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1、Un it 4 Lear ning efficie ntlyMost students want to communicate better in English.If this is one of your goals , it is important to study a balanee of the four major skills.Listening, Speaking ,Readi ng and Writ ing are the main (macro) skills you n eed to com muni cate in anyIanguage.Being very goo

2、d at only one of these skills willnot help you tocom muni cate .It helps to think of these com mun icative skills in two groups.First you have in put.Next you have output.First you liste n to some one ask youa question.Second you speak and give them your answer.First you read a letter fromsome on e.

3、After that you write back to the m.ln put and output don t n ecessarilygo ina specific order.Sometimes you speak first and the n you liste n.Sometimes you write about someth ing you hear.Duri ng com mun icatio n , the pers on you are com muni cat ing with uses one of the opposite skills.Some stude n

4、ts want to know which skill is the most importa nt.S ince all of theskills rely on each other , they are all importa nt.However , to com muni cate we do usesome skills moreofte n tha n others.For example,about 40% of the timethatwe spendcom muni cat ingwe aresimplyliste nin g.Wespeak for about35%of

5、thetime.Approximately16%of com muni catio ncomesfrom reading , andabout9% fromwriti ng.These statistics are for an average com muni cator in En glish.Depe nding on some one s job or situati on , these nu mbers may vary.Each of these main skills have micro skillswithin them.For example , pronunciatio

6、nis a type of speaking skillthat must be practicedin order to improvecom muni cati on. Spell ingis a skill that makes un dersta ndingthe writte nwordeasier.Grammar and vocabulary are other micro skills.Micro doesn t mean they are uni mporta nt.Choose the best an swers accord ing to thetext.1. The fi

7、rst paragraph mainly tells us thatA. speaking is the most important skill in learning En glishB. the four major skills are all of the same importa nee3. What can we learn from the passage?A. It is eno ugh for you to lear n one of the four skills.B. Gen erally speak ing you have more in put than outp

8、ut.C. You must have output firstand then you will have in put.D. The four skills are often used at thesame time.C. the four major skills belong to macro3.Bskills答案:1.B2.DD. com muni cat ing in En glish with others isimporta nt2. Which of the followingis most likely tobe the in put?A. You give a spee

9、ch at a meeting.B. You write a letter to your friend.C. You tell a story to your classmates.D. You read an En glish poem.Sectio n IWarmi ng_Up_&_Readi ngI .高频单词点击1. efficient (adj .)有效率的,效率高的t efficiently (adj .)效率高地t efficiency(n.)效率,功效2.cen tigrade (n.)摄氏温度的3.recipe ( n.)菜谱4.compete nt (adj.)有能力的,

10、能胜任的t competence ( n.)能力,胜任,本领5.caption (n.)标题,说明,字幕6.7.digest ( v.)消化digestion ( n.)消化digestive ( adj.)消化的,助消化的adopt ( v.)采用,收养t adoption ( n.)采用,收养t adoptive ( adj.)收养的beneath ( prep. & adv.)在之下9. preview ( vt.)预习,事先查看-10 . frequent (adj .)时常发生t review ( vt.)复习的,经常的t freque ntly (tfrequency ( n.)屡

11、次,频繁,频率11. assess ( vt.)评估,评定t assessment (n.)估价,估计12. con suit (vt.)请教,咨询tcon sultati on (n.)商里,问,提供咨询的专家n.重点短语必记1. up to_取决于2. in_detail详细地3. apply to_应用于4. agree with同意5. glanee at_看一眼6. on holiday在度假7. make comments发表评论8. set up_设立,竖立川.常用句型必备1. It is the same with reading.&adv.)屡次地,频繁地咨询t consul

12、tant (n.)顾2. That s why there are pre-reading activi ties before many of the reading texts in this book.IV .课文大意理解1. A successful reader needs.A. frequent practiceB. n atural tale ntC. correct techniquesD. all the above答案:D2. You can find reading enjoyable if.A. the subject interests youB. the perce

13、ntage of new words is higher than 3%C. the text is too easyD. The text is easy答案:A3. Pre-reading activities include all the following EXCEPT.A. recalling one s knowledge about the subjectB. making comments of one s ownC. glancing at the way the text is organizedD. learning a few of the new words app

