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1、毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译系 (院):机械工程学院专 业:机械设计制造及其自动化姓 名:学 号:外文出处:computer-aided design & applications, vol. 2, nos. 1-4, 2005, pp95-104附 件:1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文。指导教师评语: 年月日签名: 附件1:外文资料翻译译文多轴数控加工仿真的自适应固体香港t. yau1, lee s. tsou2 and yu c. tong31中正大学,.tw 2中正大学,.tw3 中正大学,.tw


3、,自适应1.介绍nc加工是一个基本的和重要的用于生产的机械零件的制造过程。在理想的情况下,数控机床将运行在无人值守模式。使用nc仿真和验证是必不可少的,如果要运行的程序有信心在无人操作。因此,它是非常重要的,在执行之前,以保证nc路径的正确性。从文学来说,数控仿真主要分为三种主要方法,如下所述。第一种方法使用直接布尔十字路口实体模型来计算材料去除量在加工过程。这种方法在理论上能够提供精确的数控加工仿真,但使用实体建模方法的问题是,它是计算昂贵。使用构造实体几何仿真的成本刀具运动的o(n 4)的数量的四次幂成正比。第二种方法使用空间分割表示,代表刀具和工件。在这种方法中,一个坚实的对象被分解成一



6、磨工件的自由形式的几何体素的新型固体,因为模型的轴对准和视图独立的性质。同时利用八叉树来避免创建大量的体素。该方法判断刀具保持与工件接触,发现接触的所有体素,然后将这些体素空间分辨率达到八像素递归直到达到所需的精度水平。因此,如果有与刀具接触体素,也没有必要细分模型。图1显示了八叉树数据结构和它所代表的体素模型。图1. 八叉树数据结构和相关的体素模型传统上,由于加工仿真采用均匀的体素数据结构来表示一个研磨工件,精度提高了体素数据时,将产生大量的工件。这将使加工仿真变慢,这是因为大量计算机内存的需要。因此,我们使用八叉树数据结构的自适应创造体素,需要仿真。3. 刀具几何使用隐式函数表示空间均匀的

7、体素分割方法未能解决多维数控验证相当复杂与准确的工件。如果需要高精度,大量的体素必须成立进行布尔集合运算。这将消耗大量的内存和时间。但我们三轴仿真的新方法采用自适应的体素模型来表示一个研磨的工件,并使用隐式函数来表示的刀具实体模型。由于刀具不分解成一个集合的基本几何元素,因此可以实现高的精度。同时工件模型利用八叉树模型来减少不必要的体素。下面,我们描述了使用隐函数表示的各种刀具。平立铣刀可以由一个圆柱体代表。图2显示平立铣刀切削方向一致。如果工具是平行于z轴,且坐标系统转换,中心点位于原点。因此,一个平面铣刀的隐函数:f ( x , y , z ) = maxabs ( z l/2 ) l/2

8、, x 2 + y 2 r 2 if z 0 该隐函数被用于确定体素在里面,外面,或交叉的刀不损失任何精度。裁判可以通过插入一个像素顶点坐标为隐函数。方程式(2)描述了一个顶点与刀具间的关系,如图3所示。 0 在外部表面表示r:刀具半径l:从沿刀轴的中心点开始测量距离图2:平面铣刀和相关的坐标系统图3:隐函数用于确定刀具的内部或外部球立铣刀是由一个圆柱和一个球体组成,如图4所示。如果工具是平行于z轴,且坐标系统的原点平移到球体的中心,则一个球立铣刀的隐函数可以被描述为:max abs ( z ) l , x 2 + y 2 r 2 若z 0 f ( x , y , z )= (3) x 2 +

9、 y 2 + z 2 r 2 其他表示r:刀轴刀角中心径向距离r: 刀角半径l:从沿刀轴的中心点开始测量距离图4:球立铣刀和相关的坐标系统圆角立铣刀可以由两个气缸和一个圆环表示。如果工具是平行于z轴,且坐标系统转换到中心点,如图5所示,圆角端铣刀隐函数可推导为: max abs ( z ) l , x 2 + y 2 (r+r)2 若z 0f ( x , y , z )= max abs ( z ) l , x 2 + y 2 r 2 否则abs(x)r (x 2 + y 2 + z 2 +r 2)4r2(x 2+ z 2) 其他表示r:刀轴刀角中心径向距离r:刀角半径l:从沿刀轴的中心点开始

