九年级英语上册 Unit 1 The Olympics阶段专题复习课件_第1页
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1、 Unit 1 The Olympics 阶段专题复习阶段专题复习 【观察领悟观察领悟】 仔细观察例句,写出直接引语变间接引语时的变化。仔细观察例句,写出直接引语变间接引语时的变化。 1. I said to him, “I want to be in the Olympics some day. ” I told him that I wanted to be in the Olympics some day. (从句从句 中时态由中时态由 _变为变为_) 2. He said, “You should always try hard and never give up. ” He said

2、 that I should always try hard and never give up. (从从 句中人称由句中人称由_变为变为_) 答案答案: 1. 一般现在时;一般过去时一般现在时;一般过去时 2. 第二人称;第一人称第二人称;第一人称 直接引语和间接引语直接引语和间接引语 3. I asked him, “What should I do? ” I asked him what I should do. (从句中语序由从句中语序由_变为变为_) 4. The teacher asked, “Whose markers are these? ” The teacher asked

3、 whose markers those were. (指示代词由指示代词由 _ 变为变为_ ) 答案答案: 3. 疑问语序;陈述语序疑问语序;陈述语序 4. these; those 【探究总结探究总结】 1. 人称代词的变化人称代词的变化 直接引语变间接引语时,人称代词要发生变化:第一人称变直接引语变间接引语时,人称代词要发生变化:第一人称变 为为_;第二人称变为第一人称或第三人称;第三人称;第二人称变为第一人称或第三人称;第三人称 _ 第三人称第三人称 不变不变 2. 时态的变化时态的变化 直接引语变间接引语时,时态需要作相应的变化 直接引语间接引语 一般现在时_ 现在进行时过去进行时

4、一般将来时过去将来时 现在完成时 _ 一般过去时 过去完成时 一般过去时一般过去时 过去完成时过去完成时 【误区警示误区警示】 (1)直接引语变为间接引语时,如果主句的谓语动词是现直接引语变为间接引语时,如果主句的谓语动词是现 在时,从句的时态则不变;在时,从句的时态则不变;(2)陈述的内容是陈述的内容是_、 _时,间接引语一律用一般现在时。时,间接引语一律用一般现在时。 客观事实客观事实 真理真理 3. 指示代词指示代词/时间状语时间状语/地点状语地点状语/动词的变化动词的变化 直接引语间接引语 指示代词 this _ thesethose 时 间 状 语 now then todaytha

5、t day yesterday_ tomorrowthe next/following day this week/. . . that week/. . . that the day before 直接引语间接引语 时 间 状 语 next week/. . . the next week/. . . three weeks ago three weeks before last week the week before tonightthat night 地点状语 here _ this placethat place 动词 come go bring take there 4. 句型的变

6、化句型的变化 直接引语 间接引语 陈述句由连词_引导 一般疑问句 由连词if/whether引导 特殊疑问句由相应的_引导 祈使句 不用引导词,只需把动词原形变为_ _,并在其前加带宾语的tell,ask,order等; 若祈使句为否定祈使句,则在动词不定式符号 to前加_ that 疑问词疑问词 动词不定动词不定 式式 not 【误区警示误区警示】 无论直接引语为陈述句还是疑问句,变为间接引语时都无论直接引语为陈述句还是疑问句,变为间接引语时都 要用要用_。 陈述语序陈述语序 【实战演练实战演练】 . 将下列句子变为间接引语将下列句子变为间接引语 1. He said, “I like it

7、 very much. ” He said _ _ _ it very much. 2. He said to me, “Ive left my book in your room. ” He told me _ _ _ _ _ book in _ room. 3. She said, “I went there yesterday. ” She said that _ _ _ there _ _ _. 答案答案: : 1. that he liked 2. that he had left his; my 3. she had gone; the day before 4. He asks

8、me, “Is she reading? ” He asks me _ _ _ reading. 5. He asked me, “What color do you like? ” He asked me _ _ _ _ . 6. The teacher said to me, “Dont be late. ” The teacher _ me _ _ be late. 答案答案: : 4. if she is 5. what color I liked 6. asked; not to . 在下列空白处填上适当的时间状语在下列空白处填上适当的时间状语 1. She said, “I wil

9、l come this morning. ” She said that she would go _ _ . 2. He said, “It is nine oclock now. ” He said that it was nine oclock _. 3. He said, “I havent seen her today. ” He said that he hadnt seen her _ _ . 答案答案: :1. that morning 2. then 3. that day 4. She said, “Ill go there tomorrow. ” She said tha

10、t she would go there _ _ _ . 5. He said, “My sister was here three days ago. ” He said that his sister had been there _ _ _ . 答案答案: :4. the next/following day 5. three days before 本单元以本单元以“讨论奥运、体育运动讨论奥运、体育运动”为话题,主要让学生为话题,主要让学生 了解奥运的相关情况、让学生明白平常参加体育锻炼的重要了解奥运的相关情况、让学生明白平常参加体育锻炼的重要 性和好处,培养学生的自信心,并锻炼学生的

11、意志性和好处,培养学生的自信心,并锻炼学生的意志永不永不 放弃。放弃。 【习作在线习作在线】 假如你叫李明,是一名九年级学生。你给刚认识的英国假如你叫李明,是一名九年级学生。你给刚认识的英国 笔友笔友Betty写一封写一封e-mail 介绍自己的情况及爱好等。介绍自己的情况及爱好等。 提示提示: 1. 你喜欢运动,尤其是各种球类运动,还喜欢收集你喜欢运动,尤其是各种球类运动,还喜欢收集 汽车模型;汽车模型; 2. 对学习英语感兴趣,经常听英文歌曲,也会唱一些英对学习英语感兴趣,经常听英文歌曲,也会唱一些英 文歌;文歌; 3. 你希望在你希望在2013年去伦敦观光旅游。年去伦敦观光旅游。 要求要

