1、Inven tory: micro-marketi ng pla nning Several issues should be no tedResearch papersDownl oadNews: With themicro-channel applications spurt, the marketing people bega n to keep a close eye this has exte nsive fan base big cake, so, companieshave engaged in the planning andimpleme ntatio nof micro-m
2、arketi ng. So how to domarketi ng micro-e nterprises, we should pay atte nti on to what the problem? Follow the prophet brand marketi ng pla nning compa ny together to lear n about it.Accurate micro-cha nnelmarketi ngin order toattract fans, a lot of micro-cha nnelpublicnu mberoperator first thought
3、 is pla nning activities, but the fans always come after you ambiguous, there is no degree of adhesi on can not be con verted into a line in front of me an article from the focus copywrit ingand customerservice are two aspects about the usual accumulatio n of detail how important,want to give the pu
4、blic at largenu mber operators bring somein spirati on.Today, Icon ti nue my pers onal experie nee from some operators of public nu mbers to talk about the eve nt itself.iSo, how do micromarketingplanning,planningactivities before what are the issues we n eed to carefully pay atte nti on to?First, t
5、o achieve the effectMany people make an effort to attract fans to in crease the reputati on of the brand Xua nzhua n Xiao, or is it the lack of a promotiondoes not go into too much,swarmed in short, people want to make money too, you want to have both fish and bear s paw. But the final effect is oft
6、e n compromised activity. Because the reputation of attracting attention and dawn, the rate of tran smissi on from the active, participatory pla nning to go, but more in terms of promoti on fan con vers ion rate to con sider. Different purposes, to create a driv ing point of the fans is not the same
7、. It should be no ted that the smoke powder is a long process of accumulation, it is difficult by two eve nts can attract a lot of fans accurate.1, the existi ng fan base an alysisNo. combine public and backgrounddata duringthe operati on of the statistical data, the exist ing fan base as much as po
8、ssible to do more detailed analysis. In clud inggen der, age level,con sumpti onhabits,geography, etc., in order to determ ine a fan of on li ne life, en terta inmentand con sumpti onhabits, and thus thedevelopme nt of the program of activities.2, i ncen tives should be flexibleWhat can kind of priz
9、es or incentives to mobilize the participationof fans, there are also elegant.Prizescan be, theprice can also provide services andopport un ities, also can use the emoti onal conn ecti on fans and psychological resonance point.Often the case thatwhat we sell on the disco unt anything, do send someth
10、 ing, in fact, sometimes the product itself is not high reputati on is not suitable whe n used as prizes.Because it can not beaccountedfor so that fans feel cheap or pickingup atreasure brought face and may eve n sell the people think it is a barga in. So if the prize can not be inno vative, but als
11、o unique and inno vative or practical.3, simple operati on requireme ntsA major feature of the mobile In ter net is convenient, fast, any time, any where allows us to establish con tact with the world, planningactivities and processes should alsodetail page to comply with this feature.Let the fans d
12、oas little as possible to fill and freque nt clicks acti on, fewersteps, operati ons as simple as possible.4, to achieve in teractive effectTry to make every activityhas adequatewarm-upperiod and reta inwarmth to enhance the sense ofparticipationand interactioncycle fans. The so-calledwarm-up period
13、 before the eve nt is ope n advertis ing push, try to let your existi ng fans know all about to en gage in an activity, the formati on of psychological expectati ons; the warmth is the result of publicity activities and the mobilizatio n of fans formed a circle, andin creasedin teracti onin to preci
14、se fans of the process, some of theactivities in planning and evenchain fashion to createpsychological expectatio ns ways to enhance adhesi on of the fans.5, creative activitiesCalled creative is not cliche.From the article pushdesig n activities are full of new ideas, triggeri ng concern.Gen erally
15、, we are now talk ing about doing activities, many people first reacti on is holidays and special day activities, and most of the content is the discounts and the like. You know these days, every one at the eve nt, i n today ssquatt ing latri nes had bee n advertis ing com mun ity, youractivities ar
16、e likely to drownin the sea of informationamong the people can not be eye-catch ing,not tomen ti on the dissem in ati on of results .We would like toemphasize here that the so-called creative activities to the en tire desig n, to a small part of the activities, can make the whole eve nt full of character.6. Push timeInthe warm-upphaseofthecampaig n,ascampaig npropaga ndaactivitiespushthearticle (infactdaily pushtoo) to considerthe
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