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1、unit 1basic listening c b d a dlistening intask 1 a c d c btask 2(1)families (2)chemicals (3)information (4)certainsymptoms (5)self-esteen (6)thinking patterns (7)mood (8)divorce (9)physical abuse (10)financial difficulties (11)stress (12)anxietytask 3 b d a a clet s talk(1) shy (2) crying (3) scare

2、d (4) came down (5) fun (6) nice (7) two sisters (8) argue (9) touch (10) bad time (11) speak (12) comfortable (13) brother (14) adults (15) children (16) secondary (17) growing up (18) learnfurther listening and speakingtask 1:(1) owner (2) running(3) drop (4) run (5) local(6) yelling (7) lives(8)

3、as he s picking himself up, he sees a large man, almost seven feet tall(9) the bartender nervously hands the big man a beer, hands shaking(10) i got to get out of town! don t you hear big john is comingtask 2 a b c c dtask 3 t f f t fviewing and speaking (1) seven (2) 150 (3) favourite (4) bridge (5

4、) 111 (6) fast (7) simple (8) trusted (9) stupid (10) did (11) no way (12) ultimate (13) limits (14) skywards (15)60 (16)cheapunit test 1l.c d b c d2. (1)over (2) companionship (3) lover (4) definiti on (5 scarce (6) diary (7) sight (8) thank god , ve done my duty thank god, ive done my duty ( 9) in

5、 a workforce made up entirely of happy people, t he competitive edge would soon be lost (10) it may take centuries before philosophers and scientists can ar rive at a clear definition of happiness3.badcc 4.adcab cb da aunit 2led-in fdaehibcjbasic listening bacdblistening intask 1 caadbtask 2 the end

6、 discounts t-shirts big-name brandsinterchangeable pieces black trousers several timessimplest stylish and fashionabletask 3 abacdlet s talktask 1wealthy clothing styles figure slimmer constructionlight larger formal brightly colored the rich and the poor one classoccasionspoorer peoplefurther liste

7、ningtask 1caabatask 2bababtask 31. she chose two colors, then built her wardrobe around them.2. she has a pair of black dress slacks, with black shoes to match.if she wears that with her turquoise silk blouse and a matching necklace and earrings, she will look dressed up.3. if she wears a t-shirt wi

8、th the black dress slacks, she is more casual.4. if she brings a pashmina, or another dress scarf, she can dress up the t-shirt into casual chic.5. her suitcase will be nearly empty, with lots of room for shopping.viewing and speaking task 1(1) combining clothing with new technology(2) brand-new sty

9、le(3) new industrial design solutions(4) electronics and fashion(5) into your collar(6) went into partnership with(7) bring them together(8) the modern-day worker(9) 600 pounds(10)to what we might expectunit test 2cbcbdcontestqueensoutgoingcheerstitletoursperformeda beautiful woman has very great po

10、wers to convince, and we have seen many misses who have done a great jobwomens liberation organizations in the united states regularly demonstrate in protest outside miss america and miss world contestsall the same, some australians were hoping the two-hour show wouldcountry and attractdraw world at

11、tention to the beauty of their touristsadcbbcdadd bcbdbunit 3basic listening dacbclistening intask 1 bcadctask 2 bbabatask 3 drought tsunamiundersearesultindry spellfloodwatersuppliesfamineagricultureheavyrainfallmeltingswellman-made25 / 23damslet s talktask 1 eruptedburyingfew-overseasrescueinjured

12、damagedislanderssevenbiggestcloseaftershockstrap20 millionpoundsdiseasefurther listening task 1 badactask 21. since the company was composed entirely of men over 65, there was doubt that they would be of any assistance. but the farmer called the company anyway because the fire proved to be more than

13、 the small town fire department could handle, and there was no other help available.2. the truck drove straight toward the fire and, instead of stopping in front of the fire, drove right into the middle of the flames.3. after an hour of intense fighting, they had extinguished the fire.4. after an ho

14、ur of intense fighting, they had extinguished the fire.5. the captain said, “the first thing were going to do is to get the brakes fixed on that stupid fire truck. that suggests that they drove right into the middle of the flames because of useless brakes rather than bravery.task 3 abcdcviewing and

15、speaking task 1 rescuedmy son s crewsfurniture normalunit test 3worst flooding siburst hitcomputer systemrisefloodedsavehigh tidedrugs heavyaccddat sectionconnectsbottom shining ascrossten minutes later, as we were looking out the window, we saw everyone was running away from somethinga huge flood w

