1、Conclusion Terms of Internationnal Trade Objectives/Strcture 1. International trade terms 2. Formation of contract 3. Performance of the contract 4. Acceptance and rejection of goods 5. Frustration of contract 6. Invoices and packing 7. Product liability International Trade terms introduction to tra
2、de terms Incoterms 2000 EXW FCA FAS FOB CFRCIFCPTCIP DESDEQDDUDDPDAF Factors stated clearly and reasonably when drawing a contract of sales: Quality / quantity / packing / / delivery / insurance/ terms of payment / inspection/ Claim/ arbitration price Factors taken into account when quoting prices:
3、Various expenses involved in getting the goods from the factory / warehouse in his own country to the buyers premises, for example, dock charges, clearing and forwarding charges, freight and insurance, profit margin and so on. USD 2000 Per metric ton CIF London including 4%commission Trade terms/ de
4、livery terms/ price terms Components of trade terms: 1. Type of currency (计价货币) 2. Price per unit (单位价格金额) 3. Measurement unit (计价数量单位) 4. Trade terms (贸易术语) Trade terms 2.1.1 introduction to trade terms : a set of uniform rules codifying the interpretation of trade terms defining the price composit
5、ion and the rights and obligations of the buyer and the seller in international transactions Important trade terms in history Warsaw-Oxford Rules 1932 (华沙-牛津规则) Revised American Foreign Trade Definition 1941 (美国对外贸易修订本) Incoterms 1936 (国际贸易术语解释通则) Warsaw-Oxford Rules 1932 该协议是国际法协会专门对CIF制定的。 1928年,国
6、际法协会在华沙开会,制定关 于CIF买卖合同的统一规则;经数次修订, 在1932年牛津会议上定型。 协议以英国的贸易惯例和案例为基础,对 CIF买卖合同的性质、买卖双方承担的费用、 责任、风险作了说明。 Important trade terms in history Revised American Foreign Trade Definitions 19411941年美国对外贸易定义修订本 1919在美国举行泛美贸易会议时所制定的出口报价定 义,1941年经美国商会、全国对外贸易委员会National Council of American Importers, Inc.等三个民间团体所组
7、成 的联合委员会修订后,改称为现名。 本规则主要在北美大陆使用,因其FOB的定义与 INCOTERMS不同,所以在同该区域客户贸易时应注意贸易 术语的定义。 Incoterms国际贸易术语解释通 则 该通则由国际商会于1936年制订,曾于 1953年、1967年、1976年、1980年进行过 修订和补充,是使用最广、影响最大的有 关贸易术语的国际惯例。最近一次修订的 版本定名为2000年国际贸易术语解释通 则(INCOTERMS2000),作为国际商会出 版物颁布,已于2000年1月1日开始实施。 About Incoterms To establish clear and binding r
8、ules for: the division of transport cost the division of transport risks the handling liabilities Purpose: Coverage: Rights and Obligations with respect to the delivery of goods sold. Aspects not dealt with: Transfer of property / legal title; Breach of contract / deficiency in the merchandise Terms
9、 of payment Place of jurisdiction 2.1.2 Incoterms 2000 International Chamber of Commerce于 1936年首次制定,后来基本上十年一修订。 INCOTERMS2000于2000年生效。 是贸易术语解释最多、影响范围最广的贸 易术语国际惯例。共有13个术语。 Incoterms 2000 EXW FCA FAS FOB CFRCIFCPTCIP DESDEQDDUDDPDAF E组(启运)EXW卖方在其货物所在地将货物提供给 买方即履行交货义务。 F组(主运费未付main ferry unpaid)FAS, FO
10、B, FCA 由买方自负费用订立运输合同并指定承运人,卖方负责 将货物交给指定承运人或运输工具。 C组(主运费已付)CFR, CIF, CPT, CIP特点是风险 和费用划分分离。 由卖方负责按通常条件订立运输合同并支付到达合 同规定的目的港或目的地的正常运费。 CIP, CIF下,卖方需负责投保货物运输险,并支付保 险费 卖方负责在装运港装船(CIF, CFR)或在发货地将 货物交给承运人(CIP, CPT) 风险于货物越过船舷或交付承运人监管时转移。 D组(到达delivered)DAF, DES, DEQ, DDU, DDP卖方负责将货 物运至约定的目的港或目的地并承担货物交到目的港或目
