1、北京市西城区2021-2021年三年七年级第二学期期末考试英语试卷分类汇编附加题2021-2021学年北京市西城区八年级下学期期末考试英语试题一、阅读短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最正确选项。共8分,每题2分kfcWhat is your earliest memory?5 For most people, the earliest memories are reported astaking place at around the age of three or four. Catriona Morrison, a professor of the Uni
2、versity ofBradford believes that memories first appear when we are able to start telling stories about ourlives. In other words, theyre connected to storytelling and language.Studying a person s earliest memory is a difficult thing to do. For one thing, it can be quitedifficult to get someone to rem
3、ember his/her earliest memory. For anothc匚 studying these kinds ofmemories requires a researcher to place a lot of tmst in the person trying to remenibe匚 I tested thisout by asking workers in the NS office about their earliest memories Indra. our digital sub-editor,says she thinks she remembers her
4、mum shouting: “Nikki! Nikki! Diana s dead! Indra was twoand a half years old when Princess Diana died.For those, like me, who are unable to think of a certain earliest memory off the top of theirheads, Morrison says she tries to make the task easier by asking people to describe their firstholiday or
5、 Christmas and how emotional the memory is for them Following this, she will then askthem about their earliest memory.But which memories do we keep, and which do we lose? Morrison tells me that our earlymemories are usually connected with some sort of emotion: good or bad Dr. Tim Wildschut, aprofess
6、or of psychology at the University of Southampton, describes a study that he is working onnow, in which he asks people to keep a diary and to score each event on a number of dimensions方而.For example: how meaningful was that event? How much did it make you feel connected?Did it raise your self-confid
7、ence? One year later, he will ask the subjects how nostalgic C怀旧白勺they feel when thinking about those events With the results, Wildschut hopes to gain a model forunderstanding which types of memories we keep, which ones we feel nostalgia for. and which aresimply lost.Morrison. however, notes an inte
8、resting thing in our childhood memories Recent studieshave shown that up until around the age of seven, children seem to be able to remember very earlyevents in their lives However, after that age. those memories are somehow lost.Nostalgia is a difficult feeling to describe, but its actually very mi
9、portant. Nostalgia isneeded in order to get a sense of self. Like any memory about life, it can come into the mindthrough a photo, a certain smell or a piece of music IiHcrcsiingly, studies show that music is notusually present in our earliest memories, but forms a key part of later memories Truly,
10、inconsidering how we form memories, it is clear that who we are is very important regarding whatwe remember.1. Indra s story shows tliat.A. people have similar earliest memoriesB. our first memory began at a certain ageC. it is impossible to trust our earliest memoriesD. its difficult to study peopl
11、e s earliest memories2. Morrison asks people to describe their first holiday toA. check if we can trust our earliest memoriesB. see which memories we would like to keepC. find out what people s earliest memories areD. test how we feel about our earliest memories3. What is Dr Tim Wildschut study abou
12、t?A. The meaning of childhoodB. Different types of memories.C. Memories and self-confidenceD. The importance of keeping a diary.4. Which might be the best title for the passage?A. Who decides our earliest memories?B. Are childhood memories meaningful?C. When do children begin to have good memories?D
13、. Do we remember our earliest memories?二.阅读短文,根据短文内容,从下而方框中选择恰当的单词,并用其正确形式填空。每个单词只使用一次。共12分,每题2分warm (adj.) force (v.) easy (adj) animal (n.) discover (v.) even (adv.)Nobody knows when people began controlling fire. We do know that people have been usingfire for millions of years .Its many uses help
14、ed them to survive In the beginning, people probably used fire for three purposes: to stay warm, to keep wild_5_ away, and to have light in the darkness. People built fires and stayed close to them becausebears and wolves would stay away from the flames (火焰).Tliey slept near the fire for _6_, aswell
15、.Eventually, people discovered that roasted meat tasted good Soon they were cooking theirmeats and fish Cooking kills germs. As a result, people became sick less often.Early people thought of more uses for fire. Using smoky torches (火把),humans7_ bees to leave their hive This resulted in the people g
