已阅读5页,还剩40页未读 继续免费阅读




1、module 1 greeting教材分析:语言功能:打招呼、告别;自我介绍;问候。 学习任务:hello. hi. goodbye! good morning. how are you? im fine, thank you.教学内容:学习单词:hello ,goodbye , how , are , you , good , morning , fine,句型:hello. hi. (hello, sam. hi, daming.) goodbye! im sam. good morning. how are you? im fine, thank you.并会熟练运用。模块教学目标:1)

2、知识目标:需要掌握的单词:i , am, hello ,goodbye , how , are , you , good , morning , fine , thank , 主要句型 : hello. hi. (hello, sam. hi, daming.) goodbye! im sam. good morning. how are you? im fine, thank you.2)能力目标:熟练运用所学句型向别人打招呼、告别;自我介绍;问候。3)情感目标:通过学习,使学生养成讲礼貌的好习惯,提高学生的交际能力。模块教学重难点:能够熟练地运用句型向别人打招呼、告别;自我介绍;问候。un

3、it 1 hello教学目标:1) 知识目标:需要掌握的单词有:hello,hi, bye, morning, mum, good, evening, afternoon, goodbye。主要句型 hello. hi. goodbye!good morning! good evening! good afternoon!2)能力目标:会运用所学句型和别人打招呼、告别。3) 情感目标:让学生养成讲礼貌的好习惯。教学重点:掌握单词:hello,hi, bye, morning, mum, good, evening, afternoon, goodbye。主要句型:hello. hi. good

4、bye!good morning! good evening! good afternoon!教学难点:会运用所学句型和别人打招呼、告别。教具:单词卡片 、点读笔、人物头饰教学过程step one: greeting with students.t: hello, my dear children. this is your first english class. im very happy to teach you english this term. speaking english is a piece of cake. please remember that. lets say “

5、hello” to each other first. please stand up, all of you.( 教师边说边翻译,做手势示意全体起立) t: (教师边挥手边走向学生。) hello, my dear children! s: hello! t: do what i do like this. ( 挥手,微笑,大声) s: ( 在教师的指导下模仿) t: its interesting to speak english. sit down, please. t: (面带微笑,朝向一个小女孩) hello! lovely girl! s: hello! t: good girl!

6、 say it like this, please! its easy to speak english. t: (朝向另一男孩) hello! cool boy!s: hello! t: good boy! see, its easy. lets try again. ( 再叫几名学生,师生挥手打招呼)t: now please say “hello” to your classmates like this. who can try? ( 叫几名学生到前面来,面向全体问好,注意表情和动作,并且要声音 洪亮) t: then say “hello” to your neighbors and

7、 your friends. you can go out of your seat and move around the classroom. s: (学生自由活动问好) t: you did a good job! step two: new course t: next i want to know your name. how do you introduce your name then? listen! im mr qiu. ( 说三遍) please say hello to me. (some excellent students can answer like the fo

8、llowing) s1: hello, mr qiu. s2: hello, mr qiu . t: hello! whats your name, please?s2:im .t: hello, . your name, please? s3: im . t: hello, . s3: hello, mr qiu. t: well done. now please practice. say hello and your name, then lets have a race. ( 给学生一分钟时间练习) t: lets try to say that: hello, im.( 板书) te

9、am by team, and one by one. (以小组为单位,计时开始) s: hello, im.( 学生一一进行自我介绍) t: you are terrific. team one is the winner. step two: knowledge extension t: now lets play a game. do what i do. (教师边做动作,边说,学生学做) stand up, stand up. sit down, sit down. stand up, sit down. sit down, stand up. hands up, hands up.

