1、英文招聘广告写作技巧招聘广告1. 英语招聘广告的组成:一般在首行中有写有 Needed或Wan ted (招聘)1) The name of the recruiting unit (招聘单位名称)2) The brief in troduct ion to the recruit ingun it (单位简介)(一小段)3)The job titles being offered (招聘职位)4)The job responsibilities (工作的职责)(一般用短语)5)The qualifications for 即plication (应聘资格)(一般用短语)6) The remu
2、neration being offered (提供的待遇)7)The way of 即plication ( 应聘的方法)2. 广告常用语:sales man ager销售经理secretarywan ted 招聘秘书acco untantsn eeded immediately急聘会计人员university graduate majored inaccounting 大学本科毕业,主修会计学2- 5 years experienee in accounting 有 2-5 年的会计经验computer skills具备计算机技能excelle nt writte n and spoke
3、n En glish英语说写流利resp on sible and en ergetic责任心强且精力旺盛attractive salary and ben efit优厚的工资和待遇overseas trai ning opport unity国外培训的机会Please apply with a full En glish resume, a rece nt phototo有意者请将详尽的英文简历、近照一张寄3. 范文Recruitme nt In formatio n(招聘信息)JY Export Trading Compa nyOur compa ny is specialized ing
4、arme nt export bus in ess tradi ngcompany. Being in line with the customer first,honesty first principleour company has established Iong-term relations of cooperation withanu mber of en terprises . And in the in dustry we haveobta ined the goodpublic praise.We Want YouPositi on: SecretaryRequireme n
5、t :1 . College degree or above2 .Proficie nt in En glish and Man dari n3 . A stable pers on ality and high sense of resp on sibility aredesirable4 . Ability to work well with others5 . Worki ng experie nee in foreig n compa ny is preferableIn terview time: to , 2011Please send us your resume in both
6、 En glish and Chin ese with a copyof your academic diploma and ID cardTEL: 023-666888CONTACTMiss Zha ng4 Exercise 1Directions:The following is an advertisement of Pepsi Co. China Co. Ltd,please tran slate accord ing to the in formatio n give n in Chin ese.百事可乐(中国)有限公司是一家外商独资企业。由于我们在中国的业务不断扩大,现聘请精明能干
7、的人士来应聘以下职位:质量工程师 / 制造工程师 (Quality Engineer / Manufacturing Engineer) 大约30岁需机械工程、自动化工程专业的大学本科毕业生有1-3年的质量或制造方面的相关经验,在合资企业工作者优先熟悉质量管理制度精通英语口、笔头表达,愿意出差具备使用Windows, Excel等操作技能应聘者须将中、英文 详细的简历、电话号码及地址寄至:广州经济技术开发区百事可乐(中国)有限公司人事部收邮编510730Exercise 2:Write a letter appl ying for the positi on offered in the wa
8、n t-ad inExercise 1. Suppose you read the ad on China Daily, April 16, 2010.letterExercise 3: Write a full English resume enclose in the application in exercise 2.(随信附寄一份详尽的英文简历)以下为节选范文诚聘工程管理助理责任:-为重庆的工程提供服务。-日常工作上为工程经理提供帮助。-负责文件管理,为学员和家长们 提供客户服务。要求:-大学程度及以上学位。-英语和计算机技能良好。-在国际机构组织中 有过相关的工作经 验。-耐心,仔细
9、,起配角作用。具有强烈的 团队工作精神参考答案Wan tedProject Man ageme nt Assista ntResp on sibility:-Provide service for the project in Chongqing.-Provide assista nee to the project man ager for everyday work.-Resp on sible for file man ageme nt, customer service for stude nts and pare ntRequireme nts:-College degree and
10、 above-Good English and computer skills .-Related working experienee in the international organization. -Patie nt, careful, supportive. Hasstrong team work spirit.例2诚聘英语老师责任:-根据英国教育体制来 处理英语教学。要求:-大学学历以及主修英语或者师范大学英语程度之上。-求知欲强烈,富有创造性,心胸开阔 。-理解力强并能尊重不同文化的差异。(热烈欢迎应届毕业生申请这个位置.)参考答案Wan tedEn glish Teacher
11、Resp on sibility:-Con duct En glish teach ing accord ing to British educatio n system.Requireme nts:-University degree and above in English majo r or normal English.-Eager to learn andopen-minded with creativity.-With deep un dersta nding and respect for differe nt cultures.(Warmly welcome the fresh
12、 graduates to apply for this position.)例3 诚聘 销售助理责任:- 根据总公司的指示 负责管理 本地的销售和活动。- 收集相关的信息发送到 总公司 。- 发展同 本地媒体和用户 的关系 。要求:- 大学学历或以上程度,英语良 好( 说与写的能力 )- 具有销售和营销的 基本理念 ,有相关经验者优先。- 必须在跨国机构组织中有 工作经验 。- 具有良好的沟通和表达技能 。参考答案WantedMarketing AssistantResponsibility:- Responsible for the local management of marketin
13、g and sales activitiesaccording to the instructionfrom the head office.-Collect related information to thehead office.- Develop relationship with local media and customers.Requirements:- College degree and above with good English(speaking and writing).- With basic idea ofsales and marketing, related
14、 experience ispreferred.- Working experience in the international organization is a must - Good communication and presentation skills.例4 诚聘会计师责任:-会计师为重庆公司和工程部工作。-根据公司的规章和政策进行本地的财政管理。要求:-在金融领域方面具有大学学历或以上程度。-良好的英语和计算机技能。-财政管理上辨别力良好。-必须在国际机构组织中当过会计师,至少 有两年的经验-自主管理,勤奋,独挡一面并且能够承受工作压力。参考答案Wan tedAcco unta
15、ntResp on sibility:-Acco untant work for Chongqing office and project.-Perform the finance management locallyaccording tothe rules andpolicy of the compa ny.Requireme nts:-College degree and abovein finance area.Good En glish and computer skills.-Good sense of finance man ageme nt.- At least two yea
16、s of experienee asaccountant in the internationalorga ni zati onis a must.-Self-management,hard-working,independent and able to deal with pressure.例5 (节选)P&Gis now looking forYear 2010 fresh graduates(应届毕业生)to joinour companyas managementtrainees. Webelieve that we are in a very good positi on to offer you a variety of career opti ons across our Bus in ess Un its and Fun cti ons.The following functions will recruit full time employee in TianJin.-Finance & Acco un ti ng Departme nt-Research & Developme nt Departme nt-Product Supply Departme ntQualificati onsWeare looking f
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