14、earing in the text答案:B4. If you meet with new words while reading, you.A. consult each of them in a dictionaryB. ask the teacher or classmatesC. guess their meaning from the con textD. ignore them答案:C5. Which statement is wrong according to the text?A. Practice can apply to other fields.B. All books

15、 are not to be digested.C. Sports need no techniques.D. Correct techniques can improve the performanee.答案:CV .课文缩写填空The key to success lies in _1_ practice and certa in correct tech niq ues.Thesameprincipleapplies to a _2_ reader.Here are some_3 methods of reading.Firstof all , before reading in _4_

16、 _ , good readers _5_ the text, such as learning afew of the new words , asking himself what the _6_ tell about the text.Second,a good reader always read actively not passively.Next, a good reader reads indifferentways depending on the _7_ for reading.He reads carefully when the bookis to be chewed

17、and _8_.Last but not least, don t _9_ each new word you meetwhile reading.Justguess its meaning according to the context.Studythe techniquesabove and _10_ them in your reading , and you will develop reading skills.答案:1.freque nt pete nt3.efficie nt4.detail 5.preview 6.capti ons7.purpose 8.digested9.

18、c on sult10.adopt单词点击1. efficient adj.有效率的,效率高的;能胜任的Our efficie nt new mach ine is much cheaper to run.我们的新机器效能良好,用起来省钱得多。His study ing method is efficie nt.他的学习方法是高效率的。efficie ntlyadv.咼效率地,有效率地;能胜任地efficie ncyn.效率,功效假如我们引进最新式机械,效率将会改进。It will i mprove our efficie ncy if we in troduce an up-to-date

19、mach ine.effective , efficient(effective侧重产生实际的效果、效力或具有取得预期效果的能力,指人指物都适用。(2) efficie nt侧重指积极有效,效率高,效果好,节省精力。指人时,强调其能干、熟练的技巧。即境活用 1 用efficient,effectiveefficiently填空.(1) He fin ished his task.(2) She is veryas a secretary.(3) This medici ne is speciallyaga inst cold.答案:(1)efficiently(2)efficient (3)e

20、ffective2. compete nt adj .有能力的,能胜任的If you want to lear n En glish, you must first find a compete nt teacher.如果你想学习英文,你须先找一位称职的教师。for sth.Ibe compete nt *,有能力做某事,to do sth.-能胜任某项工作he capable of doingsth丿compete nee n.能力,胜任As a graduate of Beiji ng Uni versity, he is compete nt for this job.作为一名北大毕业生

21、,他能胜任这项工作。He s not compete nt to look after young childre n.他没有看小孩的本事。即境活用2用compete nt的适当形式填空(1) You can gain a high level ofin En glish.(2) Make sure the compa ny isto carry out the work.答案:(l)compete nee(2)compete nt3. digest(1) vt.消化Huma ns can not digest pla nts such as grass.人不能消化像草一样的植物。vt.领会,

22、领悟,理解You should digest what he said.你应该理解他说的话。n.文摘,摘要I read only the digest of this no vel.我只读了这部小说的摘要。digesti onn.消化,消化能力digestibleadj .易消化的,可领会的I did a little exercise to help my digesti on.我做了一点运动来帮助消化。即境活用3翻译句子.仔细阅读,你就会领会这篇文摘中的要点。答案: Read carefully and you will digest the important points of the

23、 digest.4. beneath(1) prep.在之下,在掩盖下;在下面 (或底下)The earth lay ben eath a bla nket of snow.大地被厚厚的白雪覆盖。prep.(地位等)低于,次于They thought she had married ben eath her.他们认为她嫁给了地位比她低的人。prep.连也不值得,有失的身份Such a thing is ben eath no tice.这样的事不值得注意。(4) adv.在之下,在下方,在底下They live on the floor ben eath.他们住在楼下。么比械网站刃4under

24、, beneath , below阳l呦hi与面接融的卜-方) under (jE卜方产bck似斜下方)即境活用 4用 under , below , beneath 填空(1) The boy crawledthe fen ce.(2) From the top of the mountain we could see a lakeus.(3) The groundmy feet was soft.答案:(1)u nder(2)below(3)be neath5. adopt vt.(1) 采用They adopted our methods.他们采用了我们的办法。收养They adopte

