1、专业好文档11秋新生入学教育培训提纲 关于本科申请学位: 学位申请的时间:课程修完后,即可申请学位(毕业证后申请办理) 学位申请的条件:1、 必修课程的平均成绩75分以上(含75分)2、 选修课程的平均成绩70分以上(含70分)3、 毕业论文、社会调查的撰写成绩是:良 毕业论文的答辩成绩是:良a) 通过学位英语考试b) 特别提示:如果申请学位,请在办理毕业登记前告知班主任,一旦申请毕业,即办理了毕业手续就不能申请学位。温馨提示:1、每年的3月和9月初进行开学报名,(第一周内)积极办理报道(核对信息)、注册、看成绩报补考、领教材以及休学等相关手续请大家按时和班主任联系,以免耽误了自己的课程注册。
2、这关系到整个学期能否正常学习、考试等。(留班主任与专业主任的联系电话有事联系)2、每年考试时间一般都安排在1月和7月初10号左右进行,请同学们协调好自己的工作,确保准时参加考试。七、学习平台介绍: 1、新城分校网址: 用户名:学号 密码;123456 2、电大在线网: 用户名:学号 密码:出生年月日8位 3、陕西电大网址 用户名: 学号 密码:出生年月日8位陕西电大新城分校新生网上学习指南一、 新城分校网站简介新城电大网站网址: ,学校网站界面如下:图1 陕西电大新城分校网站主页学校网站主要的功能包括:1.教学平台教学平台是学生参加电大学习的有效途径之一,了解学校教
3、学平台的功能和基本操作流程是参加电大学习应掌握的基本技能。教学平台中给每个学生分配了用户名和密码,用户名为学生本人的学号,密码为123456,学生登陆后应该先选择按13位学号选课,再选择入学年度的教学计划,再选择课程。然后学生可以在学校学习平台浏览和下载网上学习资源包括:课程设计方案、章节重难点、往届考试题、作业答案、课程复习资料等;在线参加网上小组活动、实时答疑、师生之间的交流等。2. 个人信息查询成绩查询:学生期末考试后1个月左右,可以登陆学校网站查询考试成绩:知道自己学习考试的情况,以便在开学初报到时候进行课程注册,以免遗漏课程补考机会;学生个人查询成绩流程1、点击进入陕西电大新城分校网
4、址(2、点击成绩查询,进入如下登陆界面。用户名为学生13位学号,密码为学号后5位,验证码为大写形式,然后点击确认即可。(如:学号,0961001201859,即密码为01859)3、进入新版教务管理系统后,点击左侧菜单中“成绩查询”,在点击专业规则成绩查询,即可查到自己的成绩。考试安排查询:期末考试前可以查询本学期课程考试的时间,提前做好工作安排;缴费查询:学生可以查询每学期的缴费情况,对学费缴费做到心中有数,学校对每个学生的缴费数额做到公开、透明。查询缴费、成绩、考试安排信息图2 陕西电大新城分校网站主页3.通知公告学校通知、各教学相关文件、各专业毕业论文安排、实践环节安排、网改课等文件上传
5、。执行相关文件的规定事宜与注意事项。单击“通知公告”右侧按钮“more”查看全部公告。重要通知公告图3 陕西电大新城分校网站主页4.信息查询 可以在网站查询面授课表、网络课表、专业规则等。 面授课表:学生在开学初可以查询每学期的课程开设情况以及上课时间、地点授课老师姓名、联系方式等信息。 网络课表:学生空闲时间打开网络课表,打开课程的网络资源学习。 专业规则:也就是教学计划,就是学生参加学习所要学习的课程名称、学分等信息。学生可以查询相关信息,对自己所学的课程做到心中有数,以免造成遗漏课程,保证学生能顺利毕业。课表、规则图4 陕西电大新城分校网站主页二、 实操演示登录网站进入教学平台打开ie浏
6、览器,输入网址:,进入学校网站,在网页左侧有“学习登陆”模块,输入用户名和密码(用户名为学生本人的学号,密码为123456),点击“登陆”按钮,即可进入教学平台。 输入用户名、密码学生第一次登录后界面如下图,系统提示学生还没有选课,应单击“开始”按钮开始选课。单击选 课再应该先选择“13位学号学生选择教学计划”按钮选课,再选择入学年度例如:2011秋工商管理本科的教学计划,再选择所学的课程。单击选择教学计划选择学生自己学习的教学计划,例如2011秋工商管理本科单击选择2011秋所学的教学计划选择学生本学期要学习的课程,也可以把所有的课程全部选择上,选择好后单击“确定”按钮,即可进入学习平台。单
7、击选择要学课程选择好课程界面,进入登陆教学平台后界面如下:课程列 表 l 在线学习在页面的左边有一个 “课程列表”,列表里就是学生要学习的相关课程。页面中间的上面有五个导航按钮,分别是“课程说明”、“教师介绍”、“教学大纲”、“实施方案”、“离线作业”栏目的链接按钮,下面的内容还有“教学辅导”、“ ip课件”和“在线测试”等版块。选择“课程列表”里的相关课程点击,再点击右边的板块里的上述栏目的链接,就会弹出该课程的相关教学文件和资源。这些资源分为“中央电大资源”、“省校资源”和“自建及配套资源”。学生重点浏览“自建及配套资源”,点击“自建及配套资源”右下方的“全部”按钮可以查询课程责任教师上传
8、的课程设计方案、教学大纲、复习指导、往届考试题、作业答案、课程复习资料等。l 网上讨论、答疑活动登录陕西电大新城分校学习平台以后,在页面右边有一个“交流空间”版快,其中有一个“课程讨论区”链接。如下图所示:课程讨论区入口点击“课程讨论区”按钮进入,如下图所示:单击“专业论坛”单击课程名称输入文章主题输入讨论内容单击“发贴”按钮查看学生发贴内容 然后点击页面左边的“专业论坛”,就会弹出所负责的课程名称列表,点击相关的课程名称,然后在页面右边的论坛形式的版面里进行发贴提问、答疑、讨论。if we dont do that it will go on and go on. we have to st
9、op it; we need the courage to do it.his comments came hours after fifa vice-president jeffrey webb - also in london for the fas celebrations - said he wanted to meet ivory coast international toure to discuss his complaint.cska general director roman babaev says the matter has been exaggerated by th
10、e ivorian and the british media.blatter, 77, said: it has been decided by the fifa congress that it is a nonsense for racism to be dealt with with fines. you can always find money from somebody to pay them.it is a nonsense to have matches played without spectators because it is against the spirit of
