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1、manipulator is now used as a industrial robots in use, the control objectives often appear often in industrial automation. industrial automation technology has gradually matured, as mature a technology line has been rapid development in industrial automation as a separate subject. manipulator applic

2、ation began to filter into welding, logistics, mechanical processing, and other industries. especially at high or very low temperatures, full of poisonous gases, high radiation case, robot in similar circumstances showed great use also brings great convenience to the staff. precisely because of this

3、 robot to get peoples attention began to be a high degree of development. labor rates, working conditions, labor intensive aspects of promoting development. both at home and abroad to develop the plc (programmable logic controller) is in various special circumstances and under special conditions set

4、 for mechanical devices. now turned on the development of the microelectronics automatic control technology and the rapid development of the trains, the success of plc hardware software and simulation control win big and successful development, now continues to develop as a factory automation standa

5、rds. because robots are good development of the technology makes a good optimization of productive capital, and robot shows this unique advantages, such as: has good compatibility, wide availability, hardware is complete, and programming that can be mastered in a short time, so in the context of ind

6、ustrial plc applications became ubiquitous. manipulator in many developed country agriculture and industry has been applied, such as the use of mechanical harvesting large areas of farmland, repeated operations on the high-speed line that uses a robotic arm, and so on. today, the high level of autom

7、ation combined with restrictions on the manipulator development level is slightly lower than the international. the design is mainly arm welding machine by plc automation control. this of design let designers on in school by learn of has a must of consolidation, understand has some usually didnt opp

8、ortunities awareness in world range within some leading level of knowledge has has must awareness, hope designers can in yihou of design in the can success of using in this design in the proceeds of experience 1.2 manipulator in both at home and abroad of research profile automation mechanical arm r

9、esearch began yu 20th century medium-term, after years with with computer and automation technology of development, makes mechanical arm on the grand stage of industrial automation and shine, gradually became an industrial evaluation standards, and its importance can be seen. now original robotic ar

10、m spent most of mass production and use on the production line, which is programmed robotic arm. as the first generation of manipulator position control systems main features, although not back several generations that can detect the external environment, but can still successfully complete like wel

11、ding, painting, delivery as well as for materials simple movements. second generation mechanical arms are equipped with sensors and manipulators have the environment there is a certain amount of sense, when the mechanical arm is to use the program as a basis. difference is that the robot begand二、打入桩

12、、静压桩和制桩工程监理实施细则(一)施工准备质量控制1、材料物质及半成品质量 .钢筋混凝土预制方桩(包括现场制作的桩)的规格,质量必须符合设计要求和施工规范的规定,现场监理人员应书面检查工厂预制桩的出厂合格证,卸时直观检查桩的质量,发现有断桩,要求施工单位做好记号并尽快运出施工现场,在监理日记中记录有关情况。 .接桩用的焊条的牌号、性能必须符合设计要求和有关标准的规定并应有出厂合格证明,一般宜用结422焊条。 .钢板或角钢的材质、规格应符合设计要求,且应有质保书或检验报告,宜采用低碳钢。.现场预制桩,监理人员应书面检查钢筋、水泥、粗细骨料的质保书及测试报告,直观检查进场材料是否符合质保书的内容


14、或影响使用安全时,打桩前应会同有关单位采取措施予以有效的处理。.场地平整,其表土承载力应满足要求,保证桩机在移动时稳定垂直,雨季施工必须采取有效的防水措施。.根据轴线放出桩位线,用短木桩或短钢筋打好定位桩,采用白灰做出标志,便于施打。.正式施工前必须先打试验桩,其数量不少于2根,以确定桩长和贯入度并校验打桩设备,施工工艺及措施是否符合要求。(二) 施工机具设备的质量控制 1、监理人员要审核打桩机桩锤重量和技术参数。压桩机的配重、行程和技术参数、压力表的签定合格书,不符要求的不准使用。 2、监理人员要检查计量、测量工具(磅称、钢尺、经纬仪)的鉴定合格证,不符要求的不准使用。 3、监理人员要了解各

15、种机械(电焊机、碰焊机、断筋机、弯筋机等)的性能和使用要求,发现不能正常工作的机具及时要求施工单位调换和修理。(三) 打入桩与静压桩工程的质量控制1、操作工艺.桩架应垂直平稳地架设在打桩压桩部位,打桩和压桩机的安装必须按有关程序或说明书进行。.桩机就位。打桩机就位时,应对准桩位,垂直稳定,确保在施工中不倾斜、移位。压桩机的配重应平衡配置于平台上,压桩机就位时应对准桩位,启动平时支腿油缸,校正平台处于水平状态,启动门架作微倾15度,以便吊插预制桩。.起吊预制桩,应根据现场实际情况,桩与桩机距离远近,远之应用吊车辅助吊桩。近之用桩机本身吊桩,先拴好吊桩的钢丝绳及索具,然后用索具捆绑住桩上端约50c


