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1、f&b train plan 2014 2014年餐饮部培训计划2014年对于餐饮部来说,经营形势非常严峻。餐饮市场的竞争更为激烈。我们要完成酒店下达的经营任务,不仅要在营销计划、经营策略、提高菜肴出品上下功夫,更要在员工的培训上投入一定的精力和时间。重视员工的思想品德、职业道德以及业务技能等方面的工作,以确保在2014年能进一步全面提升和巩固业已建立的餐饮品牌,争取更大的市场份额,努力完成2014年全年的经营指标。我们制定了餐饮部2014年培训计划:2014 is a difficult year to f&b department because we shall face crueler

2、 competition. so we should not only pay attention to the plan making, dish presentation, but also to the staff training. we made following 2013 training plans.1 2014年餐饮部营销策略和工作任务培训;2014 f&b business plan and working assignment: 餐饮总监主讲课题topic given by dfb1. 2014年餐饮部的工作任务和营销策略;2014 f&b working and bus

3、iness plan2. xx广场酒店与其他酒店的不同之处;the difference between radisson and other hotel3. 餐饮部组织结构图及管理层职位介绍;f&b organization chart and management introduction4. 餐饮部全年最高的20项要求;20 topmost requests of f&b department 20145. 餐饮部的卫生制度;sanitation rule6. 餐饮部每位员工2014年需树立的个人期望和目标;the establishment of individual expect a

4、nd target of every staff 20145.2 2014年餐饮部中西厨房培训要求 2014 training requests of chinese and western kitchen2014年西厨房年度培训内容:2014 training content of western kitchen:l 西冷房、西饼房的操作规范和食品卫生的培训working procedure and sanitation rules of cold kitchen and pastry.l 热房的操作技能和烹饪方法的培训working skill of hot kitchen.l 厨房日常食

5、品原料的英语表达方法的培训the english words of the raw materiall 厨房设备的正确使用的维护、保养的培训kitchen facilities maintenancel 厨房安全知识培训kitchen securityl 冷房肉栅、肉卷和汁酱的调配方法the cooking of cold meat, meat roll and saucesl 大型宴会烧烤制作和烹饪菜肴的方法、注意步骤how to cook the dishes for banquet and barbecue?l 户外宴会菜肴的制作和原理的培训how to cook the dishes

6、for outside catering?l 厨房日常礼貌用语的英文表达方法daily english in the kitchen.2014年中厨房年度培训内容:2014 training content of chinese kitchen:1、对全体厨房员工进行培训 training to every cooksl 对基础的烹调知识、卫生、菜肴新理论培训basic cooking skill and sanitation rules.l 安全生产、消防、防食品中毒的培训working safety, fire control and food poisoningl 提高菜肴质量、规范操作

7、程序的培训how to improve the dish quality and keep to the working procedure?l 对面点、冷菜等特殊工种,培训卫生和消毒等工作程序the working and antisepsis procedure of dim sum and cold dish.l 开发新的菜肴品种对创新菜,要进行规范操作培训,以保持出品一致how to cook and develop the new dishes?l 对员工的个人行为和大厦的规章制度进行培训the self-appearance and staff bylaw2、面对员工进行安全消防培

8、训,做到安全生产fire safety training3、每月对员工进行一次考核及评比monthly check and comparison to every staff.3 新员工的培训任务;training for the new staff:2014年新员工培训项目training items for the new staff1. 参观餐饮部所有经营区域,介绍员工即将工作部门的情况和其它部门(厨房、餐饮部办公室、仓库、布草房等)的情况;look around all the outlets of f&b department; introduce their working pla

9、ce and related parts (like kitchen, f&b office, storeroom, linen room) to the staffs.2. 介绍部门同事、直接上司及报告人;introduce colleague, director and who can be reported to.3. 介绍餐饮部组织结构,餐饮部在酒店中所处的地位及与其他部门的关系;introduce the organization chart of f&b department, the position of f&b and the relationship with other

10、departments.4. 告知工作相关事项(上下班时间、请假手续、用餐时间、各经营区域的营业时间等);related items like working time, leaving procedure, meal time and business hours of every outlets.5. 客用洗手间、员工洗手间、员工通道及工作时的位置;where the guest bathrooms, staff bathrooms, staff passage and working place are. 6. 介绍消防设施和火警时的相关规定及逃生路线、灭火器的使用及安全门的位置;fir

