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1、精品(A 卷) 四川大学期 末 考试试题(开卷,闭卷,半开卷)(2008 . 09 2008. 12 学年第1学期考试时间:2009. 01 )课程号:50134790 课序号:课程名称:人体形态学模块1任课教师:成绩:适用专业年级:07级医学八年制 学生人数:99印题份数115学号:姓名:考试须知四川大学学生参加由学校组织或由学校承办的各级各类考试,必须严格执行四川大学考试工作管理 办法和四川大学考场规则。有考试违纪作弊行为的,一律按照四川大学学生考试违纪作弊处罚 条例进行处理。四川大学各级各类考试的监考人员,必须严格执行四川大学考试工作管理办法、四川大学考场规则和四川大学监考人员职责。有违

2、反学校有关规定的,严格按照四川大学教学事故认定及处理 办法进行处理。感谢下载载This exam in ati on has 100 scores and occupies the 70% in the an atomycourse.FINAL EXAMINATION IN HUMAN ANATOMYFor medical stude nts of 8-years programSCORE: Selectio n:Matchi ng:Filli ng:An sweri ng:Total :In the follow ing questi ons, select ing the best res

3、p onse, 1 point for each questi on. (40scores).1. Which is correct about knee joi nt?EA. It can only do flexi on and exte nsion.B. Lateral meniscus isC shaped.C. Medial meniscus is O ” shaped.D. It is formed by fibula and femur.E. The cruciate ligame nts are in the knee joi nt.2. Structures pierci n

4、g the clavicopectoral fascia in cludeDA. in tercostal n.B. lateral pectoral n. and cephalic v.C. throracoacro minal a. and v.D. cephalic vein, throracoacro minal blood vessels and lateral pectoral n.不能E. l ong thoracic n.3. Which of the following muscles isnot innervated by musculocutaneous n. ?DA.

5、l ong head of biceps brachiiD. brchioradialisB. short head of biceps brachiiE. coracobrachialisC. brachialis4. The followi ng structures pierce the in frapiriformis forame n, EXCEPTDA. in ferior gluteal n.B. internal pude ndal artery and veinC. posterior femoral cuta neous n.D. superior gluteal a.E.

6、 sciatic n.注:1试题字迹务必清晰,书写工整。2题间不留空,一般应题卷分开本题共8 页,本页为第 1页教务处试题编号:3务必用A4纸打印学号:姓名5. About the great saphe nous v, which of the followi ng is correctDA. It has no tributaries before it pierci ng the saphe nous ope ning.B. It has no venous valve.C. It drains into the external iliac v.D. It dra ins into t

7、he femoral v.E. It is the deep vein.6. Which of the artery below is not the direct branch of deep femoral a.?EA. Lateral circumflex femoral a.B. Medial circumflex femoral a.C. 1st perforati ng a.D. 2 nd perforati ng a.E. Superficial epigastric a.7. The sple nic artery usually has a course along whic

8、h of the followi ng structures?EA. Lesser ome ntumB. Greater ome ntumC. Sigmoid mesoco IonD. Tran sverse colonE. Pan creas8. The structures pass ing through the porta hepatis in clude the follow in gs, EXCEPTEA. portal veinB. hepatic arteryC. hepatic ductsD. lymphatic vesselsE. hepatic vein9. All of

9、 the followi ng stateme nts concerning the renal hilum are correct , EXCEPTCA. It is the entrance to the renal sinus.B. It is located on medial margin of the kid ney.C. It contains the renal pyramids.D. The renal vein is an terior to the renal artery.E. The renal artery is anterior to the renal pelv

10、is.10. The superior mese nteric a. arises from the abdo minal aorta at the level ofBA. T12D. L3B. L1E. L4C. L211. The wrist-drop ” is caused by the injury ofC.A. ulnar nerveD. musculocuta neous nerveB. media n nerveE. axillary nerveC. radial n erve本题 8 页,本页为第 2 页教务处试题编号:姓名学号:12. The posterior relati

