



1、外研社2011版 七年级上册 Module 9 People and places Unit2 Theyre waiting for buses or trains 广西横县云表镇第一初级中学 黄丽花教学目标1. 能够读懂以现在进行时为主要语法项目的短文2. 能够掌握本单元重要的词汇和短语3. 能够仿写含有现在进行时等语法项目和反应日常生活信息的明信片4. 了解世界不同地方人们的异同,拓宽文化视野教学内容1. 学习本单元的重点词汇和短语:drive, leave, restaurant,place, thing,most , Get off, leave work, have dinner,

2、watch film, play games.2. 学习描述正在做某事的句子:People are leaving work and are. They are waiting for . Some are.重点难点重点:1.能够掌握重点的词汇与语法 2.能够读懂以现在进行时为主要语法项目的短文难点:1.能够掌握现在进行时态结构及现在分词的构成规则 2.能够描述自己或他人正在做得事情 3.能够仿写明信片教学思路 在本单元的教学活动中,教师充分利用黑板、投影、多媒体等辅助教学,来增加教学的直观性和趣味性。在阅读活动设计中遵循主体性原则、生活化原则、拓展延伸原则。教师组织以学生为中心的课堂活动,激

3、发学生的学习热情和学习兴趣,给学生提供了各种运用英语的情景。在一步步地巩固强化所学单词、短语和句型等语言知识基础上,通过拓展性阅读语篇和仿写明信片,给学生足够的语言活动创造空间,秀出学生的语言学习效果。教学准备多媒体,黑板,投影仪,教学课件,单机版网络教材光盘等教学过程Step1.Revision把学生分成两大组,分角色背诵上一单元所学的对话T: Hello,boys and girls.Lets being our class.Since we have learned Unit 1 We are enjoying the school trip a lot ,so lets do some

4、 revision as usual .Can you recite the text now?Ss: Yes!T: OK! Lets recite the text in the different roles! Group 1 and Group2 ,would you like to be Betty?And Group 3 and Group 4 would you like to be Mum?Ss: Yes!T: And the first sentence is for me.Hi,Mum.Ss: .(the students begin reciting the text in

5、 different roles)活动设计意图:背诵能够帮助思考,而思考也需要借助于背诵。在背诵中,达到了复习巩固第一单元所学语言的目的,同时为本单元仿写明信片做准备,训练学生的英语口头表达能力及综合运用语言的能力。Step2 pre-reading: Deal with the works and phrases 让学生看图描述图片,复习巩固现在进行时,同时学习新的单词 T: Boys and girls,please look at the world map on the screen,do you know the names of the cities?Ss: Beijing, Lo

6、ndon, Moscow, Los Angeles, New York.T: And you know it is 10 oclock in Beijing , do you think it is also 10 oclock in London , Moscow, Los Angeles, New York ?Ss:No.T:Why?S1: Time zone.T: You are very clever , because of time zone.Even though at the same time, maybe people in different places are doi

7、ng different things ,do you think so?Ss2.: Yes.T: And now Lets see what people are doing in the different places .(The students learn new words and phrases through asking and answering) T: Now ,please work with your partners and talk about the pictures. You can do it according to the language forms

8、in the following box. T: What are they doing? T:What is he/ she doing.?S1:They are . S3:He/She is doing.T:Where are they? T:Where is he /she?S2: They are . S4: He/She is .T:. Ss: .活动设计意图:通过师生对话、生生对话达到学习词汇、短语的目的,为阅读扫清单词障碍,让学习过程由易到难,由浅入深,尊重学生的认知特点和规律。Step3 While-reading1.Listening and choose the right

9、 answer播放课文录音,学生根据录音内容选择正确答案活动设计意图:通过设计听力练习,培养学生检索短文主要信息的能力,同时初步感知文章的大意,为速读做好准备。2. Fast reading: Read and number the pictures.Give you two minutes to look through the passage quickly and match the paragraphs with the pictures. Are you clear?活动设计意图:通过文章中得描述来判断图片并进行匹配属于典型的阅读理解基础性活动。本活动可以有效培养学生识别细节信息的能

10、力。3. Read the text and find the key phrases In this text ,there are a lot of important phrases , lets have a group competition to see which group can find the most phrases, and please fill in the blanks in your paper. Are you ready?At this moment, in different places of the world ,people are doing d

11、ifferent thingsIn London:_ _ _ _ _ _ _In Moscow: _ _ _ _In Beijing: _ _ _ _In Los Angeles: _ _ _ In New York: _ _ _ _ _3-1 小组内分工完成3-2 小组内交互补充3-3 选1-2个小组的代表展示答案,师生进行点评和补充活动设计意图:通过小组合作找出课文中出现的词组,培养学生的自主学习和合作学习能力同时加强对基础知识的学习和巩固,并为运用相关词组口头复述课文做准备。让学生代表展示答案,既培养了学生的能力又能张扬其个性。4. Retell the passages accordi

12、ng to the table学生根据黑板上表格中的内容用现在进行时对课文进行复述。At this moment, it is five oclock in the afternoon.What are the people doing in London at this moment?People are doing., some are doing.,some are doing.活动设计意图:学生通过黑板上得短语提示,运用现在进行时口头复述课文,从而加深学生对课文的理解,同时巩固课文中得重点句型。5. Do the exercise : Complete the passage with

13、 the correct form of the words from the box.(Page 57 Exercise 4)5-1学生独立完成(2分钟)5-2 四人小组内交互补充5-3选1-2组代表展示答案,师生进行点评活动设计意图:通过练习,了解学生对本单元单词的掌握情况,教师及时得到反馈,以便根据学情调节教学。四人小组进行交互(小动),攀升强化次数,进行动静转换,使课堂更加有效。Step4 Post-readingT: Find out what time it is in London, Moscow, New York and Los Angeles .Write sentence

14、 about what people are doing or not doing.Join sentences with “and, so” (学生任选1-3题作答,先完成的可到黑板上板书答案,师生进行点评补充)活动设计意图:通过设计阅读活动的扩展知识,使学生运用阅读信息,练习现在进行时。选1-3题作答,给予了学生做题的自由度,既照顾了学得慢的又照顾了学得快的,让每个学生都获得成就感。Step 5 Write 1.Read the postcard and check the true sentences.活动设计意图:通过拓展阅读的方式,了解明信片的细节及明信片的格式和书写要求,为接下来学生自己仿写明信片做准备。2. Write Bettys postcard to her grandma from the Great Wall,please pay attention to the star and the end of it. 2-1 学生先独立写 2-2 6-8人小组内交互,选出一篇作品,并以本组喜欢的表达呈


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