1、资料来源:来自本人网络整理!祝您工作顺利!职称英语考试试卷附答案 职称英语考试正在紧急备考复习中,为了关心大家备考复习,下面我为大家带来职称英语考试试卷附答案,供各位考生备考复习。 职称英语考试试卷:词汇选项 下面每个句子中均有1个词或者短语有下划线,请为每处下划线局部确定1个意义最为接近的选项。 1、your teacher will take your illness into account when marking your exams. a.calculation b putation c.consideration d.assessment 2、 the doctor has ab
2、andoned the hope torescue the old man. a.left b.given up c.turned down d.refused 3、 many of this novelist characters are isolated,disappointed people, a.solitary b.gloomy c.feeble d.frugal 4、 have you talked to her lately? a.lastly b.shortly c.recently d.immediately 5、 during the second world war, a
3、ll importantresources in the u. s.were allocated bythe federal government. a.nationalized b mandeered c.taxed d.distributed 6、 television advertisements do more than merely reflect dominant ideologies. a.exactly b.faithfully c.repeatedly d.simply 7、 the story was very touching. a.inspiring b.boring
4、c.moving d.absorbing 8、 up to now, the work has been easy. a.so b.so long c.so that d.so far 9、 the report advocated setting up trainingcolleges. a.supposed b.excited c.suggested d.discussed 10、 i wasnt qualified for the job really, but igot it anyhow. a.somehow b.anyway c.anywhere d.somewhere 11、 s
5、ince ancient times people have found variousways to preserve meat. a.eat b.cook c.freeze d.keep 12、 the policemen acted quickly because lives were atstake. a.in despair b.in danger c.in misery d.in pain 13、 its sensible to start any exerciseprogram gradually at first. a.workable b.reasonable c.possi
6、ble d.available 14、 our statistics show that we consume allthat we are capable of producing. a.waste b.buy c.use d.sell 15、 she was sent a box of chocolates along with aletter saying she was fired. a.killed b.shot c.dismissed d.murdered 职称英语考试试卷:阅读推断 下面的短文后列出了7个句子,请依据短文的内容对每个句子做出推断:假如该句供应的是正确信息,请选择a
7、;假如该句供应的是错误信息,请选择b;假如该句的信息文中没有提及,请选择c。 the threat to kiribati the people of kiribati are afraid that one day in the not-too-distant future, their countrywill disappear from the face of the earth literally. several times this year, the pacific islandnation has been flooded by a sudden high tide. thes
8、e tides, which swept across the island anddestroyed houses, came when there was neither wind nor rain. this never happened before,say the older citizens of kiribati. what is causing these mysterious high tides? the answer may well be global warming.when fuels like oil and coal are being burned, poll
9、utants (污染物) are released; thesepollutants trap heat in the earths atmosphere. warmer temperatures cause water to expand andalso create more water by melting glaciers (冰川) and polar (极地的) ice caps. if the trend continues, scientists say, many countries will suffer, bangladesh, for example,might lose
10、 one-fifth of its land. the coral (珊瑚) island nations of the pacific, like kiribati andthe marshall islands, however, would face an even worse fate - they would be swallowed bythe sea. the loss of these coral islands would be everyones loss. coral formations are home tomore species than any other pl
11、ace on earth. the people of these nations feel frustrated. the sea, on which their economies have alwaysbeen based, is suddenly threatening their existence. they dont have the money for expensivetechnological solutions like seawalls. and they have no control over the pollutants, which arebeing relea
12、sed mainly by activities in large industrialized countries. all they can do is to hopethat industrialized countries will take steps to reduce pollution. 16/the people of kiribati worry that one day their country will be taken away by a sudden high tide. a.right b.wrong c.not mentioned 17、 high tides
13、 used to attack kiribati when there was strong wind or heavy rain. a.right b.wrong c.not mentioned 18、 the heat released by burning oil and coal is the direct cause of global warming. a.right b.wrong c.not mentioned 19、scientists are not sure how serious the effects of global warming will be. a.righ
14、t b.wrong c.not mentioned 20、 the coral island nations of the pacific have a long history of civilization, a.right b.wrong c.not menttioned 21、 the people of the coral island nations are unable to do anything substantial about the problem of global warming. a.right b.wrong c.not mentioned 22、 some i
15、ndustrialized countries are unwilling to spend money in reducing pollution. a.right b.wrong c.not mentioned 职称英语考试试卷:概括大意与完成句子 下面的短文后有2项测试任务:(1)第2326题要求从所给的6个选项中为指定段落每段选择1个小标题;(2)第2730题要求从所给的6个选项中为每个句子确定一个最正确选项。 robots 1. most sophisticated (先进的) japanese robots, which have vision systems and work a
16、t veryhigh speeds, are still based on american designs. studies of robots, particularly computercontrol software, are considered to be generally less advanced in japan than in america oreurope. 2. although industrial robots were originally developed as devices for simply handling objects,today their
17、 commonest uses are for more skilled work like welding (焊接), spray-paintingand assembling components. 3. in britain robot sales appropriately peaked in 1984, but have been declining ever since. thisis partly because british wage rates are too low to make robots financially attractive and partlybecau
18、se engineers now have more experience with robots and are more aware of thedifficulties of introducing them effectively. 4. it has been calculated that a robot uses on average about 100 times more energy than a humanto do an equivalent job. 5. it is estimated that 20% of all comic book heroes in jap
