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1、Lesson One Emphases and difficulties Word order in simple statement 简单陈述句的语序简单陈述句的语序 Key words and Key words and expressions expressions private adj.私人的,私有的 e.g.: Its my private letter. Its my private house. private life 私生活;由此引申出 privacy n. 隐私 private school私立学校 公立学校是公立学校是public school public 公共的;公

2、共的;public letter 公开信;公开信; public place 公共场所公共场所 私人侦探怎么说?私人侦探怎么说? Private detective conversation n.谈话 1、talk 内容可正式可不正式内容可正式可不正式, 也可以私人也可以私人 : Lets have a talk. 2、conversation 一般用于正式文体中一般用于正式文体中, 内容上往往不内容上往往不 正式正式: They are having a conversation. 3、dialogue 对话对话, 可以指正式国家与国家会谈可以指正式国家与国家会谈 : China and K

3、orea are having a dialogue. 4、chat 闲聊闲聊, 就是北京人说的就是北京人说的 “侃侃” , 说的是无关说的是无关 紧要的事紧要的事. 5、gossip 嚼舌头嚼舌头, 说长道短说长道短 have a + talk/chat/dialogue/conversation/gossip exerciseexercise Lets have a _. (口语口语) They are having a _. (陈述事实)(陈述事实) China and America are having a _.(新闻)(新闻) I like _ with my mother if

4、I have free time.(口语)(口语) talktalk conversationconversation dialoguedialogue chattingchatting theatre n.剧场,戏剧 cinema 电影院 seat n.座位 have a good seat, 这里的seat指place,而不是chair。 take a seat/take your seat 坐下来,就坐。 下面这个句子在口语、电影里很常见: Is the seat taken? 这里有人坐吗? 请坐请坐 请坐的3种说法: Sit down, please.(命令性) Take your

5、seat,please. Be seated,please.(更礼貌) Take a seat,please. 作为动词的seat与sit的区别 sit-vi; seatvt(不及物动词后面不能加任何词, 及物动词后面可加词。) seat sb 让某人就坐 angry adj. 生气的 同义词cross e.g.: He looks angry. 他看起来很生气。 an angry customer 生气的顾客 be angry with sb. be angry at/about sth. Do not be angry! attention n. 注意 e.g.: Attention, p

6、lease. pay attention 注意 pay attention to 对注意 Pay attention to (固定短语,后加名词) 类似短语(look forward to+ n.) pay a little/much/more/no attention Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention please? interest n.兴趣, 利息 vt.使发生兴趣, 引起.的注意 interesting adj.有趣味的,修饰物 interested adj. .感兴趣的,修饰人 be interested in sth./

7、doing sth. I like reading _ stories. Mary is _ in learning English. interestinginteresting interestedinterested bear n. 熊 a black/brown bear The brown bear is wearing a pair of glasses. v.忍受,负荷, 同义词 stand I cant bear you . business n.事,生意,商业 business man 生意人 do business 做生意 in business 在经商 on busine

8、ss 因公出差,办事 我们一家大多数经商。 go to some place on business 因公出差 have no business doing to do sth无权做某事,没有 理由做某事 get down to business 认真干事,开始谈正经事 Business is business. 公事公办。 Its a teachers business to make students learn. 让学生学习是教师的责任。 Most of my family are in business. enjoy enjoy sth 享受享受 enjoy doing 热衷于热衷于

9、enjoy oneself=have a good time 享受生活享受生活/阳光阳光 热衷于大声讲英语热衷于大声讲英语/读书读书 我昨晚玩的很开心。我昨晚玩的很开心。 rudely adv. 无礼地、粗鲁地 - rude (adj.) 粗暴的、野蛮的、不礼貌的 近义词:impolitely 反义词:politely listen , answer listen , answer and readand read Questions on the text Where did the writer go last week? Why didnt he enjoy the play? What

10、 did the young man say to the writer? Why did the writer complain to the people behind him? complain (to sb. ) about sth. 向朋友抱怨坏天气 Text study Last week I went to the theatre. 在形成的词组有特定意义的时候是有分别的, go to是泛指某种行为,而go to the就是特指某个地方了。 例如: go to school 上学 / go to the school 去那个学校(去干 什么不一定) go to concerts

