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1、副 词复 习01. always 总是;每次都是;一直;一贯02. almost几乎;差不多almost no one failed to pass the exam.03. anxiously焦虑地;担心地004.adequately 足够地;合格地;合乎逻辑地005.alone 独自地;单独地06. apparently显然;看来07. altogether 完全;全部;总而言之008.ambitiously雄心勃勃地 009.abundantly大量地;丰富地;十分清楚地010.actively积极地;主动地;活跃地011.abroad 在国外12. attentively专心地;注意地

2、;专注地13. attractively诱人地014.approvingly赞许地015.approximately大约;接近the questionnaire takes approximately ten to fifteen minutes to complete and can be used along with the assessment interview.( 09 湖北)16. absolutely完全地;绝对地;极其thats absolutely true.17. accidentally偶然地;意外地the damage couldnt have been caused

3、 accidentally.18. automatically自动地the heating switches off automatically.19. accordingly照着;相应地; (放在句首)因此,所以we have to discover his plans and act accordingly.the cost of materials rose sharply last year. accordingly,we were forced to increase our prices.20. additionally此外21. annually每年;每年一次they celeb

4、rate the festival annually.22. academically学术上;理论上23. biologically与生命过程有关地,从生物学角度讲24. basically大体上;总的来说;从根本上讲basically , theres not a lot we can do about it.25. bitterly伤心地;愤怒地;极其,非常she wept bitterly at the loss of her mother.she was bitterly disappointed at the news that she was turned down.26. bus

5、ily忙碌地;繁忙地he was busily engaged in repairing his bike when i called.27. brightly明亮地; 快乐而生气勃勃地thats a brightly lit room.“hi! ”she called brightly.28. blindly抹黑地;在黑暗中;盲目地he wanted to decide for himself instead of blindly following his parentsadvice.29. blankly木然地;茫然地she stared blankly at the sky, not

6、knowing what to say next.30. boldly大胆自信地;敢于冒险地;敢于表白感情地;粗体字地31. breathlessly上气不接下气地;目瞪口呆地;令人窒息地32. breathtakingly惊人地;激动人心地33. broadly大体上;基本上;开心笑地broadly speaking, i agree with you. we smiled broadly at the good news.34. carelessly 粗心地;满不在乎地someone had carelessly left the door open.“i don t mind, ”he

7、said carelessly.35. cautiously小心谨慎地she looked cautiously around and then walked away from the house.36. calmly镇定地;沉着地;风平浪静地“ill call the doctor, ”he said calmly.37. cheerfully快乐地;令人愉快地he whistled cheerfully as he milked the cow.38. chemically与化学有关地;用化学方法制造地the polluted water must be chemically treat

8、ed before it is poured into rivers.39. chiefly主要地;首要地hes traveled widely, chiefly in asia.were chiefly concerned with improving educational systems.40. classically古典地;经典地;传统地her face is classically beautiful. the dancer is classically trained.41. clearly清楚地;清晰地;明白地;易懂地;显而易见地clearly, this will cost a

9、 lot more than we realized. he thought he had explained it clearly.42. cleanly干净利落地;利索地;清洁地43. cleverly聪明地;巧妙地;44. cloudily阴云密布地45. coincidentally巧合;恰巧;非计划之中地coincidentally, they both studied in paris.46. coldly冷淡地;冷漠地;不友好地47. curiously好气地;稀奇古怪地curiously enough, the same thing happened a year later.

10、48. changeably 易变地;常变地49. charmingly迷人地50. cheaply便宜地;廉价地51. colorfully五彩缤纷地52. comparatively相对而言地;比较地53. completely彻底地;完全地;完整地ive completely forgotten her name.54. energetically精力充沛地;断然地he energetically denied the charge.55. conveniently方便地;省事地the hotel is conveniently situated close to the beach a

11、nd the shops.56. crazily疯狂地;愚蠢地;不理智地57. cruelly残忍地;冷酷地the dog had been cruelly treated. she was cruelly deceived.58. currently现时;当前;目前currently, over 3,000 students are studying in our school.59. close 紧挨着地we followed him close behind.hiking can help you get close to nature.60. compulsorily(因法律或规则)必

