1、ref. division: _department: _no.: _商品合同merchandise contract本商品合同由供货商为一方,和“家乐福商业公司”为另一方签订。this merchandise contract is executed by the supplier on the first part and carrefour commercial companies listed hereafter on the second part.供应商编号:_supplier code:_供应商名称:_supplier name:_工厂 批发商 代理商 贸易商 (进出口)manu
2、facturer wholesaler agent trading comp.(import/export)联络人(名片)contact person (name card) 定义 definitions“家乐福商业公司”系指在本商品合同生效之日以许可方式正式授权其所属商店使用“家乐福”商号的所有中国公司。“carrefour commercial companies” means all chinese companies duly authorized by means of a licence to use the tradename of carrefour for their sto
3、res.“含税购货金额”系指因向商店交付的商品而应在本合同约定的期限内向供应商支付的的价款金额,该价款金额已扣除销售折让和退货。“purchase amount incl. vat” means the amount to be paid to the supplier for the goods delivered to the stores in the period of time as agreed in this merchandise contract. the amount is net of sales discount and goods return.“商店”系指由中国境内
4、的家乐福商业公司所经营的并依本商品合同向其交货的所有商店。“stores” means all stores operated by the carrefour commercial companies in china and to which goods are to be delivered according to this merchandise contract.1. 保证 warranty供应商在此保证,供应商的商业网络中有关联并涉及到本商品合同履行的各方(如经销商、运输公司、生产厂家、代理商等)应就供应商对本商品合同条款及条件的履行以及对有关法律和法规要求的遵守承担连带责任。t
5、he supplier hereby warrants that all parties implicated in the suppliers commercial network and involved in the execution of this merchandise contract (such as distributors, transporters, manufacturers, agents, etc.) shall be jointly and severally responsible for the performance by the supplier of t
6、he terms and conditions of this merchandise contract as well as for the compliance with all requirements set by the relevant laws and regulations.签署本商品合同的供应商及其所代表子公司、关联公司、分销商等在此保证,供应商及其所代表的子公司、关联公司、分销商等提供给商店的商品增值税发票开票方的名称与实际收款方的名称保持一致。the supplier who signs the merchandise contract hereby warrants f
7、or himself and its subsidiaries, related parties, distributors, etc. that the names of those who issue vat invoices shall be same with the names of the payees.供应商与其商业网络中的其它方之间的任何赔偿及债务责任应由其自行解决。any claims and liabilities between the supplier and other parties of its commercial network shall be of the
8、ir own concern.2.1 共同配送商品细目 common assortment items由供应商供应的商品已在本合同附件“共同配送商品细目协议”中列明。如若供应商未经家乐福商业公司商品处同意,擅自向任何商店销售或拟销售已经由家乐福商业公司商品处选出的并在本合同附件中已列明的商品以外的任何其它商品,家乐福商业公司可立即终止本商品合同,且供应商应就所售或拟售的商品按项支付_元人民币的违约金。the items to be supplied by the supplier are listed in the “common assortment item agreement(s)” a
9、s attached hereto. if the supplier, without consent of merchandise division of carrefour commercial companies, sells or proposes to sell to any store other items than those selected by merchandise division of carrefour commercial companies and listed in the attachments hereto, then carrefour commerc
10、ial companies may immediately terminate this merchandise contract, and the supplier shall pay a penalty of _ _rmb per item sold or proposed to be sold to the stores.各方在此同意,“共同配送商品细目协议”仅在家乐福商业公司所有内部批准手续办理完毕后方可生效。the parties hereby agree that a common assortment item agreement shall take effect only a
11、fter all carrefour commercial companies internal approval procedures have been completed.2.2 商品质量 quality of goods供应商在此承诺,将以市场上最优惠的价格提供最好质量的商品。供应商也承诺交付与其在谈判中向家乐福商业公司出示的样品完全一样的商品。商店有权拒绝接收损坏的或其质量不符合本商品合同及其附件要求的商品。the supplier hereby undertakes to supply goods of the best quality and at the best purcha
12、se price on the market. the supplier also undertakes to deliver the exactly same goods as the samples shown to carrefour commercial companies during negotiations. the stores have the right to refuse to take damaged goods or goods the quality of which does not match with the requirements set in this