16、etting honey. They 8_ that firecould be used for hunting, loo.Over time, people figured out that they could grow seed-bearing grassed such as wheat. Theyneeded a way to clear a field quickly so that they could plant what they wanted .Il was much 9 toburn a field than to cut down every bush and treeO
17、nce people had farms. they also built houses Each home had a fireplace _10 _150 yearsago a fire was always burning in most homes so that people could make soup and hot drinks at anytime.Today small fires bum in our homes in our gas furnaces, water heaters, stoves, dryers, andfireplaces Thus, fire co
18、ntinues to help us thrive答案:一、阅读选择。3. B4. D二、阅读填空。5. animals6. warmth7. forced& discovered9. easier10. Even北京市西城区2021-2021学年度第二学期期末考试八年级英语试卷及答案一. 阅读短文,根据短文内容,从下面方框中选择恰当的单词,并用其正确形式填空。每个词语只能使用一次。共12分,每题2分besuccessful officerwalkhide presentThere once was a very rich and curious 好奇白勺king This king had
19、a huge rock placed inthe middle of a road. Then he nearby to see if anyone would try to remove 移走he hugerock from the road The first people to pass by were some of the highest 2 and the richest businessmen.Rather than moving it, they simply walked around it. A few said angrily that the king should k
20、eepthe roads clear. None of them tried to move the huge rockLater, a farmer came along He was carrying a basket of vegetables When he got near thehuge rock, instead of 3 around it as the others had done, the farmer put down his vegetablesand tried to move the rock to the side of the road. 1 took a l
21、ot of work but he finally moved itaway 4 The farmer took his vegetables and was ready to go on his way when he saw a wallet lyingwhere the huge rock had been The farmer opened the wallet. There 5 coins and a note fromthe king The kings note said the gold coins were a reward 酬谢for moving the huge roc
22、k off ofthe road The story shows us an important lesson: every difficulty, 6 a chance to make adifference 二、阅读短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的A, B,C,D四个选项中,选择最正确选项。共8分,每题2分Last fall, many people shared social media 社交媒体posts about scary clowns 可怕的小IL The online posts said people dressed as clowns were waiting ne
23、ar schools planning to hurtstudents.The clown story scared many people-but not the students in Diane Gardners class.Ms. Gardner teaches eighth-grade language arts. Her class did not believe the clown storjf.Some people got scared because they never looked into seeing who was posting the storiestliey
24、 were reading on social mediasaid 13-year-old Patricia Rose from Ms. Gardners class.Sometimes people read jiist one story and automatically believed it was true, her classmatehy Brooks added.fcThey should look to see where the story came from. Is it from a newsgroup? Is it just a rumor-a circulating
25、 流传的story of uncertain truth?* The posts wereactually not written by reporters. Many posts like these were made byteenagers who did not have any proof 证据of what they were posting. In the end. theclown story turned out to be a joke.1 was fake news, or news that is wrong on purposeThere are different
26、kinds of fake news. Some have facts with incorrect information inthem.A fact is something that can be proven tine Other fake news stories are opinions, but pretend彳为装to be facts. An opinion is something a person thinks. Opinions change from person toperson. Fake news is a problem because it spreads
27、传扌潘wrong information.Being able to spot 认出fake news is an increasingly important skill today. Storiesspread lightning-fast online .It is also easier than ever to share incorrect informatio n. Almostanyone can make a website where lies look like factsThis can make it hard to know what real news is. T
28、hat is why Ms Gardner is teaching herstudents to think critically 审辨地so that they can avoid falling for fake stories.In her class, Ms. Gardner often points out that the first step when reading news is to slowdown. Fast, stop and think/1 she says. Then, ask yourself questions: Is there any proof in t
29、hestory? Where is this story coming from? Did the writer have a reason to make up this story?11Her students have also learned and practiced these things. After they read a news story, theydecide if the news story has mostly facts, or mostly opinions Then they check the facts, they domore research to
30、 see if the story is right.To test her students, Gardner showed them a website about an animal called the PacificNorthwest Tree Octopus. The website is full of information on this tree-climbing sea creature. Iteven has a few unclear pictures. But, just like the scary clowns, its totally made up.Ms.
