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1、starter unit 1 good morning !starter unit 1是g。it!预备篇三个单元的第一单元。预备篇是为了使那 些没有英语基础的学生更好地使用本套教材而编写的。它的主要内容为26个字母和最基本的英语日常用语。本单元的教学内容为:1 .学习aahh八个字母。2 .学习八个人名。a ire, bob, c hdy, d ale, erie, frank, g race, h elen3 .学习打招呼的用语:h elb !/g ood m oming!/g ood afternoon !/g ood evening !4 .学会问候熟识的朋友和应答:一howard yo

2、u?- i m ftie, ihanks. h ow are you?-i m 0 k教学重点:aa hh的字母教学。h elb ! g ood m omhg. g ood afternoon. g ood evening.-h ow ae you? -i m file, ihanks. h ow are you? -i m 0 k. 教学难点:课本中英语人名的学习和大、小写字母的学习及书写。 单元课时:5个课时第一课时:完成section a la, lb第二课时;完成 section a 2a, 2b,2c, 2d, 3, 4a第三课时:完成 s ection a 4b, 4c, s ec

3、tbn b 1, 2a, 2b第四课时:完成sectbnb 3a, 3b, 4, 5第五课时:完成 s elf c heck and ju st for fun教学目标a.语言知识目标1 .词汇:letteibaah h八个人名 a ire, bob, c hdy, d ale, eric, frank, g race, h elen2 , 句型: g ood m omhg. g ood afternoon. g ood evening.-h ow are you? i m fee, ihanks. h ow are you? -i m 0 k. b. 语言技能目标通过游戏等多种形式的学习活动

4、,培养学生对初学知识的听、说、读、写能 力和灵活运用初学的日常交际用语的能力。c.情感目标1 .激发学生学习英语的兴趣,发挥学生学习英语的积极性和主动性。2 .通过小组活动,培养学生的合作意识和团队精神。3.在活动中培养学生的思维能力和创新能力。houriperiod 1teaching materials : s ection a la,lbteaching aims:1 .识别和掌握八个人名。2 .学会早上见面打招呼的用语。language points.1 .词5匚:a ire, bob, c indy, d ale, eric, frank, g race, h elen2 .句型:h

5、 elb ! g ood m oming!difficulties:八个人名的掌握teaching procedures:step 1. warming-up1 .t weatb a nam e catd with an english nam e on it, 1hen points to 1he nam e card and have an htoductbn.2 . g reetlhe whole class and het 1hem to say, h elb, g ood m omhg, step 2. play a game.t gets ready fora listofengl

6、ish nam es forboys and girls.p lay the gam e like :t says a letter; for exam pie c, then let 1he s s tell the jetteib which is before and after c . the one who says b, d first is 1he w inner thew hner can geta chance to choose an english nam e fetorhe can give 1he chance to his friend.step 3. presen

7、tations how a prtuw of a girland give the nam e under 1he prtuw, teach a ire. in 1he sam e w ay teach 1he other seven nam es.step 4.games how the pictuies of these efehtchildien as quick 卜 as possible. letlhe s s tellthenam es of 1hese childwn. (the w hnercan have a chance to choose an english nam e

8、.)step 5. presentations how a prtui w ih eric, jets s guess whateric w ants to say to us. the answer is :h elb ! org ood m omhg. then het them to say: h elb, erie! org ood m omhg, err.step 6. work on lap lay the recoidhg for 1he fettin e, s s on卜 listen.p by the recoidhg a second tin e. s s ibpeatst

9、ep 7. work on lbs s practice 1he convetbations h paib. t m oves awund 1he classroom when s s are practicing. g ive 1heni som e hej) ifneeded.a sk s s to practice greeting each other they can use theirc hhese nam es ifthey w ish. encourage 1hem to use theirenglish nam es iflhey can. ask 1hem to piact

10、be ushg a lithe dieferent greetings taught h activity la.homeworkm ake a nam e caid like the teachers by them selves and bam how to read their ownnam es.h our 2period 2teaching materials : s ection a2a-4ateaching aims:l学会正确朗读和书写aa十h八个字母。2 .了解一些常用缩略字的含义。3.巩所学的八个人名。4 .记住自己和同伴的英文名字。language points词汇:自己

11、和同伴的英文名字。difficulties:八个字母的正确书写和记住尽可能多的名字。teaching procedures :step 1. warming-upg reetalllhe s s w ilh : h elb, org ood m omhg, *, ushg their english nam es.(ask alllhe students to w eartheirnam e catds like t) a t1he sam e tin e letlhem repeatlheirnam es and try to rem em beriheirnam es.step 2.pre

12、sentations how dififerent letters on the slide picture and see if 1hey can read them . f 加tb运 letters, then sm a 11 jetteib.step 3. learn the letters 既 oik. on a 2a 2d)1 .listen and repeat the efeht jetteib.2 .putalllhe b迫 letters h older3 .f hd 1he big jette is fcr 1hese sm allletteis.4 .listen and

13、 num ber 1he jetteib 1hey hear5 .t each 1heni how to write these big and sm all jette is.6 .w rite 1he sm allletterfcreach b垣 letterstep 4. game 既 hth. letter is m isshg?)show seven big letters (ftom ahh) on 1he slide picture, see who can find 1he m isshg letter then show seven sm all jette ib.s s p

