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1、School of Foreign Languages School of Foreign Languages Origin and Growth of Marine Transportation lOriginated in Europe in the 14th century. lEarliest global insurance organization: The Lloyds(劳合社) in London in 1871. lChinas marine insurance was made by PICC in 1949. The Main Insurance Company for

2、Marine Transport Insurance in China: Companies: Parties Involved 投保人投保人 insured 即受益人即受益人 (FOB/CFR: seller,CIF: Seller-buyer) 承保人承保人 insurer/underwriter 即保险公司即保险公司 保额保额 insured amount/value 即可获赔偿金额。即可获赔偿金额。 保费保费 insurance premium 投保开销投保开销 保险合同保险合同 insurance policy 保险标的保险标的 subject of insurance School

3、 of Foreign Languages Agenda Fundamental Principles of Cargo Insurance The Insurable Interest Principle 可保利益原则 The Utmost Good Faith Principle 最大诚信原则 The Indemnity Principle 赔偿原则 The Proximate Cause Principle 近因原则 The Subrogation Principle 代位求偿原则 The Share Principle 分担原则 School of Foreign Languages

4、1. Perils 2. Losses 3. Expenses sustained School of Foreign Languages 1. Perils 风险风险 n Refer to risks which occur at sea, or at the place where the ocean and land, or the ocean and the inland river, or the ocean and the lighter (驳船) are connected. General perils of the sea Extraneous risks School of

5、 Foreign Languages General perils of the sea海上风险海上风险 a) Natural Calamities b) Fortuitous Accidents School of Foreign Languages a) Natural Calamities自然灾害自然灾害 Are caused by the forces resulting from the changes of nature, e.g., vile weather (恶劣天气), thunder (雷), lightning (闪电), tsunami (海啸), earthquake

6、, flood, etc. School of Foreign Languages b) Fortuitous Accidents 意外灾害意外灾害 Include accidents resulting from unexpected causes, the carrying conveyance being grounded (搁浅), stranded (触礁), or in collision with floating ice (和漂冰相撞) or other objects, as well as fire or explosion. a) General Extraneous R

7、isks:一般外来风险一般外来风险 include theft, fresh or rain water damage, shortage, leakage(渗漏), breakage, sweating and heating(受潮受热), intermixture and contamination (玷污), odour (串味), hook damage, breakage of packing, rusting (锈损), etc. b) Special Extraneous Risks: 特殊外来风险特殊外来风险 such as War, Strikes, Failure to D

8、eliver, etc. School of Foreign Languages 风险风险 Perils 海上风险海上风险 General Perils of the sea 自然灾害自然灾害 Natural calamities 意外事故意外事故 Fortuitous accidents 外来风险外来风险 Extraneous risks 一般外来风险一般外来风险 General extraneous risks 特殊外来风险特殊外来风险 Special extraneous risks School of Foreign Languages 2. Ocean Losses 海上损失海上损失

9、, 简称海损简称海损 n Refer to the direct or indirect losses of the insured subject matter during the voyage owing to the perils of the sea. Total loss Partial loss a) Actual Total Loss (实际全损实际全损) b) Constructive Total Loss (推定全损推定全损): Although the cargo is not totally lost, however the actual total loss of

10、cargo is inevitable or the cost of salvage (抢救) or recovery (恢复) could have exceeded the anticipated amount of profit or actual value of the cargo. Practices: Actual or constructive total Loss? 1.载货船舶沉入深海无法打捞 2.标的受损后修复费用超过修复后的价值 3.茶叶经水浸泡失去原有价值 4.标的受损后整理和继续运到目的地的价值将超过货物 到达目的地的价值 5.水泥受海水浸泡后变硬 6.施救费用超过

11、获救后标的价值 7.战时货物被敌对国俘获作为战利品分发殆尽 8.船舶失踪、沉没 Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Constructive Constructive Constructive 构成全损的情况 n我国海商法第245条规定,实际全损有四种 表现形式: (1)保险标的的实体损毁和不复存在。 (2)保险标的完全失去原有形体、效用,即丧 失原有的商业价值和使用价值。 (3)保险标的不能再归被保险人所有。 (4)船舶失踪。 构成推定全损的情况(辅) (1)保险货物受损后,修理费用估计要超过货物修复后的 价值。 (2)保险货物受损后,整理和继续运到目的地的