17、标记,以便在施工中观测记录。.打桩。打桩宜重锤低出,锤重的选择应根据地质条件、桩尖、桩的类型、结构、密集程度及施工条件选用。.打桩于压桩的顺序按下列原则确定。a、 根据建筑面积、桩的密集程序、打桩压桩顺序可采取从中间向两边对称施打或中间向四周施打。b、 在亚粘土及粘土地基施工,应避免沿单以方向进行,以免地基向一边挤压,造成压入深度不一,地基挤密程度不均。c、 根据基础设计标高,宜先深后浅。根据桩的规格,宜先大后小,先长后短进行施打。根据桩位与原有建筑物的距离,宜先近后远进行施打。2、施工现场建筑物的平面坐标尚需有关部门认可,否则不能动手确定桩位。3、设立打压桩施工的质量控制点:桩的定位垂直度校


19、以便测读桩底标高,控制桩的入土深度。送桩工具的中心线应与桩身吻合一致方能送桩,送桩深度根据设计要求。8、打入桩打入深度和贯入度控制一般以要求最后三次十锤的平均贯入度不大于设计规定,并且三次十锤的贯入度不能递增,符合设计要求后方可收锤,移动桩机。静压桩压至标高后监理人员应监督桩的压力稳定适当的时间,才能拔出送桩工具,以便控制桩的会弹。送桩留下的桩孔,应及时回填密实。9、打压桩时应由专职记录员做好施工记录,开始打沉桩时应记录每沉落1m所需的锤击数和压力数。监理人员应书面检查每根桩的打压桩原始记录是否与实际相符并在隐蔽工程报验单上签置意见。(四)现场预制桩的质量控制 1、设立质量控制点:主筋的闪光对

20、焊钢筋笼的制作模板和钢筋笼的安装浇筑混凝土试块制作砼养护。 2、在钢筋笼制作过程中,监理人员监督检查钢筋的规格、数量、长度、搭接位置等应符合设计要求,钢筋网片、钢帽制作和焊接均应满足设计及规范要求。 3、监理人员应经常旁站检查主筋对焊的质量,并随机抽样送验。1、 4、监理人员现场旁站检查模板必须保证桩身和桩尖部分的形状尺寸和相对位置正确,模板必须要有足够的牢固度。 5、监理人员应仔细检查入模后的钢筋笼箍筋的间距,保护层垫块、钢帽和吊点预埋管位置的正确无误。 6、浇筑混凝土时监理人员要全过程旁站监督,混凝土配合比要挂牌必须按试验站(室)签发的配合比搅制混凝土,粗细骨料和散装水泥必须过磅,每班随机

21、抽样做坍落度试验和二组混凝土试块,砼浇捣时应由桩顶向桩尖方向进行,连续不得中间断停浇捣,以确保混凝土的密实度。 7、监理人员应督促施工人员做好混凝土养护工作(浇水、盖草包等)。根据气温(大热、大冷)砼养护要求增加养护措施。桩与邻桩,底模间接触要纸筋石灰做隔离层,上层与相邻桩的制作,必须要在邻桩砼强度达到设计要求30强度后才能进行,现场预制桩应达到100砼设计强度方可起吊打压桩。 8、监理人员要书面检查施工单位自检、交接检的资料,并在隐蔽验收记录单和工程报验单上签置验收意见。(五)沉桩对周围环境的影响 打桩静压沉桩属于排土类型桩基,桩体强行压入体中,对桩周围一定范围内的土体伴随着剪切和挤压作用(

22、该作用一般在35倍桩径,即1.52.5m左右),对于软粘土地区,由于其透水性差,随着沉入桩中数量的增加,地下水超孔隙压力积累上升,降低了土体蠕动和位移对周边的构筑物及地下管线产生不良影响。根据施工经验及有关监测资料,其影响半径一般在11.5倍桩尖入土适当范围内,即4060m左右。 在沉桩施工过程中,为了减少沉桩对周围环境的影响,确保邻近构筑物及地下管线的安全和正常使用,保证施工顺利进行,必须采取有效的防护措施。施工单位首先要制订合理的施工流程。 1、在施打(压)桩施工,迎着或背离被保护对象沉桩其变形影响相差数倍以上,压桩方向原则上背离被保护对象方向,平行一般保护对象方向进行。 2、限速及增加施

23、工作业点。在打(压)桩施工过程中,发现地下管线及周围构筑物变形过大,应适当调整沉桩速率,增加施工作业点,以利于孔隙水压力的消散,即能保护管网及邻近构筑物的安全,又可保持适当的工效。 3、砂井和防挤孔。设置防挤孔可以明显减少防挤孔深度范围内土体的侧向挤压位移也有利于排水,砂井可以明显减少超孔隙水压力的积累上升,并加速孔隙水压力的消散。 4、防挤沟设置开挖。开挖防挤沟可以减少表土的侧向挤压,对浅埋的管线和浅基础有较好的保护作用。同时,对浅埋的场区煤气管道进行开挖暴露,消除挤土影响。 5、预孔管取土。采取该措施,可以减少桩的排土量,大幅度降低浅层土的影响,有效地保护地下管网和邻道构筑物安全。(该方法