14、lay the gam e h a group of four everyone should getready for tv o pieces of paperw ilh seven big jetteib and seven sm alljetters.step 5. presentationshow som e jetteib and ask them to read first and then guess whatlhey stand forlf they have difficulties, t can give 1heni som e hilts.step 6. work on

15、section a 3s s discuss and guess whatlhese jetteib stand fcrand then check the answ ers w ith 1hewhole chss.step 7. presentationshow the efehtnam es on the slide picture finstand ask s s to read. then putthem h olderaccondhg to 1he fctletterstep 8. work on 4alisten to 1he tape and circle the nam es

16、1hey hearstep 9. practicein groups offoui; s s htoduce iheirenglish nam es ffet then piactbe - g ood m omhg, ,*,| to each olher like 1he dnbgue they heard jistnow on the tape.homework1 .c opy these efehtbig and sm a1 letters five tin es.2 .fhd as m any letters like hb, cd, bbd as 1hey can.h our 3per

17、iod 3teaching materials : s ection a 4b, 4c, s ectbn b l-2bteaching aims:1 .学会不同时段打招呼的用语。2 .学习熟识朋友见面的问候语和应答。3 .记住尽可能多的同学的名字。language points :句型: g ood afternoon ! g ood evening!hh ow aw you? i m fee, thanks. h ow are you? i m 0 k.diffieu ities :用英文名字来跟朋友打招呼问候。teaching procedures :step 1 warming-up1.

18、 g reetlhe students.2. s s practice greethgs in groups of fourushg iheirenglish nam es.3. a reporton - w hatdo 1hese letters m ean? ii ask som e students to give iheirimports. step 2 presentation1. u se ebeks to teach m omhg, afternoon and evenhg. lets s know dififewnttiii e w e use dififerentwoids.

19、2. show som e pictures to heb them say,g ood m oming. g ood afternoon. g ood evening.step 3 work on 4bp by the tape fcr 1he fettin e, jets s only listen. p by the tape agah. this tin e s s put 1he coirectnum ber of each conversation h the box.step 4 work on 4cs s practbe 1he conversations h paib.ste

20、p 5 look and says how dififerent pictures w ith difife ibnttfai e and jets s practice 1he diabgue inpains.。se som e popubr cartoon figures.)step 6 presentationlook atthe picture and pibsentthe dfebgue: ti. ow are you? t m fine, ihanks.step 7 work on section b 1f irst listen and 1hen tbad after 1he t

21、ape. s s practice 1he diabgue h pains.step 8 work on section b 2a2b1 . in groups of four or five, practice the diabgue in 2b w ith theirenglish nam es.2 . p lay a gam e. w ho has 1he m ostfrfends? s s m ove round the chssroom and try to know as m any friends as 1hey can and practice 1he dfebgue w ih

22、 1hem .let s see who has 1he m ostfrfends in jistthwe m hutes. s s should pohtto 1he persons and tell iheirnam es. the w inner can geta presenthomeworkg reetalllhe classm ates aftercbss and try to rem em beriheirenglish nam es.h our4period 4teaching materials: s ection b 3a - 5teaching aims:l学会一首英语歌

23、曲。3 .巩固本单元所学字母,单词及句型。4 .学会将相同音素字母和单词归类。difficulties:学好这首英语歌曲及将相同音素字母和单词归类。teaching procedures :step 1 warming-upgreethgs.(letaillhe s s practice w ith iheirenglish nam es.)step 2 letter bingop by a gam e like 1his: f fll in nhe blanks w ith a a h h. 0 ne of 1hem can be used tw re. (show an exam pie

24、on the slide prture.)s s should write both the bfe ones and 1he sm allones. s s circle 1he letters they hear if 1he circled jetteib are in a row, they w in.step 3 work on 3alisten and draw ihes betw een the jette ib they hear p lay the tape 1w re. at last ask 1hem whatthey can see. (a fish.)step 4 w

25、ork on 3bm ateh 1he big letters w ith 1he sm alletteib.step 5 look and findlook and fed the jetteib. s how 1hem a picture and ask them to find a a一 hh in it step 6 work on 4s s listen and repeat m ake sure s s understand the difiference between 1he two ?a sounds and 1he two ?e sounds.step 7 listen a

26、nd sing the songp by the tape fors s listen first then sing after the tape. a t last jistpby the must and lets s sing togelher then letlhe boys have a tty ,1hen the girls.homeworkg etready fora picture w ilh diflferentletters h ith our 5period 5teaching materials : s elfc heck and justforfunteaching

27、 aims:1 .复习学过的英语歌曲。2 .巩固本单元所学字母,单词及句型。3 .学会将相同音素字母和单词归类。difficulties :将相同音素归类。teaching procedures :step 1 warming-up1. g reetings.2. a sk som e students to sing the song.step 2 look and find the letterss how som e students pi3tli凌s and lets s fed the letters h 1hem .step 3 work on 1ask s s to check alllhe letters and words 1hey know. c ircle any words thatthey don know.a sk them to fhd out 1he m eanhgs of any w olds thatlhey don tknow. they can do 1h is by review hg lessons, askhg t or asking chssm ates.step 4 work on 2ask 1hem to write five new wolds h iheirvocab-buildeib on page 19.in group


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