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1、 1. 重点单词拼写 1) The US c of fifty states. 【答案】consists 2) After a long d , the House of Commons approved the bill. 【答案】debate 3) There is a close r between a proper diet and good health. 【答案】 relation 4) The tides are caused by the a of the moon for the earth. 【答案】attraction 5) The competition attract

2、ed over 500 contestants r eight different countries. 【答案】representing 6) If you dont know what this means, r to the dictionary. 【答案】refer 7) The s image of Lei Feng will forever live in the hearts of the people. 【答案】splendid 8) If you realize you are in e , you should correct it. 【答案】error 9) A lawy

3、er is employed on l matters. 【答案】legal 10)To the d of the children, they found many toys at the party. 【答案】delight 2.选择 1) We are sure you will be well-known _ an artist sooner or later. A. as B. in C. to D.for 【答案】 A 2) A university _ of teachers, administrators and students. A. consist B. composes

4、 C. includes D. contains 【答案】 A 3) American Indians _ about five percent of the U.S. population. A. fill up B. bring up C. make up D. set up 【答案】 C 4) 选词填空 ( refer to /look up ) _ a dictionary about it. please _ the word in dictionary. 【答案】 refer to ; look up 5) It was unwise of him to _ the unrelia

5、ble date in his speech. A. Refer to B. add to C. belong to D. point to 【答案】A 6) Martin was _to give us any further details about the project for fear that we would give it away. A. Modest B. unchanged C. unwilling D. voluntary 【答案】C 7) Would it be _for you to pick me up at four oclock and make me to

6、 the airport? A. free B. busy C. handy D. convenien 【答案】 D 返回单元菜单 8)It is good to know _ the dog will be well cared for while were away. A. What B. whose C. which D. that 【答案】D 9) The company is starting a new advertising campaign to _new customers to its stores. A. Join B. attract C. stick D. trans

7、fer 【答案】B 10) 完成句 和父母吵架之她离家出走了 she left home after _ _her parents 我们不打算为了及美元而争吵. were not going to _ _ a few dollars. 【答案】 quarrelling with ; quarrel about /over 返回单元菜单 11)The couple often _ with each other over some trifling affairs but they always make up soon. A. debate B. quarrel C. discuss D. c

8、ommunicate 【答案】B 12) We insist paper bags _ plastic ones in daily life. A. take after B. take the place of C. take off D. take part in 【答案】B 13) To their _ ,the date of the conference they had been looking Forward to was fixed. A. sorrow B. delight C. sadness D. regret 【答案】 B 返回单元菜单 1. 短语积累 consist

9、of be divided into break away (from sb/sth) for convenience leave out a great attraction take the place of. break down in memory of be proud of be joined to. v由构成或组成 v分成 v摆脱;脱离;突然逃脱 v为方便起见 v省去;遗漏 v很有吸引力的人或物 v取代;代替 v出毛病;抛锚;细分;瓦解;克服 v纪念某人;作为对的纪念 v对感到骄傲或自豪 v与连起来 1.There is no need to debate any more wh

10、y different words are used to describe the four countries.(P9) There is no need to do /that clause.: It is not necessary to do. 没有必要做 There is no need to worry even if you have never skied before. 【拓展】 There is no need for sth. / for sb. to do sth. 没有必要 It is no good/no use doing. 没有好处/用处做 There is

11、no possibility/chance that.不可能 There is no difference whether.是否做没有不同 There is no doubt that. 毫无疑问 There is no point/sense in doing.做没有用 即时强化练习: 翻译下面句子 1) 没必要为他的安全担心。 【答案】 There is no need to worry about his safety. 2) 她不可能说谎。 【答案】 There is no possibility that she told a lie. 2. Although the four co

12、untriesdo worktogether in some areas,. they are still very different.(P10) do/did/does + 动词原形 结构用来加强谓语动词的语气,相 当于“的确;真的;务必” Do come early next time. He did go there with his brother yesterday. 即时强化练习: 翻译下面句子 1) 务必记住带一束花来。 【答案】 Do remember to bring a bunch of flowers. 2) 那药对病人真的有效果。 【答案】 The medicine

13、does have some effect on the patient. 返回单元菜单 1. How many countries does the UK consist of ? (P9) consist of:由组成,相当于be made up of,但是注意consist of没 有被动语态和进行时态。 The Group of Eight(G8)consists of the eight richest countries in the world. Her diet consists mainly of bread and vegetables. be made up of 由组成

14、 The fact that Great Britain is made up of three countries is still unknown to many. This club is made up of more than 200 members. 2. England can be divided into three main areas. (P9) be divided into 分成;分开 The class is divided into several smaller groups to talk about different parts of the subjec

15、t. divide sth out/up between /among 分或分配 We divided the work between us. divide. from. 将分隔开;在间划分界线 The English Channel divides England from France. divide sth. by sth. 某数除以某数 30 divided by 6 is 5. division n 划分;除法;部门 3. However, just as they were going to get Ireland connected to form the United Kin

16、gdom, the southern part of that country broke away to form its own government. (P10) get+宾语+过去分词 让做;遭遇某事 When did you get your hair cut? I am trying to get it published. I cant get the car started. break away (from)与脱离;与断绝关系 Modern music has broken away from the 18th century rules. Fortunately, he b

17、roke away from those people years ago. A large piece of ice broke away form the main block. 【词汇网络】与away有关的常用搭配词组 carry away 运走;搬走 die away (声音、光线)等慢慢变弱;渐渐消失 drive away 赶跑 give away 送掉;捐赠;败露 keep away 远离 put away 把收拾起来;储存 take away 拿走 turn away 拒绝 4. But London has been influenced only by some invade

18、rs of England.(P10) influence v.影响 I dont want to influence you either way, so I wont tell you my opinion. n 影响;作用 常与on, upon连用。 Many educational experts urged that parents should have a good influence upon their children. She is a woman of influence in her family. 5. Which country is left out? (P10

19、) leave out 不包括或不提及;忽略掉 Leave me out of the quarrel, please I dont want to get involved. This word is wrongly spelt; youve left out a letter. 【词汇网络】leave/let sb/sth alone 不打扰或不干预 leave hold of 松开 leave sth out of account/consideration 忽略某事;不重视某事 leave sth aside 忽视;不考虑某事 leave behind 未能或忘记带;留下 leave off (doing sth) 停止(做) leave sth over 推迟 6. All the words below can take the place of said,. (P12) take the place of = take ones place


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