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1、abstractenglish is a global language, and is widely used around the world. therefore, english teachers focus a lot on developing students ability of oral english. since new curriculum standard was put into effect, students main positions in the classroom have become more and more outstanding. in eng

2、lish teaching in middle school, teachers need to train students abilities from different aspects such as listening, speaking, reading and writing rather than just focus on the college entrance examination as before. but training students oral english abilities has not been given the same attention i

3、n many middle schools. this paper mainly focuses on the problems of current oral english teaching in middle school and analyzes the causes from the perspectives of teachers, students and teaching environment s. the author puts forward that the application of the communicative approach into oral engl

4、ish teaching in middle school can partially resolve the current problems. the author also introduces the basic principles and strategies of the communicative approachs implement in oral english teaching in middle school in hope that it will help students lay foundation for their better development i

5、n the future.key words: oral english teaching; middle school; the communicative approach; communicative activities摘 要英语是一个全球化的语言,在世界上的使用范围极其广泛。因此,英语教师非常注重对学生口语能力的培养。新课程标准实施以来,学生在课堂中的主体地位越来越突出。在英语教育方面,要培养学生的听说读写各个方面的能力,而不只是像以前一样专注于升学考试。但是在许多初中,训练学生的口语能力没有得到同等的重视。本文主要针对现在初中英语口语教学存在的问题,从老师,学生及教学环境角度分析产

6、生问题的原因。作者提出在初中英语口语教学中应用交际法缓解现存问题的观点。作者也介绍了交际法在初中英语口语教学中实施的基本原则和策略,希望这样可以为学生今后更好地发展奠定良好的基础。关键词:英语口语教学;初中;交际法;交际活动contentstoc o 1-3 h z u 1. introduction 12. middle school students poor performance in oral english 33. the causation of the poor performance 43.1 from teachers perspective 53.1.1 backward

7、 teaching ideas 53.1.2 teachers lack of strategies 63.1.3 teacher-centered classroom 63.2 from students perspective 63.2.1 students lack of opportunities to speak english 73.2.2 students lack of confidence 73.3 from teaching environments perspective 73.3.1 too much focus on the college entrance exam

8、ination 83.3.2 large student number in one classroom 84. the application of ca to middle school oral english teaching 84.1 definition of the communicative approach 94.2 the basic principles in using communicative approach 94.2.1 classroom should be learner-centered 94.2.2 activities should be create

9、d for communication 104.3 the strategies in using ca in middle school oral english teaching 114.3.1 stimulating students learning motivation 124.3.2 promoting activities outside the classroom 124.3.3 expanding cultural background knowledge 135. conclusion 14bibliography 15the application of communic

10、ative approach to middle school oral english teaching1. introductionin recent years, china has more and more opportunities to communicate with other foreign countries. many international conferences are held successfully in our country. g20 hangzhou summit has confirmed the important position of chi

11、na in the world. therefore, english is used frequently and widely. it also can be used to communicate among countries. learning it and making a good use of it is definitely significant to every one of us.as a language, the function of english is mainly to express. it can transmit all kinds of inform

12、ation through oral english in our daily life, and it can help us to communicate with foreigners. so in english teaching, chinese ministry of education has performed some educational reform. “the outline of nine-year compulsory education in junior middle school english teaching” stipulates that the a

13、im of english teaching in middle school is making students learn the basic english knowledge, forming the elementary application of the english ability for communication, developing their healthy learning habits and laying a foundation to the further study by the training of listening, speaking, rea

14、ding and writing. since the promulgation of the new curriculum standard, teaching at school is no longer limited to the knowledge in the text books. it means more parts such as students autonomic learning and communicating with their schoolmates. as for middle school english teaching, oral english t

15、eaching has been ignored in the past few years. in oral english teaching, the frequently-used method is still reciting. teachers dont give students enough chance for active interactions and speaking. therefore, their oral ability is in a lower level and students make little progress in speaking engl

16、ish. this is not good news for our countrys development. most of middle school students are afraid of speaking english. they dont trust their spoken abilities and are afraid of making any mistake when speaking english. they can only write but cant express orally. therefore, “dumb english” is a very

17、phenomenon in middle school. it is a realistic issue which teachers are very worried about. on the one hand, students are constrained by the college entrance examination and the stress of proceeding with further education. they dont have any oral english test. on the other hand, they cancel the oral

18、 english teaching because of teachers ignorance and time limitation. whats worse, students have no method to learn oral english, so they are not willing to strengthen their own ability to study. they lack of motivation. hence, oral english teaching in middle school has been a chronic disease and it