11、o ns of the kid ney have followi ngs, EXCEPT?EA. 12 th ribB. DiaphragmC. Iliohypogastric n.D. Ilioi ngui nal n.E. Suprare nal gla nd13. About the superficial vein of the upper limb, which one is correct?BA. The basilic vein drains into the subclavian vein.B. The cephalic vein drains into the axillar

12、y vein or subclavia n vein.C. The cephalic vein begi ns in ulnar part of the dorsal veinous arch of the hand.D. The basilic vein begi ns in radial part of the dorsal veinous arch of the hand.E. The median cubital vein does not connect the cephalic vein with the basilic vein.14. When the deep branch

13、of the radial nerve is injured, which muscle will be paralysis?EA. Flexor digitorum superficialisB. Pron ator quadratusC. BrachialisD. BicepsE. Supin ator15. Winging of the scapula ” is caused by the injury ofEA. axillary nerveB. thoracodorsal nerveC. lateral pectoral n erveD. medial pectoral n erve

14、E. l ong thoracic n erve,which is in correct16. The descriptions of the arch of aortaA. It hooks around the root of the left lung.B. The trachea, esophagus and thoracic duct are posterior to it.C. The thymus is an terior to it.D. It begi ns posterior to the right 2nd ster no costal jo int.E. It beco

15、mes abdo minal aorta at the level of T4 vertebra.17. .How many pairs do the in tercostal n erves have?DA. 8B. 9C. 10D. 11E. 1218. Which vein accompanies the posterior interventricular a. in the posterior interventricular groove? BA. Great cardiac veinB. Middle cardiac veinC. Small cardiac veinD. The

16、 smallest cardiac veinsE. An terior cardiac veins本题 8页,本页为第3教务处试题编号:姓名学号:19. About the mediast in umCA. Its an terior border is diaphragm.B. Its posterior border is esophagus and vagus.C. Its both lateral borders are mediast inal pleura.D. It locates in the pleural cavity.E. It contains lun gs.20. W

17、hich artery is the branch of the celiac trunk?EA. Left colic a.B. Right colic a.C. Sigmoid a.D. Superior rectal a.E. Common hepatic a.21. Which artery is in the sple norenal lig.?EA. Right gastroome ntal a.B. Left gastric a.C. Right gastric a.D. Short gastric a.E. Sple nic a.22. The pul monary veins

18、CA. lie an terior to the asce nding aorta.B. lie between the right ventricle and the pulmonary a.C. tran smit highly oxyge nated blood.D. have three cusps.E. drain into the right atrium.WRONG ? C23. About the descriptions of the stomach, which statement isA. Greater part of it is in the left hypoch

19、on driac regi onB. Lesser curvature forms its con cave border.C. Pyloric orifice is at left to L1 vertebraD. Cardiac orifice is at left to T11 vertebraE. Pyloric orifice is the ope ning into the duode num.24. The apex of the heart is directedA. dow nwards, forwards and to the left.B. upwards.C. back

20、wards and to the right.D. to the rightE. none of the above directi ons.25. All of the followingstatementsconcerningthe femoral ring arecorrect,EXCEPT EA. The posterior boun dary is pect in eal lig.B. The an terior boun dary is formed by the inguin al ligame nt.C. The lacunar ligament forms its media

21、l boundary.D. The lateral boun dary is formed by the fibrous septum.E. The femoral n erve passes through the femoral ring.本题 8页,本页为第 4 页教务处试题编号:学号:姓名26. The com mon bile ductCA. is formed by the junction of the left and right hepatic ducts.B. lies beh ind the portal vein.C. is formed by the com mon

22、hepatic duct and cystic duct.D. is formed by the junction of hepatic ducts and pan creatic duct.E. has none of the above properties.27. The prostate gla ndCA. lies below the uroge nital diaphragm.B. lies in the uroge nital diaphragm.C. lies below the n eck of the bladder.D. ope ns into the membra no

