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1、技校生自荐信第一篇:珠宝专业技校生自荐信尊敬的领导:您好!我是一名刚从高技校珠宝专业五专毕业生。在投身社会之际,为了找到符合自 己专业和兴趣的工作,更好的发挥自己的才能,实现自己的价值,谨向各位领导作 自我介绍。作为一名珠宝专业的学生,我热爱我的专业并为其投入了巨大的热情和精力, 在五年的学习生活中。我所学习的内容包括了珠宝设计、宝玉石鉴定、首饰制作等 的基础知识到运用等许多方面。通过这些知识的学习,我对这一领域的相关知识有 了一定的理解和掌握。此专业是一种工具,而利用工具的能力是最重要的,在与课 程同步进行的各种相关的实践和实习中,具有了一定的实际操作能力和技术。我知道计算机是将来的工具,在

2、学好本专业的前提下,我对计算机产生了巨大 的兴趣并阅读了大量有关的书籍。能熟练的掌握 phoshop 及 coredraw 等的设计软 件和图片处理、文档分类等程序的操作。我正处于人生中精力充沛的时期,我渴望 在更广阔的天地里展露自己的才能。我不满足现有的知识水平,期望在实践中得到 全面的锻炼和提高。因此我希望能加入你们的单位。我会踏实的做好属于自己的那 份工作,竭尽全力的投入工作中取得好的成绩。我相信经过自己的勤奋和努力。一 定会做出应有的贡献。愿贵单位事业蒸蒸日上,屡创佳绩。祝您的事业,白尺芊斗,更进一步 ! 希望 各位领导能对我予以考虑,我热切期盼你们的回音,谢谢。此致敬礼!自荐人:第二

3、篇:技校生英文自荐信distinguished leadership of your pany:hello! first of all, thank you for taking the time to look at my自荐信.i am a vocational technical college zhaoqing 2014 session of the fresh graduates. i love this profession and to mold into a high energy and enthusiasm.in the three-year technical schoo

4、l life, i work hard hard, andstrive upward, to study the foundation and professional knowledge, positive after school to broaden their knowledge, and actively participate in various sports activities in schools. as about to cross出校门 , technical schools into the munity of health, i am filled with ent

5、husiasm and confidence to meet these.social needs of todays plex high-quality talent, so i always pay attention to their overall improvement, with a reasonable knowledge of the structure. nc in the mold and have a more profound theoretical basis, mechanical drawing, mechanical technology, with toler

6、ance, mechanical manufacturing, machining, cad, pro / e and so on the basis of a certain extent.technical life of three years study and training, giving me only the initial of accumulated experience, is far from enough for the move towards munity, but the so-called disabilities have been known to di

7、e for, i believe that the work of their full enthusiasm and the attitude of a serious learning can be to make up for lack of temporary. therefore, in the face of the past, i have no regrets, here is a wise choice; the face of the present, i try hard; the face of the future, i look forward to more ch

8、allenges. to overe the difficulties and seize every opportunity and believe they will perform a wonderful scene.hope that my letter自荐信 , i make you a more prehensive and indepth understanding, i would like to with great enthusiasm and sense of responsibility into the development of your pany buildin

9、g. your choice is my aspiration. give me a chance also a pleasant surprise you. look forward to your response.finally祝贵 cause the panys success - steady development!sincerely, salute第三篇: 2014届技校生英文自荐信 distinguished leadership of your pany: hello! first of all, thank you for taking the time to look a

10、t my . i am a vocational technical college zhaoqing 2014 session of the fresh graduates. i love this profession and to mold into a high energy and enthusiasm.in the three-year technical school life, i work hard hard, and strive upward, to study the foundation and professional knowledge, positive aft

11、er school to broaden their knowledge, and actively participate in various sports activities in schools. as about to cross shcool, technical schools into the munity of health, i am filled withenthusiasm and confidence to meet these.social needs of todays plex high-quality talent, so i always pay atte

12、ntion to their overall improvement, with a reasonable knowledge of the structure. nc in the mold and have a more profound theoretical basis, mechanical drawing, mechanical technology, with tolerance, mechanical manufacturing, machining, cad, pro / e and so on the basis of a certain extent.technical

13、life of three years study and training, giving me only the initial of accumulated experience, is far from enough for the move towards munity, but the so-called disabilities have been known to die for, i believe that the work of their full enthusiasm and the attitude of a serious learning can be to m

14、ake up for lack of temporary. therefore, in the face of the past, i have no regrets, here is a wise choice; the face of the present, i try hard; the face of the future, i look forward to more challenges. to overe the difficulties and seize every opportunity and believe they will perform a wonderful

15、scene.hope that my letterresume, i make you a more prehensive and in-depth understanding, i would like to with great enthusiasm and sense of responsibility into the development of your pany building. your choice is my aspiration. give me a chance also a pleasant surprise you. look forward to your re

16、sponse.finally blessing cause the panys success - steady development! sincerely, salute第四篇:英文自荐信 - 技校生hello!i am 09 technical colleges, a student session will be faced with graduation. to take this career, i with a sincere heart and pursuit of the cause, in good faith, remend their own.two years, in

17、 the strict division of friends of the efforts and personal lessons, i have a solid foundation of professional knowledge, a systematic grasp of the theory; to proficiency in office puter software. not only enrich their own, but also cultivate a wide range of skills of their own. more importantly, th

18、e rigorous style of study and correct learning attitude, i created a simple, stable and innovative character.in addition, i also actively participate in various socialactivities, to seize every opportunity to exercise their own. practical difficulties to the challenge, let me grow up in frustration.