13、merchandise contract and all attachments thereof.供应商保证,交付的商品符合中国有关法律、法规(无论是全国性或地方性法规中)规定的质量和技术要求、卫生要求以及安全要求等。如若由于供应商违背上述法律、法规致使家乐福商业公司和/或其关联公司(尤其是在针对家乐福商业公司和/或其关联公司提起的法律诉讼中)受财务损失和/或任何其它损害,供应商应就此承担全部责任,并就全部财务损失和/或损害承担赔偿责任。the supplier ensures that the goods delivered shall comply with the quality, te
14、chnical, sanitary requirements as well as safety requirements of the relevant chinese laws and regulations, which are of national or local legislation. in case of violation of such laws and regulations, that results in financial losses and/or in any other damage for the carrefour commercial companie
15、s and/or their affiliates (in particular in case of lawsuits against the carrefour commercial companies and/or their affiliates), the supplier shall bear the full responsibility for such violation and indemnify all the financial losses and/or damages.供应商保证,交付的商品符合中国有关知识及工业产权法律、法规(无论是全国性或地方性法规)。供应商在此
16、承担全部责任,负责向家乐福商业公司提供所有有效证明、批准证书、营业执照及任何其它中国法律法规(无论是全国还是地方的)所要求的文件。特别是,在交货时,如若需要,(供应商)还须提供有效的卫生许可证和知识及工业产权证明(或是有效的商标注册证明或是有效的版权证明)。the supplier ensures that the goods delivered shall comply with the chinese intellectual and industrial property laws and regulations, which are of national or local legis
17、lation. the supplier hereby takes the full responsibility to provide carrefour commercial companies with all valid certificates, approvals, licences and any other document as required by chinese laws and regulations, which are of national or local legislation. in particular, goods shall be delivered
18、 with valid sanitary certificates and intellectual and industrial property certificates (either a valid registered trademark certificate or a valid copyright certificate), if needed.其它事项:_other: _2.3 商品订单的其它条件 other conditions of goods order最小限量订单:minimum order 有 yes _没有 no带衣架的商品(纺织品):goods on hange
19、r (textile) 有 yes _没有 no特别包装:special package 有 yes _没有 no外部条形码 有 yes _external barcode没有 no2.4 商品的交付 delivery of goods向有关商店供货的交货时间应为供应商收到的每一交货单上约定的预计交货日前24小时至此交货日后24小时之时间段内。the delivery time of the goods to the relevant stores shall be between 24 hours before and 24 hours after the expected day of d
20、elivery as agreed upon on each delivery order received by the supplier.如若供应商迟延交货,每迟延一天,家乐福商业公司将按含税购货金额百分之零点三(0.3%)的比例收取违约金。in case of delay of delivery by the supplier, carrefour commercial companies will apply a penalty of 0.3% of the purchase amount incl. vat per day of delay.供应商应在供应商与有关家乐福商业公司约定的
21、时间向商店提供发票,写明不含增值税的购货金额及包含这些税的购货金额。the supplier shall provide the stores with an invoice at the time agreed upon between the supplier and the relevant carrefour commercial companies, detailing the purchase amount without vat, as well as the purchase amount incl. vat.2.5 退货 return of goods供应商可以接受未售出商品
22、的退货:return of unsold goods accepted by the supplier:如若不接受上述商品的退货(不包括由质量原因造成的退货),供应商同意可按_百分之_%的比例向家乐福商业公司给予补偿。if return of unsold goods is not accepted (except the quality problem of the relevant goods), the supplier agrees to pay carrefour commercial companies a compensation of _% of _.其它 / other: _
23、除上述规定的退货或补偿之外,商店随时有权对(1)不符合家乐福商业公司与供应商约定的质量及数量的商品,(2)违反(或可能违反)中国产品质量、技术及安全法律、法规规定的商品,或(3)侵害(或可能侵害)他人知识及工业产权的商品进行退货,且其风险及费用应由供应商承担。regardless of the above mentioned returns or compensation, the stores are entitled to return, at any time and at the risk and expenses of the supplier, all goods that (1)
24、 do not match with the quality and quantity as agreed between carrefour commercial companies and the supplier, or (2) violate (or may violate) chinese laws and regulations on quality, technical and safety requirements, or (3) infringe (or may infringe) the intellectual and industrial property rights