11、e fighting system and related rules, emergence exit, how to use the fire extinguisher and where the safety doors are. 7. 工作时员工应具备的礼节礼貌知识(措辞、招呼、微笑等);manners like expression, salutation and smile.8. 个人仪表仪容、制服着装标准规范;individual appearance and uniform dressing standard.9. 正确接听电话的姿势及礼仪;how to listen to th

12、e phone10. 托盘的正确使用与端法等技巧;how to use the tray and the skill for holding the heavy things.11. 基本的摆台与操作技能的训练;basic table setup and operation skill.12. 建立以客人职位和姓名招呼客人的习惯(让客人觉得被尊重的感觉);use the title and name to welcome the regular guests for respect. 13. 见到上司和同事的礼仪规范。the manners when they meeting the supe

13、rvisors and colleagues.4 2014年餐饮部全体员工岗位培训任务(表一)training for all the f&b staffs in 2014 (form one)时间 time培训主题topic培训要点point地点venue参加者attendance期望效果expectation第一季度first quarter形体训练和微笑服务how to stand, sit, serve the guest and smile.1. 训练员工的站姿、走姿train staff how to stand and walk2. 如何让员工用发自内心的笑容来服务我们的客人th

14、e smile from your heart会议室meeting room领班、迎宾captain and hostess通过形体、微笑服务的培训,彻底改变不良习惯,使客人真正体会到与众不同的感受。with the training, completely change the bad habit. let guests know the real difference.基本技能培训、电话礼仪培训basic skill andtelephone courtesytraining1. 服务员必须基本要掌握的一些知识如托盘、口布等service knowledge like tray, napk

15、in and so on.2. 接听电话的姿势、语速、礼貌用语到挂机的程序the posture, speed and courtesy for picking the phone会议室meeting room所有员工all the staff了解和掌握基本技能的知识,规范和统一电话的接听和接听时所注意的事项normalize and unite the telephone picking standard and courtesy.第二季度second quarter摆台及模拟操作技能培训setup andsimulativeoperation training1. 摆台的准备工作,要求及具

16、体的程序the preparation, request and procedure for table setup2. 配合技能比赛进行模拟练习simulative practice which cooperating with the service competition. 会议室及各中西餐厅、酒吧内部meeting room, everyrestaurant and bar.所有员工all the staff达到标准的摆台要求,目的是在技能竞争中取得好名次reach the standard setup request for obtaining the good place of t

17、he competition.推销技能培训sales skill1. 推销中的语言要求how to speak with guest2. 推销中面对客人的提问如何解答how to answer guests question.3. 了解客人的肢体语言再推销how to understand guests body language. 会议室meeting room领班captain初步掌握推销的技术并运用到实践中去,以努力提高自己的营业收入basically know how to sell your restaurant to reach the higher revenue.第三季度thi

18、rd quarter服务程序和工作技能培训service procedureand working skill服务的基本程序及阐述这样做的原因及目的the basic service procedure and why and how it works.各中西餐厅、酒吧内部every restaurant and bar所有员工all the staff做到服务的规范和统一normalize the service procedure.酒水知识的培训beverage knowledge1. 葡萄酒、汽酒的知识wine and sparkling wine2. 中国酒的知识chinese win

19、e3. 其他酒水的知识other beverage会议室meeting room所有员工all the staff了解酒水的知识,提高个人业务的水平,促进营业额的增长know the beverage knowledge, improving the operation skill4 2014年餐饮部全体员工岗位培训任务(表二)training for all the f&b staffs in 20134(form two)时间 time培训主题topic培训要点point地点venue参加者attendance期望效果expectation第四季度forth quarter对客交流服务的培

20、训how tocommunicate with guests1. 对客交流中所应注意的事项special notice between thecommunication with guests.2. 正确处理客人的投诉how to deal with guestscomplaint. 会议室meeting room领班captain了解对客交流的重要性,及时处理客人的投诉,掌握客人投诉的步骤。know the importance of communication, how to deal with the complaint and the step of complaint.原料知识的培训

21、raw material1. 海鲜品种及种类、产地the variety and producing area of seafood.2. 动植物类知识的培训meat and vegetable3. 茶叶知识的培训tea knowledge会议室meeting room所有员工all the staff了解原料的产地、品种及原料所处的部位,能更好的向客人进行介绍与推销。know the producing area, variety and part of the raw material for better introduction and sales.5、积极配合酒店人事部组织的各项培训

22、工作,参加集团公司和酒店组织的各项培训和竞赛工作;cooperate with training department and take part in the assorted training and competition from group company and hotel.6、在实际工作中,根据实际经营的需要,适时地增加一些内容。同时,将邀请其它部门的总监及专业人士作培训;add some training contents according to the reality. at the same time, we will invite the directors from

