



1、中英文合作意向书中英文合作意向书篇一:合作意向书(中英对照)羊毛衫加一匸分厂项H合作协议书Letter f Agreement(Fr the Cperatin n Knitted Seater rkshp) 甲方 Party A:乙方 Party B:双方就羊毛衫加工车间项LI的合作事宜,经过初步协商,达成如下合作意向:Thrugh a preliminary discussin n the cperatin f knitted seater rkshp, bth parties have reached the intents as filing:一、同意就 羊毛衫加工车间项口开展合作开发。

2、1. Agreement n the operative develpment n 该项 LI 的基本情况是:额的 1%,乙方以生产加工设备为出资形式,占出资总额的49%。Bth parties ill invest*$ n the prject PartyA ill prvide fund and rkshp facilities as investment, accunting fr 51% share PartyB ill prvide the prcessing equipment, accunting fr 49% share二、甲乙双方各自负责2. 甲方应做好以下匸作Resnsib

3、ilities Fr PartyA:1、以租赁形式提供生产、办公场地201X平米(包括仓储),租金低于市场价,租金列入合作成本;1) Rent ut the prductin and fficial field 201Xm2 (including arehuse) t the operativerkshp The rental shuld be ler than the market price and shuld be listed as a prductin cst f rkshp.2、负责流动资金的融资,其利息列入合作成本;2) Prvide cash fl hich is listed

4、 as the prductin cst f rkshp3、负责设备进口的相关税费;3) Relative imprtatin tax fr transprtatin f the equipment4、负责中国境内的运输、安装费用,此费用列入合作分厂成本4) Transprtatin and installatin fee in Chinese Mainland, hich is listed as the prductin cst f rkshp.乙方应做好以下工作 Respnsibilities Fr PartyB:1. 负责产品开发、销售;1) Develpment , marketin

5、g and sales f the prduct2. 负责生产技术指导。2) Supervise the prductin三、其他thers:1. 甲方负责加工生产,协助乙方销售;1) PartyA is respnsible fr the prductin and assist PartyB fr marketing and sales2. 乙方负责提供整套羊毛衫生产加工设备(包括从出发港口到U的港口的运输 费用,和其他杂费);2) PartyB is respnsible fr the plete set f prductin equipment (CIF t the destinatin

6、 prt)3. 项目总负责人由甲方委派,助理负责人由乙方委派;3) Chief respnsible persn is appinted by PartyA, and assistant shuld be appinted by PartyB4. 此项LI财务独立核算,专款专用。经营过程中所产生的风险或利润分配按 双方所占股份比例共同承担或享有4) The funds are fr the prject nly and respective accunting Accrding t the respective share stipulated in this letter f agreeme

7、nt, bth parites bear the risk r prfit hich generates in the prsecutin tgether(Fr instance, the party ccupies 51% share shuld bear 51% risk r prfit)四、本协议书是双方合作的基础,屮乙双方的具体合作内容以双方的正式合 同为准。4. This Letter f Agreement is the base f cperatin, the detail f hich is subjected t the cnfirmatin f frmal cntract五

8、、本协议书一式两份,自签字之日起生效,甲乙双方各执一份。5 This Letter f Agreement is ritten in 2 cpies and ill be effective frm the signing day. Bth parties hid ne respectively. 屮方 PartyA:乙方 PartyB:代表人 Representative:代表人 Representative:年 月 日Date:皙一中英文投资合作意向书Letter f Intent合作意向书After friendly cnsultatins based n the principles

9、f equality and mutual benefit 本着平 等互的原则,经过友好的协商, Party A/ 甲方 and 与 Party B/乙方 have agreed t execute thisLetter f Intent LI t accrd the understanding reached duringdiscussins and t indicate the cntinuing crpratin.致同意以本意向书实前期谈判中达成 的解并指导后续的合作。The purpse f this LI is t set frth certain nn- binding under

10、standings and certain bindingmitments beteen bth parties ith respect t a prpsed transactin/investment beteenbth parties本意向书 旨在陈述与双方交/投资有关的干无拘束的认识和具有拘束的约定。Part I:Prpsed Transactin/Investment 第一部分:交/投资 LI X. Descriptin Amunt 意 向书编号意向内容简述额CCLI USD1 The terms f the transactin/investment ill be mre parti