25、 of the others.2.6 发票的交付 delivery of invoice供应商应向每一家商店开具单独发票,并在每次交货时一同交付给相关的商店。one separate invoice shall be issued to and delivered to the corresponding store together with the goods:在每次交货时交给相关商店的收货区人员together with each delivery to the receiving yard of such store交货后十天内 交给相关商店的财务部门人员to the finance
26、department of such store within ten days after each delivery.3.1 价格变动 price modification约定的进货价格应保持稳定,未经家乐福商业公司商品处事先书面确认,不得变动价格。negotiated purchase prices shall be remained stable, and no price modification is possible without carrefour commercial companies merchandise divisions prior written confirm
27、ation.如果,在特殊情况下,供应商意欲变动价格,应书面通知家乐福商业公司商品处。新的进货价格,在双方于注明日期的新的正式价格表上签字后方被视为家乐福商业公司所接收。在家乐福商业公司接受(新价格)的情况下,新的进货价格应在家乐福商业公司书面确认之日生效,但最迟不得晚于家乐福商业公司接受价格变动后的两(2)个月。供应商在价格变动生效前,不得限制商店的订货数量。if, in exceptional cases, a price modification is wished by the supplier, carrefour commercial companies merchandise di
28、vision shall be informed by written notice. the new purchase price shall be deemed as accepted by carrefour commercial companies after the signature by both parties of a dated official new price list. in case of acceptance by carrefour commercial companies, the new purchase price shall be effective
29、on the date upon written notice by carrefour commercial companies, but no later than (2) two months after acceptance by carrefour commercial companies of the price modification. no quantity limit shall be made by the supplier on orders by the stores before the effectiveness of the price modification
30、.3.2 价格条件 price conditions包括运输费:transport costs included _不包括运输费: _transport costs not included用词之定义 definitions1.“月结”一词,就依第4.1条规定而言,是指商店收到供应商货物后的下一个月(日历月)的第一天算起。“eom” (“end of month”) means, in respect of the payment term as provided in article 4.1 hereunder, the day starting from the first day of
31、the calendar month that immediately follows the month, in which the stores receive goods from the suppliers.2.“ 付款”一词,系指家乐福商业公司应向供应商支付含税购货金额。“payment” means a payment of the purchase amount incl. vat due to the supplier by the carrefour commercial companies.3. “付款到期日”一词,系指根据本商品合同约定的方式计算出的付款日期“paymen
32、t due date” means the due date, which is stipulated in the article 4.1.1 in the merchandise contract.“实际付款日”一词,系指由家乐福商业公司向银行发出付款指令的日期。“actual payment date” means the date on which carrefour commercial companies send payment instruction to the bank.“付款到期日”与”实际付款日”应保持一致,但是若付款到期日为中国境内银行的休息日, “实 际付款日”应为
33、紧接着的下一个工作日。“payment due date” shall be consistent with “actual payment date”. however, “payment duedate” is not a working day for banks in china, “actual payment date” shall be the immediatelyfollowing working day.4.1 付款条款 payment term4.1.1 付款期限 payment term供应商货款应依家乐福商业公司及供应商所同意之下列任一付款条款付予供应商:the su
34、pplier shall be paid in accordance with either of the following payment terms as agreed to by carrefour commercial companies and the supplier:付款到期日应为”月结”后_日,如果付款到期日为日历月的第一日时,外加至第5个日历日。payment due date shall be _ days “eom”, plus five (5) calendar days if the payment due date is the first day of a ca
35、lendar month.付款到期日应为有关商店财务部门收讫发票后第_天(应不少于十天)。payment due date shall be _ days (not less than ten days) after the date of receiving the invoices by the finance department of the relevant stores.在任何情况下,付款期限从商店财务部门收到发票日算起,不得少于十天.under no circumstances, the payment due day shall not be less than ten (10
36、) days after the date of receiving the suppliers invoices by the finance department of the relevant stores.4.2 付款资料 payment information4.2.1 除另有其它约定,向供应商所作的所有付款应一律采用电汇转帐方式支付。all payments to be made to the supplier shall be exclusively made by means of wire transfers, unless otherwise agreed.4.2.2 汇款