12、求: 1. 短文须包括所有提示内容,可适当发挥;短文须包括所有提示内容,可适当发挥; 2. 词数不少于词数不少于60个(开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词个(开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词 数)。数)。 From: Liming163. com To: Bettysina. com Hi Betty, I am so glad to introduce myself to you. _ _ Yours, Li Ming 【思路点拨思路点拨】 (1)体裁体裁: _ (2)人称人称: _ (3)时态时态: _ 记叙文(电子邮件)记叙文(电子邮件) 第一人称第一人称 一般现在时一般现在时 【佳作鉴赏佳作鉴赏

13、】 From: Liming163. com To: Bettysina. com Hi Betty, I am so glad to introduce myself to you. Im a middle school student and Im in Grade Nine. I love sports, especially ball games. I like collecting model cars as well. Im interested in studying English. I often listen to some English songs and I can

14、also sing some of them. It can make me happy and relaxed when Im sad and tired. I hope I can go to London for sightseeing in 2013. I should study hard to make my dream come true in the future. Please write to me soon. Yours, Li Ming . 词汇速记词汇速记 1. 现代的;近代的现代的;近代的 (adj. ) _ 2. 记录;记载(记录;记载(n. ) _ 3. 排球;

15、排球运动(排球;排球运动(n. ) _ 4. 相信(相信(v. ) _ 5. 包括;包含(包括;包含(v. ) _ 答案答案: : 1. modern 2. record 3. volleyball 4. believe 5. include 6. gold(n. ) _(adj. )黄金的;金色的)黄金的;金色的 7. shoot (v. )_ (n. )射击射击 8. twenty (num. )_ (num. )第二十第二十 9. dive(v. )_(n. )跳水者)跳水者 答案答案: : 6. golden 7. shooting 8. twentieth 9. diver . 短语

16、互译短语互译 1. 尽某人最大的努力尽某人最大的努力 do ones_ 2. 气馁;泄气气馁;泄气 give _ 3. 信任;相信信任;相信 believe _ 4. 赶上赶上;跟上;跟上 _ up _ 5. at age 13 _ 6. set a world record _ 7. up and down _ 答案答案: 1. best 2. up 3. in 4. catch; with 5. 在在13岁的时候岁的时候 6. 创造一项世界记录创造一项世界记录 7. 上上下下上上下下 . 句型攻关句型攻关 1. 你能示范教我如何使用这部机器吗?你能示范教我如何使用这部机器吗? Will y

17、ou show me _ _ _ this machine? 2. 我们必须努力学习,使我们的国家富强。我们必须努力学习,使我们的国家富强。 We must study hard and _ our country _ and _ . 3. 公共汽车后面还能坐下三个人。公共汽车后面还能坐下三个人。 Theres room for _ _ people at the back of the bus. 答案答案: : 1. how to use 2. make; rich; strong 3. another three/three more 4. 丹尼总是尽他所能去帮助处于困境中的人们。丹尼总是

18、尽他所能去帮助处于困境中的人们。 Danny always _ _ _ _ _ people in trouble. 5. 你应该每天尽可能多地练习开车。你应该每天尽可能多地练习开车。 You should _ _ a car _ _ _ _ _ every day. 答案答案: : 4. does his best to help 5. practise driving; as much as you can . 词汇串记词汇串记(每空词数不限每空词数不限) Zhang Jike is one of the most famous table tennis players in the wo

19、rld. He was really great. He started to play it 1 (在在岁的时候岁的时候) 5. He joined the Shandong ping-pong team and hoped to 2 (赢得赢得) the champion. He 3 (尽他最大的努尽他最大的努 力力) to practise and wants to 4 (赶上赶上) the others. When he took part in matches, the spectators jumped 5 (上上下下上上下下). He won two gold medals at

20、 2012 London Olympics. I admire him very much. I also like table tennis. I 6 (练习练习)it very hard. I have confidence and never 7 (放弃放弃). I 8 (相信相信) myself. I have a 9 (梦想梦想). I want to be the 10 (冠军冠军) in the Olympics like Zhang Jike. 1._ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _ 6. _ 7. _8. _ 9. _ 10. _ 答案答案: : 1. at the

21、age of/at age 2. win 3. does his best 4. catch up with 5. up and down 6. practise 7. give up 8. believe in 9. dream 10. champion 1. (2012黄冈中考黄冈中考) What did Yang Ying say? She said they _ a school trip the next weekend. A. will have B. had C. would have D. have 【解析解析】选选C。本题考查动词时态。根据。本题考查动词时态。根据the ne

22、xt weekend可可 知叙述的是将来发生的动作,但是主句为一般过去时态,从知叙述的是将来发生的动作,但是主句为一般过去时态,从 句要用相应的过去时态,所以应用过去将来时态。故选句要用相应的过去时态,所以应用过去将来时态。故选C。 2. (2012 无锡中考)无锡中考) The _ action film has attracted millions of young people to the cinema. A. 130-minute B. 130-minutes C. 130 minute D. 130 minutes 【解析解析】选选A。本题考查复合形容词的用法。数词。本题考查复合形容词的用法。数词-可数名词可数名词 单数构成连缀形式,用作形容词。故选单数构成连缀形式,用作形容词。故选A。 3. (2012孝感中考孝感中考) Every year a lot of tourists travel to Hainan, because its _ island. A. so a beautiful B. so beautiful C. such a beautiful D. a such beautiful 【解析解析】选选C。本题考查固定句式。句意。本题考查固定句式。句意: 每年许多的游客到每年许多的游客到 海南去旅游,因为它是一个如此美丽的岛屿。海南去旅游,


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