31、Gardner said this was a good lesson for her students She wanted them to double-checkthe information they see Her advice is simple:H7. At the beginning of the passage, the writer mentions the clown story toA. show that students arent scared easilyB. warn that clowns could be dangerous to studentsC. s
32、uggest that stories spread online can sometimes be fakeD. prove that stories not written by reporters are made 即7& According to the passage, a good reader of news would probably.A. spot opinions in stories that pretend to be factsB. do more research to check the opinions in the storyC. avoid falling
33、 for fake stories by reading very slowlyD. believe a story that includes more facts than opinions9. What advice might Ms. Gardner give her students?A. Question everything.B. Never spread fake newsC. Act quickly, think slowly.D Read today, lead tomorrow.10. What can we learn from the passage?A. Stori
34、es that spread fast online are most likely fake newsB. Patricia Rose hates people who post stories on the Internet.C. Ms. Gardner believes social media is harmful to her studentsD. Social media has made it easier and faster to spread fake news答案:北京市西城区2021-2021学年八年级下学期期末考试英语试题一、短文填空共12分,每题2分根据短文内容,从
35、下而方框中选择恰当的单词,并用其正确形式填空。每词只能用一次,有一个是多余项。open help astronaut small chance smell experienceCoolest Space JobsMany of us spent our childhoods dreaming of becoming astronauts However. the hard realityis that only a select few will make it. But does that mean youll never get the _ to work inspace? Not nec
36、essarily.In fact, some of the space jobs are not only for - andthey all sound just as cool.One of the most interesting space jobs that you may havenever heard of is chief sniffer 嗅探员H. NASA has already had a chief sniffer named GeorgeAldrich, whose job is to _ materials and components 材料和零部件before t
37、hey are used inspaceships.Another job is the space tour guide. Being a space tour guide needs rich knowledge ofastronomy 天文学,astrophysics 天体物理学,geography and history _4_ passengers get themost out of their journey. Tour guides also need to be excellent storytellers so that passengers can5_ the true
38、wonder of space travel.Astronauts often spend weeks or even months in a/an _6_ capsule 太空月仓with the samegroup of people, which is why a space psychologist 心理学家is also needed to help astronautsovercome mental challenges, like feeling bored and lonely.二、阅读理解共8分,每题2分阅读短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择
39、最正确选项。Stephen HawkingWho Was Stephen Hawking?Stephen Hawking 1942-2021was a British scientist, professor and author in physics andcosmology 宇宙学.Stephen Hawking BooksStephen Hawking wrote or co-wrote a total of 15 books, including A BriefHistory of Time, The Universe in a Nutshell, My Brief History,
40、and The GrandDesign.In 1988, the book A Brief History of Time came out. The work was aninstant success, spending more than four years atopat the top ofthe LondonSunday Times* best-seller list. It has sold millions of copies worldwide andbeen translated into more than 40 languages .In September 2021.
41、 Hawking spoke against the ideaof Sir Isaac Newton that God could have created the universe in his book The Grand Design.Because there is a law such as gravity 重力.the universe can and will create itself from nothing.Hawking said.What Disease 疾病Did Stephen Hawking Have?At the age of 21, Stephen Hawki
42、ng was diagnosed 诊断with amyotrophic lateral sclerosisALS. In a very simple sense, the nervesI巾经that controlled his muscles were shutting down.At the time, doctors gave him two and a half years to live, but he survived 55 years In a sense,Hawkings disease helped turn him into the famous scientist he
43、became. Before my conditionwas diagnosed, I had been very bored with life, hc said, There had not seemed to be anythingworth dongStephen Hawking was born into a family of thinkers. His Scottish mother made her way intoOxford University in the 1930sa time when few women were able to go to college. Hi
44、s father,another Oxford graduate was a medical researcher. Affected 影向by his family, at an early age,Hawking showed a passion 热情for science and the sky.People wont have time for you if you are always angry or complaining. Whilc StephenHawking had ALS, he hardly got too down on himself. As soon as he found out his brain was notgoing to be affected, he regained his passion about his studies advice to other disabledpeople would be. focus on things your disability
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