally be calculated with good precision f

20、rom the design configuration and dimensions of the structure. 作用于结构的荷载可分为三大类:静荷载,活荷载和环境荷 载。 静荷载是作用在结构上大小和位置都不变的力。通常静荷载的 主要部分是结构本身的重量。静荷载一般可以通过设计外形和该 结构的尺寸被准确的计算出来。 Loads 荷载 Live loads consist chiefly of occupancy loads in buildings and traffic loads on bridges. They may be either fully or partially

21、in place or not present at all and may also change in location. Their magnitude and distribution at any given time are uncertain, and even their maximum intensities throughout the lifetime of the structure are not known with precision. 活荷载主要包括对建筑物使用的荷载和对桥梁交通荷载。它们 可能全部的或部分或根本不存在,也可能改变位置。它们的大小和 分布在任何时

22、间内都是不确定的,甚至它们的最大强度在结构中都 不能准确的知道。 Environmental loads consist mainly of snow loads, wind pressure and suction, earthquake action (i.e., inertia forces caused by earthquake motions), soil pressures on subsurface portion of structures, loads from possible ponding of the rainwater on flat roofs, and for

23、ces by temperature differential. Like live loads, environmental loads at any given time are uncertain in both magnitude and distribution. Specified values do not constitute average values but represent expected upper limits. 环境荷载主要由雪荷载,风的吸力和压力,地震的作用(即 惯性力引起的震动),结构地表下的部分土压力,平屋顶上雨水 聚积的荷载,和温度差的力。像活荷载一样

24、,某时刻的环境荷载 无论是大小还是分布都是不确定的。规定值并不是平均值,而是 表示期望的上限限。 Loads 荷载 Loads 荷载 Since the maximum load which will occur during the life of a structure is uncertain ,it can be considered a random variable. In spite of this uncertainty ,the engineer must provide an adequate structure. A probability model for the m

25、aximum load can be devised by means of a probability density function for loads, as represented by the frequency curve of Fig.3-1a. The exact form of this distribution curve, for any particular type of loading such as office loads, can be determined only on the basis of statistical data., obtained f

26、orm large-scale load surveys. A number of such surveys have been carried out or are in progress. For types of loads for which such data are scarce, fairly reliable information can be obtain from experience, and judgment. 既然结构的最大荷载是不确定的,就把它看做是一个随机变量。尽管有这个 不确定因素,工程师必须提供一个合适的结构。通过荷载的概率密度函数可以建 立最大荷载的概率模

27、型,如图3-1a所示的概率分布图。这种分布曲线图的精确 形状,对于特殊种类的荷载比如有特定用途的建筑物的荷载,是可以在通过大规 模荷载测量得到的统计数据的基础上绘制出的。这类测量已经在大量地开展或正 在进行中。对于缺少统计数据的这类荷载,可以通过经验观察和判断得到相对可 靠的信息。 Loads 荷载 In such a frequency curve, Fig.3-1a, the area under the curve between two abscissas, such as the load and represents the probability of occurrence of

28、 loads L of magnitude . A specified service load for design is selected conservatively in the upper region of L in the distribution curve, as shown. The probability occurrence of loads larger than Ld is then given by the shade area to the right of Ld . It is seen that the specified service load is c

29、onsiderably larger than the mean load L acting on the structure. This means load is much more typical of average load conditions than the design load and is sometimes known as the characteristic load . 在如图3-1a所示的频率分布图中,曲线下方两个横坐标之间的面积,如L1 和L2,表示荷载发生概率的大小,即L1L0 3-1 i.e.,if the strength of the structur

30、e is larger than the load acting on it. Since S and L are random variables, the safety margin M=S-L is also a random variable. A plot of the probability function of M may appear as in Fig.3-1c, failure occurs when M is less than 0. Thus, the probability of failure is represented by the shaded area i

31、n the figure. 对于一个给定的结构,如果结构的强度大于施加在其上的荷载,则结构安全 系数M有M=S-L0。因为S和L都是随机变量,所以安全系数M也是随机变量。 概率函数M可能出现的范围如图3-1c,当M小于0时,则表示结构不安全。因此, 图中的阴影部分表示失效概率。 Structural safety 结构安全性 Even though the precise form of the probability density function for S and L and therefore for M, is not known, much can be achieved in

32、the way of a rational approach to structural safety. One such approach is to require that the mean safety margin be a specific number of standard deviations m above 0. It can be demonstrated that this results in the requirement that 3-2 尽管S和L的概率密度函数即M不能用 精确的形式得到,但是可以通过合理的方式 表示结构的安全性。第一种方式就是取平均 安全系数

33、为一个特定数值,其标准差m 大于0。当满足条件时,可以用上述方式。 M LS LS M Structural safety 结构安全性结构安全性 where is a partial safety coefficient larger than applied to the mean load and is a partial safety coefficient smaller than S applied to the mean strength .The magnitude of each partial safety coefficient depends on the variance of the quantity to which it applies, L and S, and on the chos


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