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1、Sectio n nGrammar姓名: 测试时间: 45 分钟 本卷总分: 50 分 自评或老师评分: 基础训练I 用所给词的适当形式填空1 Jack couldnt believe what he had seen and said in a (surprise) voice,“ Whathave you done, Tom?”2 Tom told us a lot of (amaze)stories.3The TV program is so (interest) that all of us feel (interest) in watchingit.4From their looks

2、 we can see that they were by the question.(puzzle)5We listened to her (amaze) story with full attention.6. He was (bore) of the work that was not equal to his abilities.7 Its (embarrass)to do the difficult task.8 From his (disappoint)look , we know he has lost the watch.答案:1. surprised 2.amazing 3.

3、 interesting; interested 4.puzzled;puzzled 5. amazing6. bored 7.embarrassing 8.disappointedn 用括号内所给单词的正确形式填空1Here (come) the bus. Hurry up.2 We wont go to the beach if it (rain)this Sunday.3. Do you like the material?Yes, it(feel) very soft.4. I have to go to work by taxi because my car(repair) at t

4、he garage now.5. Kathy usually(sit) in the front row in class, but now she(sit) in the lastrow.6. The teacher said to us that the earth(go)round the sun.答案:1. comes 2.rains 3.feels 4.is being repaired5. sits; is sitting6. goes语篇提能I .完形填空My First DayI was still shy in the presenee of a crowd. And my

5、first day at the new _1_ made me alaugh ing stock of the classroom. I was sent to the blackboard to write my _2_I knew myname, and knew how to write it, but standing at the blackboard with the 3 of so many pupils on my back made me _4_ in side and I was un able to write a si ngle letter.“ Write your

6、 name , ” the teacher asked me. I _5_ the white chalk to the blackboard and, as I was about to write, my mind went blank( 突然一片空白 ); I could not remember my n ame, 6 the first letter. Somebody laughed and I became _7_ .“ Just forget us and write your name, the teacher said and walked to my side, _8_a

7、tme to give me con fide nee.“ Whats your n ame?” she asked.“ Richard, I 9_ .“ The n write it.”I turned to the blackboard and lifted my hand to write, but then I was 10 again. I tried to _11_ my thoughts but I could remember nothing. I realized how totally I was _12_ and I grew weak and leaned (倚靠)my

8、 hot forehead _13_ the cold blackboard. All classmates burst i nto loud_14_ and my muscles froze. I sat and 15myself. Why did I always appear so dumb( 愚蠢的)_16. I was called upon to perform infront of a crowd? I knew how to write as well as any other pupil in the classroom, and there was no _17. I co

9、uld read better tha n any of them, and I could talk_18. when I was sureof myself. Then why did strange _19make me freeze? I sat with my ears and neck_20_ , heari ng the pupils around me whisper, hati ng myself.1. A. schoolC. office2. A. addressC. website3. A. prese neeC. eyes4. A. freeze B.C. defe n

10、dB. houseD. labB. n ameD.hobbyB. pressureD.hopesstruggleD. con fuse5. A. took B. picked17. A. needB. doubt6. A. still B.everC. even D. also7. A. delightedB. nervousC. disappointedD. angry8. A. pointingB. lookingC. smilingD. waving9. A. whisperedB. explainedC. shoutedD. nodded10. A. empty B. stupidC.