25、d a neighbor s child.他们收养了邻居的一个孩子。(3) 正式通过,接受The resoluti on was adopted by a vote of 180 in favour to 10 aga inst it.决议案以一百八十票赞成十票反对获得通过。adoptio n n.米用,米取,米纳,收养adoptive adj.收养的;有收养关系的an adopted son养子an adoptive father养父adopted words外来词The number of adoptions has risen in the past year.去年,收养子女的数目增加了

26、。即境活用5The old couple decided toa boy and a girl though they had three oftheir own.A. adaptB. bringC. receiveD . adopt解析:选D句意为“这对老夫妇自己已经有三个子女,但还是决定收养一个男孩和一 个女孩”。adopt意为“收养”。6. previewvt.预习,事先查看Preview your lessons and you will find it easier to listen to your teacher in class.预习功课后,你会发现在班上听老师讲课更容易。Th

27、e film will be previewed before it is show n.这部电影在放映前要预先审查。(2) n.预映;预演;预告Turn to page 12 for a preview of next week s programmes. 下周节目预告请见第12页。view vi .&vt. review vi .&vt. review the situati on看,观看,祭看复习,回顾,(再)检查;审查审时度势A real estate age nt came to view the house.房地产代理人来看那一栋房子。Let s review what we ha

28、ve lear ned in this less on.咱们把本课所学内容复习一下。即境活用6翻译句子咱们再回顾一下这部电影的预告吧。答案:Let s review the preview of the film.7. frequentadj.时常的,常来的;屡次的;习惯的He is a freque nt visitor of our family.他是我们家的常客。Traffic accide nts are freque nt on this road.这条路上经常发生事故。v.(正式用语)常去;常在;时常出入;时常聚集She is fond of books and freque nt

29、s the library.她喜欢书,常到图书馆去。freque ncy n.频繁,频率freque ntly adv.频繁地;习惯地;经常地He freque ntly visits Lon do n.他经常去伦敦。即境活用7 用frequent的适当形式填空Sudde n rain storms areon this coast.(2) This wood isby all kinds of birds.(3) He goes to the market to buy stamps.(4) Accide ntsarehappe ningtherewithin creas ing答案:(1)

30、freque nt(2)freque nted(3)freque ntly(4)freque ncy8. assess vt .评定,评估;对进行估价(at .),确定的数额;评价,评论My in come was assessed at 20,000 dollars.我的收入被评定为 20 000美元。Damages were assessed at $ 500 billion in the disaster.这次灾难损失估计达5 000亿美元。It s too early to assess the effects of the new legislation.要评价新法令的效果现在还为时

31、过早。assessment n.评估,估价What is your assessme nt of the situati on?你对当前形势评价如何?即境活用8The committeewhether a buildi ng is worth preservi ng.A. assessesB . accessesassess评定,评估。解析:选A句意:由这个委员会评定这一栋建筑物是否值得保存。9. con suit(1) vt.请教,咨询,找商量;查阅,查看He con suited his lawyer about it.他向他的律师请教那件事。We lost our way and con

32、 sulted the map.我们迷了路因而查看地图。vt.交换意见,商议I con sulted with a friend of mine about it.我和我的一位朋友商量那件事。么比械网站刃4consult , look up , consult with(1) co nsult是向比自己更具权威的词典、参考书、医生、律师等请教咨询。(2) look up后跟所查的字,词,信息,电话号码等;然后跟查阅的工具书等。 对方是和自己平等的人时,多用consult with。a dicti onary查阅词典con sult with a friendconsult ca teacher

33、请教老师和朋友商议即境活用9 完成句子He(查阅)his dictionary to (查阅)the word “apotheosis ” andthen( 商议)his classmates the accurate meaning of the word.答案:consulted ; look up ; consulted with短语精析1. apply to 适合,对适用This traffic rule applies to all the drivers.这条交通规则适用于所有的司机。apply sth.to sth.把应用于把涂抹在上apply (to sb.) for sth.

