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1、2 0 1 1 年 MBA 词 汇 练习 2 0 0 题 附 答 案精品资料2010年MBA词汇练习200题(附答案)仅供学习与交流,如有侵权请联系网站删除 谢谢-9 -1. Be ing both spoilt and lazy heevery one else for his lack of success.A)accusedB) chargedC)criticized D)blamed2. They are consideringbefore the prices go up.A)of buying the house B)with buying the house C)bu ying

2、the house D)to buy the house3. Moneyas it goes from pers on to pers on.A)spreads B)scattersC)circulates D)distributes4. The old woman s ndocbr neighbor is veryto her: when she is sick in bed, he alwaystakes care of her.A)cautiousB)c on siderateC)concerned D)careful5. These areas rely on agriculture

3、almost, hav ing few min eral resources and a mi nimum ofin dustrial developme nt.A)respectively B)extraord in arily C)i ncredibly D)exclusively6.She is soabout cats that she brings home every stra走失者 )she fin ds.A)greedy B)crazyC)kee nD)fo nd7. U niess the workers dema nds aresoon there will be a st

4、rike.A)give nB)metC)permitted D)replied8. The room was so quiet that she could hear theof her heart.A)bump ingB)beati ngC)tapp ingD)knocking9. The winning team loudlyits victory.A)grasped B)grippedC)claimedD)exclaimed10. We could t cut the stri ng because theof the knife was not sharp eno ugh.A)edge

5、 B)sideC)marginD)fro nt11. With all its advantages, the computer is by no means without its.A)bo un dariesB)restrai nsC)co nfin eme ntsD)limitatio ns12. Most livi ng creatures now on the earth are product of 2,000,000,000 years of.A)developme ntB)evoluti on C)revolutio nD)repetiti on13. Ma ny Europe

6、ansthe con ti nent of Africa in the 19th cen tury.A)explodedB)exposed C)exploredD)expa nded14. There was aof laughter, followed by loud cheers.A)streamB)splitC)burstD)blast15. Ca n you direct me to the n earest garage? One of my types is.A)compressed B)depressed C)airless D)flat16. Far from being ro

7、ugh whe n he played with smaller childre n, he was surprisinglyA)carefulB)ge ntleC)sweetD)patie nt17.lt is mywish that you use this money to further your research.A)i nten siveB)earnestC)ge nerousD)vol un tary18.The equator赤道 )is a( n)circle around the earth.A)creativeB)falseC)imag inary D)artificia

8、l19.She s a very selfish person who doesn t show muclers.for othA)respectB)resp on sibilityC)con siderati onD)con scie nee20. We advised them to take a rest, but theyto finishing the work.A)persistedB)ma in tai ned C)dema nded D)i nsisted21. The fine quality of the clothits high cost.A)chargesB)deba

9、tesC)justifies D)specifies22. Before the stude nts set off, they spe nt much time setti ng a limitthe expe nses of the trip.A)toB)aboutC)inD)for23. New laws to con trol rising prices have rece ntly come into.A)powerB)forceC)efficie ncyD)work24. When we finallyto get home after the tiring long journe

10、y, we could hardly move astep further.A)triedB)succeededC)ma nagedD)en deavoured25. After theof the soup, fish was served.A)reviewB)retur nC)replaceme ntD)removal26. Whe n I took his temperature. It was two degrees above.A)average B)ord inary C)regularD)no rmal27. Rece ntly there has bee n a greatfo

11、r small cars that use little petrol.A)claimB)applicati on C)requestD)dema nd28. When Lucy went out. I didn twhether she had an umbrella or not.A)n oticeB)gla neeC)watchD)ide ntify29. Thoughrich, he was better off tha n at any other period in his life.A)by any means B)by some means C)by all means D)b

12、y no means30.If youin taking this attitude, we ll have to ask you to leave.A)persist B)i nsistC)resistD)pursue31. The gover nment has a very badbecause it continues with pla ns that n obody likes.A)appeara nee B)imageC)figureD)character32. The preside nt fulfilled his electionto reduce taxes.A)pledg

13、eB)obligati onC)resolve D)guara ntee33.I saw agood film on TV last ni ght.A)lovelyB)ha ndsomeC)prettyD)nice34. His poor sta ndard of play fully justifies his from the team for the match n ext Sun day.A)rejectio n B)exclusi onC)excepti onD)elim in atio n35. Dark glasses are sometimes worn tothe eyes

14、from stro ng sun light.A)careB)preve ntC)reserve D)protect36. The climberstheir greatest ambiti on by reach ing the summit of the mou ntain.A)obta inedB)susta inedC)reta inedD)realized37. Writi ng is a slow process, requiringthought, time ,and effort.A)sig ni fica ntB)c on siderableC)eno rmousD)nu m

