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1、An alysis of Physical and moral educati on andeducati on cen ter of gravity an alysisPapers Keywords sports ethics and moral educati onin the spirit of educati on means the Uni versity of Physical Educatio n Abstract ethics in sport as a superstructure, with a core of people-oriented characteristics

2、 due to its importa nt positi on in sports ethics and the curre nt social and moral problem and a lot of sports, decided to carryout the necessityof physical and moral educationinaccordanee with the size range of educationalsubjectscan be divided into physical and moral educati on for the com mun it

3、y, schools and families form three kinds of educatio n which, sports colleges of educati on is the focus of moral educati on, sports, sports academies in the spirit of the Un iversity to impleme nt.First,thephysical andmoral content ofmoraleducatio nandthen eedtodevelop sports(Aconno tati onofsports

4、ma nshipThe so-calledsportsethics, sports society is to adjust a variety of social roles ofthe sum of n orms of behavior. From the compositi on, ithas two parts, one must live with the community siphysical behavior of the people s moral requirement that the com mun ity sports morality, thesec ondis

5、thecommunity of people engagedin sports make moraldema nds that sports work ethic. social morality bel ongto the same time both the scope and areas of professi onal ethics, sportsethicsbut in the social basis of publicmorality sports more career Moral of the specificati ons.(B to carry out the neces

6、sity of physical and moral education First, the physical and moralpositionin itself importa nt both from an intern ati onal perspective, or from the physical constraints of the social and moral point of view the role of sport as a part of main stream culturein modern society, its moral requirements

7、canaffect the entire society has become civilized important factor in the developme nt process exists.Second, the physical and moral ano mie hin der the developme nt of fair and just where is the moral norms of sports participants in sports activities in the areas of moral transgressions,so that mor

8、ality can not normallyplay a regulatory role, lead ing sports social disorder.Again, the new sports ethics issues must be resolved in additi on to some of the familiar ethical issues in the con text of the new in formatio n age, people are still faced with many new sports and moral problems, which i

9、s accompa nied by new features of life of people and sports new features arise, to deal with this new problem that requires thereleva ntdepartme nts of the rapiddevelopme nt of effective resp onse pla ns, but to solve the fun dame ntalproblem is with in the scope of the wholesociety have to rely on

10、the physical and moral educatio n.Second, to carry out the basic way to physicaland moral education(A social educationand moraleducation in sportSportsma nshipbroadcha nn elsofsocial education,itcan be bound byeducati on policiesand regulations,public opinion canin flue neethe massmedia can alsobein

11、 flue needbyculturaland moralen vir onment for En viro nmen tal Educati on is one of manycha nn els of in flue nee in the slowest rate of progress, but itis also affected The most thorough physical and moral educatio napproach and only continue to createconditionsfor the fitness, and create a positi

12、ve socialatmosphere, the results of physical and moral educati onto become in creas in gly prominent.Although therange of social educationof theaudie nee,but thereleva neeof educatio nisweak,therefore,only as asports social educati on andmoraleducatio nliteracy classes, so that the publichas afun da

13、me ntal of sportsma nship, correct measureme nt and evaluati on criteria.(Two schools of physical educationand moraleducatio n School educatio n, moral educati on is to carry out an importantpart of sports, it has a system,characterized by direct, physical and moral education therefore is the most t

14、argeted and effective way. Moral educatio n in school physical educati on can be for differe nt groups, differe nt sett ings teach ing poin ts, such as on the primary and sec on dary educati on, to focus onOlympicculturalkno wledge,the Olympic spirit, theOlympicideal :and physicalandmoraleducati on,

15、forcollegestude ntsshouldcon ductregularphysicalandmoral education,professional ethics, ideals and beliefsand educati on.(Three family educatio n and moral educatio n insport With the socio-ec ono miccon diti ons,materialconditions of daily life continuesto meet the spiritualpursuit of the values ?i

16、n people becomingincreasinglyimportantto participate in physical activity is a healthyactivity both public opi nion and, Moreover, healthis thebasis of the spirit of joy, therefore, the moder n sport is an activity closely related to the family aspect is often in volved with sports-related activitie

17、s in additi on to daily physical exercise, i nclud ing sports viewi ng and evaluati on, care sports trends, sports-related industries in In these activities, the interactionbetweenfamily members cancon veypers onalopinions of sports,in dividualsportsembody morality, and thus have an impact on other

18、family members. http:/www. com Third, i n the spirit of college sports institutions in carryingout the constructionofphysical and moral educati on(A) the moral challe nges fac ing sports sports in stituti onstake the lead in impleme nti ng therequireme ntsof physical and moral educationHistoryhas pr

19、ovedthat the ideologicalandmoralcultivatio npractices tohelp guide peoplesacti ons,therefore,physical and moral educati ontohelpguide theimpleme ntati onof sports activities to promote thedevelopment of sports, fromsports inrecentyears,thecauses ofmoral ano miedeparture, we canseesportsma nship is f

20、acing some challe nges, but also can be found to impleme nt the physical and moral educati on, the head from sports academies.Sports nu merous scie ntific research in stitutio ns,many researchers, if these people and their research results in the market and before the stadium can have a sense of pur

21、pose and value orie ntatio n, race will be fair for a relatively positivein flue nee.Sports in stitutio ns ascolleges and universities specializing in training sports pers onn el, both in the athletes, coaches, referees, or the ordinary sports fans in sports ethics training, you can use the uniqueen

22、 viro nmentand resource adva ntages tosupply high-quality com mun ity sports people.In summary, sports is sports and moral educationinstitutionsrespond to the challenges of thefirst battlefield is the sports elite, sports, culture, sports, the esse nee is that it is the focus of moral educati on Dao

23、, so sport in stituti on has the resp on sibility to take the lead in implementingthe good sportsmanshipand promotethe spread of educati on, the superstructure of the sports com mun ity a good job off.(Two sports colleges in the Uni versity build ingand impleme nti ng the spirit of the possibility o

24、f physicaland moral education First of all, the spirit of the rich sports schools uni versity physical and moral factors patriotic self-relianee, hard work and dedication to the pursuit of progress, Zonta Code, the University of unity and the spirit of friendship, sports academies, each of which is

25、rich in physical and moral factors, which in the previous paper has bee n reflected.Second, the physical and moral educati on canfill the educati onal value of sports in stituti ons to use theUniversity s lack of spirit. Physical Education University,the educationalvalue of the existenee of a variet

26、y ofmen tal deficie ncies, i nclud ing the use of the moral aspects of the educati onal value of the lack of sports in stituti ons to moral educati on through sport effectively carried out, with the moral spirit of sports schools in the Uni versity of content, to complete their useful compleme nt ea

27、ch other and repair.Physical and moral educati on in schools usuallyexist discipline style and didactic deficiencies, that one is the rigidmanagement,educationalcontent isdifficult to in ter nalize, a mecha ni cal in still in stude nts can lead to rebellious, however, sports physical and moral educa

28、ti on in stituti ons of their uni versity spirit through the active use of the formati on con diti ons, easy to avoid these shortco min gs, such as in school history to un dersta nd the process, stude nts with in terest in history and un dersta nd that people love our country and the collective the pursuit of progress and hard work dedication requirementissportsmanship in team competition,the sport will teachstude nts to un ity, cooperati on, competiti on and hard work, respect fo


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