19、an are robots. this is an enormousnumber because comics are so popular that they make up a third of all material published injapan. 6. the reliability of robots is measured in their m. t. b. f. or mean time between failures. thishas risen from about 250 hours in the mid-1970s to about 10, 000 hours
20、today (equivalent to working 18 hours a day for two years ). one way robot manufactures haveincreasedreliability is to test every single component they buy, instead of the normal procedure of justtesting a small sample. 7. the biggest single benefit of introducing robots claimed by japanese companie
21、s is that theyincrease quality control. once programmed, the robots can work more accurately andconsistently than humans, who can get tired and bored. 23、paragraph 2_. 24、 paragraph 3_. 25、 paragraph 5_. 26、 paragraph 6_. a.ongoing research b.extension of use c.robot heroes d.greater reliability e.f
22、alling demand f.hidden danger 27、 even the most sophisticated japanese robots are_. 28、 robots are less popular in britain today partly because_. 29、 one disadvantage of using robots is that they consume_. 30、 the use of robots increases a.too much energy b.based on american designs c.they are too c
23、ostly d.they are not reliable e.quality control f.free of charge 职称英语考试试卷:阅读理解 下面有3篇短文,每篇短文后有5道题。请依据短文内容,为每题确定1个最正确选项。 human space exploration while scientists are searching the cause of the columbia disaster, nasa is moving aheadwith plans to develop a new craft that would replace shuttles (航天飞机) o
24、n space station missions by 2021 and respond quickly to space station emergencies. the space agency released the first set of mission needs and requirements several days agofor orbital space plane ( 轨道航天飞机), which would be designed to transport a crew of fourto and from the international space stati
25、on. although it includes few specifics, the plan states the orbiter (轨道航天飞机) will besafer, cheaper and require less preparation time than the shuttle. it would be able to transportfour crew members by 2021 though it would be available for rescue missions by 2021. nasasays the craft should be able to
26、 transport injured or ill space station crew members to definitive(打算性的) medical care within 24 hours. the release of the requirements showed nasa remains focused on the long-term prioritiesof space exploration, even as questions exist concerning the loss of columbia and its sevenmember crew on febr
27、uary 1, 2021. expels at marshall space flight center in huntsville, alabama, have been working foryears on a successor to the shuttle. the project, known as the space launch initiative (建议),was divided last year into two parts - one focusing on a future launch vehicle, the other on aspace station or
28、biter. the orbiter is expected to be ready sooner. the programs managers say nasa officials have told them not to alter space launch initiative in light of the columbia disaster. u.s. president george w. bush asked congress for about us $1 billion for space launchinitiative in 2021, funds that would
29、 be almost equally split between the orbital space plane andnext generation launch technology. nasa plans to design the new space craft to_. a.control the international space station b.carry astronauts to the international space station c.transport equipment to the international space station d.trai
30、n astronauts in space flights 32、 besides its main mission, the orbiter would also be used as_. a.a medical research center b.a space station c.a space ambulance d.a passenger plane 33、 the design of the orbiter indicates _. a.nasas determination to continue space exploration b.nasas disadvantage in
31、 space technology c.the great pressure from congress on nasa d.a heavy defeat for nasa 34、 when did nasa start working on a successor to the shuttle? a.one year before the columbia disaster b.one year after the columbia disaster. c.immediately after the columbia disaster. d.years before the columbia
32、 disaster. 35、 according to the passage, the 1 billion funds, if granted, would a.be used to rebuild the international space station b.be awarded to the scientists working at nasa c.be shared by the two projects under the space launch initiative d.be spent on the investigation of the columbia disast
33、er why are americas kids so stressed im usually fairly skeptical about any research that concludes that people are either happieror unhappier or more or less certain of themselves than they were 50 years ago. while any ofthese statements might be true, they are practically impossible to prove scient
34、ifically. still, iwas struck by a report which concluded that todays children are significantly more anxious thanchildren in the 1950s. in fact, the analysis showed, normal children ages 9 to 17 exhibit ahigher level of anxiety today than children who were treated for mental illness 50 years ago. wh
35、y are americas kids so stressed? the report cites two main causes: increasing physicalisolation - brought on by high divorce rates and less involvement in community, among otherthings - and a growing perception that the world is a more dangerous place. given that we cant turn the clock back, adults
36、can still do plenty to help the next generation cope. at the top of the list is nurturing a better appreciation of the limits of individualism. nochild is an island. strengthening social ties helps build communities and protect individualsagainst stress. to help kids build stronger connections with
37、others, you can pull the plug on tvs andcomputers. your family will thank you later. they will have more time for face-to-facerelationships, and they will get more sleep. limit the amount of virtual violence your children are exposed to. its not just video games and movies; children see a lot of mur
