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1、1 Other Terms of Payment Unit 10 2 Content Discussion Introduction Useful sentences Practice Focal words 3 Discussion Tell us the Main Modes of Payment in the international Trade Whom are involved in Collection? The Basic Process of the Collection When to use Documentary Collections? 4 Introduction

2、The payment plays a very important role in business. Terms of payment means way or method of making payment. The methods we use in payment in the clearing of international trade are the letter of credit (L/C), collection and remittance . 5 Remittance A bank, at the request of its customer, transfers

3、 a certain sum of money to its overseas branch or correspondent bank , instructing it to pay a named person domiciled in that country. 汇付,又称汇款,是付款人通过银 行,使用各种结算工具将货款汇交收 款人的一种结算方式。 6 Remittance Three forms: - mail transfer (M/T) - telegraphic transfer (T/T) - demand draft (D/D) 7 Characteristics of re

4、mittance: Efficient, timely and cost effective The transfer of funds is independent of transfer of goods (risky) The financial burden is not same to the buyer and seller (unfair) Remittance 8 Collection It is a way of payment in which the exporter (or the drawer) firstly sends the goods and then ent

5、rusts the remitting bank to get a payment from the collecting bank in behalf of the importer (or the drawee). 它是债权人(出口方)委托银行向债务人(进口 方)收取货款的一种结算方式。 9 Generally speaking, the collection is based on the commercial credit. The exporter only collects money of goods after sending the goods. So its not a v

6、ery reliable way of payment for exporters or sellers. Collection 10 The Parties concerning the Collection a. The Drawer 出票人或委托人 b. The Remitting Bank 寄单行或托收行 c. The Collecting Bank 代收行 d. The Drawee 受票人或付款人 11 The Basic Process of the Collection 12 The Basic Process of the Collection: 13 Types of th

7、e Collection Clean Bill for Collection 光票托收 Documentary Bill for Collection 跟单托收 14 Clean collections are collections on financial instruments without being accompanied by commercial documents, such as invoice, bill of lading, insurance policy, etc. Clean Bill for Collection 15 Clean collection is m

8、ainly used to collect incidental expenses occurred in a transaction such as freight, insurance premium, commission or any other supplementary charges. 16 Documentary Bill for Collection D/P calls for actual payment against transfer of shipping documents. There are D/P at sight and D/P after sight. D

9、/A calls for delivery of documents against acceptance of the draft drawn by the exporter/seller. D/A is always after sight. 17 Documents against Payment D/P at sight Upon presentation, the Buyer shall pay against documentary draft drawn by the Seller at sight. The shipping documents are to be delive

10、red against payment only. D/P after sight The Buyer shall duly accept the documentary draft drawn by the Seller atdays sight upon first presentation and make payment on its maturity. 18 When to use Documentary Collections? When the exporter and importer have a well established relationship When ther

11、e is little or no threat of a total loss resulting from the buyers inability or refusal to pay When the foreign political and economic situation is stable When a letter of credit is too expensive or not allowed 19 Useful sentences Id like to discuss the terms of payment with you. I wonder if you wou

12、ld accept D/P. 我想同你讨论一下付款条件。不知你能否 接受付款交单的方式。 20 Since we are old friends, I suppose D/P or D/A should be adopted this time as the mode of payment. 咱们是老朋友了,我想这次应该用D/P或者 D/A付款方式吧。 21 In view of the small amount of this transaction, we are prepared to accept payment by D/P at sight (or at 30 days sight

13、) for the value of the goods shipped. 鉴于此笔交易的金额较小,我们准备接受 以即期的付款交单(或30天的付款交单) 向你方收取货款。 22 Frankly, a letter of credit would raise the cost of our imports. When we open a letter of credit with a bank, Ill have to pay a margin. Thatll not only tie up our money but also increase our cost. 坦率地讲,信用证付款会增加我

14、们的进口成 本。我们在银行开立信用证时,必须付押金, 那将不但会占压了我们的资金,而且还增加 了我们的费用。 23 As we must adhere to our customary practice, we hope that you will not think us unaccommodating. 由于我们必须坚持我们的一贯做法,我们 希望你不要认为我们是不肯通融的。 24 Since the total amount is so big and the world monetary market is rather unstable at the moment, we can no

15、t accept any terms of payment other than a Letter of Credit. 因为这次交易额大,而且目前国际金融市 场很不稳定,所以我们除接受信用证付款 外,不能接受别的付款方式。 25 We would suggest that for this particular order you let us have a D/D, on receipt of which we shall ship the goods on the first available steamer. 此次订货,我们建议你们使用即期汇票。 收到该汇票后,我们将把货物装上第一条