24、需经设计单位确认) 6、抽水和钻孔再取土。对防挤孔内的水及防挤沟内的水及时用潜水泵抽除,则有利于地下水的排放,利于超孔隙水压力的消散。随着沉桩数量的增加,土体的侧向挤压使防挤孔充满土体,从而导致防挤孔失去作用,为此,应及时在原防挤孔位置再取土,使保护措施发挥较好的作用。 7、环境检查措施。环境监测由建设方委托专业单位进行,监测资料当天及时送达建设方和施工单位,发现变形过大,及时报警,以便采取有效的措施。保证邻近构筑物及地下管网的变形较好地控制在允许范围内。(六)质量标准1、保证项目 .钢筋混凝土预制桩的质量必须符合设计图纸要求和施工规范的规定,工厂预制桩必须有出厂合格证。.桩的贯入度、桩的接头

25、节点处理必须符合设计要求和施工规范的规定。2、允许偏差目 录允许偏差(mm)检验方法桩有基础垂直基础梁的中心线方向100用经纬仪中梁的桩沿基础梁的中心线方向150或拉线和心桩数为12根的单排桩100尺量检查位桩数为320根d/2置边缘桩d/2偏桩数多于20根中间桩d稳按标高控制的打入桩桩顶高差用水准仪和尺检查3、桩的堆放应符合下列要求.场地应平整,坚实不得产生不均匀下沉;.垫木与吊建的位置应相同,并应保持同一平面内;.同桩长(规格)的桩应堆放在一起,桩尖应向一端,便于施工;.多层的垫木应上下对齐,最下层的垫木应适当加宽,堆放的层数一般不宜超过四层。4、打(压)完毕的基础的基坑开挖,应制订合理的

26、施工顺序和技术措施,土方开挖一般在打(压)桩的二周后进行,防止土体挤压引起的位移和倾斜、甚至断裂现象。5、截断过长的桩头,严禁用横锤敲打,以免造成断桩和产生横向裂纹。of the difference of the results. this value should be less than 0.5%. defined for determination of whiteness of starches starch whiteness: under the stated conditions, surface of starch light reflectance standard whi

27、teboard surface and light reflectance ratio. whiteness of whiteness meter measurements samples value to represent. 2, principle: blu-ray through sample reflectivity reflectance contrast with the standard whiteboard for blu-ray, get samples of whiteness. measurement method applicable to dry into a po

28、wder of refined starches . bai duyi 3, instruments: wavelength can be transferred to 425nm box for sample and standard whiteboard, accurate to 0.1. press box: fit in the box. step 4, analysis sample preparation: samples should be fully mixed. sample board by: bai duyi samples box zhuangyang, accordi

29、ng to bai duyi method sample whiteboard prescribed. bai duyi preparation: method of operation required by bai duyi operation, will be marked with a white ceramic whiteboard or whiteboard made of high purity magnesium oxide standard correction. measurement: determined by white whiteboard analyzer sam

30、ple, write down the whiteness. determination of number: the same sample for the second determination. 5, said of the results: the whiteness of whiteness of whiteness meter measurements samples value. such as poor meets the requirements, take the arithmetic mean of the second determination as a resul

31、t. 6, allowing differential analyst simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value of the difference of the results. this value should be less than 0.2. definition starch viscosity determination of starch viscosity: resistance to flow after samples of starch g

32、elatinization. usedmanipulator control mode and programmable controllers introduction 2.1 select discussion with manipulator control 2.1.1 classification of control relays and discrete electronic circuit can control old industrial equipment, but also more common. mainly these two relatively cheap an

33、d you can meet the old-fashioned, simple (or simple) industrial equipment. so he can see them now, however these two control modes (relay and discrete electronic circuits) are these fatal flaws: (1) cannot adapt to the complex logic control, (2) only for the current project, the lack of compatibilit

34、y and (3) not reforming the system with equipment improvements. spring for the development of chinas modern industrial automation technology the substantial increase in the level of industrial automation, completed the perfect relay of the computer too much. in terms of controlling the computer show

35、ed his two great advantages: (1) each of the hardware can be installed on one or more microprocessors; (2) the official designer of the software writing content control is all about. now in several ways in the context of industrial automation can often be seen in three ways: (1) programmable logical

36、 controller (referred to as ipc); (2) distributed control system (dcs for short), and (3) the programmable logical controller (plc for short). 2.1.2 plc and the ipc and dcs contrast contrast 1, each of the three technologies of origins and development requirements for fast data processing makes it invented the computer. the men brought in terms of hardware there, using a high level of standardizati


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