10、hands down, hands down. hands up, hands down. hands down, hands up. hello, hello, say hello. goodbye, goodbye, say good bye. hello, hello, say hello. goodbye, goodbye, say good byet: eyes front, try your best to say it while you are doing it. s: (学生试图边说边做动作)step three:consolidation t: next ill intro

11、duce four children to you. please listen! what are their names? ( 展示 四个头饰) t: (教师放 cdrom 两遍) ok, whats this boys name? tom? s: no, sam. t: right. smart girl. and whats this girls name? lisa? s: no, amy. t: good. clever boy. and who is she? yuanyuan? dandan? s: no. lingling. t: yes, right. her name i

12、s lingling. and who is he? qiangqiang? liangliang? s: no. daming. t: yes, his name is daming. well, lets know them again. his name?ss: sam. t: her name? ss: amy. t: and her name? ss: lingling. t: his name? ss: daming.t: fantastic. following well study and play with them for this whole term. please r

13、emember them and make good friends with them. next open your english books and read the text together. (学生看图像并跟读,强调指读) t: please practice for a while. s: ( 学生自己练习指读)t: at last who can introduce yourself in english as much as you can.s: ( 展示自我介绍) step four: sum up and homework. t: today we learnt how

14、 to greet and introduce. you all did a good job. please introduce yourself into the mirror at home. and read the text five time. its time to say goodbye. lets sing a song and say goodbye with each other. ( 最后唱再见歌结束)step five :homework 运用所学句型和家人朋友打招呼,自我介绍,告别。反思:由于本课是第一课对话,人物名字、单词和句子较多,对于孩子有难度,所以会运用学生

15、已有的基础,设计情景环节和游戏练习,将课文难度降低。unit 2 how are you?教学目标:1)知识目标:掌握的单词有:how are you? fine, dad, night, grandpa, grandma主要句型:good morning. how are you? im fine, thank you. 2)能力目标:会运用所学句型和别人问好。3) 情感目标:通过学习,使学生养成讲礼貌的好习惯,提高学生的交际能力。教学重点:掌握单词:how are you? fine, dad, night, grandpa, grandma主要句型 :good morning. how

16、are you? im fine, thank you.教学难点:会运用所学句型和别人问好。教具:单词卡片 、点读笔、人物头饰教学过程step one: greeting with students. t: good morning, my dear babies. nice to see you again. hello, . s: hello, ms qiu. t: hello, . s: hello, ms qiu. step two: new course t: your name, please. s: im . t: hello, . good morning. s: good m

17、orning, ms ,qiu. t: well done. thats another way to say hello in the morning. lets learn to say. morning ( 说三遍, 然后学生跟读) t: lets practice. good morning, . ( 挥手,微笑,大声) s: good morning, ms , qiu. t: now say good morning to your neighbors. s: (practice for a while)t: good children! now please watch the

18、projects and listen carefully, what are they talking about? ( 看黑板) t: what did you hear? hello? good morning?s: no, how are you? t: good boy! whats this in chinese? s: 你好吗? t: right. 一般是指对你熟悉的朋友问好,主要是问身体状况怎么样? t: how do you answer it? s: im fine. thank you.t: what does it mean? s: 我很好, 谢谢。t: listen

19、and repeat. pay attention to your pronunciation. s: ( 模仿跟读) t: you did a good job! now open your english books. lets point and say. s: ( point and say) step three: knowledge extension t: look at the picture at page 4. lets act. dialogue1) a: hello, im . b: hi, im . a: how are you? b: im fine, thank

20、you. a: goodbye, b: goodbye, dialogue 2) a: good morning, . b: good morning. a: how are you? b: im fine, thank you. a: goodbye, b: goodbye, s: 分小组表演。 step four: consolidation t: next lets sing a song and do the actions. please read the lyrics first. hello, hello, how are you? im fine. im fine and he

21、llo to you. goodbye, goodbye, goodbye to you. goodbye, goodbye, goodbye to you. t: ( play the tape recorder) please try your best to learn to sing together. s: ( sing loudly and friendly, and do the actions) step five: sum up and homework. t: today we learnt how to greet and introduce in another way

22、. you all did a good job. language is colorful. so please practice everyday. practices make you perfect. its time to say goodbye. lets sing a song and say goodbye to each other. ( 最后唱再见歌 结束)反思:单词拼写是本课的难度,可初步使用拼读规则教学单词。module 2 introductionsu3 whats your name?教学目标:1)知识目标:掌握的单词有:i, am, im = i am, what