11、 quietD. blank11. A. form B. collectC. makeD. catch12. A. fightingB. feelingC. failingD. falling13A. byB. beforeC. fromD. against14. A. laughterB. noiseC. cryD. cheer15. A. calmedB. hidC. comfortedD. blamed16. A. whereB. thatD. asC. whenCquestion D wonder18 A.correctly B anxiouslyCclearly D freely19

12、 A.faces BteachersCplaces D classrooms20 A.shaking B sufferingCburning D hurting答案:本文主要讲了 “我”在学校的一次出糗经历,并详细描写了 “ 我”的整个心理活动。1解析: 在新学校的第一天 “我”成了同学们的笑柄。根据文中的“a laughing stock ofthe classroom可知,我”是在新学校。答案: A2解析:根据空后的 “ I knew my name , and knew how to write it ”可知,此处是让 “ 我 ” 写自己的名字。答案: B3解析: 由语境可知,“我” 背

13、后有许多学生的眼睛注视着 “我” 。答案: C4解析:由文章第一句 “Iwas still shy in the presence of a crowd ”和空后的 “Iwas unable to write a single letter可推知,我”当时僵住了。freeze (因害怕等)停住不动”,符合语境。答案: A5解析: 根据语境可知, “我”应是举起白色的粉笔到黑板前。lift “举起 ”。第 10空前的 “lifted my hand ”也是信息提示。答案: D6. 解析:我”不记得我”的名字,甚至是第一个字母。even甚至”。答案: C7. 解析: 听到有人在笑, “我”变得紧张

14、起来。答案: B8. 解析: 老师走到 “我” 身边,对着 “我” 微笑,给“我” 信心。 smile at sb. “对某人 笑” 。答案: C9. 解析: 根据语境可知, “我” 感到胆怯,所以说话声音很低。 whisper “悄声说,低 语” 。答案: A10. 解析: 根据语境可知此时 “我” 的大脑再次一片空白。上文中的“my mind went blank( 突然一片空白 )”是信息提示。答案: D11. 解析: “ 我 ” 尽力镇定下来,但什么也想不起来。 collect ones thoughts “ (尽力 )镇 定下来 ” ,为固定短语。答案: B12. 解析: 根据“我”

15、 的表现, “我” 意识到 “我” 完全失败了。答案: C13. 解析:我”把发烫的前额靠在冰冷的黑板上。lean sth.against sth.使斜靠”,符 合语境。答案: D14. 解析: 由上下文语境可知, 此处应是所有同学突然大笑起来。 burst into laughter “ 突 然大笑起来 ” 是固定用法,故选 A 。答案: A15. 解析: 根据后文的内容可知, “我” 坐在那里责怪自己。 blame“ 责怪 ” ,符合语 境。答案: D16. 解析: 由语境可知这里表示“ 当,时” ,故用 when。答案: C17. 解析: there is no doubt. . .是固

16、定句型,意为“毫无疑问 , ”。答案: B18. 解析: 根据空后的 “when I was sure of myself ”可知,当 “我” 自信的时候 “我” 可 以无拘无束地说。correctly 正确地”;anxiously 焦急地”;clearly 明白地” ;freely 无 拘无束地 ”。答案: D19. 解析: 这里是说陌生的面孔会使 “我” 僵住,无法表达自己。答案: A20. 解析: 根据空后的 “hearing the pupils around me whisper, hating myself ” 可知,听 到周围的学生低语,“我”的耳朵和脖子发烫,憎恨自己。shak

17、e “发抖” ;suffer “吃苦头”; burn “发烫”;hurt “伤害” 。C项符合语境。答案:Cn 七选五阅读It is easy for some people to learn a second Ianguage. However, others have difficulty in learning a new Ianguage. What can you do to help yourself learn a second Ianguage, such as En glish? _1_1. Feel positive about learning English. 2 Be

18、 patient. You do not have to understandeveryth ing all at on ce. It is n atural to make mistakes whe n you lear n someth ingn ew. We canlearn from our mistakes. In other words, do not worry about making mistakes.2. Practice your English. For example, write a diary every day. You will form a habit of

19、 writing it in English, and you will feel comfortable expressing your ideas in English. _3_ In additi on, you must speak En glish every day. You can practice with your classmates outside class.3. _4_ You can write this in your jour nal. After each class, think about what you did. Did you an swer a questi on correctly? Did you un dersta nd someth ing the teacher expla in ed? Perhaps the less on was diff


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