12、须做地;强制性地61. conditionally有条件地62. consciously有意思地;刻意地;神志清醒地whether consciously or unconsciously, you made the mistake.63. considerably相当多地;相当大地;很;非常culture varies considerably from country to country.64. contentedly满意地;满足地she smiled contentedly.65. correctly准确无误地they reasoned correctly that she was a

13、way for the weekend.66. considerably相当多地;相当大地the house cost us a considerably large sum of money.67. dangerously危险地she was standing dangerously close to the fire.68. decidedly(形容词或副词连用)确定;肯定;显然;果断地;坚决地“ i won t go,”she said decidedly.69. disappointedly失望地70. desperately (因绝望而 )不顾一切地;绝望地;极严重地; desper

14、ately ill / unhappy / lonelythey desperately wanted a child.71. deeply很;非常;极其deep 深地opinion is deeply divided on this issue. breathe/ sigh/ sleep/ think/ deeply72. difficultly困难地;艰难地73. deliciously美味地;可口地;令人开心地;宜人地deliciously creamy soup可口的奶油汤74. disorderly ( 人或行为 )难驾驭的;混乱的;目无法纪的disorderly conduct.a

15、 disorderly pile of newspapers.75. distantly遥远地; 神情恍惚地somewhere distantly, he could hear the sound of the sea. were distantly related.远亲76. doggedly顽强地;坚持不懈地77. dramatically ( 变化,事情等 )突然地;巨大的;令人吃惊地;戏剧性地;夸张地prices have fallen dramatically.突然暴跌78. dully枯燥无味地;不明亮地;不清晰地;迟钝地;“isuppose so,”she said dully.

16、 木然说道his leg ached dully.隐隐作痛79. deadlyad/adj 致命的;极度的;彻底的;极其;非常deadly-deadlier-deadliest或 more deadly- most deadly/deadliest80. essentially本质上;根本上;主要地81. effectively有效地;实际上;事实上the situation was effectively dealt with.82. eventually最终;终于83. evidently明显地;显然地;据说84. exactly精确地;准确地;准确地;(答语)完全正确85. excell

17、ently极好地;极妙地86. entirely完整地;全部地;完全地she devoted herself entirely to her research and it earned her a good reputation in her field. (07 湖北 )87. efficiently高效地that is a very efficiently organized activity.88. endlessly 无止境地;无穷无尽地she talks endlessly about her family affairs.89. energetically充满活力地;积极地90.

18、 enormously非常;极其;急切地she was looking forward to the meeting enormously.91. eagerly热切地;渴求地92. environmentally有关环境地;生态地environmentally friendly93. equally 平等地;同样地;均等地;平均地94. especially 尤其;特别;专门地95. expensively昂贵地96. extremely极其;非常97. enthusiastically热情地;热心地98. elegantly优雅地;高尚地the room is elegantly furn

19、ished. the gentleman is elegantly dressed.99. fantastically极其地;难以置信地the new type of car is fantastically expensive.100. facially面部地facially the two men are very different.脸型迥异101. fairly ( 用于 adj 或 adv 前面 ) 相当地,公正地;(用以强调 )简直;竟然a fairly easy booktreat sb. fairlythe time fairly raced by.时间过得真快 !102. f

20、aithfully准确地;如实地;仔细地;忠诚地follow the instructions faithfully严格遵循指示support the local team faithfully踏实地支持103. firmly坚定地,坚固地“ican manage.”she said firmly.keep your eyes firmly fixed on the road ahead.密切注视104. favourably给人好印象地;赞同地,有利地he speaks very favourably of your work. be favourably impressed with对 印

21、象好105. familiarly友好随便地; (过分)亲昵地;人们熟悉地john hunt, is familiarly known to friends as jack.昵称他为106. famously著名地;出名地107. fantastically大得难以置信的;怪诞的fantastically expensive/ successfully a fantastically shaped piece of stone108. finally终于;最终;最后一点;彻底地i finally managed to get her attention.109. fiercely猛烈地;严厉地

22、fiercely competitive竞争激烈的 / independent 强烈独立的 /proud 极度骄傲的110. fashionably时尚地;时髦地;流行地be fashionably dressed111. fatally致命地;毁灭地;导致失败地fatally injured/wounded/flawed (致命缺陷 )112. fearfully忧心忡忡地;可怕地;极糟糕地fearfully expensive113. fearlessly 大胆地;无畏地114. frequently频繁地;经常地the most frequently asked questions115