16、as streaming down the mountain. we were standing on a higher place, so we could see everythingit was reported that the flood destroyed a big area and approximately 300 people were killed or disappeared that dayabbdcbdacc dabdaunit 4lead in cdaehf igbbasic listening cbabdlistening intask 1 cbdaatask

17、2 relationships marketing manager in conflict with expenses ended in vain training administrator visited establish closer relationships long-term picked uptask 3 cddcalets talktask 116 features brief eight paper guidelines interviews treatment come back deadlines meet guidance scaryfurther listening

18、 task 1dbcactask 2bababtask 31. they gathered for lunch to welcome the new chief executive officer, carl martin, and say goodbye to the departing ceo, dick jackson.2. the departing ceo left three numbered envelopes for the new ceo.3. the message read, “blame your predecessor. so, the new ceo held a

19、press conference and tactfully laid the blame at the feet of the previous ceo.4. the message read, reorganize. the new ceo did it, and the company quickly rebounded.5. the message said, “prepare three envelopes. it implied that it was time for carl to leave and give three similar envelopes to the ne

20、xt ceo.viewing and speakingtask 1earning live on frustrating head chasing television editor launching basis privileged unit test 4 ddadd expensive declined averaged compared agency flooraccommodationbut the biggest climber of all was dublin, with the irish capital jumping nine places to the tenth am

21、ong the worlds most expensive office locationsglobally, most office locations continued to register declines in occupancy costs last year, reflecting the weak and uncertain global economic environmentin euro terms, london is some 17 percent cheaper than last year,unchangedbut in dollar terms it isdc

22、adbabdca ddccdunit 5basic listening bdacdlistening in task 1 baccdtask 2 ftftftask 3 dcbcasupermarketsa factorycommercialsix / 6appeallargerhigh-risklet s talkcapacitykitchenagainstmy ownone-mansupportfurther listening and speakingtask 1 abcdatask2 aabbbviewing and speakingturnthings aroundsuggestio

23、nsexpectationshowmanythreemilliontargetsalespeoplemarketbrandproblemschallengesmoney hardtasksalesmeninvestmentexperiencednegotiationunit test 5cdcbdpositive reasonstryfiguremaintain curve pathit s clear that job hopping benefits the employee, not the employer the trick with job hopping is to make s

24、ure your resume always shows that you make a huge contribution wherever you goyou can show that you are loyal to a company by exceeding their expectations with your outstanding performancecbdacabdcd cdbbaunit 6basic listening ccadblistening intask 1 cbadctask 2terrible misfortune reflection damaged

25、heavenpick washedsome people claim that the number is bad luck because 13 people sat down for the last supper before jesus was crucifiedfriday the 13th of any month is considered especially bad or unlucky, and friday the 13th of march is the worst of them allthey mean that every seven years a person

26、 undergoes a complete change in personalitytask 3falling stock marketseven more superstitious much lessconstructive action less lucky worked more satisfied exams trust revisionlet, s talktask 1mystery inside out largest three million outside inner his theory used up the base 137-meterpurpose tall, n

27、arrow 100,000 or so radarfurther listening and speakingfurther listeningtask 1abddbtask 2aabbatask 31. the magician did the same tricks over and over again.2. the captains parrot watched every show and began to understand what the magician did in each trick. once he understood that, he started shout

28、ing in the middle of the show.3. each time the parrot revealed one of his secrets, the audience roared with laughter. the 4. performance he intended to be dark and mysterious turned into a comedy.4. the ship collided with an enormous iceberg and sank. the magician found himself on a piece of wood, i

29、n the middle of the ocean, and the parrot was by his side.5. he said, 0k, i give up. but i hope you 11 tell me what trick you are going to do with the boat.viewing and speakingtask 1feet shapes theory man-made look after experts a million outer space extraterrestrial conceivablecircle maker image ex

30、plain genuine lifting out of rubbishmysterymysterious farmers catchappearlandscapeunit test 6dacccdiscoveredeagerdiedconvincingwritingindianstaughtthe easter islanders lived on sweet potatoes they farmed. these sweet potatoes came from the americasremember that the distances involved were great, fur

31、ther than the distance from europe to the closest place in the americasa few american indians could have reached easter island, because of a storm, and brought the seeds of sweet potatoes with thembdacdadddc abcccunit 7basic listening aadbclistening in task 1 dcaabtask 2 dcaabtask 3rest sundayindust