10、测量距离图5:圆角铣刀和相关的坐标系统作为一个简单的平面铣刀,或复杂的圆角立铣刀,隐函数可以用来确定一点是否是内部或外部的刀具直接应用的方程式。隐函数表示刀具的使用不仅是精确的几何形状,简单的概念,而且隐函数编程也很容易和简单。因此,我们可以很容易地知道隐式函数f(x,y,z)的存量和刀具之间的几何关系。4. 三轴数控加工仿真配制后的切削刀具的隐函数,需要被执行的一项重要任务是确定哪些需要在球磨过程中细分或删除的体素。图6则表示一个三轴nc路径模拟流程图:建立刀具和工件模型读取nc代码结束nc代码?完成仿真是删除停止检查边界盒检查刀隐函数联系所有顶点都在模型所有顶点都在模型外细分所有顶点都在模

11、型达到要求的精度否是否图6:三轴加工仿真流程图三轴nc路径模拟过程描述如下:(1) 第一步是读nc代码。然后我们可以得到每个数控段的开始和结束的刀具位置(cl)的刀具运动点。因此,三轴运动模型是任何两个工具的配置点位置的联合结构的cl插值。(2) 刀具的边界框是用来初步判断刀具接触体素模型的哪部分。其目的是摆脱不与刀具的体素接触。如果确定体素是与刀具接触,体素的顶点将被取代刀隐函数来决定是否像素顶点位于刀具的内部或外部。(3) 如果所有的体素点符合条件的f(x,y,z)0时,则确认它的体素已被完全切断刀;也就是说,体素在落刀应该被消除。如果顶点部分落在里面和其他人以外,这意味着需要进一步划分体


13、本文的三轴仿真方法,如图8所示。图8:三轴和五边的仿真实例5. 五轴联动数控加工仿真在五轴加工中,除了三个平移运动,刀具轴也会旋转。因此,我们对五轴仿真方法只修改刀隐函数。所有其他的步骤与三轴仿真是相同的。因此,刀具的三种可以表示如下:平立铣刀可以由一个圆柱体代表。图9结果表明刀具轴沿着n,中心点位于 p。因此,一个平面铣刀的隐函数:f ( x , y , z ) = ( x p ) t n 2 ( x p ) r 2 若 0 n t ( x p )l (5)表示 r:刀具半径 x = x y zt :一个像素点的位置 n = n x n y nzt :刀具轴的单位矢量 p = p x py

14、pz t :中心点 0 -nz n y nx2-1 nxny nxnzn= nz 0 -n x n2= nxny ny2-1 nynz -n y n x 0 nxnz nynz nz2-1图9:五轴旋转的平面铣刀模式球立铣刀可以由一个圆柱和一个球体,工会代表。图10则结果表明刀具轴沿 n和中心点位于p 。因此,一个球立铣刀的隐函数: ( x p ) t n 2 ( x p ) r 2 f ( x , y , z ) = 如果0 n t ( x p ) l ( x p ) t( x p ) r2 其他 表示r:刀具半径n:刀具轴的单位矢量图10:五轴模式旋转球立铣刀圆角立铣刀可以由两个气缸和一个

15、圆环工会代表。图11则结果表明刀具轴沿n,中心点位于p。因此,一个圆形立铣刀的隐函数: ( v t n 2 v ) ( r + r ) 2 若0 n t v lf ( x , y , z ) = ( v t n 2 v ) r 2否则0 n ( v r n ) r and ( v t n 2 v ) r 2 ( v t n 2 v )+(ntv)2+r2-r2 )+4r2( v t n 2 v )表示r:从刀轴刀角中心径向距离r:刀角半径n:刀具轴的单位矢量 v = x p图11:五轴式旋转圆角立铣刀图12显示了一个简单的例子,从70度到50度左右的x轴和沿x轴移动的刀具轴的旋转。图13显示用

16、于五轴加工叶轮的刀具路径和仿真过程。图14显示叶片五轴数控加工仿真的另外一个例子。图12:五轴数控加工仿真。 (a) (b) (c) (d)图13:五轴模拟叶轮的例子。(a)刀具路径,(b)(c)与刀具加工工件,(d)完成的部分(a) (b)(c) (d) 图14:五轴模拟叶片的例子。(a)刀具路径,(b)(c)与刀具加工工件,(d)完成的部分6. 实验结果该方法已运行在2.4 ghz的奔腾4电脑,实现了在c + +和一些测试用例。标签1给出了自适应数控仿真所需要的内存空间和计算时间的比较。第一行显示的图片的数控轨迹的四个不同的模型。第二和第三行显示nc代码的信息。第四行是工件模型的分辨率。刀

17、具模型由隐式函数正确表达,所以没有精度问题,第五行显示刀具使用的类型,最后三行是所需要的内存空间,计算时间和所提供的仿真结果。部分推动布莱德休博特尔nc路径数控代码(线)26542536748033340数控代码长度(mm)249508642272873060分辨率(mm)0.1切削刀具flat r3ball r10flat r1.5ball r1计算时间(sec)562387296209内存空间(mb)19210167132仿真结果表明标签1:需要的内存空间和计算时间的自适应数控仿真。标签2给出了所需要的内存空间,使用均匀的体素模型的数控加工仿真的计算时间的比较。为适应数控