23、other department or experts for further training.7、计划组织餐饮部管理层和表现优秀的员工,去参观上海、北京、深圳特区的酒店、以获取新的知识,提高业务能力。plan to arrange some management and excellent staffs to visit the hotel in shanghai, beijing and shenzhen for fetching the new information.8、组织员工在通过2014年一系列的培训,进行考核,以使员工能真正掌握与运用这些服务的技能,体现到酒店倡导的“尽善尽美

24、”的服务中去,使我们的顾客能真正体会到xx与众不同的温馨服务。从而使他们成为我们忠实可靠的客户。test staffs after one-year training to know the effect. make their service perfect and let our guests to know the different and warm service. monthly department training plan / training summary前台部门月度培训计划/摘要表hotel /department: f&b酒店/部门month月份section部门tr

25、aining topic培训课程trainer培训者participant参加对象课时jan.fh服务细节及服务程序的培训service details and proceduretommy song花港员工fh staffssp中餐厅主菜牌内各菜肴服务规范service criterion sunny yu夏宫员工sp staffsbq 对客关注,酒店服务意识的培训how to pay attention to the guests; service consciousness of every staff 宴会操作注意事项banquet servicebenson huang宴会厅全体员工

26、banquet serversvl 华伦天奴餐厅服务概念的定位讨论where is the position of valentino restaurant? 怎么提供让客人满意的服务how to offer the service to satisfy the guests? 个性化服务special service 月度推广菜肴培训monthly promotion aileen zhang全体员工all staffsunkai 强调餐前准备工作的到位,餐后仔细的检查工作preparation before the meal and check after the meal 针对新员工工作

27、一次细致的培训training to the new staffhan yin日料员工unkai staffcaf西餐礼仪知识courtesy during the western servicerita zhu全体员工cafe staffbqs 每月各餐厅推广培训monthly promotion 春季婚宴推广(菜单、优惠方案)spring wedding sales (menu and benefit) 新年推广new year promotion 当季度销售案例分析sales analysis 下季度销售目标(企业半年会议)next sales target 餐饮销售工作规程f&b sa

28、les procedure 宴会预定规程banquet reservation procedurecharlie fan销售人员sales staffbev仪容仪表、服务利益培训self-appearance and service benefitsrex chen吧员、服务员bartender, servers2feb.fh服务意识培训service consciousnesstommy song花港员工fh staffs2sp中餐厅零点服务程序service procedure of chinese restaurantsunny yu夏宫员工sp staffs3bq 宴会服务程序的回顾和

29、改进review and improve the banquet service procedure 会议服务程序的改进improve the meeting service procedurebenson huang宴会厅全体员工banquet servers3vl 与客交流沟通(一)communication with guest (one) 与客交流沟通(二) communication with guest (one) 二月案例分析与服务心得交流complaint analysis of feb. 月度推广菜肴培训monthly dishesaileen zhang全体员工all st

30、affsunkai 迎接客人时的服务礼仪greeting guests 培训员工的精神面貌、礼貌用语到位service courtesy han yin日料员工unkai staffcaf西餐早餐服务规程breakfast servicerita zhu全体员工cafe staffbqs 每月各餐厅推广培训monthly promotion 春季婚宴推广(菜单、优惠方案)spring wedding sales (menu and benefit) 新年推广new year promotion 当季度销售案例分析sales analysis 下季度销售目标(企业半年会议)next sales

31、target 餐饮销售工作规程f&b sales procedure 宴会预定规程 banquet reservation procedurecharlie fan销售人员sales staffbev 电话接听、礼貌用语培训telephone courtesy 酒店英语培训hotel englishrex chen吧员、服务员bartender, servers3mar.fh点菜技巧how to take ordertommy song花港员工fh staffs2sp中餐厅酒水牌内各酒水服务方法beverage service in the chinese restaurantsunny yu

32、夏宫员工sp staffs3bq 如何提高会议布场的效率how to improve the efficiency of meeting set up 会议布场该注意事项和安全措施the notice and key of meeting set upbenson huang宴会厅全体员工banquet servers3vl 提高对客销售技巧(一)how to improve the sales (one) 提高对客销售技巧(二) how to improve the sales (two) 咖啡知识培训coffee knowledge 月度推广菜肴培训monthly dishesaileen

