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1、exploring marketing research william g. zikmund chapter 1: the nature of marketing research the nature of marketing research marketing research is one of the principal tools for answering questions because it: links the consumer, customer, and public to the market through information used to identif

2、y and define marketing generates, refines, and evaluates marketing actions monitors marketing performance underlines the understanding of marketing as a process marketing research defined the systematic and objective process of generating information for aid in making marketing decisions the marketi

3、ng research process this process includes: specifying what information is required; designing the method for collecting information; managing and implementing the collection of data; analyzing the results; and communicating the findings and their implications. i dont know if we should enter the aust

4、ralian market? information reduces uncertainty “it aint the things we dont know that gets us in trouble. its the things we know that aint so. artemus ward marketing research types basic research applied research basic research attempts to expand the limits of knowledge not directly involved in the s

5、olution to a pragmatic problem basic research example do consumers experience cognitive dissonance in low-involvement situations? applied research conducted when a decision must be made about a specific real-life problem applied research example should mcdonalds add italian pasta dinners to its menu

6、? marketing research told mcdonalds it should not? should procter & gamble add a high-priced home teeth bleaching kit to its product line? research showed crest whitestrips would sell well at a retail price of $44 scientific method the analysis and interpretation of empirical evidence (facts from ob

7、servation or experimentation) to confirm or disprove prior conceptions marketing concept central idea in marketing evolved over time not production-oriented marketing-oriented consumer oriented long run profitability cross-functional effort marketing concept keeping customers and building relationsh

8、ips relationship marketing - the idea that a major goal of marketing is to build long-term relationships with the parties who contribute to the companys success. marketers want customers for life. managing the relationships that will bring about additional exchanges total quality management much in

9、common with marketing concept focus on integrating customer-driven quality throughout the organization. stresses continuous improvement stages in developing and implementing a marketing strategy identifying and evaluating opportunities analyzing market segments and selecting target markets planning

10、and implementing a marketing mix analyzing market performance identifying and evaluating opportunities examples mattel toys investigates desires for play experiences home cooking is on the decline. purchase of precooked home replacement meals is on the rise. number of investors trading stock on the

11、internet is growing. analyze market segments and select target markets-examples cadillac investigates buyers demographic characteristics mtv, monitoring demographic trends, learns the hispanic audience is growing rapidly sears learns women, age 25-54 with average household income of $38,000, are cor

12、e customers. targets this market with the good life at a great price. guaranteed. sears. plan and implement a marketing mix price: safeway does a competitive pricing analysis distribution: caterpillar tractor co. investigates dealer service program. product: oreo conducts taste test, oreo cookie vs.

13、 chips ahoy promotion: how many consumers recall the “life tastes good. coca cola! slogan? analyze marketing performance this years market share is compared to last years. did brand image change after new advertising? performance-monitoring research research that regularly provides feedback for eval

14、uation and control indicates things are or are not going as planned research may be required to explain why something “went wrong determining when to conduct marketing research time constraints availability of data nature of the decision benefits versus costs is sufficient time available? informatio

15、n already on hand inadequate? is the decision of strategic or tactical importance? does the information value exceed the research cost? conduct marketing research do not conduct marketing research time constraintsavailability of datanature of the decisionbenefits vs. costs yesyesyesyes nononono dete

16、rmining when to conduct marketing research value versus costs potential value of a marketing research effort should exceed its estimated costs value decreased certainty increased likelihood of a correct decision improved marketing performance and resulting higher profits costs research expenditures

17、delay of marketing decision and possible disclosure of information to rivals possible erroneous research results value should exceed estimated costs marketing research in the 21st century increased globalization growth of the internet and other information technologies global research business resea

18、rch is increasingly global market knowledge is essential a.c. nielsen - more that 67% international business global marketing research general information about country - economic conditions and political climate cultural and consumer factors market and competitive conditions - demand estimation the internet is tran


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