15、erous38.Sometimes Ruth gets impatie nt with her childre n, butshe has a very good temper.A)as usual B)as yetC)as a result D)as a rule39.A n almostline of traffic was movi ng at a sn ail 虫蜗牛)pace through the tow n.A)c on ti nu ousB)con ti nualC)con sta ntD)successive4O.ln the end , aof six men and si

16、x wome n deliberated four days and found him guilty ofmurder.A)pa nelB)juryC)courtD)legislati on41. Every time he tried to start the car, the wheelsdeeper into the mud.A)stayed B)absorbed C)submergedD)sa nk42. Although I spoke to him many times, he never took anyof what I said.A)no tice B)atte nti o

17、nC)warni ngD)observati on43. There is a veryrule forbidd ing smok ing in bed.A)hardB)severeC)stro ngD)strict44. At the cli nic my brother had his injury.A)cured B)healedC)treatedD)relieved45.Shealong the path, glad to be able to take her time.A)hurried B)marched C)progressedD)wa ndered46.ln the dist

18、a nee, they heard the church clockmidni ght.A)ri ngB)sou ndC)strikeD)k nock47. He drove fast and arrived an hour schedule.A)in adva nee ofB)i n front ofC)i n excess ofD)ahead ofD)sacrificed rather lie on theA)coast B)beachC)bankD)ra nk48. The damaged ship was at theof the waves.A)mercy B)expe nseC)c

19、ost49.I don t want to go into the sea. I50.Aof cold air swept through the hut.A)bloom B)bladeC)blastD)bubble51.ln gen eral, matters which lie en tirely within state borders are theconcern of stategover nmen ts.A)exte nsive B)excludi ngC)excessive D)exclusive52.lt s a pity that he is blin_his own fau

20、lt.A)atB)withC)byD)to53.I was offen ded by hisremarks.A)braveB)boldC)appare nt D)ashamed54. As he braked one of the tyres.A)cracked B)brokeC)crushed D)burst55. After the divorce, sheherself in her work.A)e nclosedB)c on cealedC)devoted D)buried56. There is acon trast betwee n the luxury hotels and t

21、he ghetto贫(民窟)just a block away.精品资料A)striki ng B)radicalC)dyn amicD)do minant57. Bill doesn twhat people say about him.A)c oncern B)careC)bother D)disturb58. A nyone whoin an exam in ati on is a thief as he is steali ng marks that he has not earned.A)deceives B)cheatsC)tricks D)plots59.I what her n

22、ame is; I m sure I know her face.A)rememberB)w on derC)guess D)suppose6O.Come and sit by the fire; you lookto the bone.A)cooled B)chokedC)chilled D)compressed61.In the book the author gives a vivid and detailed description of various interesting experie nces which those travelers had duri ng theirtr

23、ip of the coun try.A)circularB)e nclos ingC)surro undingD)circle62. He oftenabout his expe nsive car.A)praises B)showsC)boasts D)prides63. The man in the cornerto having told a lie to the manager of the company.A)decli ned B)refusedC)admitted D)con fessed64. The progress of the work was affected byi

24、n terrupti ons.A)c on ti nualB)c ontinu ousC)last ing D)perma nent65. The baseme nt smelledafter being closed for such a long time.A)humidB)dampC)wet D)moist66. The secret age nt con cealed her real missi on, therefore many local people wereintothinking that she was a good pers on.A)persuadedB)cheat

25、edC)deceivedD)convin ced67. Both nationspeace, but n either would accept compromise.A)a nticipatedB)expected C)desiredD)hoped仅供学习与交流,如有侵权请联系网站删除 谢谢-7 -精品资料68. At the meeti ng, Rola nd arguedin favor of the proposal.A)severely B)heavily C)forcefully D)warmly69. There were beautiful clothesin the shop

26、 win dows.A)spread B)displayed C)exposed D)showed70. Judy does notfor peter n early eno ugh to think of marrying him.A)loveB)careC)desire D)like71. He was curious andto ope n the box to see what is in side.A)earnest B)en thusiastic C)eager D)acute72. try the medicine if you think it will do you any

27、good.A)By accide ntB)By cha nee C)By farD)By all mea ns73. You are old eno ugh toyour own liv ing.A)winB)ga inC)earnD)ma in ta in74. The Roberts are very rich and they are theof the n eighborhood.A)hatred B)respectC)mystery D)envy75. We canthe possibility of total loss from our calculatio ns.A)exclu

28、deB)preve ntC)excuse D)discard76.Our mengreat bravery in the battle.A)exhibited B)exposed C)expressed D)experie need77.I d grownof the place and it was difficult to leave.A)c on siderateB)accustomed C)attachedD)fo nd78. Mary was so disappo in ted that sheinto tears.A)fellB)broke C)burst D)rushed79.