33、 zhang全体员工all staffsunkai 点菜、点酒水take order 强调根据每位客人的特殊需要为客人搭配好菜肴,推荐酒水prepare the dishes according to special requests from guests. how to recommend the wine 针对新员工详细讲解菜肴及酒水知识food and beverage training to the new staffhan yin日料员工unkai staffcaf 当月美食节菜单培训monthly promotion menu 西餐自助餐服务规程buffet servicerit

34、a zhujohn li全体员工cafe staff4bqs 每月各餐厅推广培训 monthly promotion 春季婚宴推广(菜单、优惠方案)spring wedding sales (menu and benefit) 新年推广new year promotion 当季度销售案例分析sales analysis 下季度销售目标(企业半年会议)next sales target 餐饮销售工作规程f&b sales procedure 宴会预定规程banquet reservation procedurecharlie fan销售人员sales staffbev 当月推广培训monthly

35、 promotion 各类设备设施的操作规程how to use assorted equipments 各类物品、用具的清洁及消毒方法how to clean and disinfect the dishware.rex chen吧员、服务员bartender, servers4apr.fh服务程序及服务技巧培训service procedure and skilltommy song花港员工fh staffs3sp零点点菜技能、配菜技能how to take order and plan the menu for the guests.sunny yu夏宫员工sp staffsbq 如何增

36、强婚宴服务的内容how to add more content into the wedding service 婚宴服务时注意事项及其改进措施how to improve our wedding servicebenson huang宴会厅全体员工banquet serversvl 怎样快捷地给客人点单how to take the order in short time 合理控制上菜速度how to control the speed during the meal 三、四月案例分析与服务心得交流complaint analysis of march and april 月度推广菜肴培训m

37、onthly dishesaileen zhang全体员工all staffsunkai 规范的上菜程序normative serving procedure 强调怎样控制,调节好为客人上菜的速度how to control the speed during the mealhan yin日料员工unkai staffcaf 当月美食节菜单培训monthly promotion menu 西餐零点服务培训a la carte servicerita zhujohn li全体员工cafe staff4bqs 每月各餐厅推广培训monthly promotion 当季度销售案例分析sales an

38、alysis 下季度销售目标(企业半年会议)next sales target 淡季会议包价销售low season meeting package sales 餐饮销售工作规程f&b sales procedure 宴会预定规程banquet reservation procedurecharlie fan销售人员sales staffbev 当月推广培训monthly promotion 酒廊开档程序bar opening 酒廊关档程序bar close 开胃酒培训how to make the appetizer 酒吧员操作程序bar procedurerex chen吧员、服务员bar

39、tender, servers5mayfh摆台重新更改培训changing the set uptommy song花港员工fh staffs4sp沟通能力、销售技巧communication and sales skillsunny yu夏宫员工sp staffsbq 进行如何增强团队合作的培训how to improve the group cooperation 进行如何提高劳动效率的培训how to improve the efficiencybenson huang宴会厅全体员工banquet servers2vl 餐厅礼仪规范restaurant courtesy 西餐常规酱、汁知

40、识培训the sauce of the dishes 月度推广菜肴培训monthly dishesaileen zhang全体员工all staffs4unkai 席间服务service during the meal 要求每位员工仔细观察,注意细节pay attention to the service detailshan yin日料员工unkai staff2caf 当月美食节菜单培训monthly promotion vip客人接待规程vip guests receptionrita zhujohn li全体员工cafe staff4bqs 每月各餐厅推广培训monthly promo

41、tion 当季度销售案例分析sales analysis 下季度销售目标(企业半年会议)next sales target 淡季会议包价销售low season meeting package sales 餐饮销售工作规程f&b sales procedure 宴会预定规程banquet reservation procedurecharlie fan销售人员sales staffbev 当月推广培训monthly promotion 酒廊服务程序bar service 紧急事件处理规程how to deal with the emergency 毡酒、朗姆酒培训gin and rumrex

42、chen吧员、服务员bartender, servers4jun.fh对客交流技巧培训communication with gueststommy song花港员工fh staffs3sp特殊客人服务规程service to special guestssunny yu夏宫员工sp staffsbq 宴会台型设计操作培训banquet set up 会议台型设计操作培训meeting set upbenson huang宴会厅全体员工banquet serversvl 投诉的处理how to deal with the complaint? 客人心理揣摩how to conjecture wh