37、资料(remitting information)部门编号(department no.)_供应商名称: _supplier name: _供应商开户银行: _bank name: _银行帐号(bank a/c): _部门编号(department no.)_供应商名称: _supplier name: _供应商开户银行: _bank name: _银行帐号(bank a/c): _4.2.3 依前款提供的资料应用于任何及所有付款之目的,且仅能由供应商以书面形式通知家乐福商业公司谈判处进行修改。家乐福商业公司应在收到该书面通知后五个工作日内以书面形式向供应商确认采用该修改资料。the info
38、rmation as given pursuant to the preceding paragraph shall be used for any and all payments, and can only be modified in written notice to negotiation division of carrefour commercial companies by the supplier. carrefour commercial companies shall take account of such modification by written confirm
39、ation to the supplier five (5) working days after receiving such written notice.4.2.4 任何关于付款方式的事项及其它未尽事宜均应依照中国境内银行的操作程序、指南和惯常作法办理。any matter relating to payment methods and not provided herein shall be handled in accordance with procedures, guidelines and practices of banks in china.5. 退佣 rebate作为对家
40、乐福商业公司采购业务的鼓励,供应商同意,按下列条件向家乐福商业公司支付一笔退佣,此退佣应根据含税购货金额计算 :as an encouragement for the purchase activities of carrefour commercial companies, the supplier agrees to pay to carrefour commercial companies the rebate incl. vat at the following conditions:无条件退佣: _unconditional rebate _有条件退佣: _conditional r
41、ebate _年底退佣: _year end rebate _在由于税法改变而导致退佣所适用的税率发生变化的情况下, 家乐福商业公司有权相应调整 含 税退佣率。in case that any tax reform causes modification of the tax rate applicable for rebate, carrefour commercial companies shall reserve the right to make a corresponding adjustment of rebate incl. tax accordingly.除非合同双方另有约定,
42、退佣的支付应采用本商品合同第6条中规定的扣款方式。unless otherwise agreed by both parties, rebate payment to the suppliers shall be deducted as stipulated in the article 6 of the merchandise contract.6. 扣款 deduction家乐福商业公司可就其依合约规定应支付于供应商之款项,扣除任何所有?霉袒芳依指桃倒局蟹延茫嗖宦鄣窒袷欠裣狄蛲嘶酢冀稹穹押推渌延枚粲犊钣敕延玫谋冶鸩煌蚩劭钍钣握崭犊钊罩泄嗣褚杏胂喙乇抑止嫉闹屑浠懵嗜范?carrefour c
43、ommercial companies may deduct any payments to be made to the supplier against any and/or all charges owed by the supplier to carrefour commercial companies, by directly deducting the relevant amount of charges from the purchase amount incl. vat, whether as a result of return of goods, penalties, re
44、bate, service fees, and any other fees. if the payment is denominated in a currency different from the charges, the deduction amount shall be determined by the middle rate announced on the payment date by the peoples bank of china for the exchange of the relevant currency.在任何情况下,供应商不可自行在其向各家乐福商业公司开出
45、的发票上直接减扣任何费用。under no circumstance the supplier may deduct himself any of the charges from the suppliers invoice issued to each carrefour commercial company.7. 终止 termination任何一方可在发生任何以下事件时立即终止本商品合同:同时必须书面通知另一方。1) 另一方因中国法律所定义的不可抗力而不能履行其义务持续2个月或更长时间2) 另一方进入破产,无偿付能力,重组,解散或其他类似程序,或3)因任何政府或其代表机构的任何命令,行为
46、,规定或干预(干涉)致使本商品合同的履行在其实质性商务方面成为不可能。either party may terminate this merchandise contract immediately upon the occurrence of any of the following events with written notice to the other party: (1) the other party is prevented from performing its obligations by reason of force majeasure, as defined in
47、chinese laws, for 2 months or more, (2) the other party enters into bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization, dissolution or any similar proceeding, or (3) the performance of this merchandise contract has become in any material respect commercially impracticable by virtue of any order, action, regulation, interference or intervention of any government or agency thereof.如若任何一方违反本商品合同之规定,且未能在守约方指定的期限内采取补救措施,则守约方可终止本商品合同。在此情况下,违约方应赔偿守约方就此遭受的任何损失及损害。if either pa
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