19、is very difficult to overcome.with the beginning of the curriculum reform, the relationship between teachers and students has changed a lot.now, students are the center of the classroom teaching and the target of english teaching is to establish the cooperative class. according to this, an effective

20、 method of oral english teaching, the communicative approach (ca) should be popularized widely in middle school. the research of ca has gradually become mature in the past decades. it can make students recognize their oral english abilities again in real communicating scenes. they will clearly under

21、stand their weaknesses in oral english. when using ca to design teaching activities, students can solve oral english problems and improve their oral ability. imitating real dialogue scenes can make students feel they enter the western countries and they are immersed in the scene. students will natur

22、ally express their thinking in english, and maybe they are encouraged by other classmates and teachers. ca makes teaching environment more relaxing than before, and will not make students have pressure or feel uncomfortable. because students are studying and communicating with the people who they ar

23、e familiar with, they dont face the embarrassment of having nothing to say when talking with strangers. and even if they make mistakes, no one will laugh at them. everyone makes mistakes, and they all have chances to correct them and become better.traditional classroom teaching is teacher-centered.

24、but now, english classroom turns to learner-centered. students need to do some previous learning by themselves. the innovativeness of education curriculum drives didactics reformation and also brings the new beginning to oral english teaching. this paper mainly analyzes the current problems of oral

25、english teaching in middle school and the reasons why these problems come into being, then goes a step further to propose the using of ca to ameliorate the oral english teaching problems. the view point is analyzed from many different aspects, and the main point of this paper is trying to solve the

26、problems and creating a good relationship between teachers and students to make students learn oral english by themselves. whats more, the author gives some reasonable advice in oral english teaching in middle schools further development to stimulate students motivation in oral english learning.2. m

27、iddle school students poor performance in oral englishnowadays, with the implement of new curriculum standard, students gradually become the center of a classroom, and teachers mostly help students with their troubles. the english classroom has changed a lot. in order to enhance students autonomous

28、learning and cooperative learning, classroom teaching is no longer as stiff or changeless as before; there are many opportunities for students to express their feelings and their confusions. however, we are still exploring on how to achieve all these things, and the teaching method is not performing

29、 for real. because most middle schools have not changed the teaching pattern, students still have to accept what teachers teach and follow their teachers to take notes and read aloud after teachers, which is one of the traditional ways of teaching, and of little use to oral english teaching. oral en

30、glish hadnt drawn peoples attention until the issue of the new curriculum standard, but the ability of students oral english is still not optimistic.chinese students in middle school cant avoid “dumb english” although they have learnt english for almost ten years. maybe they dont express their ideas

31、 in english because there is no learning atmosphere. indeed, in learning a language, the most important thing is atmosphere.but the oral english teaching now is not based on the circumstance of english. english teachers just use chinese to teach in the class, and they hardly use oral english to comm

32、unicate with their students. in a way, teachers regard recitation as oral english teaching. school education aims to pass the college entrance examination, so many schools dont pay attention to the integrated development of students. they only unilaterally focus on enrolment rate and ranking. there

33、is no doubt that all these limit the students growth. “only when students learn how to study and are good at study can they show their motivation and creativity. and they will improve learning efficiency, speed up learning progress and strengthen educating results” (han 169). current students lack o

34、f initiative instead of learning method. only when they are willing to learn oral english and accepting it can they improve their learning efficiency exponentially and get all-wave changing.interest is the best teacher. it will promote students to learn english and to foster their abilities of think

35、ing. after the promulgation of the new curriculum standard, teachers should start from students point of view and consider what the most effective way is to train students interest in oral english rather than teaching grammar, vocabulary and so on day after day. if teachers dont lead students to com

36、municate in english, the problem of oral english teaching will be always there.judging from the current situation, we can find the students who have difficulties in learning english lack of interest, confidence and strategies. if a student doesnt build enough confidence from the beginning, it will b

37、e very hard for him to study english.but in the proceeding of english teaching in middle school, oral english teaching is always the weakness and isnt thought highly of. english teachers dont want to teach oral english in the class because they think it is no use learning it. students do not have an

38、y oral english test, and they dont use oral english to communicate with other people in their daily life. so the teachers focus on the grammar, vocabulary or other kinds of english which are tested in exams. they are too shortsighted to see the essence. all the english words and sentences are built

39、to make conversations. and english is used to communicate but not for the test. there accumulate various problems in actual oral english teaching. to sum up the reason, people should think more deeply and more widely.3. the causation of the poor performanceoral english teaching in middle school has