23、. financially财务地;经济地;金融地she is still financially dependent on her parents.经济上仍然依靠父母116. firstly ( 用于列举 )第一点;首先117. flexibly能适应新情况地;灵活地;有弹性地118. fluently ( 尤指外语 ) 流利地;文字流畅; (动作)熟练119. fully完全地;全部地;充分地fully recovered/ developed 发育完全 / equipped 设备齐全120. foolishly愚蠢地121. forcefully强有力地;有说服力地;使用武力地he arg

24、ued his case forcefully雄辩地阐述了他的立场。122. unforgettably令人难忘地123. formally正规地;庄重地;正式地;be formally trained科班出身124. fortunately幸运地;交好运地;吉利地unfortuantely fortunately for him, he was very soon offered another job.125. frankly坦率地;老实说frankly, i m not surprised you failed.126. freely无拘无束地;无障碍地;直率地;心甘情愿地this bo

25、ok is now freely available in the shops.随时可买到。127. frightenedly受到惊吓地;害怕地128. frighteningly令人害怕地;使人惊恐地129. fruitfully成果丰富地;富有成效地,富饶地,丰产地130. fruitlessly没有成果地;徒劳地131. fundamentally根本上;完全地;基本上fundamentally different132. functionally实用地;能起作用地133. financially在经济上she is still financially dependent on her

26、parents. financially, i m much better off than before.134. generally 普遍地;广泛地the plan was generally welcomed. it is now generally accepted that i generally get up at six.135. generously 慷慨地please give generously 请慷慨施与。136. gently温柔地;和缓地;小心点she held the baby gently.gently! you ll hurt the poor thing.小

27、心点,你会弄痛这可怜的家伙的。137. gladly乐意地;情愿地;欣然地i would gladly pay extra for a good seat.我情愿额外付费坐个好座位。138. gradually逐渐地;逐步地;渐进地gradually, the children began to accept it.139. gratefully感激地i gratefully acknowledge the help of many people here today.今天我谨向在座的提供帮助的人表示衷心的感谢。140. grammatically合乎语法地;文法地a grammaticall

28、y correct sentence语法上正确的句子142. greatly非常;很;大大地your help would be greatly appreciated.如蒙帮助,感激不尽。143. greedily贪婪地144. hardly几乎不;几乎没有theres hardly any money/water left.hardly a day goes by without my thinking of her. i could hardly believe it when i read the letter.we had hardly sat down to supper when

29、 the phone rang.145. harmfully有危害地146. harmoniously和谐地;谐调地they worked very harmoniously together.148. healthily健康地eat healthily吃得健康149. heavily沉重地; (在数量、程度方面 )超出一般地;比一般严重地a heavily loaded van( 货车 )heavily pollutedheavily crowded drink heavily豪饮heavily taxedrely heavily on sb/sth rain heavily150. hel

30、pfully有用地;有益地she helpfully suggested that i try the local library.151. honestly诚实地;正当地;真地;确实i cant believe he got that money honestly. honestly, i can t remember a thing about that.152. hopefully有希望地;可以指望hopefully, we ll arrive before dark.153. hopelessly 无望地they were hopelessly lost.they were hopel

31、essly in love.他们爱得无法自拔。154. horribly极坏地it was horribly painfully.疼极了。the experiment went terribly wrong.实验弄得一塌糊涂。155. hugely极度;极其;深深地;非常the album is hugely popular.he has invested hugely on the project.156. humorously幽默地the poem humorously describes local characters and traditions.157. hurriedly匆忙地h

32、e hurriedly went home, only to find the guest gone.158. habitually惯常地159. historically与历史相关地the book is historically inaccurate.与史实不符160. honourably可敬地;值得钦佩地he behaves honourably. 他行为光明磊落。161. hungrily饥俄地they gazed hungrily at the food on the table.162. immediately立刻;立即;(连词)一就immediately she had lef

33、t, i remembered her name.163. ignorantly无知地;愚昧地;无礼地164. impossibly不可能地he is impossibly handsome.简直难以置信,他有那么英俊。165. impressively 令人赞叹地;令人钦佩地the meeting was impressively organized.166. incidentally偶然地;附带地;顺便提及地the information was only discovered incidentally. incidentally, have you heard the news abou