23、, is, whats = what is , your, name, my, friend, let, us, lets = let us, lets be friends.主要句型:(1) whats your name? my name is2)能力目标:会运用所学句型和别人互相询问名字。3) 情感目标:通过学习,使学生养成讲礼貌的好习惯,提高学生的交际能力。教学重点:掌握单词:i, am, im = i am, what, is, whats = what is , your, name, my, friend, let, us, lets = let us, lets be frie

24、nds.主要句型 :(1) whats your name? my name is教学难点:会运用所学句型和别人互相询问名字。教具:单词卡片 、点读笔、人物头饰教学过程1复习:sing some songs,字母歌hi, hello。 2老师运用英语向学生们问好,并作自我介绍。t: hello, boys and girls. im miss xx. im your (new) teacher. im your english teacher. whats your name? s: my name is .t: nice to meet you.s: nice to meet you, to

25、o.2老师示范用whats your name?提问,引导学生用my name is. 回答。然后组织全体学生提问,扮演角色的同学回答。(通过各种形式问答的练习,让学生能熟练句型whats your name?及其答句。)t: whats your name?s1: my name is zhang xiaoling.t: whats your name?s2: my name is chen jiaming.ss: whats your name?s3: my name is janet webb.3根据老师给出的练习内容,两人小组扮演所选角色练习对话,老师板书句型,并指导学生学习认读句子。

26、t: now, boys and girls. lets try to say something to your new friends at your first meeting. ok? practice 1:hello, xxx. (板书hello.) practice 2 : hellohi, im xxx.( 板书hellohi, im.)practice 3.: whats your name? my name is xxx. nice to meet you. nice to meet you, too. (板书whats your name? my name is.)4运用教

27、学软件进行课文呈现1)听对话,理解对话内容,师生根据课文对话进行问答练习,例如:whats the boys (girls) name? hes (shes) . 检查学生是否能整体理解课文. 2) 再听录音,师生仿照课文对话。 3) 跟读对话,同位或小组分角色朗读。4) 老师检查课文朗读情况。(邀请个别学生或抽查个别小组朗读部分课文对话内容)5) 让学生提出自己有疑问的单词或不理解的句子,给予解困。1投影出课文对话插图,让学生看图猜一猜对话内容。2游戏巩固句型whats your name? my name is(运用猜拳的游戏进行,全班同学同时进行。两人猜拳,输的一方要回答赢一方的提问wh

28、ats your name? 然后跟在赢的一方后面再在去结交新朋友。游戏最后看谁的队伍最长,结交的朋友最多。)3小组就各自组里的组员的名字,仿照课文对话,并尝试表演。4评价表演效果。5小结本课所学内容t: good. thats all we do in this lesson. at last, who can tell me what youve learnt at this lesson. which word or which sentences can you say?homework:1听、读课文对话,并可尝试表演对话。2仿照课本制作自己的中文或英文名卡。 3(选做)朗读或尝试拼读

29、新词u4 this is my dad教学目标:1)知识目标:掌握的单词有:this, teacher, nice, meet, you, nice to meet you., too, new主要句型:(1) this is , my(2) nice to meet you. nice to meet you too.2)能力目标:会运用所学句型和别人互相介绍自己的亲人与朋友。3) 情感目标:通过学习,使学生养成讲礼貌的好习惯,提高学生的交际能力。教学重点:掌握单词:this, teacher, nice, meet, you, nice to meet you., too, new主要句型

30、 :(1) this is , my(2) nice to meet you. nice to meet you too.教学难点:会运用所学句型和别人互相介绍自己的亲人与朋友。教具:单词卡片 、点读笔、人物头饰教学过程1复习:sing some songs,“whats your name?” 2老师出示自己家人的图片,并且用句子this is my介绍各人的称呼。 t:look, who are they? let me introduce them to you. this is my father. this is my mother. please say “hello” to th

31、em.ss: hello3根据老师给出的练习内容,两人小组扮演所选角色练习对话,老师板书句型,并指导学生学习认读句子。t: now, boys and girls. lets try to say something to your new friends at your first meeting. ok? practice 1:hello, xxx. (板书hello.) practice 2 : hellohi, im xxx.( 板书hellohi, im.)practice 3.: whats your name? my name is xxx. nice to meet you.