40、not changed for a long time. there are many reasons. first of all, teachers only teach the grammar and other basic knowledge,but they ignore the needs of students and the society. secondly, in the teaching method, teachers use confirmed and inflexible teaching patterns all year round. there are no f

41、resh things. because teachers think that there are no needs to improve or change their teaching pattern and the exams will always check the grammar, reading, vocabulary or something else but wont test oral english, students dont have to learn or exercise their spoken english. then, from students per

42、spective, they have no confidence and opportunities to express their opinions and so on. they do not have any situation to train their oral english abilities.situation is one of the most important elements in language learning. it not only has effect on the learner himself such as altitude and motiv

43、ation, but also decides the quality of the learners language out-putting and the efficiency of learners acceptance to the language input. (shi and chen 248)therefore, these problems hinder the growth of oral english teaching. all in all, the pressure of the college entrance examination and large stu

44、dent number in one classroom cant offer flexible teaching mode.3.1 from teachers perspectiveteachers play a very important role in imparting knowledge. traditional syllabus decides specific teaching content and it is predicative. process syllabus reflects what learners have learnt and it is reflecti

45、ve. all the things are negotiated by teachers and learners. learners learn language by doing rather than by learning. learners find and deduce language patterns and usages. it focuses more on learners ability to solve the problems and learners participation (zhang 28). if a teacher is short of teach

46、ing strategies, uses old method to put himself as the center of classroom teaching, uses chinese to teach english, and seldom speaks english in class, students efficiency in getting the main learning points will be greatly discounted and they wont exercise their oral english at all in the end.teache

47、rs tend to talk more in the classroom, and students rarely have the opportunities to speak english. it shows that a teachers behavior and his teaching method can have an effect on students oral english level and development. the following will focus on the backward teaching ideas.3.1.1 backward teac

48、hing ideasenglish teaching in middle school has reformed a lot. the reformers mean to refresh the technique of teaching and seek the appropriate way to coordinate current english teaching system in middle school. “but now, english teaching still focuses on handling language knowledge. teachers hold

49、their scalpels to cut off the whole texts into pieces. they are mainly to teach students to recite words, practice sentences, learn grammar and do exercises” (ming 191). this realistic issue bothered each teacher and student. boring classroom-teaching, imperfect oral english environment and grammati

50、cal teaching make students become a “study machine”. students only understand what they accept and they arent given opportunities to ask their questions and get the answers. these mostly base on teachers own capacity. they inflexibly copy and treat different students in one way. there is not a bit o

51、f highlight.3.1.2 teachers lack of strategiesin english teaching, applying proper strategies can make teaching successful. learning strategies are a series of conscious measures to improve the efficiency and good results. they can help students to process the new language information, tackle and ret

52、ain the input. however, current teachers in middle school are not good at putting forward and utilizing teaching strategies. they hardly use teaching strategies in english classes. they just use their common teaching plans to teach english. they do not add some oral english in classroom teaching. in

53、deed, they dont say some encouraging words to stimulate students to learn oral english. only chinese can be heard in english classes, which are really ridiculous and restricts oral english to spread around students. students have scarcely any chance to speak and practice oral english in the class. o

54、nce teachers dont apply teaching strategies, maybe it will be hopeless for students to study oral english. teachers will not change their plan to teach english because there is no oral english test now. their teaching plan is based on the exams. it is not fair to students. they have their rights to

55、learn oral english at school.3.1.3 teacher-centered classroomunder the background of teaching for exams, teachers occupy the leading positions. they teach mechanical lexical knowledge and have little oral english interaction with students. they show the english grammar on the blackboard or powerpoin

56、t and students follow them to learn english knowledge. this kind of english class is boring and has no creativity. students should have dominated the class. however, they passively accept knowledge which they used to learn about.this is negative for oral english teaching in middle school. “in organi

57、zing classroom teaching, teachers leading role should be fully played and students subject position should also be embodied” (zhou 32). how can students improve their oral ability if they rarely speak english? current situation is changing. teachers are not the only roles in the class and they are t

58、he leaders who can help students to learn by themselves. therefore, the problem should be solved from the source, or maybe the oral english in middle school will continue to be stagnant.3.2 from students perspectivestudents are not confident in their oral english. students arent eager to improve the

59、ir oral english level. although in teaching system, teachers are the leaders of helping students to go forward, students are the most important roles of being the knowledge recipients. thus, english teaching doesnt simply depend on teachers work, and the essential goal is to make students use correct english to communicate with others. if students have no confidence and chance to show themselves, the


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