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1、pep小学五年级下册unit 3 my birthday(词汇课)精品教案教学内容: b lets learn pair work 教学目标:1. 能够听、说、认读20以内的序数词。2. 能够听、说、读、写120的简写形式。3. 能够掌握日期的表达方法,并能说出生日、节日的具体日期。如:when is your birthday? its october 1st. when is independence day? its july 4th.教学重点:1. 能够听、说、认读序数词120,并会书写其简写形式。2. 能用英文表达生日、节日的具体日期。教学难点:1. 能用英文书写和正确表达具体日期。

2、2. 不规则序数词的认读。教学准备:录音机、磁带、有关月份的词卡和数字卡片(也可以提前在黑板上写好数字1-12, 13, 14, 15, 20, 30, 40 , 60)。教学过程:step1. preparation1. lets chant. 教师播放本单元的chant 录音,学生边听边有节奏地吟唱。(如果有条件,教师可以播放歌曲: ten little candles dance,仿照ten little indian boys的旋律)2. 利用词卡复习112个月份及数字:110、11、12、13、14、15、20、28、30、40、60 。step2. presentationa .

3、单词导呈。1. 教学“first”。(1)t: how many months are there in a year?ss: twelve.t: which is the first one?ss: january.t: yes. january is the first month .(2) 板书、教读first = 1st2. 教学“second” 。(1) t: which is the second month ?ss: february.t: yes.(2) 板书、教读 second =2nd3. 教学“third”。(1) t: february is the second mo

4、nth .what about march?ss: (在教师引导下)march is the third month .(2) 板书、教读 third =3rd4. 教学“fourth”。(1) 复习前面学习的first、second、third 并以此引出新单词 fourth .教师(展示一座20层的高楼,教师可以用一个长方形来表示一层楼,从黑板底部依次向上画,说;look! there is a tall building. its very tall. how many floors are there in the tall building?学生在教师引导下用数字清点;one, tw

5、o, twenty.(教师在学生数的同时标好数字)t: (把january的词卡贴在一楼)where is the january?ss: its on the first floor.t: (把february的词卡贴在二楼)where is the february?ss: its on the second floor.t: (把april的词卡贴在四楼)where is the april ?ss:(在教师的引导下)its on the fourth floor.(2)板书、教读 fourth=4th5. 同样方法教学: fifth 、eighth、ninth.6. 让学生仔细观察板书

6、,找找其中序数词的构成规律。教师予以总结。7. .师把12个月份分别贴在不同的楼层里,其中有三个月份分别贴在12、15、20这三个楼层里,利用“where is.? its”复习前面的序数词,同时自然引出12、15、20.并让学生明白其中的规律。8. 操练对话:(1)t: my birtday is june 17th. when is your birthday?s1: my birthday is/its(有困难的学生可说汉语,然后由教师说出).(2)提问几组后,让学生两人一组操练。b. 听读正音:listen to the tape and read after it .c. 合作学习:

7、read the new words in groups.step3. practice .1. 看谁反应快。(一生说数字,另一生说出其相应的序数词。)a:1 - b: first2. 听义猜单词。t:the ninth month of a year .ss: september.3 . game: 找一找把月份卡和图卡(dog 、cat)贴在不同的楼层。(贴时可背面朝上。)利用“where is.?its on the floor.”操练,让学生猜谁是在哪个楼层。step4. production1. t:(出示中国国庆节的图片)what festival is it?ss: its ou

8、r national day.t: (出示美国独立日的图片,如果找不到该图片,教师可以在黑板上画出美国国旗,并标明1776年7月14日)what festival is it?ss:(在教师引导下)its independence day. its american s national day.教读 independence day2. 用同样的方法把pair work 部分的其他几个节日复习一下。3. ask and answer in pairs.教师和一名程度较好的学生先示范如下:t: when is independence day? ss: its july 4th.step5. progress.1. 做检测题。(1)找出不同类的一项。( )1.a.first b. third c.fourth d.five( ) 2.a. fifth b.sixth c.seventh d.math( ) 3. a. ninetieth b.ninth c. ninteenth d.nine(2)根据句意填空。january is the month o


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