



1、四年级英语单元练习卷笔试部分、选出不同类的单词。() 1.A.swimB.skateC.classD.dance() 2.A.homeB.schoolC.snack barD.salad() 3.A.lunchB.dinnerC.morningD.breakfast() 4.A.drawB.treeC.seeD.watch() 5.A.pieB.makeC.cakeD.hot dog二、根据中文补全句子,每空一词。1. Can you 画( 它)? Sure!2. I usually 吃( 早饭 ) at 7 a.m.3. I 看( 一部动画片 ) after school.4. I can

2、see 许( 多花 ) in the park.5. Its 九( 点四十 ). Its time to go to bed.三、根据句意及首字母提示,写出正确的单词。1. I can see many nice f and t in the park.2. Ken, please go to b b ten.3. -W in the box? -It s a toy tiger.4. What can you see o t?5. I have some bread and milk for my b in the morning.6. Mike h an Art lesson this a

3、fternoon.7. Twelve and twenty is t.四、单项选择。() 1. do you get up?A. What B. What timeC. How() 2. you play football? Yes, I .A. Can, doB. Do, can C. Can, can( ) 3. Mike can play table tennis, but Liu Tao .A. canB. dontC. cant( ) 4. I can see a duck the river.A. inB. onC. at() 5. - -It s four thirty.A. W

4、hat time is it?B. When do you go home? C.How old are you?() 6. I can see oranges the tree.A. an; on B. some; on C. some; in()7. -It s eleven. Ti bed. -OK., Mum.A.for, Good ni ghtB. to, Good ni ghtC. for, Good eve ning()8. -you like this boat? -Yes, I do.A. WouldB. Do C. Can()9. He can draw very.A. g

5、oodB.wellC.easy()10. - Are the boats over there -A. Yes, it is.B.Yes, they are. C.No, it isn t五、用所给单词的正确形式填空。1. These( is ) my new pens.2. I can see(a) apple tree n ear the river.3. This is(we) school.4. Hele n can( has ) dinner at six this eve ning.5. I have some applesLet s eat ey)6. Can you(swimm

6、i ng)?7. My sister likes(draw).8. It s time(have) lunch.六、按要求改写句子。1.1 get up at six every day.改为否定句)Iat six every day.2. I play football after school.(改为一般疑问句)after school?3. I can see five apples on the tree.对划线部分提问)can you see on the tree?4. I read English books at 7 oclock every morning.(对戈U线部分提问

7、)read En glish books every morning?5. Those are old boats on the lake.(改单数句子)oldon the lake.七、阅读理解。Mary is a lovely girl. She is six years old. She goes to school every day. She likes herlessons very much. Her mother always takes her to school in the morning and brings her home in the after noon|One

8、 day, her mother goes to school aga in. Mary sayto her mother, “ We have got a new girl in our class. She is a$ 和一样)old as I. ”“ Can she spe(a说)En glish? Mary mother asks.She can t speak English. She is Gg德国人) But she can laugh 笑)in English.根据短文内容,选择正确答案。()1. Mary s new classma同学)is.A. seven years o

9、ldB. six years oldC. five years old()2. Mary .A. doesn t do waetllschool B. often helps her mother C. likes her lessons very much ()3. Mary s new classmOtegood at speaking擅长说) .A. En glishB. German(德语)C. Chi nese()4. -Why does Mary s mother always goes to schoo-7Becaus& 因为).A. she has nothing to do

10、B. Mary is illC. Mary is too young()5. Which one is not true(不正确的)?A. Mary is lovely.B. English people speak English. They laugh in English too.C. The laugh is the same相同的)in all languages(语言).八、根据所给情境及上下文,完成对话。星期天早上,Tom邀请Wang Bing上午一起去打篮球。但是 Wang Bing上午要去少年宫 上英语课。下午 Wang Bing没有课,所以他们约好下午三点再一起去学校操场打篮球。 A: Good , Wang Bing.B: Good morning, Tom.A: Let s go and n ow .B: Sorry, I have an .A: But its to d ay .B: Yes. So I m going to t


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