23、us urethra.E. is situated outside the pelvis.28. The marginal artery is formed by the anastomosis of the following arteries, EA. left and right colic a.B. meddle colic a.C. sigmoid colic a.D. colic branch of the ileocolic a.E. proper hepatic artery.EXCEPTEXCEPT A29. “ M ”shaped structure in the axil

24、la includes following nerves,A. radial n erveB. medial head(root) of media n n erveC. lateral head(root) of media n n erveD. musculocuta neous n erveE. ulnar n erve30. Surgical n eck is on theDA. scapulaB. clavicleC. radiusD. humerusE. scaphoid bone31. Right mai n bron chus has the follow ing featur

25、es,EXCEPTEA. widerB. shorterC. more verticalD. the aspirated material being more likely to enter itE. it pass ing the in ferior to the arch of the aorta32. In the thoracic cavity, the esophagus is closely related to theEA. right sympathetic trunk.B. right main bron chus.C. root of the lung.D. left p

26、hre nic n erve.E. pericardium.本题 8 页,本页为第 5 页 教务处试题编号:学号:姓名33. Which orga n below is an in traperit on eal viscera.BA. kid neyB. jeju numC. uterusD. head of the pan creasE. liver34. The tail of the pan creasBA. lies in the gastrosple nic ligame nt.B. lies in the sple noren al ligame nt.C. lies poste

27、rior to the splee n.D. lies in the lesser ome ntumE. lies in the greater ome ntum35. The superior rectal a. arises fromAA. in ferior mese nteric a.B. superior mese nteric a.C. celiac trunkD. com mon iliac a.E. internal iliac a.36. Numbers of strictures of the ureterCA. 1B. 2C. 3D. 4E. 537. The membr

28、a nous part of the male urethra is located in which of the followi ng structures?CA. bladderB. prostateC. uroge netal diaphragmD. bulb of penisE. gla ns penis38. Posterior urethra of male in cludi ng:BA. Membra ne part and bulbocaver no sus partB. Spheral part and membra ne partC. Prostate part and

29、membra ne partD. Prostate partE. Bulbocaver no sus part39. Which of the follow ing structures absorb X-ray mostly?CA. MuscleB FatC. BoneD. LungE. . Liver本题 8 页,本页为第 6 页 教务处试题编号:姓名学号:40. Normal heart/thorax ratio of the adult BA. 0.45B. 0.5C. 0.55D. 0.60E. 0.40n .Matching questions:To match the follo

30、wingleft structures with the rightstructures with a line, each structure only used one time(15 scores)For example :(1) heat(A) major papilla(2) appe ndicular artery _(B) in the thorax(3) duode num(C) vermiform appe ndixMatch the artery or nerve on the left with the space or canal or fossa on the rig

31、ht. 1B,2A,3C,4D,5E1. Posterior circumflex humeral a.A Trian gular space2. Circumflex scapular a.B Quadra ngular space3. Media n n.C Carpal canal4. Tibial n.DMalleolar can al5. Internal pude ndal a.E Ischioa nal fossaMatch the muscles with their inn ervati ons6I,7F,8J,9G,10H6. Tibialis an teriorF. Ul

32、nar nerve7. Flexor carpi uln arisG. Femoral nerve8. DeltoidH. Sciatic nerve9. Quadriceps femorisI.Deep fibular(per on eal) nerve10 . Biceps femorisJ. Axillary n erveMatch the organsor structures onthe left with the locationsor structureson theright. 11K,12N,13L,14M,15O11 . Lumbar plexusK Deep to the

33、 psoas major12. Brachial plexusL. Root of the n eck13 . Apexes of lungsM . Cubital fossa14. Brachial blood vesselsN. Axilla15. Common fibular n.O. Popliteal fossa皿.Fill in the following blanks:( 1marks for each, 25 marks out of100 )1 . The superior wall of the inguinal canal is formed by arching fib

34、ers. The anterior border of the tria ngle of ductus arteriosus is left phre nic n2. The structures that preve nt blood regurgitati on in the heart contain tricuspid valves, bicuspid valves ,pul monary valves and aortic valves .3. The costaldiaphragmatic recess is formed by the costal pleura and diap

