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高考英语一轮复习 Unit17 指导课时作业B卷(含解析) 北师大版_第5页




1、unit 17 b卷一、阅读理解aa man living absolutely alone in a desert or forest is free from other people,but he is not absolutely free.his freedom is limited in several ways.firstly,by the things around him,such as wild animals or cliffs.secondly,by his own needs:he must have sleep,water,food and shelter from

2、 extreme heat or cold.lastly,by his own nature as a man:disease may attack him,and death will certainly come to him sooner or later.on the other hand,when men become organized into very large groups and civilization develops,it is possible to get freedom from hunger,thirst,cold,heat,and many disease

3、s,so that each person can live a happier life than he could if he were living alone;but such a society cannot work successfully unless the freedom of each human being is to some extent limited so that he is kept from hurting others.i am not free to kill others,nor to steal someone elses property,nor

4、 to act in a way that does wrong against the moral sense of the society in which we live.i have to limit my own freedom myself so that others will not limit it too much.i agree to respect the rights of others,and in return they agree to respect mine.the advantages of such an agreement are great.one

5、can become a doctor knowing that others will grow food,make clothes and build a house for him,in return for the work he does to keep them healthy.if each man had to grow his own food,make his own clothes,build his own house and learn to be his own doctor,he would find it impossible to do any one of

6、these jobs really well.by working together,we make it possible for society to provide us all with food,clothes,shelter and medical care,while leaving each of us with as much freedom as it can.1a man living alone in a desert or forest _.ais absolutely freebfeels happychas limited freedom denjoys no f

7、reedom2according to the writer,he limits his freedom because _.ahunger,thirst and disease limit himbothers wont limit theirscthe moral sense of the society limits himdothers will respect him3the author suggests that when men live together _.athey feel safer and easierbthey are not freecthey must bui

8、ld sheltersdthey can get protection4this text is written mainly to show that _.aone can have all his freedom by living on his ownbone has limited freedom just because of his own naturecone must fight for his freedom if hes free from other peopledone will have much freedom by working together with ot

9、hersbits true that littered cigarette butts(烟蒂)are an annoying thing for the public,and not just for the appearance reasons.the filters(过滤嘴)on cigarettesfour fifths of all cigarettes have themare made of a form of plastic that is very slow to break down in the environment.a typical cigarette butt ca

10、n take from 18 months to 10 years to decompose,depending on environmental conditions.besides the plastic,these filterswhich are on cigarettes in the first place to absorb pollutants to prevent them from going into the lungscontain poisons.thus when smokers throw away their butts improperlyout of car

11、 windows or onto the sidewalksthey are essentially throwing these poisonous substances into the environment.while any individual thrownaway cigarette butts may be small,the butts add up to a huge problem.some 5.5 trillion cigarettes are consumed worldwide each year.cigarette butts make up as much as

12、 onethird of all litter nationwide when measured by the number of discarded items,not the total volume.while the tobacco industry may have its hands full just trying to stay afloat in the maelstrom(旋涡)of ongoing bad publicity,critics say it should be doing more to prevent butt litter.“just as bevera

13、ge manufacturers contribute to antilittering campaigns,and have invested in public education on litter issues,so should the tobacco industry,”says kathleen register,a researcher.register suggests putting antilittering messages on all cigarette packaging and advertisements,distributing small,free por

14、table ashtrays(烟灰缸),and placing and maintaining outdoor ashtrays in areas where smokers gather.she also suggests putting an extra tax on cigarette sales,with the money going toward antilittering education and paying the costs of cleaning up butts.“by taxing smokers for such efforts,some of the cost

15、of cleaning up cigarette butts will shift onto them,”she says.one way or another,smokers must learn that the earth is not one giant ashtray.5the underlined word“decompose”in paragraph 1 probably means“_”aburn away bbreak upcgo out ddie down6littering cigarette butts around is harmful because_.athey

16、lead to global warmingbthey waste plasticcthey contain poisonsdthey cause lung cancer7which of the following will force smokers to contribute to the environment,according to the text?ahaving them pay an extra tax on cigarettes.bhaving antilitter messages appear on cigarette packaging.cforbidding cig

17、arette advertising in public.dforcing them to take ashtrays with them.8the main topic of the text is_.athe danger of cigarette smokersbthe environmental effects of discarded cigarettescthe disease smokers suffereddthe chemical makeup of cigarette butts二、任务型读写阅读下面短文,根据所读内容在表格中的空白处填入恰当的单词。注意:每个空格只填一个单

18、词。the scholastic aptitude test(sat)is a specifically designed test that examines students on whether they are prepared to go to college or not.the sat was started in the year 1901 and since then has experienced a number of changes to create the form it has today.the sat includes the sat reasoning te

19、st and the sat subject test.the sat reasoning test takes place seven times in a year,in the months of october,november,december,january,march(or april in alternate years),may and june.it is usually a three hours and forty five minutes long examination and happens on the first saturday of the month.i

20、t marks a student on his/her literacy and writing skills,skills to analyze,and problem solving skills.the sat reasoning test is divided into three broad categories,the critical writing section,the mathematics section,and the writing section.questions in sat range in difficulty from being easy,medium

21、 to hard.most of the questions are multiple choices with five choices provided for each.the score is between 200 to 800.the score of a candidate reaches him/her in around three weeks.admission to any college is based on the sat score in addition to the grades in school.the sat subject test is differ

22、ent from the reasoning test.while the latter is compulsory(强制性的)and the same for everybody,the former has a wide range of subjects to choose from.a student chooses the subject for the test according to his/her preference and decision of studying whichever subject he/she wants in college.the test is

23、made up of 20 multiplechoice questions.its a standardized test for individual subjects respectively.the score is again in a scale of 200800.its a onehour examination regardless of the subject chosen.the sat is a highlyrecognized test in the united states of america.its kind of compulsory for admissi

24、on to the good universities.it isnt difficult but needs extensive and intensive study by the students,to get a high score.topicthe scholastic aptitude test(sat)purposeto 1._ students on whether they are prepared to go to college or not.2._it was started in 1901 and has experienced many changes.tests

25、the sat reasoning test*it is 3._ seven times in a year.*it is to test studentsliteracy and writing skills,skills of 4._ and solving problems.*it 5._ the critical writing section,the mathematics section,and the writing section.*the scores 6._ from 200 to 800.the sat subject test*it is 7._ on each stu

26、dents choice of the subject.*it 8._ of 20 multiplechoice questions.*the 9._ of the examination is one hour.features*the sat is highlyrecognized in the united states of america.*the sat is compulsory if students want to be 10._ to the good universities.参考答案与解析课时作业(三十四)unit 17b卷一、阅读理解解题导语:世界上没有绝对与世隔绝的人。一个人不可能将所有的事情都做好,也不可能成为


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