16、 可定到的船。 26 In order to conclude the business, I hope youll meet me half way. What about 50% by L/C and the balance by D/P? 为了达成协议,我们各让一步吧。50%以 信用证结算,剩下的用付款交单。 27 Practice 1. Translation 对于新客户我们一直采用信用证付款。另外, 国际资本市场不稳,所以我们不得不坚持即 期信用证付款。 按照你的要求,我们破例地接受即期付款交 单发货,但这种情况下不为例。 为了有助在贵地市场推销我方产品,作为特 殊照顾,我方将同意接

17、受见票即付的付款交 单方式。 如果你方同意提前一个月装运,我们将同意 用即期信用证支付。 28 对于新客户我们一直采用信用证付款。另 外,国际资本市场不稳,所以我们不得不 坚持即期信用证付款。 Payment by L/C is our usual practice with all new customers for such commodities. Moreover, the international capital market is fluctuating, so I am afraid that we have to insist on payment by L/C at sig

18、ht. 29 按照你的要求,我们破例地接受即期付款 交单发货,但这种情况下不为例。 In compliance with your request, we exceptionally accept delivery against D/P at sight, but this should not be taken as a precedent. 30 为了有助在贵地市场推销我方产品,作为 特殊照顾,我方将同意接受见票即付的付 款交单方式。 In order to pave the way for your promotion of our products in your market, w

19、e will accept D/P at sight as a special accommodation. 31 如果你方同意提前一个月装运,我们将同 意用即期信用证支付。 If you promise to effect shipment one month earlier, we will agree to payment by L/C at sight. 32 Practice 2. Role Play Mr. Smith, an British importer, is talking with you, sales manager of a Chinese export compa

20、ny, about the terms of payment. Now discuss it with him with the help of the following hints. Mr. Smith: Ask about your usual payment terms Suggest payment by collection and give reasons Agree to L/C payment but ask for an early delivery of the goods Accept your proposal and emphasize timely shipmen

21、t of the remaining 70% Agree and express good wishes You: State payment by L/C is your usual practice Insist on payment by L/C and give reasons State difficulty in advancing the shipment in whole lot but promise to ship 30% in advance Ask for confirmed, irrevocable L/C with partial shipment allowed

22、Promise to make timely arrangements 33 常见的意思是“反对”。 Public opinion was against the Bill. 舆论反对此法案。 另外还有“用. . . 交换, 用. . . 兑付”之意。 “the rates against U. S. dollars” ,指美元兑换率。 但在信用证中常见的意思是凭“. . . ”“以. . . ” 1. This credit valid until September 17, 2001 in Switzerland for payment available against the pres

23、entation of following documents. . . 本信用证在2001年9月17日在瑞土到期前, 凭提交以下单据付 款. . . . . . 2. The payment is availble at sight against the following documents. 凭下列单据即期付款。 Focal words: against 34 We have drawn a sight draft on you against the documents for the amount of invoice through the Bank of Asia . 我们已根

24、据这些单据通过亚洲银行向你方开立了发票金额的 即期汇票。 Please confirm that we can draw on you at 60 days after sight for US$28,000 against your Order No. 328. 请确认我们可以就你328号订单向你方开出金额为两万八千美 元的六十天远期汇票收款。 drawer 意为“出票人”, 一般指的就是信用证的受益人; drawee 意为“付款人”, 信用证的开证人; drawn clause 意 为“出票条款”, 即信用证、商业汇票中的一些特别条款。 draw (on) “开给”“向. . . 开立汇票

25、” 35 bona fide holders 和 act of God Bona fide holders 实际指的是外贸业务中汇票或提单 等票据的合法持有者,它的意思是“善意持有人”。 即议付单据的持有者或受让人。 This documentary credit is available for negotiation to pay without specific restriction to drawers or bone fide holders. 本跟单信用证对出票人或善意持票人不限制议付。 act of God,就是“不可抗力”。另外force majeure 也表示“不可抗力”。

26、 36 The request for easier payment terms is compelled by their funds being tied up in numerous commitments. 由于资金被许多业务占用,他们迫不得已要求较宽容由于资金被许多业务占用,他们迫不得已要求较宽容 的付款条件。的付款条件。 tie up funds 占压资金占压资金 37 Pay, payable, payment pay v. to pay in advance 预付 to pay by installments 分期付款 to pay on delivery 货到付款 to pay by 30 days L/C 30天期信用证付款 payable adj. 应付的;可付的 bills payable 应付票据 a


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