11、cularly set frth in a Purchase rder fr transactin r a Business Prpsal fr investment t be mutually agreed upn by the parties This LI utlines the prpsed transactin/investment based n each partyf s Page 1 f 2 present understanding f the current cnditin.交的条款将在双方共同认可的一份采购 订单(用于商品交)或者一份商业讣划书(用于投资合作)中进特别限定

12、。本意向书仅 陈述U前各方对现有状况的认识。2 The parties agree that if there any amendments t the terms and cnditins f the prpsed transactin/investment ithut apprval frm the respective Bard the transactin shall nt prceed 双方同意:任何涉及本意向书条款的变,未经双方董事会认可,影响交的执。Part II: thers第二部分其他3 The parties agree that either party t this L

13、I may unilaterally ithdra frm negtiatin at any time fr any r n reasn at the ithdraing partyf s sle discretin by ntifying the ther party f the ithdraal in riting.双方同意:本意向书的任何一方在任何时候因任何原因或无故退出磋商,退出一方须以书 面方式通知对方。4. The parties agree custmary legal pinins must be delivered the cntent f hich shall be mut

14、ually agreed upn.双方同意遵守交/投资的法惯, 其内容必须为双方所共同认可。5 This LI is in duplicate ne cpy fr each party each f hich shall be deemed an riginal hen executed.本意向书一式两份,双方各持一份,执时效等 同于原件。Party A: Party B:甲方:乙方:SIGNED by: SIGNED by:委托人签字:委托人签字: Date:Date:日期:日期:Page 2 f 2篇三:公司英文商函合作意向书模板、格式 合作项LI意向书LETTER F INTENT FR

15、PRJECT Date July 28, 201X(日期)Attn:han K C Crpratin(收件:公司名称)正文内容(全英文,格式顶头写,每段隔开一行)。Sincerelyyurs,公司名称C., Ltd.(英文名称需盖章)地址:公司地址电话(Tel):86-,传真(Fax):86-,,Add:翻译上述地址电话传真篇四:中英文合作协议合作协议书Cperatin Agreement合同编号:Cntract N.:签订地点:西安Signing place f cntract: Xi an甲、乙双方本着互利互惠,诚实守 信,优势互补的原则,经过友好协商,就甲方对于乙方生产 太阳能电池组件中

16、介 合作事宜,达成如下协议:Party A and Party B agree t sign the cperatin cntract n prducing f slar panels, and that Party A intrduces buyers fr Party B, fr mutual benefits in cnditins as fils:1合作内容Cperative Cntent根据甲乙双方协商,达成以下合作内容:T cnclude the bel cntents f cperatin accrding t negtiatins beteen t parties:(1) 中方

17、介绍、协助和促成乙方与签订生产买卖合同;价格为,总价格为。 Party A authrizes Party B t prduce fr . The unit price is , in sum .(2) 中方应认真与其推荐的客户进行联络,介绍并推广乙方的产品,并为乙方 与客户的沟通、谈判、商务运作等相关商务活动提供商业咨询服务,最终促成乙方 与采购商签订买卖合同;n behalf f Party B, Party A is respnsible t cntact ith , intrduce Party B s prducts t and perate related business act

18、ivities ith , prmte signing cntract beteen party B and .(3) 如果在采购合同执行过程中,由于甲方客户方面的不当,发生问题,在乙 方的要求下,甲方有义务进行协调解决执行合同的问题;并要求甲方客户按采购合 同及本合同条款执行。由于乙方的原因没有执行好合同条款的情况下,那么中方有 权要求乙方按采购合同及本合同条款执行。In the prcess f execut in purchase cntract, hen has undeserved prblems, party A has duty t crdinate slving prblems

19、 hen party B d nt perfrm under the terms f cntract ell , Party A has right t require Party B executing terms f purchase cntract2双方的责任、权利和义务 Respnsibilities, Rights and bligatins(1) 屮方的责任、权利和义务 Party A s respnsibility, rights and bligatins: A.甲方负责与其推荐的客户进行联络、介绍并推广乙方的产品,并协 助乙方对客户的沟通、谈判、商务运作等相关商务活动,最终能