35、hragmatic pleura. It is the lowest part of pleural cavity.4. The rectu m, in male, is adjace nt an teriorly to the fun dus of urinary_bladder,ampulla of ductus defere ns , sem inal vesicle, prostate and rectovesicle pouch本题 8页,本页为第 7 页教务处试题编号:学号:姓名5. The portal venous system com muni cates with the

36、systemic venous system inthe following locations: esophageal venous plexus, (peri)umbilical venous plexus, rectal_ve no us_plexus_a nd Retzius_v.6. In the renal pedical, the important structures are arranged to renal v., renal a.and renal pelvis from anterior to posterior, respectively. The morpholo

37、gical features of the cecum and colon are teniae coli , haustra coli and omental appendages._7. The surface an atomy of the root of appe ndix(Mcbur ney point) is at the jun cti onof the lateral and middle thirds of the line joining the right an terior superior iliac spine and umbilicus.iv. An swer t

38、he followi ng questi ons (20 marks out of 100)1. To describe arterial supplying and the originsof arteries of stomach (5scorse)left gastric artery (0.5)-from celiac trun k(0.5)right gastric artery(0.5) from (proper) hepatic artery(0.5)left gastroome ntal artery(0.5) from sple nic artery(0.5)right ga

39、stroome ntal artery(0.5) from gastroduode nal artery (0.5)short gastric artery(0.5) from sple nic artery (0.5)2. Describ ing the ligame nts of the uterus (the n ames and fun cti ons)(5 scores)? Broad lig.1Function: to preve nt the lateral flexi on 0.5? Round lig.1Function: to keep an tevers ion 0.5?

40、 Tran sverse cervical lig. (Card in al lig.)0.5Function: to preve nt uterus desce nded 0.5Uterosacral lig.0.5Function: an teflexi on 0.53. To describe the positionsof three openingsof the diaphragm andstructures passing through these openings.(5 scors e)1) aortic hiatus at the level of 12th thoracic

41、 vertebra. 0.5aorta,0.5thoracic duct, 0.5azygos vein. 0.52) esophageal hiatus at the level of T100.5esophagus, 0.5bran ches of the left gastric a.a nd v. 0.5vagus 0.53) vena caval forame n at the T80.5in ferior vena cava 0.54. pul monary root(5 scores)Hilum of lung (0.5) is n ear the cen ter of medi

42、asti nal surface of the lung (0.5).The bron chus, (0.5)pul monary a.a nd v.,(0.5)bron chial vessels, (0.5)lymphatic ducts and n erves, (0.5)etc. en ter and emerge the hilum of lung.The structures entering and emerging the hilus of lung are called the root of lung / pulmonary root. (1) The importants

43、tructures in the root are arranged to v., a. andbron chus ,from an terior to poeterior, respectivly.(1)(B 卷) 四川大学期 末 考试试题(开卷,闭卷,半开卷)(2008 . 09 2008. 12 学年第1学期考试时间:2009. 01 )课程号:50134790 课序号:课程名称:人体形态学模块1任课教师:成绩:适用专业年级:07级医学八年制 学生人数:99印题份数115学号:姓名:考试须知四川大学学生参加由学校组织或由学校承办的各级各类考试,必须严格执行四川大学考试工作管理 办法和四川

44、大学考场规则。有考试违纪作弊行为的,一律按照四川大学学生考试违纪作弊处罚 条例进行处理。四川大学各级各类考试的监考人员,必须严格执行四川大学考试工作管理办法、四川大学考场规则和四川大学监考人员职责。有违反学校有关规定的,严格按照四川大学教学事故认定及处理 办法进行处理。This exam in ati on has 100 scores and occupies the 70% in the an atomycourse.FINAL EXAMINATION IN HUMAN ANATOMYFor medical stude nts of 8-years programSCORE: Select

