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1、How to carry out the study of lear ning inIan guage teachi ngThe concept of the new curriculum,the emphasison student self-learningof cooperativeinquiry form.Inquiry lear ning is a con cept of course, the cultivati on of a learning requireme nts, a lear ning style, it is ofte n a certa in thematic n

2、ature of thelearningprocess isnot onlyre-explore the sexual activity, andheavyco-operative,personalized, especiallyit as a way to learn,keen tocultivate the students innovativeabilityandpracticalability.The characteristics of the inquirylearninginin depe ndent lear ning or cooperative inquiry as the

3、 main way to learn to develop thi nking skills as the core, which is the most to promote the teach ing of the new curriculum sta ndard of compulsory educatio n.In Ian guage teach ing, to be a good way to carry out the inquiry teach ing, teachers must first creati on of a teach ing situati on, stude

4、nts have an in terest in con duct ingan inquiry teaching.Committed to the establishment ofdemocracy, equality, harm ony,in teractivenewteacher-stude ntrelati on ship.democracy, equality,harm ony and new in teractive teacher-stude nt relati on ship can spark stimulate students thinking,eliminate lows

5、elf-esteem, timid, lazy and depe ndent stude nts psychological, allows stude nts to freely express their own ideas to show themselves. Teachers in the classroom teachingshould care for each and every student sself-esteem to stude nts with the greatest trust fully meet students performanee of desire,

6、 flexible, ingenious, and in a timely manner with encouragingwords or bodyIan guageto stimulateinno vati onandthedesireofstude ntseven if the studentinnovativeideabiasedorextreme,teachers should pay tribute totheirspiritofinno vati on, to en able stude nts to enjoy the freedom of thesoul, and be abl

7、e to maintain a positive attitude to continue to participate and we want to provide stude ntswith a learning theme and reality life similar to the real situations, so that students have the experienee needed for un dersta nding the topic, helpi ng stude nts to discover, explore and solve problemsint

8、his en viro nment.Situation .should pay attention to grasp the teachingcontent and lear ning by lear ning the characteristics of thean alysis and to emphasize thecreati onof real-lifesituation, because the only real can bemore contagiousand can be closer to the students life experienee, to mobilize

9、the active participatio n in lear ning, help stude nts con struct of cog niti on and sig nifica nee of lear ning topics.Secondly, the teachers to do the methods to guide and in spired, focus ing on orga ni zati ons in the inquiry process,the role of teachers, guidanee, timely participationandavoid s

10、ubjective stude nts in quiry into the min dset aga in, thinking from doubt and surprise, this is the immortal words of Aristotle. the Norther n Song philosopher ZhangZai words: “suspicious without doubt, have not been learned, the school shall be suspected. ” There are doubts, no time in creati ng a

11、tmosphere create opport un ities allow stude nts Zhiyiwe nnan.there are problems, tothink to inno vativethinkingZhiyiwe nnanis exercise,developmentof thinking, aneffective wayto cultivateself-learni ngability. forefatherssaid,Lear nyour goodsuspect ” , Zhiyiwennanactivemani festatio nof studentthink

12、ing,teachingI always lostExample:teach ing<<juve nile,Runtu>>,so studentschallengedthe students to askquestionsafter thinkingit, the issues raised by somestudentsPan, seem far-fetched, is not the focus andcontent of the textbooks,I guide them around the textfocus to ask questi ons.Societ

13、y raised issues of value andsome stude nts asked: why “ they are and I on ly saw the high wall of the yard to the four corners of the sky?” Thisissue raised by the stude nts to explore the value, I would seriously orga nize stude nts to discuss Ano ther example is learning the full text en courages

14、stude nts to questi on, to enable students to continue to improve the quality of Zhiyiwe nnan classroom so that stude nts questi oned questio ns, both to meet the stude nts curiosity and thirst for knowledge,and to enable students to develop in arelaxed and pleasant atmosphere in the classroom the h

15、abit of questioningattitude and dare to ask, andgradually form a good questio n quality.Specific Ian guageteach ing,in order toimplementinquiry, teachers must identify the cut point.In gen eral, we cut from the followi ng:1, from the point of view of the emotio ns, attitudes,values & #8203;to discus

16、s the content of the text and theme.<< Mountain friends “, my mountain friends have the How deep feeli ngs for discussi on.From horizontalcomparison,the point of view ofthe unit of study explores the theme of the horizontal structure,characters, Ian guage << in themoun ta inside & gt; &g

17、t; and & It ;&It;ideal & gt; >learning can be the subject comparis on.3, many sides to explore the less on characters, character or purpose expressi on. << Sun Quan Quan Xue > >lear ningan alysis of multi-dime nsionalimage of Sun Quan, whe n he persuaded Lu Meng, on the one hand to be

18、 to Cheng, en lighte n them with reas on, on the other hand, to mai ntai n the ide ntity of the mon arch, an ger fromGran ville.reposted in the free papersDownl oad Cen ter 4, try to find the text s structure divided yuan.5, from the diverge nt an gle of view to explore the text has become con elusi

19、ve. “ Chung Yong hurt > ;& gt; from the author s point of view, the responsibility is that the Fang Zhongyong father ” day pull Chung Wing Cen tral Ye Yi Re n, not to learn “ . We can from diverge nt angle to guide students to discuss the learning of their own in itiative.6 creative read ings from

20、 texts Xuefajiaoliu, suchas &It;&It;Spring>>7, fortextdifficultyOrganization todiscusslearningintoday sever-cha ngingsociety, beh ind closed doorsin evitablyignorant, so we can text heavy and difficult to base, the organizationof student cooperationdiscussionafter thecollisi on of ideas to gen

21、 erate inno vative spark.To explore, from the an gle of diverge nee foundthe beauty of a text poin ts, won derful poin ts, weak nesses,defects such as search ing for < ;&It; the spri ng > ;& gt;in beautiful stateme nt read, ben evole nt see ben evole neeand the wise see wisdom.9, from the point

22、of view of the depth of theinquiry,found that the way the performanee of a textexpressi on special skills such> >of < ;&It;Reminiscenee,chrysanthemum,peony and lotus in thebeg inningand the end of the sort is not the same,in dicati ng that The author not only lotus from the state, but also i

23、nten ded irony love peony world.10, on a teach ing points to en courage stude ntsto use a variety of methods, from differe nt an gles diverse explore.11, in respect of a particular teachingcontent,con tact the real life,to com muni cate the differe ntdisciplines of inquirylearning.Learning&It;&It; with theexpediti on of British and French troops to Capta in Butler s letter>>can guidestudentstoun dersta nd the kno wledge of history.12, starting from the content of the text is exte nded to extra-curricular.Guid ing stude nts to use thelibrary, n etwork, and other in


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