



1、Inven tory: product selli ng points is the coreof marketi ngFree paper Downl oad Cen ter News: In fact, whe n itcomes to sell ing products we all know, but eve ntually onthe In ter netor in the price as the ultimate selli ngpoint, but why the price is not the product the user fan cy,but value.Selli

2、ng friends know do not know how to usethe product s selling point.Highlights on your ownOursales team QQ cloudmarketi ng,manycustomerssay QQ cloud market ingsales ofmoreexpe nsive,say how other people howcheap, butmostcustomers are look ing for peers in a circle, the n still buyour QQ cloud marketin

3、g,mainly The reason is, we aredoing when QQ cloudmarketinghighlights highlights,meet peers can not meet the highlights, so apart from the price war can still survive.Find a selli ng pointMaybe you think you are a very ordinary product,and peer exactly the same, so the competitors than it naturally w

4、ould be no highlights to speak of, so thequestio nis, Are your productsandcompetitorsproductsexactlythe same, doyourbus in ess andcompetitio nrival compa nies exactly, do your bus in essmodel and competitor models exactly the same, if it exactly the same, that would not en gage in the first, if nott

5、he same or do notwantthe same, thenthefollowi ngwork for you to do it.First, be surethattheproductcannot becompletely differe nt,eve nif theappeara neeisdiffere nt,but the core objective is to, like, such as a hair dryer cen tral point must be able to put the hair dryer, so this can be the same, but

6、 the details on their own inno vati on, you can not the same style, the color is not the same, not the same fun cti on, style is not the same can be said to be the reas ons for this desig n, the color is not the same can be said of the ben efits of colors, the same can not be said to functionadvanta

7、ge multifunctionhairdryer. All in all butthe core fun cti on ality is used to dry hair, followed by an in crease in added value on top of the price of the product.Some time ago a friend was doing a hairdryer, wan ted me to give him to be a copy, re-locate to a hair dryer, I look at the hair dryer, I

8、 feel no highlights to speak, he stumbled on the market most of the hair dryers are showing curly hair When the card hair phenomenon, so he s selling point when it comes to the hair dryer can not be used to dry hair, more importa ntly, it can be used to make curls, then his hair dryers product devel

9、opment in this directi on.See here I thi nk you have to un dersta nd, whe n their looks and selli ng whe n others do not, try to find a bright spot in their products, and competitors do not find the same highlights, of course, on the Internet competitors are in the world, impossible to selling your

10、competitor does not, then we pay attention to is to achieve the ultimate selli ng point.Do a selli ng pointI was doing when selling QQ cloud marketingisvery simple, is that we are operati ng bus in ess team, its own development, its own sale, relatively secure, I QQ cloud in preparati on for the mar

11、keti ng of time, has bee n look ing for some one, find the money to the gover nment, the one help me set up a compa ny to operate the product, allow ing users to see after a credible bus in ess operati ons, and sec on dly, to find a suitable team to operate to mai ntai n the reliability of the pre-s

12、ale, the three came to money in order to mai ntain the pre-QQ cloud marketi ng operati ons.From the above example, I do look primarily for a team to do a few simple thin gs, but you can buy the core point of our product is guaranteedafter-sales teamoperati ng on the Internet in a completely tran spa

13、re nt, You can find too many cheap products, but users still choose us, they do not care about two dollars more is bought with money value.Take the mobile phone industry in the illustration, after careful study of the phone, you ll find every phonehas its own selling points, such as Apple have separ

14、ate systems and beautiful appeara nee, the two major selli ng points occupy large eno ugh to let the market, Sams ung spixels high, BBK s good sound quality, Nokia ruggedness, the con figuratio n of the high price of millet is cheap, good hammer phone looks like. This is theircorecompete ncies point

15、.With mobile phon es, they all have a differe nt place, that is their selli ng point to achieve the ultimate, but they all have one thing in com mon, that their phones can call,send micro letter, QQ, etc., because they are still a cell phone, They still counterparts, can not give up essential functi

16、on, if we give up essential function, that probably watch.Selli ng pushFind their own selli ng point, and the n to achieve theultimate selli ng point, the last is to push selli ng, whe n you buy the phone, you defi nitely do not see what they will saythe phone can call, send text messages, but the p

17、hones look pixel , sound quality, etc., such as millet in the promotio n of the phone whe n it comes to the fever wasborn, says he is nothing more than how high how highcon figurati on.Rather than pushhis cell phonecan callyou can send text messages.In view of Wong Lo Kat, WongLo Kat in thebeverage

18、industry be younger,but in the market ingselli ng point, but do very successful,fear of an gry, drinkWanglaoji, which no one ever drinks positioned to do so,also officially this positi on, Wong Lo Kat aside Kang ShuaiFu, Wahaha and other major bran ds.On the fun cti onalbeverage is nothing more tha nblack tea, green tea, but6did not drink these features into the core points on fear ofan gry, result ing wan glaoji liv ing space is very large.If thedrink Wong Lo Kat was positioned as an ordinary beverage, n atural market is not so big, not eno ugh on the amount, on the cheap i


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