32、nice to meet you, too. (板书whats your name? my name is. nice to meet you. nice to meet you, too.)4运用教学软件进行课文呈现1)听对话,理解对话内容,师生根据课文对话进行问答练习,例如:whats the boys (girls) name? hes (shes) . 检查学生是否能整体理解课文. 2) 再听录音,师生仿照课文对话。 3) 跟读对话,同位或小组分角色朗读。4) 老师检查课文朗读情况。(邀请个别学生或抽查个别小组朗读部分课文对话内容)5) 让学生提出自己有疑问的单词或不理解的句子,给予解

33、困。1投影出课文对话插图,让学生看图猜一猜对话内容。2游戏巩固句型whats your name? my name isnice to meet you. nice to meet you, too.(运用猜拳的游戏进行,全班同学同时进行。两人猜拳,输的一方要回答赢一方的提问whats your name? 然后跟在赢的一方后面再在去结交新朋友。游戏最后看谁的队伍最长,结交的朋友最多。)3小组就各自组里的组员的名字,仿照课文对话,并尝试表演。4评价表演效果。5小结本课所学内容t: good. thats all we do in this lesson. at last, who can te

34、ll me what youve learnt at this lesson. which word or which sentences can you say?homework:1听、读课文对话,并可尝试表演对话。2仿照课本制作自己的中文或英文名卡。 3(选做)朗读或尝试拼读新词m3 bodyu5 wash your face教学目标:1)知识目标:掌握的单词有:oh,dont = do not, wash, eye, hand, and, face, hair, clean, nose, ear, feet主要句型:(1) wash/ clean/ wash your(2) dont2)

35、能力目标:会运用所学句型和别人介绍自己的身体部位。3) 情感目标:通过学习,使学生养成讲礼貌的好习惯,提高学生的交际能力。教学重点:掌握的单词有:oh,dont = do not, wash, eye, hand, and, face, hair, clean, nose, ear, feet主要句型:(1) wash/ clean/ wash your(2) dont教学难点:让学生清晰区分身体各部位单词。教具:单词卡片 、点读笔教学过程1.师生一起唱歌曲this is the way. 2复习unit 4 已学的表示人体各部位的单词。老师快速出示hand , face, hair, ear

36、, teeth, eye , nose, head ,nose, mouth的图片,让学生说出英语并拼读。3复习unit 4 已学过的指示口令。请同学充当小老师快速发号指令,其他学生迅速做动作。 wash your hands. brush you hair. clean your teeth. wash you face. clean your ears. 1.创设情景:为了迎接学校每年一度的校运会,教师和学生一起进行赛前的体育锻炼,根据锻炼的结果,将选出优秀的举重选手和体操选手等,代表班级参加比赛。学习 wash your toes. raise your (leftright) arm.

37、和raise your (left/ right) leg. 1) 挑选举重选手。学习 wash your toes. raise your (leftright) arm.a.教师先进行tpr演示 wash my toes. raise my (leftright) arm.模仿举重运动员的神情和姿势。 b.教师边演示边叫口令,全班同学根据节拍边说边做动作。one, two, three, four. wash your toes. one, two, three, four. raise your arms. one, two, three, four .raise your left a

38、rm.one, two, three, four. raise your right arm.c.学习单词:wash ,toe , arm, left ,right ,注意让学生感知元音字母和字母组合的发音,并板书单词和句型。d. left, right 的分辨。询问学生在日常生活中,我们哪些活动经常需要右手完成?启发:如写字,用筷子。 e. 游戏,通过游戏,让学生进一步巩固所学句型game1:大小声游戏,让学生辨音,操练以上句型。.game 2: simon saysf. 请接受能力快而好的同学作为小老师,叫口令,全班同学跟做动作。 g四人小组练习,四人轮流叫口令,其他同学做动作,评出一位优

39、秀的举重运动员,给与奖励。2)挑选体操选手。学习 raise your (left/ right) leg. a.教师先进行tpr演示 raise my (leftright) leg.同样模仿体操运动员的神情和姿势。 b.教师边演示边叫口令,全班同学根据节拍边说边做动作。one, two, three, four, wash your toes. one, two, three, four, raise your left leg. one, two, three, four, raise your right leg.c.学习单词:leg,注意让学生感知元音字母的发音。d. 游戏game

