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1、The Attributive Clause定语从句讲解与练习定语从句讲解与练习Which one is Harry Porter ?The boy is Harry Porter. Which one is Harry Porter ?The boy _ is Harry Porter .who is wearing glasses定语从句定语从句一、概念一、概念:在复合句中修饰名词或代词的句子。在复合句中修饰名词或代词的句子。 (在句子中作在句子中作定语定语) (Attributive clause)Harry Porter is a smart boy.Harry Porter is a

2、 boy who has magic power.形容词作定语形容词作定语句子作定语句子作定语,修饰修饰boy, 叫做叫做定语从句定语从句Harry Porter is a boy who has magic power.先行词先行词 关系词关系词定语从句定语从句关系关系代词代词关系关系副词副词which, who, whom, whose, thatwhere, when,why二、用法二、用法: :These are the trees which / that were planted last year.先先行行词词是是人人关系代词关系代词: who whom whose that w

3、hich先行词是先行词是物物These are the students who / that won the first place last year.引导定语从句的关系代词引导定语从句的关系代词1. who, whom, whose, that 用法区别用法区别. who 作定语从句的作定语从句的主语主语或或宾语宾语. The man who is speaking at the meeting is a worker.The man is a worker.The man is speaking at the meeting.分解分解作主语作主语 whom 作定语从句的作定语从句的宾语

4、宾语 The woman whom they wanted to visit is a teacher.The woman is a teacher.They wanted to visit the woman.分解分解作宾语作宾语 that 可以作定语从句的可以作定语从句的主语主语和和宾语宾语. The woman (whom / that) they wanted to visit is a teacher.可省略可省略 The man who / that is speaking at the meeting is a worker. whose 作定语从句的作定语从句的定语定语 (wh

5、ose既可以指人,也可以指物既可以指人,也可以指物). I know the girl whose mother is a teacher.分解分解I know the girl.The girls mother is a teacher.作定语作定语2. which, that 的的用法用法which 作定语从句的作定语从句的主语主语或或宾语宾语.I like the book (which / that) you bought yesterday.This is a truck which / that is made in China.作主语作主语作宾语作宾语可省略可省略主语主语宾语宾语

6、定语定语指人指人whothatwhom(优先)(优先)whothatwhose(of whom)指物指物whichthatwhichthatwhose(of which)指人和物指人和物thatthatwhose(一)引导定语从句的关系代词(一)引导定语从句的关系代词14when, where, why关系副词关系副词先行词先行词在从句中的成分在从句中的成分when时间时间时间时间状语状语where 地点地点地点地点状语状语why reason原因原因状语状语(二)引导定语从句的关系副词(二)引导定语从句的关系副词 1. This is the place where I was born.

7、2. I remember the day when I first met him. 3. Can you tell me the reason why you lied to me?关系关系代词代词和关系和关系副词副词的区别的区别关系关系代词代词在定语从句中在定语从句中作主语、宾语作主语、宾语关系关系副词副词在定语从句中在定语从句中作状语作状语如何选用定语从句的关系词如何选用定语从句的关系词 1.首先分清主句和定语从句首先分清主句和定语从句 2.确定定语从句的先行词确定定语从句的先行词 3.把先行词带回到定语从句中去,看其把先行词带回到定语从句中去,看其在定语从句中做什么语法成分(主语,在

8、定语从句中做什么语法成分(主语,宾语,定语或状语)宾语,定语或状语) 4.若先行词在从句中做若先行词在从句中做主语、宾语或定主语、宾语或定语语则选择则选择关系代词关系代词,若在从句中做,若在从句中做状语状语,则选择则选择关系副词关系副词。学考真题大练兵学考真题大练兵1. (2009湖南学考湖南学考)The boy _ is standing at the school gate is our monitor.A. which B. whose C. who D. whenC2. (2010湖南学考湖南学考)The city _ we live and study is developing v

9、ery fast. A. why B. when C. where D. whoC学考真题大练兵学考真题大练兵3. (2011湖南学考湖南学考)I remember the time _ Eric won that speech competition. A. where B. why C. when D. whichC4. (2012湖南学考湖南学考)The man _ called up yesterday wants to buy the house. A. which B. whom C. who D. whoseC学考真题大练兵学考真题大练兵5. (2013湖南学考湖南学考)The man _ is standing on the playground is my maths teach


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