34、(向某人)申请某物apply on eself to (do ing) sth.专注于We should apply what we have lear ned at school to daily life.我们应该将我们在学校学到的知识应用到日常生活中。他想向这家公司申请这位教授正聚精会神单句改错He wants to apply to the compa ny for a job as a salesma n. 一份售货员的工作。The professor is appl ying himself to doing an experime nt. 地做一项实验。即境活用10He is a

35、ppl ying to a positi on in the local gover nment.(2) The worker is applying the paint on the wall.答案:(1)to tfor(2)on to2. up to(1) (数量,程度)达到The wind speed last ni ght was up to 150 meters a minu te.昨晚的风速达至 U了每分钟150米。(2) 从事于;忙于What are you up to now ?你现在在做什么?(3) 该由;轮到It is up to us to give them all t

36、he help we can.我们有责任全力帮助他们。直到I didn t hear from him up to now.直到现在我还未收到他的来信。即境活用11What do you want to do next ? We have half an hour until the basketball game.Whatever you want to do is fine with me.A. It just dependsB . It s up to youC. All rightD . Glad to hear that解析:选B It s up to you.是口语中常用的一句话,

37、意为随你便吧。/你决定吧。3. in detail 详细地Give me all the details of the accide nt tell me what happe ned in detail.给我说说事故发生的详情,详细告诉我发生了什么事。It is worthwhile dealing with this in some detail.值得对此事进行较为详细的论述。detailed adj.详细的,仔细的a detailed pla n of work详细的工作计划in +名词词组小结:(1)in +名词在句中作表语、定语或补语in hospital在住院in use使用中in

38、 battle在战斗中in priso n 在坐牢in dan ger在危险中in order井然有序in common 共有 in doubt感到怀疑in sight在视线之内in debt负债in trouble处于不幸苦恼或困境中(2) in +名词在句中作状语in store储藏着;准备着in general 大体上 =ginc ir.-1 I yin peace 意为平平安安地 I I yin secret 秘密地 =see - I yin surprise 惊奇地 =乱|门卄i wud丨亍in public公开地 =niVin person亲自=心沁用丨丨丫in particula

39、r特另 U地in place在适当的位置;在通常的位置即境活用12完成句子.(1) Our room is tidy for my mother wants everything (井井有条)(2) He asked the press to apologize to him(公开地).(3) We ll try our best to help those(处于困境中).(4) The twins have nothing(共有).(5) It is said that the tiger is(在危险中).答案:(1)i n order(2)i n public (3)i n troubl

40、e(4)i n com mon(5)i n dan ger4. glanee at 粗略地看一下,一瞥,瞥视The girl gla need at the letter from her pare nts.女孩匆匆阅读了她父母的来信。stare at盯着看glare at怒视look at看着(一般用语)My brother was glari ng at the dog.我弟弟瞪着那条狗。It s rude to stare at other people.盯着别人看是不礼貌的。即境活用13用glanee , glare , stare和look的适当形式填空(1) On his way

41、to work , heat his watch.(2) at the national flag rising, she felt proud.(3) lt is impolite toat a stra nger.(4) They didn t fight , but stood thereat one another.答案:(1)gla need Look ing(3)stare (4)glari ng句型归纳1. It_is_the_same_with reading.阅读也同样如此。It is the same with.表示前面的情况也适合于另一者,尤其是在前面说了两种以上的情况的

42、时候,就只能用此句式,也可以用“so it is with +另一者”。Tom likes singing , but he doesn t enjoy dancing.汤姆喜欢唱歌,但他不喜欢跳舞。It is the same with Mary.(= So it is with Mary.)玛丽也是如此。The old man has bee n liv ing in the country and has n ever bee n to city.那位老人一直住在乡下,从来没有去过城里。It is the same with his wife.(So it is with his wif

43、e.)他妻子也是如此。如果是一种肯定的情况也适用另一者,则用so +倒装句;如果是否定的情况也适用于另一者,则用 n either/nor+倒装句。He lived here three years ago.他三年前住这儿。So did she. 她也一样。I didn t pass the exam last time.上次我考试没及格。Neither/Nor did I.我也是。即境活用14完成句子.(1) I can not sing the En glish song.(我也不会).(2) I like reading novels, but I don t read every da

44、y.(我弟弟也是如此).(3) He went to the party and(他女朋友也去了 ).答案:(1)Neither/Nor can I (2)So it is with my brother/It is the same with my brother (3)so did his girlfrie nd2. This is why there are pre-reading activities before many of the reading texts in this book.这也是为什么本书许多阅读课文前有预读活动的原因。This is why. 那就是的原因,why