40、1: 开火车游戏:全班分成八小列,传口令raise your (leftright) leg.评出开得最快的火车,给与奖励。.game 2: listen and wash老师只做口型不发出声音说出口令,全班学生提示大声说出口令。每组各派一名代表到黑板前拍打所说到句子,比一比谁最快。e.请接受能力快而好的同学作为小老师,叫口令,全班同学跟做动作。2. 创设情景:警察抓小偷,让学生运用指令性口语。请几个学生扮演警察,五、六个学生扮演小偷,警察捉获小偷后,为了方便搜查赃物,对小偷进行口头指令:raise your (leftright) arm. raise your (leftright) le

41、g.1.学唱歌曲 1).学唱歌曲clap, clap, clap our hands2).学唱改编歌曲 raise, raise, raise your arms wash, wash, wash your toes! wash your toes together.wash, wash, wash your toes! wash your toes together.raise, raise, raise your arms! raise your arms together!raise, raise, raise your arms! raise your arms together!ra

42、ise, raise, raise your legs! raise your legs together!raise, raise, raise your legs! raise your legs together!2.学习课文1).学生打开书p21-22, 4人小组看插图猜测课文说什么。2).利用课件学习课文。3).听录音,要求学生模仿录音中的语音, 语调跟读对话。4).全班朗读课文。5).小组分角色读课文。6教师在黑板上出示课文插图和句子,让学生连线认读。(意图:解决学生刚学习英语认读的困难,也是检测学习效果。)7. task :以小组为单位练习,准备表演课文。8check up :小

43、组表演。 引导学生总结本节课学习的内容。homework:1. 抄写并背新单词。2. 听读课文20分钟,可边听边用手指指读,解决认读的难点。3.活动手册p15. ex1 p16. ex24和父母或小朋友玩课文指令游戏。反思:在活动中组织形式多样的单词游戏,提高他们的学习单词兴趣。u6 touch your head教学目标:1)知识目标:掌握的单词有:children, play, a, game, ok., head, not, mouth, leg, foot主要句型:(1) lets2)能力目标:会运用所学句型和别人介绍自己的身体部位。3) 情感目标:通过学习,使学生养成讲礼貌的好习惯,

44、提高学生的交际能力。教学重点:掌握的单词有:children, play, a, game, ok., head, not, mouth, leg, foot主要句型:(1) lets教学难点:让学生清晰区分身体各部位单词。教具:单词卡片 、点读笔教学过程1.师生一起唱歌曲this is the way. 2复习unit 5 已学的表示人体各部位的单词。老师快速出示单词的图片,让学生说出英语并拼读。3复习unit 5 已学过的指示口令。请同学充当小老师快速发号指令,其他学生迅速做动作。 wash your hands. brush you hair. clean your teeth. was

45、h you face. clean your ears. 1.创设情景:为了迎接学校每年一度的校运会,教师和学生一起进行赛前的体育锻炼,根据锻炼的结果,将选出优秀的举重选手和体操选手等,代表班级参加比赛。学习 touch your toes. raise your (leftright) arm.和raise your (left/ right) leg. 1) 挑选举重选手。学习 touch your toes. raise your (leftright) arm.a.教师先进行tpr演示 touch my toes. raise my (leftright) arm.模仿举重运动员的神情

46、和姿势。 b.教师边演示边叫口令,全班同学根据节拍边说边做动作。one, two, three, four. touch your toes. one, two, three, four. raise your arms. one, two, three, four .raise your left arm.one, two, three, four. raise your right arm.c.学习单词:touch ,toe , arm, left ,right ,注意让学生感知元音字母和字母组合的发音,并板书单词和句型。d. left, right 的分辨。询问学生在日常生活中,我们哪些

47、活动经常需要右手完成?启发:如写字,用筷子。 e. 游戏,通过游戏,让学生进一步巩固所学句型game1:大小声游戏,让学生辨音,操练以上句型。.game 2: simon saysf. 请接受能力快而好的同学作为小老师,叫口令,全班同学跟做动作。 g四人小组练习,四人轮流叫口令,其他同学做动作,评出一位优秀的举重运动员,给与奖励。2)挑选体操选手。学习 raise your (left/ right) leg. a.教师先进行tpr演示 raise my (leftright) leg.同样模仿体操运动员的神情和姿势。 b.教师边演示边叫口令,全班同学根据节拍边说边做动作。one, two,