38、der and crime on the local news. keep your expectations for your children reasonable. many highly successful people never attended harvard or yale. make exercise part of your daily routine. it will help you cope with your own anxieties andprovide a good model for your kids. sometimes anxiety is unav
39、oidable. but it doesnt have toruin your life. the author thinks that the conclusions of any research about peoples state of mind are_. a.surprising b.confusing c.illogical d.questionable 37、 what does the author mean when he says, we cant turn the clock back? a.its impossible to slow down the pace o
40、f change. b.the social reality children are facing cannot be changed. c.lessons learned from the past should not be forgotten. d.its impossible to forget the past. 38、 according to an analysis, compared with normal children today, children treated as mentally ill 50 years ago_. a.were less isolated
41、physically b.were probably less self-centered c.probably suffered less from anxiety d.were considered less individualistic 39、 the first and most important thing parents should do to help their children is_. a.to provide them with a safer environment b.to lower their, expectations for them c.to get
42、them more involved socially d.to set a good model for them to follow 40、 what conclusion can be drawn from the passage? a.anxiety, though unavoidable, can be coped with. b.childrens anxiety has been enormously exaggerated. c.childrens anxiety can be eliminated with more parental care. d.anxiety, if
43、properly controlled, may help children become mature. clone farm factory farming could soon enter a new era of mass production. companies in the us aredeveloping the technology needed to clone chickens on a massive scale. once a chicken withdesirable traits has been bred or genetically engineered te
44、ns of thousands of eggs, which willhatch into identical copies, could roll off the production lines every hour. billions of clonescould be produced each year to supply chicken farms with birds that all grow at the same rate,have the same amount of meat and taste the same. this, at least, is the visi
45、on of the uss national institute of science and technology,which has given origen, therapeutics of burlingame, california, and embrex of north carolinausd 4. 7 million to help fund research. the prospect has alarmed animal welfare groups, whofear it could increase the suffering of farm birds. thats
46、unlikely to put off the poultry industry, however, which wants disease-resistant birds that grow faster on less food. producers would like the same meat quantity but to use reducedinputs to get there, says mike fitzgerald of origen. to meet this demand, origen aims tocreate an animal that is effecti
47、vely cloned, he says. normal cloning doesnt work in birdsbecause eggs cant be removed and implanted. instead, the company is trying to bulk-growembryonic stem cells taken from fertilized eggs as soon as theyre laid. the trick is to culturethe cells without them starting to distinguish, so they remai
48、n pluripotent, says fitzgerald. using a long-established technique, these donor ceils will then be injected into the embryoof a freshly laid, fertilized recipient egg, forming a chick that is a chimera. strictly speakinga chimera isnt a clone, because it contains cells from both donor and recipient.
49、 but fitzgeraldsays it will be enough, say, 95 percent of a chickens body develops from donor cells. in thepoultry world, it doesnt matter if its not 100 percent, he says. another challenge for origen is to scale up production. to do this, it has teamed up withembrex, which produces machines that ca
50、n inject vaccines into up to 50, 000 eggs an hour.embrex is now trying to modify the machines to locate the embryo and inject the cells intoprecisely the right spot without killing it. in future, origen imagines freezing stem cells from different strains of chicken. if orderscome in for a particular
51、 strain, millions of eggs could be produced in months or even weeks. atpresent, maintaining all the varieties the market might call for is too expensive for breeders, andit takes years to breed enough chickens to produce the billions of eggs that farmers need. which statement is the best description
52、 of the new era of factory farming according to the first paragraph? a.eggs are all genetically engineered. b.thousands of eggs are produced every hour, c.cloned chickens are bulk-produced with the same growth rate, weight and taste. d.identical eggs can be hatched on the production lines. 42、 which
53、 institution has offered usd 4. 7 million to fund the research? a.the uss national institute of science and technology. b.origen therapeutics of burlingame, california. c.embrex of north carolina. d.animal welfare groups. 43、 in the third paragraph, by saying producers would like the same meat quant
54、ity but to use reduced inputs to get there mike fitzgerald means that he wishes a.chickens quality could be maintained but with less investment b.chickens taste could be improved but at less costs c.chickens growth rate could be quickened but with less inputs d.chickens could grow to the same weight but with less feed 44、 which of the following statements about origen and embrex is correct according to the fifth paragraph? a.origen and embrex will jointly invent machines to increase production. b.origen wants to purchase
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