12、费用,将 超过货物到达目的地的价值。 (3)保险货物的实际全损已经无法避免,或者为了避免实 际全损需要施救等所花费用,将超过获救后的标的价值。 (4)保险标的遭受保险责任范围内的事故,使被保险人失 去标的所有权,而收回这一所有权,其所需费用将超过收 回后的标的价值。 School of Foreign Languages a) General Average (共同海损) b) Particular Average (单独海损) School of Foreign Languages b) Particular Average (单独海损单独海损) Means that a cargo is

13、damaged by any cause and the degree of damage does not reach a total loss, i.e., only a partial loss. Shall be borne by the individual owner of this consignment. 指保险标的在海上遭受“承保范围内的风险承保范围内的风险” 所造成的部分灭失或损害,即指除共同海损以外 的部分损失。 School of Foreign Languages a) General Average (共同海损共同海损) Refers to part of the

14、cargo or vessel has to be sacrificed for the purpose of saving the ship and its cargo in face of a danger. Conditions to form upon School of Foreign Languages 海上损失海上损失 Ocean Losses 全部损失全部损失 Total Loss 实际全损实际全损 Actual Total Loss 推定全损推定全损 Constructive Total Loss 部分损失部分损失 Partial Loss 共同海损共同海损 General

15、Average 单独海损单独海损 Particular Average School of Foreign Languages a) Sue and labor charges 施救费用 包括被保险人极其代理人、雇佣人员和受让人 所支出的费用 b)Salvage charges 救助费用 Made by the third party 如其他船舶 n有一货轮在航行中与流冰相撞。船身一侧裂口,海 水涌进,舱内部分货物遭浸泡,船长不得不将船就 近驶上浅滩,进行排水,修补裂口。尔后为了起浮 又将部分笨重货物抛入海中。请问这一连串的损失 都是单独海损吗? n分析:不全是单独海损。在上述损失中只有船体撞

16、 裂和部分货物遭浸泡属于单独海损,将船只驶上浅 滩以及而产生的一系列损失均属共同海损。 1) “General” or “Particular” Average ? Practices: n一货轮装运棉布,航程中起火,甲舱一货主的棉布 被全部烧毁,乙舱并未着火,船长认为已着火,命 灌水施救,结果棉布发生严重水渍。请问,甲舱、 乙舱的损失各为何种性质的海损,为什么? n分析:按照海损性质,并参照保险业务的习惯,甲 舱棉布全部烧毁,属实际全损实际全损。 n乙舱棉布未着火,无单独海损可言,该棉布严重水 渍,并非确有危及船货共同安全的危险存在(并未 着火),船长命灌水施救的行为并不是合理的,而 属船长

17、判断错误造成,因此该项损失不属共同海损不属共同海损 ,该项损失只能由船方负责。 2) Total loss? Partial Loss? GA or PA? n货轮在海上航行时,某舱发生火灾,船长命 令灌水施救,扑灭大火后,发现纸张已烧毁 一部分,未烧毁的部分,因灌水后无法使用 ,只能作为纸浆处理,损失原价值的80%。 另有印花棉布没有烧毁但水渍损失,其水渍 损失使该布降价出售,损失该货价值的20% 。 n请问纸张损失的80%,棉布损失20%,都是 部分损失吗?为什么? 2) Partial loss or total loss? 2) Partial loss or total loss?

18、(续续) n分析:根据保险公司的规定,第一 种情况,即纸张的损失80%,应属 于实际全损;第二种情况下,印花 棉布的损失20%,则属于部分损失 。 3) Which kind of loss it is? n如有一台价值10万美元的精密仪器,在海运 途中损害,经专家检测,若要修理,修理费 用达11万美元,若把其零件拆下,可卖到2万 美元。请问此机器的损坏属于哪种损失? 属于推定全损(Constructive Total Loss), 即可向保险公司申请赔偿。保险公司核定事 故在保险承保范围内,给予全损的赔偿,同 时保险公司取得该仪器的所有权。 nIntroduction China Insur

19、ance Clauses 中国保险条款中国保险条款 Institute Cargo Clauses (ICC) (英国保险协会)协会货物条款(英国保险协会)协会货物条款 School of Foreign Languages * 现行的CIC是由PICC于1982年 制订的,包括海、陆、空和邮包 运输四部分。 英国伦敦保险协会制定的英国伦敦保险协会制定的ICC条款影响较大,涉条款影响较大,涉 及许多国家的保险业务。最早制订于及许多国家的保险业务。最早制订于1912年。年。 PICC Ocean Marine Cargo Clauses PICC海洋运输货物保险条款海洋运输货物保险条款 目前,我