11、的地 为止的一切费用和风险。 Group E: 工厂交货术语EXW Under the “E”-term, the seller only makes the goods available to the buyer at the sellers own premises. Ex Work(named place):工厂交货(指定目的地) 卖方在其所在处所(工厂、工场、仓库等)将货物提供 给买方时,即履行了交货义务,除非另有约定,卖方不负 责将货物装上买方备妥的车辆,也不负责出口清关,买方 要负担自卖方所在处所提取货物后至目的地的一切费用和 风险,这是卖方责任最小的一种术语。若买方无法办理出
12、口手续,应用FCA。 工厂交货术语EXW 双方义务: 卖方: 在合同规定的时间、地点,将合同要求的货物置于买方 的处置之下。 承担将货物交给买方处置之前的一切费用和风险。 提交商业发票或具有同等作用的电子信息。 买方: 在合同规定的时间、地点,受领卖方提交的货物,并按 合同规定支付货款。 承担受领货物之后的一切费用和风险。 自负费用和风险,取得出口和进口许可证或其他官方批 准文件,并办理货物出口和进口的一切海关手续。 工厂交货术语EXW 注意事项: 风险与费用划分: 卖方应将交货时间、地点及时通知买方。 若买方不按约定收取货物,或交货时间、 地点由买方决定时买方没有做出及时决定, 交货时间一到
13、,货物风险与费用得以提前 转移,但前提是货物已划归本合同项下, 而且卖方仍有保全货物数量、质量的义务。 Group F Under the “F”-terms (FCA, FAS and FOB), the seller is called upon to deliver the goods to a carrier appointed by the buyer. FCA FAS FOB Free Carrier (named place) (FCA) Free Carrier(named place)货交承运人 (指定装运港) 卖方负责办理货物的出口手续,在指定 地点将货物交给买方指定的承运
14、人,即作 为履行交货,卖方应承担承运人掌管货物 前的一切费用和风险。 Free Carrier 出口方出口方 装运港码头装运港码头 进口方进口方 车站车站/港口港口 FCA 货交承运人(货交承运人(指定地点)指定地点) seller Invoice The offeree rejects or makes a counter offer; The oferer revokes the offer before acceptance. 3. Counter-Offer (1) A reply to an offer which alter the terms of the offer mater
15、ially constitutes a counter- offer (2) An acceptance with restrictive conditions is another form of counter-offer, such as “subject to our final confirmation”. (3) If offeree accepts the original offer after he made a counter-offer, the contract is invalid. 2.2.3 Acceptance 1. The meaning of accepta
16、nce A statement made by or other conduct of the offeree indicating assent to an offer is an acceptance. 2. The essential conditions of acceptance a. Acceptance shall be made by a specific offeree. b.Acceptance shall be declared in certain ways c. Acceptance shall be in accordance with the offer d. A
17、cceptance shall reach the offeror within the time of validity 3. Time that an acceptance becomes effective The British laws and American laws adopt “Despatch Theory” The law of Continental countries and “convention” adopt “Arrival Theory”. An acceptance of an offer becomes effective at the moment th
18、e indication of assent reaches the offeror. 4. Forms of acceptance A. The confirmation slip B. The countersigned acceptance form 2.3 Performance of the Contract Delivery of the goods Passing of the property Passing of the risk 2.4 Acceptance and Rejection of Goods Examination of goods Accepta nce of
19、 goods Rejection of goods The rights of the unpaid seller The right of resale 2. 6 Invoices and packing 2. 6.1 Invoices Importance Smooth performance Important licenses Customs duties Exchange restrictions 2. 6.1 Invoices Features of invoice True and correct, otherwise, unenforceable in law, potenti
20、al legal subsequences. Components of commercial invoice -Name and address of the seller and buyer -Date and reference number of the order -Description of the goods 2. 6.1 Invoices Components of commercial invoice -Name and address of the seller and buyer -Date and reference number of the order -Desc