29、The gunmanthe pilot of the pla ne to cha nge direct ion.A)obliged B)madeC) con trolled D)forced8O.The cost of the material isin the bill for the work.A)i nclud ingB)en closedC)i ncludedD)i nvo Ived81.I have posted my applicationfor a driv ing lice nse.A)listB)formC)request D)report82. The West is tr

30、aditi on ally the land of the pion eers and the cowboys牛 仔),wherecouldbe easily made in cattle or land.A)fort unesB)propertyC)opport un itiesD)treasure83. You have nothing toby refus ing to liste n to our advice.A)seize B)graspC)ga inD)earn84. The pearl necklace珍珠项链)is definitely not, but just a ver

31、y good imitation.A)realB)factualC)ge nuineD)true85. The childre n hid in thetree.A)vaca ntB)empty C)hollow D)bare86. These figures are not con sistentthe results obta ined in previous experime nts.A)toB)withC)forD)i n87. The attack was the latest in a series of borderin the area.A)i ncide ntsB)accid

32、e ntsC)eve ntsD)occurre nces88. The cha nging image of the family on televisio n providesinto cha nging attitudestoward the family in society.A)i nsights B)prese ntati onsC)assumpti ons D)con cessi ons89.lt is ourpolicy that we will achieve un ity through peaceful means.A)c on siste nt B)con ti nu o

33、usC)con siderate D)continual90. His latest piece of work wasby a song he heard on the radio.A)released B)assessedC)i nspiredD)composed91. He overtook the other runners on the last.A)lapB)la neC)course D)track92.Some people enjoy training; for others it is only ato an end.A)mea nsB)methodC)wayD)tool9

34、3.There is a hole in my shirt. Can youit?A)restoreB)repairC)reformD)me nd94.I am going to do all can dothat un pleasa nt impressi on you have of me.A)remove B)moveC)shiftD)tra nsfer95. The ki ng had noon any disloyal subjects臣 民)A)mercy B)sympathyC)allowa neeD)forgive ness96. The joys of travel, hav

35、ing longthe disabled有残疾的),are opening up to virtuallyanyone who has the means.A)omitted B)missedC)n eglectedD)discarded97. The possessi on of Ian guage en ables man tohis wisdom and experie nee to his childre nand gran dchildre n.A)pass away B)pass offC)pass by D)pass on98.I must have this watch rep

36、aired; itover twenty mi nu tes a day.A)i ncreasesB)progresses C)acceleratesD)ga ins99. One of the waterhas burst and the kitche n is full of water.A)tubes B)pipesC)tunn elsD)cha nn els100. He was stopped by a policema n whohis n ame and address.A)claimed B)requestedC)required D)dema nded仅供学习与交流,如有侵权

37、请联系网站删除 谢谢-26 -词汇100题练习二答案I- 5 DDCBDII- 15 DBBCD21-25 CABCD31-35 BACBD41-45 DADCD51-55 DDBDD61-65 ACDAB71-75 CDCDA81-85 BACCC91-95 AADAA6-10 BBBDA16-20 BBCCD26-30 DDADA36-40 DBDAB46-50 CDABC56-60 ABBBC66-70 CCCBB76-80 ADCDC86-90 BAAAC96-100 CDDBD1.AII the information we have collected in relation to

38、 that casevery little.A)makes up for B)adds up to C)cones up to D)puts up with2.She was complai ning that the doctor wastoo much for the treatme nt he was givi ng her.A)expe ndingB)charg ingC)costi ngD)offeri ng3.Most people who travel in the course of their work are give n travelling.A)i ncomeB)all

39、owa nces C)wages D)pay4.She chose cushi ons of a colour which wouldher carpet.A)imitate B)fit C)mate D)match5.Makingfor bad weather and for my own laz in ess, I thi nk that the job will be fini shedbefore the end of the year.A)allowa nces B)margi ns C)budgets D)con siderati ons6.I was busypla ns for

40、 the new course.A)sett ing out B)gett ing upC)lay ing dow n D)draw ing up7.She poin ted out that her wagesno relati on to the amount of work she did.A)held B)yielded C)offered D)bore8. Why this otherwise excelle nt n ewspaper allows such an article to be prin ted isme.A)without B)outside C)besideD)b

41、eyo nd9. We hadn t arranged an appointment. Henry and I met on the street.A)by mistake B)by cha nee C)by the way D)by n ature10. He waswith robbery.A)chargedB)accused C)arrestedD)impris oned11. He looked for a table to sit down at, but they were all.A)served B)resorted C)reserved D)preserved12.lt is

42、 very difficult for us toall the debts in such a short period of time.A)accumulate B)gather C)collect D)assemble13. Atte ndan ces at football matches havesince the coming of televisi on.A)dropped in B)dropped dow n C)dropped off D)dropped out14. The Preside nt is visit ing New Yorkthe trade talks.A)