19、 i love the cause of your organization are engaged, eager to look forward to your leadership, for the glorious cause of building blocks; and practice of continuous learning and progress.strength of the achievements of self-confidence, practice and create the future. the accumulation of a few years m

20、ade me bee a bination of arts and sciences, director of the utility set of the public before. i practice with all kinds, as well as future efforts to play, with my personal life experience, i believe i will be the development of your pany for helping tim, mon in the munity before the wave of success

21、 of a cause to create brilliant tomorrow!look forward to working with your interviews. your organization wishes to the cause of success!sincerely,salute 第五篇:技校生就业问题 毛泽东思想与中国特色社会主义理论体系概论 社会调查报告调查报告题目:技工学生创业、就业问题调查 毛泽东思想与中国特色社会主义理论体系概论 社会调查报告调查报告题目:技工学生创业、就业问题调查 姓名:何懋芳 学号: 1008g0602系(室):计算机 609 专业班级:

22、10 计信 阅卷老师: 成绩: 年月日技校生就业问题一、大学生就业难的主要原因 本人认为导致技校生就业难的主要原因包括以下几方面 :1. 高技校毕业生人数迅速增加大学毕业生也在迅速增加 , 待就业学生群体增大 从 2014 年到 2014 年全国的高校毕业生人数由 115 万增长到 495 万 , 翻了两番 多 ,2014 年毕业生就业率为 70%,2014年毕业生就业率为 73%,2014年毕业生的就业 率是 72.6%。每年净增待就业人数不断增加 , 技校生求职就业的压力也在逐年增加。2. 准备不足 , 生涯模糊 , 技校生就业不是到了大三才开始准备 , 而应在进入技校 的第一天就有思想基

23、础。一年级了解自我 , 二年级锁定感兴趣的职业有目的提升职 业修养初步完成学生到职业者的角色转换。我们在调查分析中发现学生, 对市场变化、社会变化关心度较低 , 注意力和精力较多的放在学习以外的事情上了。3. 技校生盲目择业现象严重 , 技校生在预就业阶段 , 比较迷茫 , 对就业信心不足 , 在就业区域、就业单位性质、就业岗位选择方面矛盾突出 , 在期望薪酬方面仍高于 企业对其预期 ,同时,社会需求变化 ,供需结构性矛盾增强 , “有业不就”和“无业可 就”共存 ,而且, 部分技校生的职业价值观存在问题。4. 对学校老师、家长依赖性强 , 创造力弱。学生在就业过程中对学校的老师依 赖, 希望

24、老师能够帮助他们落实单位 , 或者是帮助他们解决在就业过程中遇到的所有问题 , 有些时候我们看到人才市场找工作的大学生后面经常有家长陪伴 , 与用人单位谈话 , 家长急于先介绍 ,这种长期以来养成的依赖性 , 严重影响了技校生就业意向成交率。近几年, 从我国技校生就业情况来看 , 社会上出现了越来越多的失业技校 ,亦出 现“毕业就失业的现象” ,这是社会竞争之趋势 , 有其存在的客观原因 ,但最主要的 原因是其主观原因 : 学生综合能力素质不符合社会需要、就业创业能力薄弱、不能 很好的适应当今社会发展的需要。作为学校的教育工作者 , 要培养和提高大学生的 就业创业能力 , 在大众化教育背景下

25、,培养学生成为“宽口径、厚基础、高素质、强 能力”高素质复合型人才的需要。二、对策研究1. 大学生要转变传统就业观念 , 走向市场 目前我国的技校生教育已经由“精英阶段”进入“大众教育” , 因此 , 今天的大 学生在择业的过程中应该改变传统的“等、靠、要”心理和“一步到位、终生不变” 的就业心态 ; 应调整自己的目标 , 树立市场经济条件下的竞争观念和就业新观念 ; 同 时注意提高自身能力。主动多方面寻找就业机会和就业渠道。2. 学校要改革教育模式 , 积极开展校企合作 , 培养高层次人才一方面, 技校应充分了解市场信息 , 把办学规模和专业设置与市场接轨 , 灵活的 调整专业设置和专业结构

26、 , 另一方面 , 主动与市场、社会接轨 , 考虑与相关部门和企 业联合。在专业课程设置、招生规模大小等方面与企业等进行协商 , 与此同时引导 学生及早了解、参与企业活动。3. 有效开展就业指导 , 全过程指导学生技校应建立健全就业指导服务机构 , 建立动态的岗位需求信息库 , 广泛向社会、 学生发布 ,收集各类案例 , 开展毕业生就业的跟踪调查 , 开展就业指导课程教学的改 革和研究工作 , 同时组织企业家的专家讲座团协助学校就业指导机构开展工作。三、拓宽学生就业途径 , 增加就业竞争力1. 在课堂教学中以就业为导向 , 帮助学生树立正确的就业观 无论是教师在课堂授课还是辅导员开展思想政治教

27、育 , 都应在教学教育中渗透 就业指导思想 , 加强专业教育、激发学生兴趣 , 提高学生理论联系实际的实践能力。2. 加强学风建设 , 鼓励学生考级、考证大众化教育背景下 , 整个社会对人才的要求越来越高 , 人才竞争越来越激烈。企 业对学生的要求不仅是一张文凭 , 更希望学生有较强的专业基础知识和专业技能和 实践操作能力。因此 , 大学生的忧患意识、危机意识和求知意识也越来越强烈 , 他们 对自己的要求也在不断更新。抓紧时间参加外语、计算机基本技能证书的考证工作 另外, 参加专业技能证书的考试 , 为自己走上工作岗位拓宽知识面 , 增加就业砝码。3. 开展丰富多彩的校园文化活动 , 提升学生的就业能


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