20、达成乙方与 采购 商签订买卖合同;n behalf f Party B, Party A is respnsible t cntact ith , intrduce Party B s prducts t and perate related business activities ith , prmte signing cntract beteen party B and B 女口果在乙方签订的买卖合同执行过程中,由于中方客户方面的原因而产生的问题,在乙方 的要求下,中方有义务进行协调解决执行合同的问题;由于乙方的原因而产生的问 题,在甲方客户的要求下,中方有义务进行 协调解决执行合同的问题

21、;In the prcess f executin purchase cntract, hen has undeserved prblems, party A has duty t crdinate slving prblems hen party B d nt perfrm under the terms f cntract ell, Party A has right t require Party B executing terms f purchase cntract. C.乙方与客户的买卖合同签订后,按照其合同约定履行。 任何一方出现违约行为,中方应予以积极协调解决,但甲方不承担对任

22、何一方的任 何担保责任或其他法律责任,甲方有明确承诺的除外。After signing purchase cntract, n matter party B r brken, Party A ill crdinate slving prblems Except mitment, Party A ill nt have arranty and ther legal respnsibility fr any ne side(2) 乙方的责任、权利和义务 Party B s respnsibilities, rights and bligatins:乙方应保证生产太阳能电池组件的质量和功率数量,全部

23、承担对于出 现的产品质量和功率数量的责任;Party B shuld guarantee and be hie respnsibility t quality and quantity f slar panels3 费用与付款:Cmmissin(1) 乙方提供甲方 的咨询费,组件数量以乙方与 签订的买卖合同为依据,以 实际供货量为结算数量,共计。如果乙方供货量没有达到合同约定数量,乙方 有权要求重新商定咨询费用;Party Bpays Party A missin as , in sum , but the final missin amunt ill be subject t the act

24、ual quantity based n the sales cntract If the party B have nt prvided accrding t the sales cntract, then the party B have right t re-negtiate the cnsulting fee yiyi(2) 在乙方收到客户合同内规定的货柜的全款额后,通知甲方,甲方开具正规 商业发票,乙方收到发票后15个工作日内支付相应货柜的咨询费。Part B must infrm Part A hen receiving sum cntract amunt f specific c

25、ntainer gds frm the custmer, and Part A shuld make ut the standard mercial invice Part B must pay fr the entire cnsulting fee f crrespnding cntainer after receiving the invice ithin 15 rking days(3) 若甲方未能促成公司与乙方签署买卖合同,中方无权要求乙方支付咨询 费或者任何费用。咨询费用以实际发货量为准。If the Party A is unable t cause the signed cntr

26、act beteen the Party B and pany, the Party A is nt entitled t claim any remuneratin r fee(4) 甲方指定银行账户信息如下:Infrmatin f Party A designated bank accunt as bel:4.违约责任Liability fr Breach如果一方不能按照本协议执行而给另一方 造成了损失,受害方有权利要求对方给予相应的赔偿。If any party is unable t perfrm this agreement and caused the lss f the ther

27、 party, the victim has the right t ask fr the crrespnding pensatin.5转让和保密 Assignment and cnfidentiality(1)未经过对方同意不得将本协议规定的责任、义务向第三方转让;ithut the agreement f the ther party, the respnsibility and bligatin f this cperatin agreement shuld nt be transferred t third party(2)合作项H的有关信息、各种资料文件和价格等,甲、乙双方应对第三方

28、保 密,不得以任何理山或方式泄密,因泄密造成的一切经济损失山泄密方负篇五: 英文版合作意向书 LI English Henan CBM Develpment and Utilizatin C., Ltd And Dart Energy PTE LTD And Hng Kng Prsperus Clean Energy Cmpany Ltd Letter f Intent n Operative Develpment f Uncnventinal Gas Dated: May 20, 201X Operating Parties: Party A: Henan CBM Develpment an

29、d Utilizatin C, Ltd Party B: Dart Energy PTE LTD Party C: Hng Kng Prsperus Clean Energy Cmpany Ltd A. Precnditin t the Cperatin1 Party A is a business entity incrprated under the apprval f Henan Prvincial Gvernment It is respnsible exclusively fr cal bed methane (CBM) explratin, extractin and prduct