21、ription of the goods -details of package -shipping marks and numbers -the price -shipping details (name of vessel, route) “e. and o.e.” (errors and omissions excepted 误差和遗漏不在此限) 2. 6.1 Invoices Invoices in letter of credit transactions -commercial invoice tendered to the advising bank (issuing bank)
22、, to open letter of credit -Documents rejected by banks if no details stated as required or incorrect statement of the details. -banks refusing invoices issued for amounts in excess of the amount permitted by the Credit. 2. 6.1 Invoices Invoices in letter of credit transactions -description of goods
23、 in the commercial invoice correspondent with that in the Credit. -details in the invoice correspondent with description of the goods in other documents 2.4 Acceptance and Rejection of Goods 2.4.1 Examination of goods 2.4.2 Acceptance of goods 2.4.3 Rejection of goods 2.4.4 The rights of the unpaid
24、seller 2.4.5 The right of resale 2.5 Frustration of Contract合同的落空 英美法中的术语在合同成立之后,非由当事 人自身的过失,而是由于事后发生的意外情况 而使当事人在订约时所谋求的商业目标受到挫 折。在这种情况下,对于未履行的合同义务, 当事人得予免除责任。按照英国法的解释,并 不是在订立合同之后发生任何的意外事件都能 符合合同落空的标准,而必须是情况已经完全 改变,以致在一个通情达理的人看来,合同的 当事人倘若事先知道会发生这种变化的话,他 们就不会签订合同,或者会把合同订得不一样。 只有达到这种程度,才能按合同落空处理。 可以作为
25、合同落空处理的情况 1.违法 一个合同在签订时违法,应作为合同落空而解除。如果 一个合同在缔结时合法,但由于政府颁布新的法律、法 令或行政命令或对现行法规实行修改或法律授权的个人 行为,而使该合同非法,应予以解除。 另一方面,如果这种强制性力量在合同签订时已经 存在,对此知悉的当事人不得依据合同落空原则解除合 同,因为该合同当事人完全可以采取适当预防措施。 案例: 英国利物浦市1915年:被告将仓库中的一批特定小 麦出售给原告,后因交货前该批小麦被政府征用,被告 无法交货。法院判决该合同落空予以解除。 如果一个合同需要在国外履行,因合同履 行地国家法律变化而使合同违法,该合同 可以予以解除。
26、案例:被告出售给原告一批波兰甜菜糖。 由于波兰突降大雨,甜菜欠收,波兰外贸 部颁布了禁止出口甜菜糖的法令,被告无 法交货。法院认为此合同应按落空原则解 除。 必须指出,如果法律的改变并没有从根本上触 动合同的目的,而仅仅是要求一个合同暂时停 止履行,或仅仅使合同的履行更加困难或推迟, 而并非使其非法,该合同就不能解除。 案例: 在英国参加了第一次世界大战后,两公司签订 了出售10车木材的合同。卖方交了6车木材后, 英国政府宣布实行木材禁运,但获得许可证的 除外。 该公司的其他买方都获得了许可证,唯 有这个合同的买方没有获得许可证,从而无法 交货。法院认为政府禁运仅推迟了该合同的履 行,而且允许
27、申领许可证。因此,该合同并未 失效。 2.合同履行的特定物灭失或无法使用 如果履行合同最必需的特定物灭失,而且并非出 于任何一方的过失,合同就自然落空。 案例: A出售给N一批棉花籽,用特定船装运。装运期 之前该船搁浅受损,无法按期装运。法院判决合 同落空。必须强调,所灭失或部分灭失的必须是 合同履行的特定物,否则,不能按合同落空处理。 例如,卖方只表明出售一定数量的花生,而没在 合同中对标的物作特别规定,卖方地区的花生因 灾害欠收,应到市场购买花生交货,即使赔钱, 也要履行合同义务。 3.情况发生了根本性变化 要确定情况发生到何种程度才能构成合 同落空,往往要比确定特定物的灭失或违 法困难得
28、多,因为在情况发生根本变化时, 合同并不是完全不能履行,而是还有履行 的可能。一般来说,如果发生的情况符合 下列三项要求,合同可按落空处理。 (1)发生的情况在双方当事人的预料之外。 案例:某货船受租去某港口装货,该船到达装货 港前,一个锅炉发生爆炸,无法按时装运。法院 判决合同落空。 (2)情况发生以后,如果继续履行合同, 该合 同就会与原合同产生根本性不同。这是一条决定 性的要求。 案例:D签约用6年的时间为M建一座水库,两年 后当地政府要求D停止履行合同。 法院认为政府 的行动使情况较之于原合同发生了根本性不同, 合同落空。 (3)当事人任何一方对所发生的情况无过失。 如果合同一方对所发
29、生的情况有过失,就不能请 求按合同落空原则解除自己所承担的合同义务。 案例: N租O的一艘拖网渔船,按规定N应申领许可证。 由于N已经有了3个许可证, 无法申请到另外的许 可证。法院判决N无法获得许可证并不能使合同 落空,因为N已有了3 个许可证,这完全是N的过 错。 应该指出,使合同落空的情况发生时,合同自动 落空,任何一方当事人无义务发出通知或采取其 它行动声明合同落空。 4 政府实行封锁禁运和进出口许可证制度。 三、合同部分落空 合同部分落空是指当事人一方须同时履行 两个合同,由于一个情况发生了根本性变 化,当事人无法同时履行两个合同。 Frustration may be a matt
30、er of degree Frustration by delay Self-induced frustration 2.5.2 Conditions upon which the contract is frustrated Outbreak of war Export and import prohibitions Fundamental change in circumstance Export and import licenses and quotas Partial frustration Apportionment of performance 2.5.3 Effect of f