34、t smith?167. indeed 真真地;实际上thank you very much indeed.i don t mind at all. indeed, i would be delighted to help.168. increasingly越来越多地;不断增加地169. independently独立地;自治地;自主地it was the first time that she had lived independently.170. instantly立刻;立即;马上171. internationally国际地the poet is internationally fam

35、ous.172. industrially工业地the usa is industrially advanced.173. illegally非法地174. impatiently不耐心地175. individually分别地;单独地;个别地the manager spoke to them all individually.the hotel has 100 individually designed bedrooms.设计各不相同的176. ideally理想地;圆满地she is ideally fit for the job.ideally, i d like to live in

36、hong kong.177. jokingly开玩笑地;闹着玩地178. just 正好;恰好;刚才;仅仅是179. joyfully高兴地;快乐地180. kindly体贴地;友好地;宽容地181. legally合法地182. largely在很大程度上;主要地183. lately最近;不久前184. lazily懒散地;懒惰地185. lightly轻柔地;轻微地;少许;不多;轻率地this is not a problem we should take lightly.186. likely很可能地its likely to rain tomorrow.187. limitedly有

37、限地188. literally按字面;字面地189. locally当地地;本地地;地方地the fruit is locally grown.190. loudly大声地she screamed as loudly as she could.191. luckily幸运地luckily for us, the train was late.192. lastly最后点,最后,最后提及lastly, add the lemon juice.193. laughingly带笑地;笑地;荒唐同意了he laughingly agreed.194. lawfully法律承认地a lawfully

38、elected government合法选举产生的政府195. leisurely悠闲地;不慌不忙地bathe/stroll leisurely196. luxuriously豪华地;奢侈地;十分舒适地a luxuriously furnished housed.she stretched luxuriously on the sofa.197. loyally忠诚地198. madly发狂地;无法控制地she was rushing around madly trying to put out the fire. she is madly in love with him.199. magi

39、cally有魔力地;奇妙地200. mainly主要地;总体上;大致the people in the hotel are mainly foreign tourists. we export mainly to france.201. maybe ( 不确定 ) 大概;或许;可能maybe hell come, maybe he won t.(提出建议 )或许 i thought maybe we could go together. (不置可否 )也许;或许 i think she will win, maybe.202. meanwhile , meantime 与此同时bob spen

40、t 15 months alone in america, ann, meanwhile took care of the childrenon her own.meanwhile, you must rest as much as possible.203. extremely极其stress can be extremely damaging to your health.204. mentally精神上;智力上;思想上mentally ill/disabled205. medically医疗地medically fit/unfit体格健康 /不佳206. mercifully ( 不幸之

41、中 )幸运地mercifully, everyone survived the accident.he was treated mercifully ( 宽大地;仁慈地 )207. merely仅仅;只不过its not merely a job, but a way of life.208. merrily高兴地;愉快地they chatted merrily209. mildly轻微地;稍微地;温和地;和善地mildly surprised/ interested he said mildly.210. morally道德上;道义上act morally循规蹈矩211. mostly主要地

42、;一般地;通常the sauce is mostly cream. were mostly out on sundays.212. most 最高级;最大,最多,最高what did you enjoy (the) most?it was what she wanted most of all. it was most kind of you to meet me.213. materially物质地,重要地materially they are no better off. 他们的物质生活并没有改善。their comments have not materially affected ou

43、r plans.并未产生多么重要的最影响。214. massively 巨大地;非常严重地215. mistakenly错误地he mistakenly believed that his family would stand by him.216. modestly谦虚地217. motionlessly一动不动地;静止地218. movingly令人感动地;动人地she described her experiences in africa very movingly.219. musically音乐上;在音乐方面;悦耳地;音乐般地the boy is musically gifted.2

44、20. mysteriously神秘地;不易解释地my watch mysteriously disappeared.221. normally通常;正常情况下it normally takes 30 minutes to get there on foot.222. namely也就是;即223. narrowly勉强地;以毫厘之差;小心地;仔细地she narrowly escaped injury.our team was narrowly beaten by the visiting team.224. nationally全国性地the programme was broadcast