20、国通常采用中国人民保险公司目前,我国通常采用中国人民保险公司1981年年1 月月1日生效的货物运输保险条款为依据。但有时国日生效的货物运输保险条款为依据。但有时国 外客户要求按照英国伦敦保险业协会货物保险条外客户要求按照英国伦敦保险业协会货物保险条 款(款(ICC Clause)为准,我方也可以通融接受。为准,我方也可以通融接受。 School of Foreign Languages PICC Ocean Marine Cargo Clauses PICC海洋运输货物保险条款海洋运输货物保险条款 School of Foreign Languages PICC Ocean Marine Ca

21、rgo Clauses PICC海洋运输货物保险条款海洋运输货物保险条款 1. Scope of cover 险别 2. Commencement and Termination of Cover 保险责任起讫 School of Foreign Languages PICC Ocean Marine Cargo Clauses PICC海洋运输货物保险条款海洋运输货物保险条款 School of Foreign Languages PICC Ocean Marine Cargo Clauses PICC海洋运输货物保险条款海洋运输货物保险条款 n Also called main insur

22、ance which may be underwritten independently. a) Free from Particular Average (F.P.A.) b) With Particular Average (W.P.A. or W.A.) c) All Risks a) Free from Particular Average (F.P.A.)平安险平安险 Total loss or constructive total loss of the whole consignment hereby insured caused in the course of transit

23、 by natural calamities, such as vile weather, thunder etc. 在运输过程中,由于自然灾害造成被保险货物的实际全 损或推定全损 Total or partial loss caused by fortuitous accidents, such as the carrying vessel being grounded, stranded, sunk, etc. 由于运输工具遭遇搁浅、触礁、沉没、互撞与流冰或 其他物体碰撞以及失火、爆炸等意外事故造成被保险 货物的全部或部分损失。 School of Foreign Languages Pa

24、rtial loss caused by vile weather, lightning and/or Tsunami, etc. where the conveyance has been grounded, stranded, sunk or burnt, irrespective of whether the event or events take place before or after such accidents. 只要运输工具曾经发生搁浅、触礁、沉没、焚毁等意外事故, 不论这意外事故发生之前或者以后曾在海上遭遇恶劣气候、 雷电、海啸等自然灾害造成的被保险货物的部分损失。部分损

25、失。 Total or partial loss consequent on falling of entire package or packages into sea during the process of loading, unloading or transshipment. 在装卸转船过程中,被保险货物一件或数件、整件落海 所造成的全部损失或部分损失。 a) Free from Particular Average (F.P.A.)平安险平安险 a) Free from Particular Average (F.P.A.)平安险平安险 Reasonable expenses t

26、he insured makes for the salvage of the goods insured, and for averting or minimizing the losses, provided the expenses do not exceed the insured amount. 被保险人对遭受承保责任内危险的货物采取抢救、防 止或减少货损的措施而支付的合理费用,但以不超过该批被救 货物的保险金额为限。 Expenses incurred by discharge of the insured cargoes at a port of distress followi

27、ng a sea peril as well as special charges arising from loading, warehousing at an intermediate port of call or refuge. 运输工具遭遇海难后, 需要在中途的港口或避难港口停靠,因而引起的卸货、装货、 存仓及运送货物所产生的特别费用。 Sacrifice in and contribution to general average, and salvage charges. 发生共同海损所引起的牺牲、分摊和救助费用。 Such proportion of losses sustai

28、ned by the ship- owners as is to be reimbursed by the cargo owner under the contract of Affreightment “Both to blame collision” clause. 运输契约订有“船舶互撞责任”条款,按该条款规定应由货 方偿还船方的损失。 a) Free from Particular Average (F.P.A.)平安险平安险 平安险承保责任范围的特点较为明显的体现在前三项责任 上,可以归结如下: 平安险负责赔偿被保险货物由于海上自然灾害所造成的全 部损失,由于海上意外事故所造成的全部

29、损失或部分损失,在 海上意外事故发生前后,由于自然灾害所造成的部分损失。 思考:思考: “平安险平安险”( Free from Particular Average),原意为),原意为 “单独海损不赔单独海损不赔”。 若将英文直接译为若将英文直接译为“ 单独海损不赔单独海损不赔”名符其实么?名符其实么? School of Foreign Languages b) With Particular Average (W.P.A. or W.A.)水渍险 It covers partial loss due to vile weather, lightning, tsunami, earthqua