30、in, develpment and utilizatin in Henan Prvince and is the first prvincial CBM develpment and utilizatin pany in China Party A has btained the qualificatin t exclusively operate ith freign enterprises2. Party B is a pany incrprated and perating under the las fSingapre The pany has the technical and c

31、apitalcapabilities f t assessing CBM resurces, designing appraisal and pilt drilling prgrams and subject t technical success f thse prgrams, mving t develping and prducing mercially viable CBM It has develped innvative, 1 cst hrizntal and vertical drilling technlgy that isinstrumental in establishin

32、g the sustainable grth f mercial CBM prductin and pre-drainage f several cal mining areas3. Party C fcuses n clean energy and is engaged in develpment and utilizatin f autmtive ne energy, including LPG, CNG and CBM N the pany has eight CNG gas statins, t LPG gas statins and ne L-CNG gas statin in pe

33、rati n.4. It is the intentin f the parties that Party A and Party B ill operate and carry ut explratin rk in the 6 CBM blcks under the principle f ueasier blck/cherry-pick develpment first” subject t the cnditin that the chice is beneficial t all parties5 As part f the prcess f entering int the PSCs

34、, the parties ish t mence a technical evaluatin ith a vie t determining the feasibility and scale f CBM explratin and develpment ithin the crrespnding areas T this end, all parties agree t include a cnfidentiality clause in this LI ith the aim f facilitating the prviding and sharing f apprpriate dat

35、a6 Party B and Party C agree t ever the csts t carry ut the technical due diligence and evaluatin, and the parties agree t frmulate the indicative timetable fr the negtiatin f the PSC in details after the pletin details after the pletin f the technical due diligence and evaluatin. B Cperatin Intenti

36、n1 Evaluatin. The parties prpse t carry ut a technical mercial legal evaluatin f the feasible area selected by Party A t determine the ptential fr CBM resurces The evaluatin shall als identify a preliminary vie f the mst prmising areas fr initial explratin activities, f11-upappraisal and ptential de

37、velpment f a full-scale CBM prject in the crrespnding area2. Technical data Party A ill use its best endeavrs t crdinate the cllectin f technical data fr the operated areas, as may be necessary t cnduct the technical, mercial and legal evaluatin. At the same time,Party A ill als arrange fr Party B a

38、nd Party C t carry ut site andundergrund mine visit (s) fpssible, carry ut analysisthe crrespnding areas as apprpriate and, iff physical cal samples and available drillcres available frm previusdrillere prgrams undertaken in respect f thecrrespnding areas Party Ashallendeavr t arrange apprpriate sta

39、ff andparty B and Party C s technicalpersnnel t rk tgether, in rder t plete all the technical,mercial and legal evaluatin, and efficiently handle the mutual interference issues that may be ccur in the evaluatin and mining rk.3. The parties shall use their best endeavrs t rk c-peratively at all times

40、 ithin the sepe f the entent f the eperatin and shall, here pssible, penly share infrmatin beteen them that ill assist in acplishing the bjective and purpses f this LI.4. Prductin Sharing Cntract All parties shall use their best endeavrs t cnclude and sign the PSCs The rights and bligatins f each pa

41、rty ill be defined in PSCs The PSCs shall be reprted t the varius petent gvernment authrities after being signed, and shall subject t the apprval f the relevant regulatry authrities and the Ministry f merce f the Peple s Republic f China and ther gvernment authrities5 Jint Venture Three parties plan

42、 t set up a jint venture pany utside f China, the prprtin f the Jint Venture tentatively is:(1) Henan CBM 38%, Party B/Party C 62%, Party B has the right t bring in a strategic partner, Party B s final share rati must be nt less than 31%(2) The Jint Venture ill sign the PSC ith Henan CBM, the partic

43、ipating interest in Develpment perid ill be Henan CBM 20% and the Jint Venture 80% respectivelyCnfidentiality1 The parties shall ensure that all Data referred t in Clause 2 abve and data btained frm any subsequent jint evaluatin activity relating t the cperatin, including any physical sampling analysis infrmatin:(1) Is used slely fr the purpses stated in this LI:(2) Is nly disclsed t its emplyees, fficers, cnsultants and directrs fr achi


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