43、i n con trast with B)i n connection with C)i n con seque nee of D)i n accorda nee with15. Thelawyer made a great impressi on on the jury.A)protect ing B)guardi ngC)defe ndingD)shieldi ng16. The old couple in vited many guests to a grand dinner totheir silver weddi nganni versary.A)welcome B)c on gra

44、tulate C)exclaim D)celebrate17. They travelled to Spa in by the mostroute.A)easy B)direct C)straight D)unique18. What he said just now had little to do with the questiondiscussion.A)on B)in C)u nder D)at19. He said that very clearly so that n obody was in anyabout what was meant.A)doubtB)w on derC)q

45、uesti onD)con siderati on20. The headmaster had bee n trying for years tomoney for a new scie nee block.A)ariseB)raise C)lift D)arouse21. Theirgrew Ion ger as the after noon went on.A)shadows B)shades C)shapes D)shallows22. Before he left for his vacatio n he went to the bank tosome mon ey.A)pull B)

46、pick C)gain D)draw23. Hehis childhood memories for the material of most of his stories.A)turns on B)works on C)draws on D)tries on24. He saw the pla ne crash in to the sea whe n its engines.A)failed B)faded C)fai nted D)fired25.lt is hot in the day-time but the temperaturesharply at ni ght.A)decreas

47、es B)dropsC)desce ndsD)reduces26. Y oung as he was, he was inof a large nu mber of men.A)ma nageme nt B)leadership C)chargeD)directi on27. Theyon us as they were pass ing through tow n.A)dropped off B)dropped by C)dropped dow n D)dropped in28. Give n me hiswords.A)preciseB)correctC)exact D)accurate2

48、9. Let ssome of these old newspaper. It takes too much room here.A)disposeB)dismissC)discharge D)discard30.1 don t like to ask people for help as a rule but I wonder if you could me a favour.A)make B)doC)fi ndD)get31. Will all thosethe proposal raise their han ds?A)in relati on to B)i n excess ofC)i

49、 n con trast to D)i n favor of32. Whe n he was a young man, Lincolndow n the Mississippi in a flatboat.A)dra ined B)dragged C)dripped D)drifted33. Tom got home very late that night and his parents were already asleep, so he tipto踮起脚走)upstairs to his own room,of wak ing either of them.A)fearfulB)frig

50、hte ningC)alarmedD)an xious34. Was itat the party on Friday?A)funny B)drama C)dramatic D)fu n35. We were bliged to accept it as true in theof other evide nee.A)shortage B)lackC)prese neeD)abse nee36. After a quickat the patie nt the doctor rang for an ambula nee.A)gla neeB)glimpse C)gaze D)stare37.

51、Mary was give n the first prize by theof judges.A)pa nelB)cab inetC)appo in tme ntD)harm ony38.1 caught aof the taxi before it disappeared around the corner of the street.A)visio nB)glimpse C)lookD)sce ne39. Childre n are very curious.A)at heart B)on purpose C)i n pers onD)by n ature40. During the w

52、ar she always kept aof tinned food in the house.A)loadB)substituteC)reserveD)con servati on41.Shethrough the mist, trying to find the right path.A)gla needB)peeredC)gazedD)sca nned42.I don t want toyou, but I must get my money back soon.A)depress B)oppress C)press D)compress43.She was show ing a mar

53、kedof in terest in her school work.A)limit B)vacuum C)shortD)lack44.O n heari ng the n ews, she flew into a(n).A)flameB)a ngerC)offence D)rage45.Thewhy she did nA)cause B)resultt get the job was that her En glish was not very good. C)reas onD)origi n46. After the dem on stratio n, the stude nts went

54、 to theand asked to see the ambassador.A)stadium B)studio C)embassy D)gallery47. the very cold wi nter, we have run out of coal earlier tha n we expected.A)By reason of B)At the risk of C)For the sake of D)At the mercy of48. The bus in essma n was put in pris on because heto pay taxes.A)rejected B)o

55、bjected C)refused D)opposed49. After his service to the country, he waswith a knighthood爵士身份)A)praisedB)h ono uredC)gra nted D)recomme nded50.1 m not really ill, but I have aheadache.A)pale B) temporary C)delicate D)slight51.Microsoft in sisted that Win dows NT should be used on every type of comput

56、er, from notebook-sizeones to the huge ones that fill data cen ters.A)portable B)mobile C)slight D)domestic52.It was n early Christmas, and the childre n were in highA)moods B)spirits C)tempers D)hearts53.Scie ntists have discovered a closebetwee n smok ing and serious diseases.A)c on tactB)c onn ecti onC)com mu


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