30、ke and/or flood as well as the risks covered under F.P.A. condition as mentioned above. 水渍险的责任范围除了包括上列“平安险” 的各项责任外,还负责被保险货物由于恶劣 气候、雷电、海啸、地震、洪水等自然灾害 所造成的部分损失。 n 水渍险负责赔偿被保险货物由于海上自然水渍险负责赔偿被保险货物由于海上自然 灾害所造成的全部或部分损失,由于海上灾害所造成的全部或部分损失,由于海上 意外事故所造成的全部损失或部分损失。意外事故所造成的全部损失或部分损失。 “水渍险水渍险”(With Particular Aver

31、age)英文原意为)英文原意为“负负 单独海损责任单独海损责任”,这是什么意思?,这是什么意思? 为何为何“平安险平安险”与与“水渍险水渍险”要在海上自然风险灾害所要在海上自然风险灾害所 造成的部分损失上面进行区分?造成的部分损失上面进行区分? b) With Particular Average (W.P.A. or W.A.)水渍险 School of Foreign Languages c) All Risks 一切险一切险 Aside from the risks covered under the F.P.A. and W.A. conditions as above, this i

32、nsurance also covers all risks of losses or damage to the insured goods whether partial or total, arising from “general external causes” in the course of transit. 一切险的承保范围,除平安 险和水渍险的各项责任外,还负责被保货物在运 输途中由于一般外来原因所造成的全部或部分损 失。 水渍险一般外来风险所致损失水渍险一般外来风险所致损失 School of Foreign Languages Theft, Pilferage and N

33、on-delivery, (T.P.N.D)偷窃,提货不着险 Fresh Water and/or Rain Damage 淡水雨淋险 Risk of Shortage in Weight 短量险 Risk of Leakage 渗漏险 Risk of Intermixture and Contamination 混杂、沾污险 Risk of clash 6月初货物装妥顺利开航。载货船舶于6月 13日在海上遇到暴风雨,致使一部分货物受到 水渍,损失价值为2100美元。数日后,该轮 又突然触礁,致使该批货物又遭到部分损失, 价值为8000美元。保险公司对该批货所受的 两项损失都应该予以赔偿么?

34、n解释:根据中国人民保险公司海运货物保险条款 平安险的责任范围第二条和第三条的规定,触礁 受损的8 000美元,是运输工具遇到意外事故造成的 部分损失,保险公司负责赔偿。 n遇暴风雨受损的2100美元,是在运输过程中由 于自然灾害造成的部分损失,又由于该货物是在触 礁意外事故发生之前造成的,所以保险公司对2100 美元亦负责赔偿。因此,保险公司对该批货物的上 述两项损失都负责赔偿。 n例3:有批玻璃制品出口,由甲乙两轮分 别载运,货主投保了平安险,甲轮在航 行途中与他船发生碰撞事故,玻璃制品 因此而发生部分损失,而乙轮却在航途 中遇到暴风雨天气而使玻璃制品相互撞 而发生部分损失,事后,货主向保

35、险人 提出索赔. n在第一种情况下,由于造成玻璃制品部分损失 的原因是船舶在航行途中与他船相撞,这一碰 撞意外事故导致的部分损失属于平安险的承保 责任范围,保险人应当赔偿应当赔偿货主; n而在第二种情况下,由于造成玻璃制品部分损 失的原因不是船舶发生意外事故而是暴风雨袭 击船舶,使之颠簸的结果,而暴风雨属于自然 灾害,由自然灾害造成的部分损失不属平安险 的承保范围,故而保险人也就无须承担无须承担赔偿责 任。 n Institute Cargo Clauses (ICC) 协会货物条款协会货物条款 由英国伦敦保险协会制定 ,1912 现行ICC1982版 n Institute Cargo Cl

36、auses (ICC) 协会货物条款协会货物条款 Institute Cargo Clause A ICC(A) Institute Cargo Clause B ICC(B) Institute Cargo Clause CICC(C) Institute War Clause-Cargo (IWCC) Institute Strikes Clause-Cargo (ISCC) Malicious Damage Clause 恶意损害险 n Summary n以上六种保险条款中,前三种,即以上六种保险条款中,前三种,即A、B、C是是 主险,战争险条款、罢工险条款和恶意损害险主险,战争险条款、