45、后面接表示结果的句子,why引导表语从句,表示由上文的原因而导致的结果。Mary broke the school rules ; that was why she was punished by the headmaster.玛丽破坏了学校的规章制度;那就是她为什么受到了校长惩罚的原因。He was ill ; that was why he was late for class.他病了;那就是他上课迟到的原因。比極网站么w“That/This is why+从句”与 “That/This is because+从句”的区别:(1) 如果用来说明前面情况所产生的结果,就用That/T his

46、 is why +从句”,相当于 连词so的作用。(2) 如果用来说明前面情况的原因,就用That/This is because +从句”。Why hasn t Jane been speaking to me for days?珍这些日子为什么不和我说话?It was because you spoke ill of her beh ind her back.那是因为你在背后说了她的坏话。It was rai ning heavily at that time.That was why we got there so late.那时天正下着大雨,那就是为什么我们那么迟才到达那里的原因。温馨

47、提示:the reason (why.) is that.表示()的理由是”, that 引导表语从句,一般不能省略,而且也不用 because或why代替。即境活用15 (1) I don t buy the dress.That sit didn t suit me.A. becauseB . for whichC. asD . why解析:选A 从句“不适合我”是前面结果的理由,因此用 because引导表语从句。(2) I had n either a rain coat nor an umbrellA. I got wet through.A. It s the reasonB .

48、That s whyB。C. That s becauseD . It s how解析:选B前面叙述的是理由,从句“我浑身都湿了”是结果,故用3. SUPPOSing_yu had just bought a new DVD player.假设你刚买了一台DVD播放器。(1)suppos ing = suppose conj.假如,假使Supposing/Suppose the experiment fails, we II suffer from a great loss.假如实验失败了,我们将遭受很大的损失。Suppose a compa ny has a new breakfast ce

49、real that it wants to sell.假设有个公司想出售一种新的早餐麦片粥。suppose vt.推想,猜想 vi .料想(1) suppose + that从句猜想,认为to dosuppose +宾语+宾补丿形容词猜想,认为i介词短语suppose that-clause 中注意否定 转移,即主语+ don t suppose that-clause(3) 省略答语I suppose so. 我认为是这样。I don t suppose so. = I suppose not.我不这么认为。We supposed him (to be) dead.我们猜想他是死了。I do

50、n t suppose he will come here.我想他不会到这儿来。(3) be supposed to do 应该做be supposed to have done理应做过某事(但可能没做,含有虚拟意味)We are not supposed to play football at this time.我们不该在这个时间踢足球。即境活用16 完成句子.(Customers( 不该扌由烟)here.(2) Jack(应当完成了)his work now.答案:(1)are not supposed to smoke(2)is supposed to have done/finish

51、edj殘之蘇maI .单词拼写1. Do you know the rfor pizza?答案:recipe2. The circle is about four inches in(直径).答案:diameter3. It is an English movie with Chinese c.答案:captions4 . In order to advertise the compa ny , itprin ted(小册子).答案:booklets5. You d better go home to see your parents f答案:frequently6. It s about m

52、inus 12 degrees(答案:centigrade7. This kind of food is difficult to(答案:digest摄氏度)outside.消化).8. He is not his own son , but an ason.答案:adoptedn.选词填空in detail , up to , apply to , glanee at , agree with1. The climate here doesn ther.答案:agree with2. The witness told the police about the accident.答案:in d

53、etail3. Heme and passed by without saying anything.答案:glaneed at4. It is reported that the earthquake in Sichuan was8.0答案:up to5. The theory doesn tevery case.答案:apply to川.完成句子1. (彳假如下雨 ),what s to be done?答案: Suppose it rains2. ( 好主意)to be a volunteer during thevacati on.答案:It s a good ideamanyscal

54、es.others3. Somebooks(只需浅尝辄止)whileare to be swallowed.答案:are to be tasted4. Please( 记住)that know-ledge is power.答案:keep in mi nd5. ( 学习正确的技巧)can also improve yourperforma nee.答案:Lear ning the correct tech niq uesIV .句型转换1. That s why he is often late.That ishe is ofte n late.答案:the reason why2. The way the text is orga ni zed is very com mon.The


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