19、比较及误差分析。它可以在加工数控机床之前验证其nc代码的准确性,以避免浪费材料和提高加工精度。总之,对多轴模拟方法的优点如下所述。(1)模拟的方法比其他基于体素模拟的方法使用更少的内存。(2)仿真是独立的。dexel模型的视图有相关的限制,而体素模型没有这个限制。(3)模拟是可靠和准确的。无论刀具的五轴还是三轴仿真都是采用隐函数来表示,整个方法简单可靠。8.参考文献1.choi, b. k., jerard, r. b., sculptured surface machining: theory and applications, kluwer academic publishers, 199

20、8. 2. wang, w. p., wang, k. k., geometric modeling for swept volume of moving solids, ieee computer graphics & applications, vol. 6, no.12, 1986, pp 8-173. atherton, p. r., a scan-line hidden surface removal procedure for constructive solid geometry, computer graphics, vol. 17, no. 3, 1983, pp 73-82

21、.4. kawashima, y., itoh, k., ishida, t., nonaka, s., ejiri, k., a flexible quantitative method for nc machining verification using a space-division based solid model, the visual computer, vol. 7, 1991, pp 149-157.5. jang, d., kim, k., jung, j., voxel-based virtual multi-axis machining, advanced manu

22、facturing technology, vol. 16, no. 10, 2000, pp 709-713.6. van hook, t., real time shaded nc milling display, computer graphics, vol. 20, no. 4, 1986, pp 15-20.7. huang, y., oliver, j. h., integrated simulation, error assessment, and tool path correction for five-axis nc milling, journal of manufact

23、uring systems, vol. 14, no. 5, 1995, pp 331-334.8. saito, t., takahashi, t., nc machining with g-buffer method, computer graphics, vol. 25, 1991, pp 207-2169. chang, k. y., goodman, e. d., a method for nc tool path interference detection for a multi-axis milling system, asme control of manufacturing

24、 process, dsc-vol.28/ped-vol.52, 1991, pp 23-30.附件2:外文原文adaptive nc simulation for multi-axis solid machininghong t. yau 1 , lee s. tsou 2 and yu c. tong 31national chung cheng university,.tw2national chung cheng university,.tw3national chung cheng university,pume.cc

25、.twabstractfor the machining of a complicated surface, a large amount of linear nc segments are usually generated to approximate the surface with precision. if inaccurate nc codes are not discovered until the end of cutting, time and expensive material would be wasted. however, accurate and vie

26、w-independent verification of multi-axis nc machining is still a challenge. this paper emphasizes the use of adaptive octree to develop a reliable multi-axis simulation procedure which verifies the cutting route and the workpiece appearance during and after simulation. voxel models with adaptive oct

27、ree data structure are used to approximate the machined workpiece with specified resolution. implicit functions are used to represent various cutter geometries for the examination of cutter contact points with speed and accuracy. it allows a user to do error analysis and comparison between the cutti

28、ng model and the original cad model. it can also verify the exactness of nc codes before machining is carried out by a cnc machine in order to avoid wasting material and to improve machining accuracy.keywords: nc simulation, solid machining, adaptive voxel model1. introductionnc machining is a funda

29、mental and important manufacturing process for the production of mechanical parts. ideally, an nc machine would be running in unmanned mode. the use of nc simulation and verification is essential if programs are to be run with confidence during an unmanned operation . therefore, it is of vital impor

30、tance to guarantee the exactness of nc paths before execution. from literature, nc simulation can mainly be divided into three major approaches , described as follows.the first kind of approach uses direct boolean intersections of solid models to calculate the material removal volumes during machini

31、ng . this approach is theoretically capable of providing accurate nc simulation, but the problem with using the solid modeling approach is that it is computationally expensive. the cost of simulation using constructive solid geometry is proportional to the fourth power of the number of tool movement

32、s o(n 4 ) . the second kind of approach uses spatial partitioning representation to represent the cutter and the workpiece. in this approach, a solid object is decomposed into a collection of basic geometric elements, which include voxels , dexels,g-buffers , and so on, thus simplifying the processe

33、s of regularized boolean set operations. the third kind of approach uses discrete vector intersection . this method is based on a discretization of a surface into a set of points. cutting is simulated by calculating the intersection of vectors which pass through the surface points with tool path env

34、elopes. during multi-axis nc machining, the cutting tool frequently rotates so that it is very difficult to calculate a workpiece model that is view-dependent. thus, in this paper, we use the voxel data structure to represent the workpiece model. but according to past literature, if precision is nee

35、ded, a large number of voxels must be set up to carry out boolean set operations. this consumes memory and time. thus, our approach uses the octree data structure to represent the workpiece model. the octree can be adapted to create voxels with the desired resolutions that are needed. we utilize the