11、 football and against the visiting team. it is all nonsense.we can do something better to fight racism and discrimination.this is one of the villains we have today in our game. but it is only with harsh sanctions that racism and discrimination can be washed out of football.the (lack of) air up there
12、 watch mcayman islands-based webb, the head of fifas anti-racism taskforce, is in london for the football associations 150th anniversary celebrations and will attend citys premier league match at chelsea on sunday.i am going to be at the match tomorrow and i have asked to meet yaya toure, he told bb
13、c sport.for me its about how he felt and i would like to speak to him first to find out what his experience was.uefa hasopened disciplinary proceedings against cskafor the racist behaviour of their fans duringcitys 2-1 win.michel platini, president of european footballs governing body, has also orde
14、red an immediate investigation into the referees actions.cska said they were surprised and disappointed by toures complaint. in a statement the russian side added: we found no racist insults from fans of cska.baumgartner the disappointing news: mission aborted.the supersonic descent could happen as
15、early as sunda.the weather plays an important role in this mission. starting at the ground, conditions have to be very calm - winds less than 2 mph, with no precipitation or humidity and limited cloud cover. the balloon, with capsule attached, will move through the lower level of the atmosphere (the
16、 troposphere) where our day-to-day weather lives. it will climb higher than the tip of mount everest (5.5 miles/8.85 kilometers), drifting even higher than the cruising altitude of commercial airliners (5.6 miles/9.17 kilometers) and into the stratosphere. as he crosses the boundary layer (called th
17、e tropopause),e can expect a lot of turbulence.the balloon will slowly drift to the edge of space at 120,000 feet ( then, i would assume, he will slowly step out onto something resembling an olympic diving platform.below, the earth becomes the concrete bottom of a swimming pool that he wants to land
18、 on, but not too hard. still, hell be traveling fast, so despite the distance, it will not be like diving into the deep end of a pool. it will be like he is diving into the shallow end.skydiver preps for the big jumpwhen he jumps, he is expected to reach the speed of sound - 690 mph (1,110 kph) - in less than 40 seconds. like hitting the top of the water, he will begin to slow as he approaches the more dense air closer to earth. but this will not be enough to stop him completely.if he goes too fast or spins out of control, he has a stabilization pa
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