32、rial revolution godsix-day work weeklate 19th and early 20threlaxationgreat boonconsumerspendingsecond world wartwo daysdo not workreligious activitieslet, s talktask 1held backtransporthighestsubsistence lower2,000-kilometermineralspotentialdevelopmentnumber onetourismonly twolandscapesfascinatingc

33、ommutingtouristruinedhistorytraditionalmistakesfurtherlisteningand speakingfurtherlistening task 1 aabbbtask 2cabbdtask 3 abcdcviewing and speakingtask 1book search engines real customers judge 250 poundstwo days / 2 days partying click targetingunit test 7cabddwhencompetitivenessunmannedregularlyex

34、trahouseholdspreviouslyto serve these new shoppers it is also necessary for more stores to remain open and thus more people to work on weekendsweekends are days when people can safely sleep in and also not have to worry as much about the ill effects of a hangoverone area in which the weekend has rem

35、ained unaffected is education.where schools are shut on saturdays and sundayscabddcacdb aacbbunit 8lead intaskl c a f d g b etask2gm crops stem cell genetic map cloningbasic listeningbcdaclistening in task 1 baaadtask 21. research 2. genes 3. journal 4. warn 5. produ ctivity6. grow 7. survival8. pla

36、nt breeders have already used preliminary informatio n from the rice genome to create experimental strains of rice that better resist cold and pests9. the new map could better explain more than just rice rice shares a common ancestor with other cereal crop s10. while significant progress has been ma

37、de in the anal ysis of the rice genome, the mapping of the human gen es is also making headway task 3 cbdadlet s talkkitchensopposedlabeledcompletelylawno waygm ingredientschoicetougheranycontent thepublicfearsafernaturallycheapdecidefurther listeningtask 1biotechnologyrejectedspecial labels73 perce

38、nt to 27 percent/ 73% to27%a new type of tomatoagainstsavelivesimprove the humanconditionmedicinesconventional foodstask 2aabbatask 3dbacctreesnative genesblackonionnestastefishnormallypoisonouspopularlargertestedbiggerthreefoldtoxicfoodgeoriginallydifferentriskslaboratoryenvironmentunit test 8cbdbd

39、 yield identify central abnormal how tosignalsthe most important potential application of human stem cells is perhaps the generation of cells and tissuesstem cells, directed to differentiate into specific cell types, will offer a source of replacement cells and tissuit may become possible to generat

40、e healthy heart muscle cells in the laboratory and then transplant those cells into patients with chronic heart diseasebdcacbdcac abbadunit9led-in dfahgcbebasic listening acdbalistening intask 1acdcbtask 2cdcabtask 3(1) downtown(2) loan (3) security (4) agreed(5) against (6) underground (7) settle(8

41、) that will be $5,000 in principal, and $20.30 in interest(9) we, re very happy to have had your business, and this transaction has worked out very nicely, but we are a little puzzled (10) where else in manhattan can i park my car for two weeks for only $20.30 and expect it to be there when i return

42、lets talk task 1 (1) trouble (2) sales (3) save (4) backed (5) salary (6) private medical (7) 100,000 pounds (8) another (9) money (10)hire (11) debt (12)face the facts (13)securing (14)difficult (15)contacts (16) schoolboy excusefurther listening task 1(1)environment (2) economy (3)minus (4) enterp

43、rises (5)benefits(6) demands (7) balanced, sustainable (8) generationstask 2 cddabtask 3 babaaviewing and speaking task 1(1) marketing campaign (2) huge challenge (3) market (4) football (5) eight new teams (6) time-consuming(7) the marketing and the organisationunit test 9acdcdmeasure modest showed

44、 weakest reluctanteconomist analystsinflation rose at a relatively speedy 3. 3 percent rate in the second quarter, the same as at the start of the yearother data on friday showed consumer spirits have brightened a bit this month while business activity has picked up in the midwest when you combine t

45、he first quarter and the second quarter, were growing at 3. 75 percent, which is a very strong, sustainable growth ratebcdacaddaa dcbbaunit 10basic listening dcabclistening intask 1future needs shares risk banks 30 a half rate capital lossinterchangeablysavingstask 2 dbccatask 3 abbaalet s talktask

46、11) they must sort out their cash flow problem by selling a part of the business to investors.2) its a realistic amount to take this manufacturing business forward.3) they must update their initial business plan4) its time to put on the suit and try to sell part of cyclepods to an investor.5) so r 11 have to. maybe get the heavies in or something.6) the most important thing james needs to do over the next two months is to raise cash7) cyclepods can t do anything without an updated business plan.8) it s back to ba


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