11、听演唱会 / go to the concert 去某个特定演唱 会 go to class 上课/go to the class 上某堂课 go to church去教堂作弥撒/go to the church 去教堂(干嘛不 一定) go to lunch去吃午餐 / go to the lunch 去某个午餐会 在有的 时候(只是指去某个地方时)分别是不大,可以只是单复 数泛指的分别: go to museums/go to the museum go to beaches / go to the beach go to theathres / go to the theathre I

12、got very angry. Get:变得,相当于联系动词 Winter is coming, and its getting cold now. I could not hear the actors. I turned round. I looked at the man and the woman angrily. Hear: 听见,强调结果;listen:听,动作 造句:我仔细听了,但是什么也听不见。 I listened to it carefully, but I heard nothing. see:看见,强调结果;look:看,动作; watch:V. 1 to/at som

13、ething for a period of time, especially something that is changing or moving:长时间 关注,尤其是活动的物体 I had dinner and watched TV for several hours. He spent the entire afternoon watching a football match. They did not pay any attention (to me). In the end(=at last), I could not bear it(指代前面情形). “Its none of

14、 your business,” the young man said rudely. “This is a private conversation!” IV Drills & discussion 1 Ask and answer in pairs: Where did you go last week? Did you have a good seat? Was it an interesting play? Who was sitting behind you? Could you hear what the actors were saying? Why couldnt you he

15、ar? Did you get angry with them or not? What did you do then? They didnt pay any attention, did they? Could you bear it? What did you do? What did the young man say? 2. Lets have a discussion When did you last go to the theatre/cinema? Tell me about the play. What would you do if you are the writer?

16、 Eavesdrop: to listen to a conversation between others quietly偷听 If you were the writer , what would you do? Change your seat. Ask them to change their seats. Complain to the clerk of the theatre and drive them away. Hit them and make them keep silence. Return your ticket and go to the theatre next

17、week. Let them be and try to catch the words of the actors. Listen to their conversation under the seat. Last week-went-theatre didnt enjoy-play young man-woman-behind me talking loudly could not -actors I turned-and looked-angrily didnt pay-attention in the end-couldnt bear cant hear-word-said none

18、-business-man-private Word order in simple statements 简单陈述句的语序简单陈述句的语序 Key structures & difficulties 【KEY STUCTURES】 关键句型 Word order in simple statements: 简单陈述 句的语序 陈述句一定是有主语,有动词,有宾语,有句 号. 每个句子包含着一个概念,告诉我们一 件事情。凡是叙述一件事情的陈述句都 是简单陈述句。 1 -主语,一般由名词、代词或名词短语构成,通常主语,一般由名词、代词或名词短语构成,通常 位于动词之前,动词必须与主语一致,即主语决

19、定位于动词之前,动词必须与主语一致,即主语决定 动词的单复数形式动词的单复数形式 2 -谓语,由动词充当谓语,由动词充当 3 -宾语,一般为名词、代词或名词短语宾语,一般为名词、代词或名词短语 4 -副词或介词短语副词或介词短语,对方式或状态提问对方式或状态提问,往往做状语往往做状语 I like her very much 5 -地点状语,一般在方式副词之后,时间副词之前地点状语,一般在方式副词之后,时间副词之前 6 -时间状语,可以放在句首或句末时间状语,可以放在句首或句末 简单陈述句一定不能少的是主语简单陈述句一定不能少的是主语, 谓语谓语. 如果问何时何地如果问何时何地,是一个固定搭配

20、是一个固定搭配 when and where Put the phrases in to correct order 1.the news listen to I carefully I listen to the news carefully. 2. a new school built they in our village last year They built a new school in our village last year. 【Multiple choice questions】 1 The writer turned round. He looked at the man and the woman angrily _. a. and they stopped talking b. but they didnt stop talking c. but they didnt notice him d. but they looked at him rudely 5


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