37、罢工险条款和恶意损害险 条款为附加险。前五种可以单独投保,第六种条款为附加险。前五种可以单独投保,第六种 不能单独投保。不能单独投保。 n三种主险中,三种主险中,ICC(A)的承保范围最大,其承的承保范围最大,其承 保风险类似我国的一切险;保风险类似我国的一切险;ICC(B)类似我国类似我国 的水渍险;的水渍险;ICC(C)的承保范围最小,类似我的承保范围最小,类似我 国的平安险,但比平安险的责任要小一些。国的平安险,但比平安险的责任要小一些。 School of Foreign Languages Institute Cargo Clause A ICC(A) 协会货物条款协会货物条款A M

38、ethod: “all risks except exclusions” 协会货物条款协会货物条款A责任范围最广,采用承保“除外 责任”之外的一切风险的概括式规定办法。 School of Foreign Languages Institute Cargo Clause B ICC(B) 协会货物条款协会货物条款B List all risks that covered Exclusions are those mentioned in clause A ICC (A)险讲海盗险列入保险范围,而ICC (B)则 对海盗行为不负赔偿责任。 School of Foreign Languages

39、Institute Cargo Clause B ICC(B) 协会货物条款协会货物条款B 1. Fire, explosion 2. Ship or lighter colliding with rocks (触礁), running aground (搁浅), sunk or capsized (倾 覆) 3. Conveyance overturned(倾覆)or derailed(出轨) 4. Ship, lighter or other conveyance colliding with any external object excluding water School of Fo

40、reign Languages Institute Cargo Clause B ICC(B) 协会货物条款协会货物条款B 5. Loss or damage due to unloading at the port of refuge (避难港) 6. Loss of damage due to earthquake, eruption of volcano(火山爆发), lightning or thunder 7. Sacrifice in general average 8. Loss of the subject matter due to jettison (抛 货)and was

41、hing overboard School of Foreign Languages Institute Cargo Clause B ICC(B) 协会货物条款协会货物条款B 9. Loss of the subject matter due to being plunged into water by waves (浪击落海) 10.Loss of the subject matter insured due to water entering the ship, lighter, conveyance, container or storage place 11.Total loss c

42、aused by falling of the entire package or packages into sea during the processes of loading and unloading. School of Foreign Languages Institute Cargo Clause C ICC(C) 协会货物条款协会货物条款C n Only covers “major casualties”(重大意外事故) n 不承保“自然灾害及非重大意外事故” School of International Economics 1.Choosing Insurance Cov

43、erage 2.Determining insurance Amount and Calculating Insurance Premium 3.To obtain an Insurance Document To lodge a claim 4. Insurance Clauses in the Contract formalities for Claim 索赔程序 School of Foreign Languages 1. Choosing Insurance Coverage Quality and characteristic of the goods Conveyance and

44、line Changes of international political and economic situations Regularity of damage Package conditions of the cargo School of Foreign Languages 2. Determining insurance Amount and Calculating Insurance Premium u The insurance amount(保额保额) is the highest compensation amount undertaken by the insurer

45、, and it is also the foundation for calculating the insurance premium. u The insurance amount may be marked up by a certain percentage on the basis of the CIF value. School of Foreign Languages n The Formula of Insurance Amount under CIF Terms: n Insurance amount = CIF price x (1+ markup percentage)

46、 Markup percentage(保险加成率)(保险加成率) usu. 10% of the CIF value School of Foreign Languages n The insurance premium (保险费), referring to the sum of money paid by the insured, is the basic proceeds (收益) earned by the insurer. School of International Economics n The Formula for Calculating the Premium under

47、 CIF Terms: n Premium = CIF price x (1+ markup percentage) x premium rate 计算题计算题1: 设我方以设我方以50美元美元/袋袋CIF新加坡出口某种新加坡出口某种 商品商品1000袋,货物出口前,由我方向中国袋,货物出口前,由我方向中国 人民保险公司投保水渍险、串味险及淡水人民保险公司投保水渍险、串味险及淡水 雨淋险,水渍险、串味险及淡水雨淋险的雨淋险,水渍险、串味险及淡水雨淋险的 保险费率分别为保险费率分别为0.6% 、0.2%和和0.3%, 按发票金额按发票金额110投保,问:该批货物的投保,问:该批货物的 投保金额和保险费各是多少?投保金额和保险费各是多少? 解:解: 投保金额投保金额 CIF总值总值110 501000110 55000(美元)(美元) 保险费投保金额保险费率保险费投保金额保险费率 55000(0.6%+0.2%+0.3%) 550001.1% 605(美元)(美元) 答:该批货物的投保金额是答:该批货物的投保金额是55000美元,保险费是美元,保险费是605美元。美元。 School of Foreign Languages 3. To obt


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