48、three, four, touch your toes. one, two, three, four, raise your left leg. one, two, three, four, raise your right leg.c.学习单词:leg,注意让学生感知元音字母的发音。d. 游戏game 1: 开火车游戏:全班分成八小列,传口令raise your (leftright) leg.评出开得最快的火车,给与奖励。.game 2: listen and touch老师只做口型不发出声音说出口令,全班学生提示大声说出口令。每组各派一名代表到黑板前拍打所说到句子,比一比谁最快。e.请

49、接受能力快而好的同学作为小老师,叫口令,全班同学跟做动作。2. 创设情景:警察抓小偷,让学生运用指令性口语。请几个学生扮演警察,五、六个学生扮演小偷,警察捉获小偷后,为了方便搜查赃物,对小偷进行口头指令:raise your (leftright) arm. raise your (leftright) leg.1.学唱歌曲 1).学唱歌曲clap, clap, clap our hands2).学唱改编歌曲 raise, raise, raise your arms touch, touch, touch your toes! touch your toes together.touch,

50、touch, touch your toes! touch your toes together.raise, raise, raise your arms! raise your arms together!raise, raise, raise your arms! raise your arms together!raise, raise, raise your legs! raise your legs together!raise, raise, raise your legs! raise your legs together!2.学习课文1).学生打开书p21-22, 4人小组看

51、插图猜测课文说什么。2).利用金太阳课件学习课文。3).听录音,要求学生模仿录音中的语音, 语调跟读对话。4).全班朗读课文。5).小组分角色读课文。6教师在黑板上出示课文插图和句子,让学生连线认读。(意图:解决学生刚学习英语认读的困难,也是检测学习效果。)7. task :以小组为单位练习,准备表演课文。8check up :小组表演。 引导学生总结本节课学习的内容。homework:1. 抄写并背新单词。2. 听读课文20分钟,可边听边用手指指读,解决认读的难点。3.活动手册p15. ex1 p16. ex24和父母或小朋友玩课文指令游戏。反思:运用所学的语言发布指令,并进一步巩固已学的知

52、识。m4 familyu7 a picture of my family教学目标:1)知识目标:掌握的单词有:picture, of ,family, that, thats=that is, father, yes, he, hes = he is, who.whos=who is , boy, it, its = it is, me, brother, girl, sister, lady, mother主要句型:(1) this/ that (man) is my (father)(2) hes/ shes my(3) whos this/ that?2)能力目标:会运用所学句型和别人互

53、相介绍自己的亲人3) 情感目标:通过学习,使学生养成讲礼貌的好习惯,提高学生的交际能力。教学重点:掌握的单词有:picture, of ,family, that, thats=that is, father, yes, he, hes = he is, who.whos=who is , boy, it, its = it is, me, brother, girl, sister, lady, mother主要句型:(1) this/ that (man) is my (father)(2) hes/ shes my(3) whos this/ that?教学难点:特殊疑问句whos的理解

54、与运用。教具:单词卡片 、点读笔教学过程1. sing the song: i love my family 2.introduce your family. (用课前画好的画).1介绍janet webb 的一家。(结合图片进行介绍):由介绍janet和ben的关系入手,从学生最熟悉的人物开始话题,在往父母辈,祖父母辈进行介绍,建立一个家谱,在这一过程中,老师注重相关知识点和语言点的多输入,让学生先清晰各位成员之间的关系。“look, whos she? shes janet webb. this is janets brother, ben. theyre brother and sist

55、er. look, this is janets father, david webb.this is janet webbs family tree.2、回答问题:(结合图表,提问一些简单的问题)1) whos the girl?2) is the man janets father?3) whos the boy?4) is linda webb bens mother?3、结合图表,呈现对话,初步感知对话。4、回答问题1) whats that?2) whos betty webb?3) have janets grandfather and grandmother three children.(重点呈现和理解难句linda isnt their daughter. dav


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