31、rustration Different kinds of force majeure clauses The two-stage force majeure clause Force majeure clauses in standard contracts used in the commodity trade 不可抗力 又称“人力不可抗拒”,是指在合同签订以后,不适合 由于签约双方任何一方当事人的过失或疏忽,而是由于 发生了当事人既不能预见和预防,又无法避免和克服的 意外事故,以致不能旅行合同的责任或延迟履行合同, 对方无权要求损害赔偿。 分类 由于“自然力量”(Act of God)引
32、起的,如水灾、 旱灾、暴风雨、地震等 由于“社会力量”、社会原因引起的,如战争、罢工、 政府封锁、禁运等。 2.6 Invoice and Packing 2.6.1 Invoice The invoice must be true and correct The commercial invoice Invoice in letter of credit transactions Official requirements for invoice The commercial invoice 是卖方开立的载有货物名称、数量、价格等内容的清单, 作为买卖双方交接货物和结算货款的主要单证,也是进
33、出 口报关完税必不可少的单证之一。 注明发票名称; 出口商(卖方)的全称、详细地址和电传、电挂、电话号; 进口商(买方)的名称和地址; 出口商(卖方)及其负责人的签字; 起运地、目的地; 唛头及件码; 商品名称、规格、数量等对于商品的必要描述; 商品的单价、总价和价格条款等; 发票号码、合约号码及出具发票的日期; 货物包装件数、毛净重、尺码,以及必要的证明字句等。 2.6.2 Packing The obligation to provide suitable packaging Packing in the sale of goods 2.7 Product Liability Produc
34、t liability is the liability of the producer of a product which, owing to a defect, causes injury, damage or loss to the ultimate user. 2.7.1 The basis of product liability Liability for defective products is based on one of the following: Strict liability Qualified liability Fault liabilty 2. 7 Pro
35、duct Liability Definition of product liabilility -the liability of the producer of a product which, owing to a defect, causes to the ultimate user. Defect: -quality / lack of quality of the product itself -insufficiency in the instructions for use - failure to give adequate warning of a dangerous pr
36、opensity of the product Product Liability -great concern to the manufacturer and other suppliers -claim for damages base on contract, tort, a statutory right or a combination of these. 2. 7.1 The basis of product Types of liability strict liability; 严格责任 qualified liability; 限制责任 fault liability. 有过
37、错责任 Claimant: -proving that the product was defective and that he has suffered damage. 2. 7.1 The basis of product strict liability; Claimant: -proving that the product was defective and that he has suffered damage. -proving causation (the damage was caused by the defect of the product) the producer
38、: -having no defence, liable. 2. 7.1 The basis of product qualified liability; Claimant: -proving that the product was defective and that he has suffered damage. -proving causation the producer: -having defence, (in view of the state of scientific or technical knowledge existing at the time the prod
39、uct was put into circulation, he could not have expected to have discovered the defect) 2. 7.1 The basis of product fault liability. Claimant: -proving that the product was defective and that he has suffered damage. -proving causation - proving the producer was at fault, for instance that he was neg
40、ligent in the manufacture of his product. 2.7.2 Liability arising from the contract of sale buyer/transferee/consumer: -entitled to reject defective goods and / or claim damages for breach of an implied condition of the contract. non-consumer: -may not reject them if the breach is so slight that rejection would be unreasonable. 2.7.3 Defenses Three factors of importance to the producer / supplier: causation, limitation period
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