



1、An alysis: Big Data market ing of joy andsorrow(Research papers Downloadnews) marketing is abunch of big data is boo ming bur ned fire, close to the fire to get warm humanity, we must also remain vigilant of dan gerous play with fire. Receive meet in dividual tastes n ews and product in formatio n,

2、the majority of people full of pleasure, but the rapid developme nt of tech no logy to life provides great convenien ce, but as the sky will not fall, like life, there is no absolutely safe and convenient tech niq ue.In the U.S., big data has become main stream market ing. Compared to traditi onal s

3、ales model is full of speculation,big data marketing,marketingstrategy isbased on a comb in ati onof diverse customer s truen eeds, can mi ni mize marketi ng costs, optimize marketi ng effective ness.Both the retail in sura nee, or en terta inmentmedia,almost all companies are looking for the public

4、 s help big data can have a hand. Chur compa ny in Wash ington, the Un ited States, is a lead ing U.S. data an alysis compa nyithat specializes in providing sophisticateddata-orientedservices sector The report shows that after some of the world s top five pharmaceutical companies to cooperate, with

5、in six mon ths sales leads in creasedby 63% for eachsales lead acquisiti on costs also decreased by more tha n half. world Rangrang, are all ben efits to the en terprise strong desire for big data marketi ng, also makes sen se.Adequate funding and stro ng marketdema nd,boostingthe prosperity of big

6、data marketingindustry.Survey shows that in the UnitedStates 400 companiesen gagedin marketi ng,54% of compa nies have in vestedlarge data, which has in vestedin large data compa ni es,61% have achieved con siderable econo mic retur ns .2012, data-drivenmarketingin the U.S. economy had addedvalue of

7、 at least $ 156 billio n in direct support of about 60 millio n jobs this end, the Un ited States, some scholars use Data-drivenmarketingeconomy to describe theeno rmous econo mic value of big data marketi ng.Scramblingto get involved in marketing for largeen terprise data, the data is not without r

8、isks gold road this year, the U.S. NBC News reported the shocking news: A couple in Chicago received an advertisingletter, the address bar was printed the words daughter died in a car accident, the It is understood that the couple sdaughter died in a car accide nt in deed, the exposure of privateinf

9、ormationshould not be rudely openedthehearts of the couple scars, led to a public questioning Why is this scary details appear in spam collect such informationface questioning the legality of acts ofviolationof personal privacy, mail advertisingcompanyhas a computererror as an excuseto shirkresp on

10、sibility?.On privacy and in formati on security issues, re lyingon corporateself-regulationis clearly wishful thinking.January of this year, U.S. Preside nt Barack Obama Preside ntial Adviser on large data in dicati ng privacy issues unfold withdetailedresearch, we hope the legalregulati on and publ

11、ic opinion game, so Data Corporatio nThe barbaric growth effectively con stra in ed. U.S. Preside ntScie ntific and Tech ni cal Advisory Committeealsocon ducted a study to explore the tech ni cal aspects of big data and the degree of associati on betwee n loss of privacy, however, these policy resea

12、rch fledgli ngstill un able todispel the public s loss of privacy concerns.Receive phone push, in line with in dividual tastes news and product information,most people will full ofpleasure, after all, whe n some one brought a pillow sleepy, lazy since an cie nt times is the dream. Could not deny that the rapid developme nt of tech no logy to provide life a great convenience, but as the sky will not fall, like life, there is no absolutely safe and convenienttech no logymarketi ng is a big pile of burn


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