45、 nationally.225. nationwide adj. & adv.全国范围地the company has over 500 stores nationwide.226. naturally顺理成章地;当然地 ; 天然地;天生地;本能地;自然地;大方地naturally, i get upset when things go wrong. he is a naturally gifted athlete.just act naturally. 放自然点就行了。227. nearly几乎;差不多;将近the bottle is nearly empty.ive worked here

46、 for nearly ten years.228. neatly整齐地;简洁地she neatly folded the clothes. she summarized her plan neatly.229. necessarily 不可避免地;必然地the number of tickets available is necessarily limited.hard work doesn t necessarily lead to success.230. nervously紧张地;不安地231. never 从不;绝不;从未;未曾;never in all my life have i

47、 seen such a handsome fellow.232. newly(常用在过去分词前)最近地;新近地they are a newly-married couple.233. nobly高贵地;壮丽地;品质高尚地she bore the disappointment nobly. 她很失望,但表现得很大度。she was nobly born.234. noisily吵闹地;嘈杂地the children were playing noisily upstairs.235. nowadays 现今;现在;目前236. nowhere 无处;没有this animal is found

48、 in australia, and nowhere else. the plan got him nowhere.the sum of money is nowhere enough. the lost pen is nowhere to be found.237. naughtily顽皮地;淘气地;粗俗地;下流地238. needlessly 不必要地;可以避免地many died needlessly.239. nicely有吸引力地;令人满意地;很好地the room is nicely furnished.240. nevertheless 尽管如此;不过;然而our defeat

49、was expected but it was disappointing nevertheless.there is little chance that we will succeed in changing the law. nevertheless, it is important that we have a try.241. obviously显然;明显地;显而易见the man was obviously drunk.242. officially正式地;官方地;公开地;据公布officially, he resigned because of poor health.243.

50、often 经常; more often than not通常244. only只有;仅仅;只能245. optimistically乐观地246. orally口头地;口服地this is not to be taken orally.247. otherwise否则;不然shut the window, otherwise it ll get too cold in here.i was too busy. otherwise i would have gone to their gathering.248. originally原来;起初the school was originally

51、 very small.249. occasionally偶然;偶尔;有时候we occasionally meet for a drink after work.as he works in a remote area, he visits his parents only occasionally.( 08 湖北)250. openly公平地;毫不隐瞒地can you talk openly about sex with your parents?251. ordinarily普通地;平常地;正常地;一般情况下252. outstandingly(用于正面强调)非常;极其;优异;极好he

52、performed well but not outstandingly.253. painfully令人痛苦地;令人烦恼地;非常低254. peacefully和平地;平静地the baby slept peacefully.255. patiently耐心地256. partly一定程度上;部分地257. particularly特别;尤其258. passively 被动地;消极地259. properly正确地;适当地;得体地;恰当地260. perfectly完美地;非常;十分261. perhaps 或许;大概;可能262. permanently永久地;永恒地she decide

53、d to settle permanently in france.263. personally就本人而言;就个人而言;亲自;个别地;单个地264. powerfully有影响力地;强大地he was powerfully built.she argued powerfully for reform.265. pessimistically悲观地266. physically身体上;肉体上;根本上he is both mentally and physically disabled.267. pitifully可怜地she was pitifully thin.268. plainly清晰地

54、;清楚地;明显地;简朴地;朴素地269. pleasantly 令人愉快地270. plentifully充足地;丰富地271. poisonously有毒地272. politically政治上273. politely有礼貌地274. poorly糟糕地;差强人意地;评价不好地the lady was poorly dressed.the politician was poorly thought of by the citizens.275. popularly普遍地;广泛地;一般地this is a popularly held belief.276. positively绝对地;肯定

55、地;乐观地;赞成地277. proudly得意地;自豪地;骄傲地;壮观地;盲目地278. practically实际地;几乎;差不多279. preciously珍奇地;珍惜地280. precisely准确地;恰好地281. pretty颇;相当;十分;非常282. primarily主要地;根本地283. privately单独地;私下地can we speak privately?284. probably很可能;大概;几乎肯定you are probably right.285. productively多产的;富有成效地its important to spend your time productively.286. professionally在工作上;在职业上;内行地;娴熟地you need a complete change, both professionally and personally.287. publicly公开地he later publicly apo


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