



1、高考虚拟语气专项练习60 题1. if only hequietly as the doctor instructed, he would not suffer so much now.a. liesb. layc. had laind. should lie2. how i wish every familya large house with a beautiful garden.a. hasb. hadc. will haved. had had3. you did not let me drive. if wein turn, youso tireda. drove; didn t g

2、etb. drove; wouldn t getc. were driving; wouldn t gde.thad driven ; wouldn t have got4. it rain tomorrow, we would have to put off the visit to the yangpu bridgea. wereb. shouldc. wouldd. will5. i suggested the personto be put into prisona. refersb. referringc. referredd. refer6. when a pencil is pa

3、rtly in a glass of water, it looks as if it a. breaksb. has brokenc. were brokend. had been broken7. i insistedto see a doctor, but he insisted nothingwrong with hima. on him to go; should beb. he went; bec. he go; wasd. he should to; is8. -your aunt invites you to the movies today-i would rather sh

4、eme tomorrow than todaya. tellsb. toldc. would telld. had told9. -would you have called her up ?-yes, but ibusy doing my homeworka. wasb. werec. had beend. would be10. i was ill that day, otherwise ithe sports meeta. would have taken part inb. took part inc. had taken part ind. would take part in11.

5、 the clouds, you would find the airplane in the sky easilya. had it not been forb. if it were notc. if it had not been ford. were it not for12. if my lawyerhere last sunday, heme from goinga. had been, would have preventedb. had been, would preventc. were, preventd. were, would have prevented13. har

6、d, he would have passed the exama. if he were to workb. had he worked c. should he work d. were he to work14. today, he would get there by fridaya. were he to leaveb. if he had leftc. did he to leaved. had he left- 5 -15. had you listened to the doctor, youall right nowa. areb. werec. would bed. wou

7、ld have been16. i did not see your sister at the meeting. if she, she would have met my brothera. has comeb. did comec. comed. had come17. hebusy yesterday, or heyou with your experiment.a. was, had helpedb. was, would have helpedc. had been, would have helpedd. were, would have helped18. if itfor t

8、he snow, wethe mountain yesterdaya. were not, could have climbb. were not, could climbc. had not been, could have climbedd. hadn t been, could climb19. without electricity, human lifequite difficult todaya. isb. will bec. would have beend. would be20. -i am going to tell her the news-i would as soon

9、 as youher about ita. didn t tellb. don t tellc. hadn t telld. won t tell21. mike s father, as well as his mother, insisted hehomea. stayedb. could stayc. has stayedd. stay22. it was requested that the playagaina. should put onb. would put onc. be put ond. put on23. she insisted that a doctorimmedia

10、telya. had sent forb. sendc. be sent ford. was sent24. -did you scold him for his carelessness-yes, butita. i d rather not dob. i d rather not have donec. i should t dod. i d better not do25. if only imy cara. hadn tsltob. wouldn t lose c. didn t losed. haven t lost26. but for water, itimpossible to

11、 live in the eartha. isb. wouldbec. wered. wouldn t be27. i would rather youanything about it for the time beinga. dob. didn t doc. don t d. didnt28. the kind-hearted couple treat the orphan very well as though hetheir own sona. isb. werec. had beend. should be29. how the old people wish that theyyo

12、ung once morea. wereb. could becomec. had beend. should be30. it is high time that wea meeting to discuss this problema. holdb. heldc. have heldd. had held31. the thief closed his eyeshedyinga. even if , wasb. though, would bec. even, had beend. as if, were32. i wish that yousuch a bad headache beca

13、use i am sure that you would have enjoyed the concerta. had notb. did not have hadc. hadn t hadd. hadn t have33. the chairman insisted that wethe question againa. will discussb. to discussc. should discussd. will be discussed34. he requested that the studentsthem get in cropsa. helpb. to helpc. help

14、edd. helping35. the guard at the gate insisted that everybodythe rulesa. obeysb. obeyc. will obeyd. would obey36. i wish ihere thena. wasb. had beenc. wered. would be37. it is strange that heback so earlya. cameb. will comec. had comed. should have come38. mother suggested that imy homework first be

15、fore watching tva. didb. doc. shall dod. have done39. my suggestion is that the meetingoff till nest sundaya. be putb. putc. should putd. had been put40. he is talking so much about america as if hetherea. had beenb. has beenc. wasd. been41. the teacher demanded that the exambefore elevena. must fin

16、ishb. would be finishedc. be finishedd. must be finished42. -sorry, joe. i did not mean to-don t call me“ joe”, i am mr. parker to you, andyou forget it!a. dob. didnt c. didd. don t43. i did not attend the lecture by pro. jackson. ibut iall this morninga. would, have washedb. could, have been washin

17、gc. would have, have been washingd. could have, had washing44. how i wish ito repair the watch! i only made it worsea. had triedb. hadn t triedc. have triedd. didn t try45. -how could i thank you enough?-don t mention it. any other manita. must dob. could doc. would have doned. should have done46. k

18、ey european governments insist iraq actionto allow inspections to continue-operatiosncogood and militarya. be, be delayedb. is, delayc. should be, be delayed d. is , be delayed47. if the hurricane had happened during the day-time,more deathsa. it would have beenb. it would bec. there would be d. the

19、re would have been48. what the customersfrom the company is that the goodsright to their homes.a. requested, deliverb. demand, be deliveredc. request, should deliverd. demand, delivered49. if law-breakersthe society will be in disordera. made unpunishedb. came unpunishedc. went unpunishedd. not puni

20、shed50. we took a taxi to the airport. otherwise welatea. would beb. werec. will bed. would have been51. supposing he never, what would happen thena. comeb. camec. would comed. will come52. what do you think his proposal that wea play at the english meetinga. had put onb. should put onc. have put ond. will put on53. i hope that yourighta. will beb. should bec. wered. would be54. as you know, i am a disabled man, but i would be happy if iof service to youa. amb. have beenc. should bed. would be55. he insisted that weearl


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