36、 octree to quickly search for voxels which have contact with the cutter. however, our approach uses an implicit function to represent the cutting tool because a cutter can be easily and exactly represented by implicit algebraic equations, and judging whether the cutter keeps in contact with the work

37、piece is also easy. thus, our approach is reliable and precise.the content of the paper is organized as follows. section 2 discusses the workpiece representation using octree based voxel modes. section 3 presents the formulation of implicit functions used to represent the geometry of various cutters

38、. section 4 outlines the procedure of the proposed algorithm for 3-axis nc simulation. section 5 shows how the proposed approach can be easily adapted to 5-axis simulation by extending the implicit functions to accommodate for the 5-axis rotation. examples are given to demonstrate the effectiveness

39、and simplicity of the proposed approach. section 6 shows the experimental results of the required memory space and computation time for nc simulation. at the end, conclusions are made in section 7.2. voxel representation of solid geometryin this paper, we use a voxel data structure to represent the

40、free form solid geometry of a milled workpiece because a voxel model has axis alignment and view-independent properties. at the same time we use the octree to avoid creating a large number of voxels. the method judges whether the cutter keeps in contact with the workpiece, finds all voxels which hav

41、e such contact, and then subdivides these voxels into eight voxels in space recursively until the resolution reaches the desired precision level. thus, if there is no voxel in contact with the cutter, there is no need to subdivide the voxel. fig. 1. shows the octree data structure and the voxel mode

42、l it represents.fig. 1. octree data structure and the associated voxel modeltraditionally, since machining simulation uses the uniform voxel data structure to represent a milled workpiece, when precision increases, great quantity of voxel data will be produced to represent the workpiece. this will m

43、ake the machining simulation slow because a lot of computer memory is needed. thus, we use the octree data structure to adaptively create voxels as needed during simulation3. representation of cutter geometry using implicit functionsthe spatial partitioning approach with uniform voxels has failed to

44、 address multi-dimensional nc verification for workpieces of comparable complexity and accuracy. if high precision is needed, a large number of voxels must be set up to carry out boolean set operations. this will consume considerable amount of memory and time. but our new approach for three-axis sim

45、ulation uses the adaptive voxel model to represent a milled workpiece, and uses implicit functions to represent a solid model of the cutter. since the cutter is not decomposed into a collection of basic geometric elements, high accuracy can be achieved. at the same time the workpiece model makes use

46、 of the octreemodel to reduce the number of unnecessary voxels. in the following, we describe the representation of various cutters using implicit functions.flat endmills can be represented by a cylinder. fig. 2. shows the flat endmill aligned with the direction of cutting. assuming the tool is para

47、llel to the z-axis, and the coordinate system is translated such that the center point is located at the origin. thus, the implicit function of a flat endmill is: f ( x , y , z ) = maxabs ( z l/2 ) l/2, x 2 + y 2 r 2 if z 0this implicit function is used to determine whether a voxel is inside, outsid

48、e, or intersected with the cutter without losing any accuracy. the judgment can be made by inserting the coordinates of the vertices of a voxel into the implicit function. eqn. (2) describes the relationship between a vertex and the cutter, which is also illustrated in fig. 3. 0 lie outsid the surfa

49、cewherer : the cutter radius l : the distance measured from the center point along the cutter axis fig. 2. flat endmill and the associated coordinate systemfig. 3. implicit function used to determine the interior or exterior of a cutterball endmills can be represented by the union of a cylinder and

50、a sphere, as shown in fig. 4. assuming the tool is parallel to the z-axis, and the origin of the coordinate system is translated to the center of the sphere, the implicit function of a ball endmill can be described as: max abs ( z ) l , x 2 + y 2 r 2 if z 0 f ( x , y , z )= (3) x 2 + y 2 + z 2 r 2 o

51、therwisewherer : the cutter radius l : the distance measured from the center point along the cutter axisfig. 4. ball endmill and the associated coordinate systemfillet endmills can be represented by the union of two cylinders and a torus. assuming the tool is parallel to the z-axis, and the coordina

52、te system is translated to the center point as shown in fig. 5., the implicit function of a fillet endmill can be derived as: max abs ( z ) l , x 2 + y 2 (r+r)2 if z 0f ( x , y , z )= max abs ( z ) l , x 2 + y 2 r 2 else if abs(x)r (x 2 + y 2 + z 2 +r 2)4r2(x 2+ z 2) otherwisewherer : the radial distance from the cutter axis to the cutter corner centerr : the cutter corner radiusl : the distance measured from the center point along the cutter axisfig. 5. fillet endmill and the associated coordinate systemas simple as a flat endmill, or as complex as a fillet endmill, the implic


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