45、io n:Matchi ng:Filli ng:An sweri ng:Total :I. In the follow ing questi ons, select ing the best resp onse,1 point for eachquestion.(40 scores )1. The tail of the pan creas is covered by which of the followi ng structures?CA. sple no colic lig.B. sple nophre nic lig.C. sple noren al lig.D. C-shaped c

46、urve of the duode numE. tran sverse mesoco Ion2. The venous ligame nt of the liver is the remnant of which of the followi ng structures?BA. umbilical veinB. fetal ductus veno susC. ductus arteriosusD. umbilical arteryE. urethra3. The celiac trunk gives offDA. middle hepatic a.B. left hepatic a.C. ri

47、ght hepatic a.D. com mon hepatic a.E. proper hepatic a.注:1试题字迹务必清晰,书写工整。本题共8页,本页为第1页2题间不留空,一般应题卷分开教务处试题编号:3务必用A4纸打印姓名学号:4. The renal papillae empty into which of the following structures?A. renal veinB. ureterC. minor calixD. renal pyramidE. renal colu mn5. The in ferior suprare nal arteries are bra

48、n ches of which of the followi ng arteries?EA. celiac trunkB. superior mese ntericC. in ferior phre nicD. abdo minal aortaE. renal arteries6. The right gastroome ntal artery arises from which of the followi ng arteries?CA. hepatic a.B. sple nic a.C. gastroduode nal a.D. right gastric a.E. celiac tru

49、nk7. The sinu-atrial node is situatedEA. on the right of the opening of the inferior vena cava.B. within the in ter-atrial septum.C. at the ope ning of the coronary sinus.D. at the ope ning of the upper right pul monary vein.E. between SVC and right atrium, deep to the epicardium.8. The stomach con

50、sists ofAA. cardiac part, fundus, body , pyloric partB. greater curvature, lesser curvature, body , pyloricC. greater curvature, lesser curvature, angular notch , bodyD. cardiac part, fundus, greater curvature, lesser curvatureE. greater curvature , lesser curvature, angular notch , pyloric9. The an

51、 atomical left and right lobes of the liver are separated on the diaphragmatic surfaceof the liver by which of the followi ng structures?CA. fissure for the round ligame nt of the liverB. fissure for the ligame ntum veno sumC. falciform ligame ntD. porta hepatisE. lesser ome ntum本题 8 页,本页为第 2 页 教务处试

52、题编号:学号:姓名1O.Which part of the pancreas is located posterior to the superiormesentericvesselsEA. headB. neckC. bodyD. tailthe BE. uncin ate process11. Perit on eum con tributes or structures in clude the all belowexceptA.sple no colic ligame ntB. ligame ntum teresC.greater ome ntum.D.falciform ligame

53、 nt.E.mesoco Ion12. Which of the follow ing structures passes through the saphe nous ope ning?A. Femoral arteryB. Femoral veinC. Femoral nerveD. Obturator nerveE. Great saphe nous vein13. Venous blood from the uterus will eventually drain into theA. internal pude ndal v.B. exter nal iliac v.C. i nte

54、rnal iliac v.D. superior mese nteric v.E. in ferior mese nteric v.14. About the great saphe nous v, which of the follow ing is correctDA. it has no bran ches before it pierce ing the saphe nous ope ningB. . it has no venous valves.C. it drains into the external iliac v.D. it drains into the femoral

55、v.E. it is the deep vein.15. About femoral n., which of the followi ng is correct?BA. It lies in the femoral can al.B. It passes through deep to the inguin al lig.C. It passes through an terior to the midpo int of inguin al lig.D. It is always accompa nied by the femoral a. and v. at thigh.E. It gives rise to tibial n.16. When the surgical n eck of the humerus gets a fracture, which structure is easy to be hurted? EA. Thoracodorsal nerveD. Musculocuta neous n erveB. Long thoracic nerveE. Axillary nerveC. Radial n erve本题 8 页,本页为第 3 页教务处试题编号:学号:姓名17. Which one is correct about h


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