43、at guest think 五、六月案例分析与服务心得交流complaint analysis of may and june 月度推广菜肴培训monthly dishesaileen zhang全体员工all staffsunkai 送客时的礼仪courtesy when guest leaves 要求员工礼貌用语及规范动作的到位keep the manner and behavior on linehan yin日料员工unkai staffcaf 当月美食节菜单培训monthly promotion 餐厅特殊客人服务规程service to special guestskathy zh

44、ujohn li全体员工cafe staff4bqs 每月各餐厅推广培训monthly promotion 当季度销售案例分析sales analysis 下季度销售目标(企业半年会议)next sales target 淡季会议包价销售low season meeting package sales 餐饮销售工作规程f&b sales procedure 宴会预定规程 banquet reservation procedurecharlie fan销售人员sales staffbev 当月推广培训monthly promotion 酒店英语培训hotel english 伏特加、墨西哥烈酒培

45、训vodka and tequila 以前培训内容考核test the training contents from jan. to jun.rex chen吧员、服务员bartender, servers4jul.fh餐厅摆台训练table set uptommy song花港员工fh staffs3sp中餐零点、vip摆台训练take order, vip table set upsunny yu夏宫员工sp staffsbq 宴会摆台布置设计操作培训banquet set up 会议摆台及布置设计操作培训meeting set upbenson huang宴会厅全体员工banquet s

46、erversvl 意大利传统菜肴培训knowing the traditional italian dishes 意大利酒的培训italian wine 西餐摆台内部考核test of western table set up 月度推广菜肴培训monthly promotion aileen zhang全体员工all staffsunkai 接待vip客人及宴请服务how to serve the vip guests and banquet 培养员工的心理素质及基本功过硬bring up the basic skill of servicehan yin日料员工unkai staffcaf

47、当月美食节菜单培训monthly promotion 餐厅送餐服务规程room service procedurerita zhujohn li全体员工cafe staff8bqs 每月各餐厅推广培训monthly promotion 当季度销售案例分析sales analysis 下季度销售目标(西博会)next sales target (west lake expo.) 中秋推广(中秋节、中秋月饼)mid-autumn promotion (moon cake) 秋季婚宴推广(菜单、优惠方案)autumn wedding promotion (menu and benefit) 餐饮销售

48、工作规程f&b sales procedure 宴会预定规程 banquet reservation procedurecharlie fan销售人员sales staffbev 当月推广培训monthly promotion 质量方针及目标、岗位职责培训iso training 威士忌培训whiskey 酒水部出品标准培训beverage presentation standardrex chen吧员、服务员bartender, servers4aug.fh服务速度及状态service speedtommy song花港员工fh staffs3sp中餐vip服务程序vip service p

49、roceduresunny yu夏宫员工sp staffsbq 宴会服务程序设计操作培训banquet service 会议服务程序设计操作培训meeting servicebenson huang宴会厅全体员工banquet serversvl 员工分工合作及补位常识staff cooperation 如何提高工作效率how to improve the working efficiency 七、八月案例分析与服务心得交流complaint analysis of jul. and aug. 月度推广菜肴培训monthly pormotionaileen zhang全体员工all staff

50、sunkai 对待特殊客人的服务serve the special guests 要求一切以客人为先,尽善尽美how to satisfy the guestshan yin日料员工unkai staffcaf 当月美食节菜单培训monthly promotion 餐厅各岗位职责培训(一)job description of cafekathy zhujohn li全体员工cafe staff8bqs 每月各餐厅推广培训monthly promotion 当季度销售案例分析sales analysis 下季度销售目标(西博会)next sales target (west lake expo.

51、) 中秋推广(中秋节、中秋月饼)mid-autumn promotion (moon cake) 秋季婚宴推广(菜单、优惠方案)autumn wedding promotion (menu and benefit) 餐饮销售工作规程f&b sales procedure 宴会预定规程 banquet reservation procedurecharlie fan销售人员sales staffbev 当月推广培训monthly promotion 餐厅特殊客人服务规程serve the special guests 酒店英语培训考核hotel english 白兰地培训brandy 服务基本技

52、能培训(一)service skillrex chen吧员、服务员bartender, servers5sept.fh服务员的服务程序重新培训re-training the service procedure tommy song花港员工fh staffs2sp英语口语训练及餐厅英语oral english and restaurant english sunny yu夏宫员工sp staffsbq 宴会操作劳动纪律培训banquet discipline 宴会操作准则the guide line pf banquet operationbenson huang宴会厅全体员工banquet serversvl 英语强化培训(一)english training (one) 英语强化培训(二)english training (two) 餐巾的创意折法how to fold the napkin 月度推广菜肴


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